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Commit e24a9c26 authored by Eric Giovannini's avatar Eric Giovannini
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new syntax in progress

parent 3c279293
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{-# OPTIONS --cubical --rewriting --guarded #-}
-- to allow opening this module in other files while there are still holes
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
{-# OPTIONS --lossy-unification #-}
open import Common.Later hiding (next)
module Syntax.SyntaxNew where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude renaming (comp to compose)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat hiding (_·_) renaming (ℕ to Nat)
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Data.Prod hiding (map)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Data.List
using (List ; length ; map ; _++_ ; cons-inj₁ ; cons-inj₂)
renaming ([] to · ; _∷_ to _::_)
open import Cubical.Data.Empty renaming (rec to exFalso)
import Syntax.DeBruijnCommon
ℓ : Level
open import Syntax.Types
α : IntExt
-- ############### Terms / Term Precision ###############
-- All constructors below except for those for upcast and downcast are simultaneously
-- the term constructors, as well as the constructors for the corresponding term
-- precision congruence rule.
-- This explains why Ξ is generic in all but the up and dn constructors,
-- where it is Empty to indicate that we do not obtain term precision congruence rules.
data PureImpure : Type where
Pure Impure : PureImpure
data Tm : {v : PureImpure} -> {α : IntExt} -> {Ξ : iCtx} -> (Γ : Ctx {α} Ξ) -> Ty {α} Ξ -> Type ℓ-zero
-- data Val : {α : IntExt} -> {Ξ : iCtx} -> (Γ : Ctx {α} Ξ) -> Ty {α} Ξ -> Type ℓ-zero
tm-endpt : ∀ {v} {α} (p : Interval) -> {Γ : Ctx {α} Full} -> {c : Ty {α} Full} ->
Tm {v} {α} {Full} Γ c ->
Tm {v} {α} {Empty} (ctx-endpt p Γ) (ty-endpt p c)
_[_] : ∀ {α Γ A B}
→ Tm {Impure} {α} {Empty} (B :: Γ) A
→ Tm {Pure} {α} {Empty} Γ B
→ Tm {Impure} {α} {Empty} Γ A
_[_] = {!!}
wk : ∀ {v α Γ A B} -> Tm {v} {α} {Empty} Γ A ->
Tm {v} {α} {Empty} (B :: Γ) A
wk = {!!}
-- data Val where
data Tm where
var : ∀ {α Ξ Γ T} -> Γ ∋ T -> Tm {Pure} {α} {Ξ} Γ T
lda : ∀ {α Ξ Γ S T} -> (Tm {Impure} {α} {Ξ} (S :: Γ) T) -> Tm {Pure} Γ (S ⇀ T)
app : ∀ {α Ξ Γ S T} -> (Tm {Pure} {α} {Ξ} Γ (S ⇀ T)) -> (Tm {Pure} Γ S) -> (Tm {Impure} Γ T)
err : ∀ {α Ξ Γ A} -> Tm {Impure} {α} {Ξ} Γ A
zro : ∀ {α Ξ Γ} -> Tm {Pure} {α} {Ξ} Γ nat
suc : ∀ {α Ξ Γ} -> Tm {Pure} {α} {Ξ} Γ nat -> Tm {Pure} Γ nat
ret : ∀ {α Ξ Γ A} -> Tm {Pure} {α} {Ξ} Γ A -> Tm {Impure} Γ A
bind : ∀ {α Ξ Γ A B} -> Tm {Pure} {α} {Ξ} Γ A ->
Tm {Impure} {α} {Ξ} (A :: Γ) B -> Tm {Impure} {α} {Ξ} Γ B
inj-nat : ∀ {α Ξ Γ} -> Tm {Pure} {α} {Ξ} Γ nat -> Tm {Pure} Γ dyn
inj-arr-ext : ∀ {Ξ Γ} -> Tm {Pure} {Ext} {Ξ} Γ (dyn ⇀ dyn) -> Tm {Pure} {Ext} Γ dyn
inj-arr-int : ∀ {Ξ Γ} -> Tm {Pure} {Int} {Ξ} Γ (▹ (dyn ⇀ dyn)) -> Tm {Pure} {Int} Γ dyn
case-nat : ∀ {α Ξ Γ B} -> Tm {Pure} {α} {Ξ} Γ dyn ->
Tm {Impure} {α} {Ξ} (nat :: Γ) B -> Tm {Impure} {α} Γ B
case-arr-ext : ∀ {Ξ Γ B} -> Tm {Pure} {Ext} {Ξ} Γ dyn ->
Tm {Impure} {Ext} {Ξ} ((dyn ⇀ dyn) :: Γ) B -> Tm {Impure} {Ext} Γ B
case-arr-int : ∀ {Ξ Γ B} -> Tm {Pure} {Int} {Ξ} Γ dyn ->
Tm {Impure} {Int} {Ξ} ((▹ (dyn ⇀ dyn)) :: Γ) B -> Tm {Impure} {Int} Γ B
-- Other term precision rules:
err-bot : ∀ {α Γ} (B : Ty {α} Empty) (M : Tm {Impure} {α} {Empty} Γ B) -> Tm {Impure} {α} {Full} (ctx-refl Γ) (ty-refl B)
--err-bot : ∀ {α} {Γ : Ctx Full} (c : Ty Full)
-- (M : Tm {Impure} {α} {Empty} (ctx-endpt r Γ) (ty-right c)) -> Tm {Impure} {α} {Full} Γ c
-- TODO do we need to restrict the left endpoint of Γ?
trans : ∀ {v : PureImpure} {Γ Δ : Ctx {α} Full} -> {A B : Ty Full} ->
(M : Tm {v} Γ A) -> (N : Tm {v} Δ B) ->
(ctx-p : ctx-endpt l Δ ≡ ctx-endpt r Γ) ->
(ty-p : ty-endpt l B ≡ ty-endpt r A)
(tm-p : PathP (λ i → Tm {v} (ctx-p i) (ty-p i)) (tm-endpt l {Δ} {B} N) (tm-endpt r {Γ} {A} M)) ->
Tm {v} (CompCtx Δ Γ ctx-p) (comp B A ty-p)
-- Cast rules
-- Equational theory:
β-fun : ∀ {α Γ A B} {M : Tm {Impure} {α} {Empty} (A :: Γ) B} {V : Tm {Pure} {α} {Empty} Γ A} ->
app (lda M) V ≡ M [ V ]
η-fun : ∀ {α Γ A B} {Vf : Tm {Pure} {α} {Empty} Γ (A ⇀ B)} {x : (A :: Γ) ∋ A} ->
lda (app (wk Vf) (var x)) ≡ Vf
β-case :
η-case :
β-ret :
η-ret :
-- Propositional truncation:
-- squash : ∀ {v α Ξ Γ A} -> (M N : Tm {v} {α} {Ξ} Γ A) -> (p q : M ≡ N) -> p ≡ q
squash : ∀ {v α Ξ Γ A} -> isSet (Tm {v} {α} {Ξ} Γ A)
-- Quotient the ordering:
ord-squash : ∀ {v α Γ c}
(M : Tm {v} {α} {Empty} (ctx-endpt l Γ) (ty-left c))
(N : Tm {v} {α} {Empty} (ctx-endpt r Γ) (ty-right c)) ->
(leq leq' : Tm {v} {α} {Full} Γ c) ->
(tm-endpt l {Γ} {c} leq ≡ M) -> (tm-endpt r {Γ} {c} leq ≡ N) ->
(tm-endpt l {Γ} {c} leq' ≡ M) -> (tm-endpt r {Γ} {c} leq' ≡ N) ->
leq ≡ leq'
_⊑tm_ : ∀ {v α Γ A B} {c : A ⊑ B} ->
Tm {v} {α} {Empty} (ctx-endpt l Γ) A -> Tm {v} {α} {Empty} (ctx-endpt r Γ) B -> Type
_⊑tm_ {v} {α} {Γ} {A} {B} {c , eq1 , eq2} M N = Σ[ M⊑N ∈ Tm {v} {α} {Full} Γ c ]
((tm-endpt l {Γ} {c} M⊑N ≡ subst (Tm (ctx-endpt l Γ)) (sym eq1) M) ×
(tm-endpt r {Γ} {c} M⊑N ≡ subst (Tm (ctx-endpt r Γ)) (sym eq2) N))
-- Recall:
-- tm-endpt : (p : Interval) -> {Γ : Ctx Full} -> {c : Ty Full} ->
-- Tm {Full} Γ c ->
-- Tm {Empty} (ctx-endpt p Γ) (ty-endpt p c)
tm-endpt p {Γ} {c} (var x) = var (∋-ctx-endpt p x)
tm-endpt p {Γ} {(_ ⇀ cout)} (lda M1⊑M2) = lda (tm-endpt p {(_ :: Γ)} {cout} M1⊑M2)
tm-endpt p {Γ} {cout} (app {S = cin} M1⊑M2 N1⊑N2) =
app (tm-endpt p {Γ} {(cin ⇀ cout)} M1⊑M2) (tm-endpt p {Γ} {cin} N1⊑N2)
tm-endpt p {Γ} {c} err = err
tm-endpt p {Γ} zro = zro
tm-endpt p {Γ} (suc M1⊑M2) = suc (tm-endpt p {Γ} {nat} M1⊑M2)
-- Term-precision-only rules
--tm-endpt l .(ctx-refl _) c (err-bot .c N) = err
--tm-endpt r .(ctx-refl _) c (err-bot {Γ} .c N) =
-- transport (sym (λ i → Tm (ctx-endpt-refl {Γ} r i) (ty-right c))) N
-- Goal: Tm Γ (ty-right c) ≡ Tm (ctx-endpt r (ctx-refl Γ)) (ty-right c)
tm-endpt p (err-bot B x) = {!!}
tm-endpt l {Γ} (trans c _ _ _ _) = {!!}
tm-endpt r {Γ} (trans c _ _ _ _) = {!!}
-- Truncation
tm-endpt p {Γ} {c} (squash M1⊑M2 M1'⊑M2' eq eq' i j) =
squash (tm-endpt p {Γ} {c} M1⊑M2) (tm-endpt p {Γ} {c} M1'⊑M2')
(λ k → tm-endpt p {Γ} {c} (eq k)) (λ k → tm-endpt p {Γ} {c} (eq' k)) i j
tm-endpt p (ret x) = {!!}
tm-endpt p (bind x x₁) = {!!}
tm-endpt p (inj-nat x) = {!!}
tm-endpt p (inj-arr-ext x) = {!!}
tm-endpt p (inj-arr-int x) = {!!}
tm-endpt p (case-nat x x₁) = {!!}
tm-endpt p (case-arr-ext x x₁) = {!!}
tm-endpt p (case-arr-int x x₁) = {!!}
tm-endpt p (ord-squash x x₁ x₂ x₃ x₄ x₅ x₆ x₇ i) = {!!}
-- Substitution and Renaming using De Bruijn framework
module DB_Base = Syntax.DeBruijnCommon (Ty Empty) (Ctx Empty) · (_::_) _∋_ vz vs (Tm Ext {Empty})
open DB_Base -- Brings in definitions of ProofT, Kit, Subst
-- Lift function --
lft : {Δ Γ : Ctx Empty} {S : Ty Empty} {_◈_ : ProofT}
(K : Kit _◈_) (τ : Subst Δ Γ _◈_) {T : Ty Empty} (h : (Γ :: S) ∋ T) -> (Δ :: S) ◈ T
lft (kit vr tm wk) τ vz = vr vz
lft (kit vr tm wk) τ (vs x) = wk (τ x)
-- Note that the type of lft can also be written as (Subst Δ Γ _◈_) -> (Subst (Δ ∷ S) (Γ ∷ S) _◈_)
-- Traversal function --
trav : {Δ Γ : Ctx Empty} {T : Ty Empty} {_◈_ : ProofT} (K : Kit _◈_)
(τ : Subst Δ Γ _◈_) (t : Tm Ext Γ T) -> Tm Ext Δ T
trav (kit vr tm wk) τ (var x) = tm (τ x)
trav K τ (lda t') = (lda (trav K (lft K τ) t'))
trav K τ (app f s) = (app (trav K τ f) (trav K τ s))
trav K τ (up deriv t') = (up deriv (trav K τ t'))
trav K τ (dn deriv t') = (dn deriv (trav K τ t'))
trav K τ err = err
trav K τ zro = zro
trav K τ (suc t') = (suc (trav K τ t'))
open DB_Base.DeBruijn trav var
-- Gives us renaming and substitution
-- Single substitution
-- N[M/x]
_[_] : ∀ {Γ A B}
→ Tm Ext (Γ :: B) A
→ Tm Ext Γ B
→ Tm Ext Γ A
_[_] {Γ} {A} {B} N M = {!!} -- sub Γ (Γ :: B) σ A N
σ : Subst Γ (Γ :: B) (Tm Ext) -- i.e., {T : Ty} → Γ :: B ∋ T → Tm Γ T
σ vz = M
σ (vs x) = var x
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --rewriting --guarded #-}
-- to allow opening this module in other files while there are still holes
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
{-# OPTIONS --lossy-unification #-}
open import Common.Later hiding (next)
module Syntax.Types where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude renaming (comp to compose)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat hiding (_·_) renaming (ℕ to Nat)
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Data.Prod hiding (map)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Data.List
using (List ; length ; map ; _++_ ; cons-inj₁ ; cons-inj₂)
renaming ([] to · ; _∷_ to _::_)
open import Cubical.Data.Empty renaming (rec to exFalso)
import Syntax.DeBruijnCommon
ℓ : Level
-- Types --
data Interval : Type where
l r : Interval
data IntExt : Type where
Int Ext : IntExt
data iCtx : Type where
Empty : iCtx
Full : iCtx
α : IntExt
data Ty : {α : IntExt} -> iCtx -> Type
ty-endpt : ∀ {α} -> Interval -> Ty {α} Full -> Ty {α} Empty
data Ty where
nat : ∀ {α Ξ} -> Ty {α} Ξ
dyn : ∀ {α Ξ} -> Ty {α} Ξ
_⇀_ : ∀ {α Ξ} -> Ty {α} Ξ -> Ty {α} Ξ -> Ty {α} Ξ
inj-nat : ∀ {α} -> Ty {α} Full
inj-arr : ∀ {α} -> Ty {α} Full
comp : ∀ {α} -> (c : Ty {α} Full) -> (d : Ty {α} Full) ->
(ty-endpt l c ≡ ty-endpt r d) -> Ty {α} Full
-- order-set : isSet (Ty Full)
▹ : ∀ {Ξ} -> Ty {Int} Ξ -> Ty {Int} Ξ
ty-endpt p nat = nat
ty-endpt p dyn = dyn
ty-endpt p (cin ⇀ cout) = ty-endpt p cin ⇀ ty-endpt p cout
ty-endpt l inj-nat = nat
ty-endpt r inj-nat = dyn
ty-endpt l inj-arr = (dyn ⇀ dyn) -- inj-arr : (dyn -> dyn) ⊑ dyn
ty-endpt r inj-arr = dyn
ty-endpt l (comp c d _) = ty-endpt l d
ty-endpt r (comp c d _) = ty-endpt r c
ty-endpt p (▹ A) = ▹ (ty-endpt p A)
_[_/i] : ∀ {α} -> Ty {α} Full -> Interval -> Ty {α} Empty
c [ p /i] = ty-endpt p c
ty-left : ∀ {α} -> Ty {α} Full -> Ty Empty
ty-left = ty-endpt l
ty-right : ∀ {α} -> Ty {α} Full -> Ty Empty
ty-right = ty-endpt r
CompTyRel : ∀ {α} -> Type
CompTyRel {α} = Σ (Ty {α} Full × Ty Full)
λ { (c' , c) -> (ty-left c') ≡ (ty-right c) }
CompTyRel-comp : ∀ {α} -> CompTyRel {α} -> Ty Full
CompTyRel-comp ((c' , c) , pf) = comp c' c pf
CompTyRel-endpt : ∀ {α} -> Interval -> CompTyRel {α} -> Ty Full
CompTyRel-endpt l ((c , d) , _) = c
CompTyRel-endpt r ((c , d) , _) = d
-- Given a "normal" type A, view it as its reflexivity precision derivation c : A ⊑ A.
ty-refl : Ty {α} Empty -> Ty {α} Full
ty-refl nat = nat
ty-refl dyn = dyn
ty-refl (Ai ⇀ Ao) = ty-refl Ai ⇀ ty-refl Ao
ty-refl (▹ A) = ▹ (ty-refl A)
ty-endpt-refl : {A : Ty {α} Empty} -> (p : Interval) -> ty-endpt p (ty-refl A) ≡ A
ty-endpt-refl {_} {nat} p = refl
ty-endpt-refl {_} {dyn} p = refl
ty-endpt-refl {_} {A ⇀ B} p = cong₂ _⇀_ (ty-endpt-refl p) (ty-endpt-refl p)
ty-endpt-refl {_} {▹ A} p = cong ▹ (ty-endpt-refl p)
_⊑_ : Ty {α} Empty -> Ty Empty -> Type
A ⊑ B = Σ[ c ∈ Ty Full ] ((ty-left c ≡ A) × (ty-right c ≡ B))
-- ############### Contexts ###############
Ctx : ∀ {α : IntExt} -> iCtx -> Type
Ctx {α} Ξ = List (Ty {α} Ξ)
-- Endpoints of a full context
ctx-endpt : (p : Interval) -> Ctx {α} Full -> Ctx Empty
ctx-endpt p = map (ty-endpt p)
CompCtx : (Δ Γ : Ctx {α} Full) -> (pf : ctx-endpt l Δ ≡ ctx-endpt r Γ) ->
Ctx {α} Full
CompCtx Δ Γ pf = {!!}
-- "Contains" relation stating that a context Γ contains a type T
data _∋_ : ∀ {Ξ} -> Ctx {α} Ξ -> Ty {α} Ξ -> Set where
vz : ∀ {Ξ Γ S} -> _∋_ {α} {Ξ} (S :: Γ) S
vs : ∀ {Ξ Γ S T} (x : _∋_ {α} {Ξ} Γ T) -> (S :: Γ ∋ T)
infix 4 _∋_
∋-ctx-endpt : {Γ : Ctx {α} Full} {c : Ty Full} -> (p : Interval) ->
(Γ ∋ c) -> ((ctx-endpt p Γ) ∋ (ty-endpt p c))
∋-ctx-endpt p vz = vz
∋-ctx-endpt p (vs Γ∋c) = vs (∋-ctx-endpt p Γ∋c)
-- View a "normal" typing context Γ as a type precision context where the derivation
-- corresponding to each type A in Γ is just the reflexivity precision derivation A ⊑ A.
ctx-refl : Ctx {α} Empty -> Ctx Full
ctx-refl = map ty-refl
--ctx-refl · = ·
--ctx-refl (A :: Γ) = ty-refl A :: ctx-refl Γ
-- For a given typing context, the endpoints of the corresponding reflexivity precision
-- context are the typing context itself.
ctx-endpt-refl : {Γ : Ctx {α} Empty} -> (p : Interval) -> ctx-endpt p (ctx-refl Γ) ≡ Γ
ctx-endpt-refl {_} {·} p = refl
ctx-endpt-refl {_} {A :: Γ} p = cong₂ _::_ (ty-endpt-refl p) (ctx-endpt-refl p)
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