- Oct 06, 2012
Josh Siegle authored
Josh Siegle authored
- Sep 27, 2012
Josh Siegle authored
- Sep 21, 2012
Stuart Layton authored
Signal Generator now generates fake action potentials!!! The phase dial can be used to scale up and down noise on the spikes
Stuart Layton authored
initial commit of SpikePlot.cpp and SpikePlot.h which define a general spike plotting object that can completely replace ElectrodePlot, TetrodePlot, StereotrodePlot. SpikePlot objects can be added to the canvas and render fine, however, eventually the Tetrode variant of the SpikePlot causes a segfault, probably due to the way that spikes are copied around in the SpikeDisplayCanvas.
- Sep 20, 2012
Stuart Layton authored
Stuart Layton authored
Altered the default settings of SignalGeneratorEditor and SpikeDetectorEditor to reflect the desired values for debugging the spike viewers
Stuart Layton authored
fixed bug where the max size of a spikebuffer was 256 bytes, this is too small for tetrode spike, this value is not determined by a constant defined in SpikeObject.h
Stuart Layton authored
began porting code from stereotrode plot to tetrode plot. It shows up in the canvas and actually shows spikes after the display is panned or zoomed at least once. Although spikes only show up in 2 of the 3 waveform axes
Stuart Layton authored
Stuart Layton authored
fixed bug in SpikeDisplaCanvas that was preventing spikes from getting rendered. The variable samplePosition was created but not initialized. I set it to 0
- Sep 06, 2012
Josh Siegle authored
- Sep 04, 2012
Josh Siegle authored
- Sep 03, 2012
Josh Siegle authored
- Sep 02, 2012
Josh Siegle authored
jsiegle authored
- Aug 22, 2012
Josh Siegle authored
- Aug 08, 2012
Josh Siegle authored
Josh Siegle authored
- Jul 31, 2012
Josh Siegle authored
- Jul 21, 2012
Josh Siegle authored
- Jul 18, 2012
Josh Siegle authored
- Jul 08, 2012
- Jul 07, 2012
jsiegle authored
Josh Siegle authored
jsiegle authored
- Jun 30, 2012
jsiegle authored
- Jun 28, 2012
jsiegle authored
- Jun 25, 2012
jsiegle authored
jsiegle authored
jsiegle authored
Previously, traces for each channel could not overlap, meaning that channels would appear to artificially saturate. There are now two parameters that determine the location of an LFP channel: plotHeight and interplotDistance. Thus, plots can remain close together while keeping a large range.
- Jun 24, 2012
jsiegle authored
jsiegle authored
jsiegle authored
In order to improve rendering efficiency, the screenBuffer was changed from a Juce AudioSampleBuffer to an array of GLfloats. Instead of specifying each individual vertex, OpenGL receives a glVertexPointer. Exact timing improvements have not been measured, but they should be significant.
- Jun 18, 2012
Josh Siegle authored
- Jun 17, 2012
jsiegle authored
- Jun 16, 2012
jsiegle authored
The IntanThread can report TTL events on its 6 input channels. This was tested with an Arduino; input detection is fast and reliable. The IntanThread also generates its own timestamps, allowing the software to move toward a framework in which timestamps come from input sources, rather than from the RecordNode. Finally, an ArduinoOutput module was added, which allows the software to communicate with an Arduino via serial output.