- Aug 10, 2016
Sept_en authored
* Created 3rd slider-page on creating project steps which is used to select appropriate plugin, processor type, plugin GUI template, other options. * Created plugin GUI templates system; * Created some plugin GUI templates for GenericEditor; * ButtonGroupManager and TiledButtonGroupManager classes minor improvements and fixes; * Changed index of ProcessorType::UtilityProcessor; * Other minor bugs fixes.
- Aug 04, 2016
Septen authored
* Selected default modules folder path on creating projects; * Disabled default Projucer's window with the auto-update feature.
Septen authored
* Added template for creating appropriate JUCE GUI component which will be automatically created inside plugin editor. * Some improvements to the editor plugin template due to the addition of GUI component inside it. * Added possibility to change desired with of the plugin in the config. * Some minor improvements. * Some stylystic fixes.
- Jul 13, 2016
Septen authored
- Jul 12, 2016
Septen authored
* Added ParametersEditor; * Some improvements of Parameter class; * Added possibility to generate code for parameters; * Added possibility to save/load parameter in the project file. * Other major and minor improvements.
- Jul 09, 2016
Septen authored
- Jun 28, 2016
Septen authored
- Jun 17, 2016
Septen authored
* Fixed some problems with build due to the symbol redefinitions (It's still need to be reviewed and we need to find a better way for doing this); * Added plugin properties in the configuration and adding the possibility to change it on the fly (still WIP); * Added visual component to select the appropriate tab in the plugin configuration; * Some cleanup;
- Jun 16, 2016
Septen authored
- Jun 14, 2016
- Jun 13, 2016
Sept_en authored
- Jun 08, 2016
Septen authored
* Added possibility to select and generate the plugins of appropriate available types (Processor, RecordEngine, DataThread, FileSource). Now it's only generates appropriate lib files and selects some types in processor. However, we should generate different processor files for each plugin type later. * Added possibility to select processor type; * Some refactoring of existing code and minor fixes; * Still needs some refactoring of newer code with some improvements.
- May 29, 2016
Septen authored
* Now the plugin will be displayed with friendly name in the GUI; * Hided some future functionality which is WIP now in jucer_ProjectType.h file.
Septen authored
* Basic implemntation of Open Ephys Plugin Generator. Now it generates empty processor & editor. To compile plugin with current plugin build systems we just need to copy "Source" folder of our plugin into plugin-GUI/Source/Plugins/ and give it some valuable name. * ExampleProcessor, ExampleEditor classes refactoring and stylystic fixes.
- May 22, 2016
Septen authored