Aditya Prakash authoredAditya Prakash authored
config.py 1.53 KiB
import os
class GlobalConfig:
# Data
seq_len = 1 # input timesteps
pred_len = 4 # future waypoints predicted
root_dir = '/is/rg/avg/aprakash/carla9-10_data/opengl/all_towns_data'
train_towns = ['Town01', 'Town02', 'Town03', 'Town04', 'Town06', 'Town07', 'Town10']
val_towns = ['Town05']
train_data, val_data = [], []
for town in train_towns:
train_data.append(os.path.join(root_dir, town+'_tiny'))
train_data.append(os.path.join(root_dir, town+'_short'))
for town in val_towns:
val_data.append(os.path.join(root_dir, town+'_short'))
ignore_sides = True # don't consider side cameras
ignore_rear = True # don't consider rear cameras
input_resolution = 256
scale = 1 # image pre-processing
crop = 256 # image pre-processing
lr = 1e-4 # learning rate
# Encoder
vert_anchors = 8
horz_anchors = 8
anchors = vert_anchors * horz_anchors
n_embd = 512
n_scale = 4
# Controller
turn_KP = 1.25
turn_KI = 0.75
turn_KD = 0.3
turn_n = 40 # buffer size
speed_KP = 5.0
speed_KI = 0.5
speed_KD = 1.0
speed_n = 40 # buffer size
max_throttle = 0.75 # upper limit on throttle signal value in dataset
brake_speed = 0.4 # desired speed below which brake is triggered
brake_ratio = 1.1 # ratio of speed to desired speed at which brake is triggered
clip_delta = 0.25 # maximum change in speed input to logitudinal controller
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for k,v in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, k, v)