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Commit 3c279293 authored by Max New's avatar Max New
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Define preorder-enriched cats, refl. graph of preorder enriched cats

parent 07ad4a34
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{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.HigherCategories.PreorderEnriched.PreorderEnriched where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Categories.Category
open import Cubical.Categories.Functor
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' ℓc ℓc' ℓc'' ℓd ℓd' ℓd'' : Level
open BinaryRelation
open Category
record PreorderEnrichedCategory ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Type (ℓ-suc (ℓ-max ℓ (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓ''))) where
cat : Category ℓ ℓ'
_≤_ : ∀ {x y} → cat [ x , y ] → cat [ x , y ] → Type ℓ''
isProp≤ : ∀ x y (f g : cat [ x , y ]) → isProp (f ≤ g)
isReflexive : ∀ {x y} → isRefl (_≤_ {x}{y})
isTransitive : ∀ {x y} → isTrans (_≤_ {x}{y})
isMonotone⋆ : ∀ {x y z} {f f' : cat [ x , y ]}{g g' : cat [ y , z ]}
→ f ≤ f' → g ≤ g'
→ (f ⋆⟨ cat ⟩ g) ≤ (f' ⋆⟨ cat ⟩ g')
open PreorderEnrichedCategory
record PreorderEnrichedFunctor (C : PreorderEnrichedCategory ℓc ℓc' ℓc'') (D : PreorderEnrichedCategory ℓd ℓd' ℓd'') : Type (ℓ-suc (ℓ-max (ℓ-max (ℓ-max ℓc ℓc') ℓc'') (ℓ-max (ℓ-max ℓd ℓd') ℓd''))) where
functor : Functor (C .cat) (D .cat)
isMonotoneF : ∀ {x y} (f f' : C .cat [ x , y ]) → C ._≤_ f f' → D ._≤_ (functor ⟪ f ⟫) (functor ⟪ f' ⟫)
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
-- Reflexive graph of preorder enriched categories
module Cubical.HigherCategories.RGPEC where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Categories.Category
open import Cubical.Categories.Functor
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base
open import Cubical.HigherCategories.PreorderEnriched.PreorderEnriched
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' ℓ''' ℓc ℓc' ℓc'' ℓd ℓd' ℓd'' : Level
open BinaryRelation
open Category
open PreorderEnrichedCategory
-- Notation note: l, r stand for left, right and t, m, b stand for top, middle, bottom
-- We visualize these squares having the morphisms of the pe-cat be
-- vertical and the Rels being horizontal
record RGPEC ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' ℓ''' ℓ'''' : Type (ℓ-suc (ℓ-max ℓ (ℓ-max ℓ' (ℓ-max ℓ'' (ℓ-max ℓ''' ℓ''''))))) where
pe-cat : PreorderEnrichedCategory ℓ ℓ' ℓ''
HRel : ∀ (x y : pe-cat .cat .ob) → Type ℓ'''
Sq : ∀ {xtl xtr xbl xbr : pe-cat .cat .ob}
→ (Rt : HRel xtl xtr)
→ (fl : pe-cat .cat [ xtl , xbl ])
→ (fr : pe-cat .cat [ xtr , xbr ])
→ (Rb : HRel xbl xbr)
→ Type ℓ''''
-- Could drop this but more laws
isPropSq : ∀ {xtl xtr xbl xbr}
→ (Rt : HRel xtl xtr)
→ (fl : pe-cat .cat [ xtl , xbl ])
→ (fr : pe-cat .cat [ xtr , xbr ])
→ (Rb : HRel xbl xbr)
→ isProp (Sq Rt fl fr Rb)
IdRel : ∀ {x} → HRel x x
idSq : ∀ {xl xr} → (R : HRel xl xr) → Sq R (pe-cat .cat .id) (pe-cat .cat .id) R
_⋆Sq_ : ∀ {xtl xtr xml xmr xbl xbr}
→ {Rt : HRel xtl xtr}
→ {ftl : pe-cat .cat [ xtl , xml ]}
→ {ftr : pe-cat .cat [ xtr , xmr ]}
→ {Rm : HRel xml xmr}
→ {fbl : pe-cat .cat [ xml , xbl ]}
→ {fbr : pe-cat .cat [ xmr , xbr ]}
→ {Rb : HRel xbl xbr}
→ (St : Sq Rt ftl ftr Rm)
→ (Sb : Sq Rm fbl fbr Rb)
→ Sq Rt (ftl ⋆⟨ pe-cat .cat ⟩ fbl) (ftr ⋆⟨ pe-cat .cat ⟩ fbr) Rb
reflSq : ∀ {xt xb} (f : pe-cat .cat [ xt , xb ]) → Sq IdRel f f IdRel
transSqL : ∀ {xtl xtr xbl xbr}
→ {Rt : HRel xtl xtr}
→ {fl : pe-cat .cat [ xtl , xbl ]}
→ {fl' : pe-cat .cat [ xtl , xbl ]}
→ {fr : pe-cat .cat [ xtr , xbr ]}
→ {Rb : HRel xbl xbr}
→ (Sq Rt fl fr Rb)
→ pe-cat ._≤_ fl' fl
→ (Sq Rt fl' fr Rb)
transSqR : ∀ {xtl xtr xbl xbr}
→ {Rt : HRel xtl xtr}
→ {fl : pe-cat .cat [ xtl , xbl ]}
→ {fr : pe-cat .cat [ xtr , xbr ]}
→ {fr' : pe-cat .cat [ xtr , xbr ]}
→ {Rb : HRel xbl xbr}
→ (Sq Rt fl fr Rb)
→ pe-cat ._≤_ fr fr'
→ (Sq Rt fl fr' Rb)
-- This is like a form of univalence: We know f ≤ g ⇒ Sq Id f g Id
-- (by refl & trans) and this requires that to be an equivalence
identity-extension : ∀ {x y : pe-cat .cat .ob} → (f g : pe-cat .cat [ x , y ])
→ Sq IdRel f g IdRel → pe-cat ._≤_ f g
name: gradual-typing-sgdt
include: .
depend: cubical
flags: --cubical
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