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Project 2 Starter Files

**EECS 281 - Winter 2016**

Files included in this repository

### Priority Queues

* Eecs281PQ.h (The abstract base class for the other PQ's)
* JarJarPQ.h (Unsorted PQ, constant insertion, linear removal)
* SortedPQ.h (Sorted PQ, linear insertion, constant removal)
* BinaryPQ.h (Binary Heap PQ, logarithmic insertion, logarithmic removal)
* PairingPQ.h (Pairing Heap PQ, constant insertion, amortized logarithmic removal)

### Psuedorandom Generator

* P2.h
* P2.cpp

### PDFs

* Project2_W16.pdf (The Project Specification "The Spec")
* Pairing_Heaps_Fredman.pdf (Pairing Heap description "The Fredman Paper")
* Pairing_Heaps_Sahni.pdf (Pairing Heap description "The Sahni Paper")

### Other Files

* Makefile (The EECS 281 sample Makefile)
* testPQ.cpp (A simple test driver for testing Priority Queues)