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This repo is no longer maintained; please find the main repo on GitHub -> https://github.com/MLD3/RL-Set-Valued-Policy
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M330-Quadrotor / waypointGeneration
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Source code and data for reproducing portions of papers by Sai Ravishankar, Jeff Fessler, Brian Moore, Raj Nadakuditi for the SOUPDIL and DINOKAT dictionary learning methods.
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Simple implementation of geometric quad controlle
Taeyoung Lee, Melvin Leoky, and N Harris McClamroch. Geometric tracking control of a quadrotor uav on se (3). In Decision and Control (CDC), 2010 49th IEEE Conference on, pages 5420-5425. IEEE, 2010.
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Implementation of PID, RCAC-PID, and DDRCAC-PID control using OOP in MATLAB.
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Code implementation of the "Best Interpolation In a Strip II" paper by Professor Dontchev and Professor Kolmanovsky.
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Source code and data for reproducing portions of papers by Sai Ravishankar, Jeff Fessler, Brian Moore, Raj Nadakuditi for the SOUPDIL and DINOKAT dictionary learning methods.
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This is for simulating cellular dynamics of epithelial tissue in accordance of the Vertex Model.
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Satellite taxi concept project as part of the Aero 343 Class
Authors: Sidharth Ananhas