- Aug 11, 2016
Septen authored
* Fixed OpenEphysLib files; * RHD2000Thread class some refactoring and stylystic fixes.
- Jul 30, 2016
Ben Acland authored
addresses #74
- Jul 01, 2016
Josh Siegle authored
Josh Siegle authored
Josh Siegle authored
- Jun 21, 2016
Septen authored
- Jun 10, 2016
Aaron Cuevas Lopez authored
Aaron Cuevas Lopez authored
- Jun 08, 2016
Josh Siegle authored
Aaron Cuevas Lopez authored
- Jun 06, 2016
Aaron Cuevas Lopez authored
Aaron Cuevas Lopez authored
- Jun 03, 2016
Josh Siegle authored
Josh Siegle authored
- Jun 02, 2016
Christopher Stawarz authored
Christopher Stawarz authored
- Jun 01, 2016
Josh Siegle authored
Josh Siegle authored
- May 28, 2016
Josh Siegle authored
- May 24, 2016
Christopher Stawarz authored
- May 19, 2016
Septen authored
- May 17, 2016
Septen authored
* All modules are replaced with the JUCE 4.2.1 ones; * Introjucer was replaced by Projucer; * Also some appropriate needed fixes for Makefile.plugins; * Removed -fvisibility=hidden flag for Linux building.
- May 04, 2016
Septen authored
* Updated images for collapse/show button; * Updated animations; * Some other small UI improvements; * Added possibility to collapse element by clicking "ESC" key either on the component itself or on the TextEditor.
- May 03, 2016
Septen authored
* Created SlicerChannelSelectorComponent class which holds inside all ChannelSelector's parser related components and which takes responsibility for parsing selected range, etc. * Added possibility to collapse parser related components. * Added animations. * UI improvements. * Minor bugs fixes.
- Apr 28, 2016
Jakob Voigts authored
followed instructions by Christopher Stawarz in https://open-ephys.atlassian.net/wiki/display/OEW/Plugin+build+files
- Apr 26, 2016
Aaron Cuevas Lopez authored
Christopher Stawarz authored
Set MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET (i.e. the minimum supported OS X version) to 10.9. Pass -Wpartial-availability to the compiler so it will warn about usage of API's that aren't available on all supported OS X versions. Removed /opt/local and /usr/local from OS X header and library search paths, as they're used only by specific plugins and not needed generally.
- Apr 16, 2016
Septen authored
- Apr 12, 2016
Aaron Cuevas Lopez authored
- Apr 09, 2016
Septen authored
- Apr 02, 2016
Priyanjit Dey authored
Aaron Cuevas Lopez authored
- Mar 28, 2016
Josh Siegle authored
Josh Siegle authored
- Mar 26, 2016
Septen authored
* LinearButtonGroupManager class now have the same functionality as ButtonGroupManager class had before. * ButtonGroupManager now is the base class for all other button group managers. * Appropriate fixes in the CAR plugin.
- Mar 22, 2016
Septen authored
- Mar 21, 2016
Septen authored
* Implemented LinearSmoothedValueAtomic class based on the JUCE 4.0 library' LinearSmoothedValue class but with some improvements that were suggested by Timur Doumler during his JUCE Summit 2015 talk. * LinearSmoothedValueAtomic is very convenient to use with float values that need linearly smoothed behaviour (like volume, etc.) and which are shared between several threads (i.e. audio and GUI). * This class guarantees we won't have any race conditions and it will remains lock-free because of using std::atomic inside it.
Christopher Stawarz authored
Aaron Cuevas Lopez authored
- Mar 20, 2016
Septen authored
* Implemented ButtonGroupManager. It is responsible for positioning of buttons, any animations during switching, etc. * Added MaterialButtonLookAndFeel class which implements flat button look and feel following Google Material Design Guidelines.