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Supplemental_Analyses.ipynb 752 KiB
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Shengpu Tang (tangsp)'s avatar
Shengpu Tang (tangsp) committed
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       "L 18.109375 54.6875 \n",
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       "Q 37.359375 7.515625 41.375 12.890625 \n",
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     "metadata": {
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     "output_type": "display_data"
   "source": [
    "# Smoothed version\n",
    "ts_plot = ts_imax[(ts_imax['t'] >= -10) & (ts_imax['t'] < 15)][['t', 'SpO2']].dropna()\n",
    "ts_plot = ts_plot.set_index('t')\n",
    "ts_plot['SpO2_MA'] = np.nan\n",
    "wsize = 0.1\n",
    "for t in ts_plot.index:\n",
    "    ts_plot.loc[t, 'SpO2_MA'] = np.mean(ts_plot.loc[\n",
    "        (t-wsize < ts_plot.index) & (ts_plot.index < t+wsize), 'SpO2'\n",
    "    ])\n",
    "ts_plot = ts_plot.reset_index()\n",
    "ts_plot = ts_plot.sort_values(by=['t'])\n",
    "ts_plot = ts_plot.drop_duplicates(subset=['t'])\n",
    "x = ts_plot['t']\n",
    "y = ts_plot['SpO2_MA']\n",
    "x_new = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), 1000)\n",
    "f = interp1d(x, y, kind='quadratic')\n",
    "y_smooth = f(x_new)\n",
    "plt.plot(x_new, y_smooth, '--', lw=0.75, label='positive example')\n",
    "# plt.plot(ts_plot['t'], ts_plot['SpO2_MA'], '-', lw=1, label='positive example')\n",
    "plt.scatter(ts_plot['t'], ts_plot['SpO2_MA'], s=5)\n",
    "ts_plot = ts_imin[(ts_imin['t'] >= -10) & (ts_imin['t'] < 15)][['t', 'SpO2']].dropna()\n",
    "ts_plot = ts_plot.set_index('t')\n",
    "ts_plot['SpO2_MA'] = np.nan\n",
    "wsize = 0.1\n",
    "for t in ts_plot.index:\n",
    "    ts_plot.loc[t, 'SpO2_MA'] = np.mean(ts_plot.loc[\n",
    "        (t-wsize < ts_plot.index) & (ts_plot.index < t+wsize), 'SpO2'\n",
    "    ])\n",
    "ts_plot = ts_plot.reset_index()\n",
    "ts_plot = ts_plot.sort_values(by=['t'])\n",
    "ts_plot = ts_plot.drop_duplicates(subset=['t'])\n",
    "x = ts_plot['t']\n",
    "y = ts_plot['SpO2_MA']\n",
    "x_new = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), 1000)\n",
    "f = interp1d(x, y, kind='quadratic')\n",
    "y_smooth = f(x_new)\n",
    "plt.plot(x_new, y_smooth, '--', lw=0.75, label='negative example')\n",
    "# plt.plot(ts_plot['t'], ts_plot['SpO2_MA'], '-', lw=1, label='negative example')\n",
    "plt.scatter(ts_plot['t'], ts_plot['SpO2_MA'], s=5)\n",
    "plt.xlim(-10, 15)\n",
    "plt.ylim(85, 101)\n",
    "plt.xlabel('Days relative to transplant')\n",
    "plt.ylabel('SpO2 (%)')\n",
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": []
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