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Commit b176f8e6 authored by tingtind's avatar tingtind
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Add lemmas for representable relation

parent 314c7c17
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......@@ -17,12 +17,14 @@ open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming (ℕ to Nat)
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Data.Empty
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Common.LaterProperties
--open import Common.Preorder.Base
......@@ -37,6 +39,7 @@ open import Common.Poset.Constructions
open import Common.Poset.Monotone
open import Common.Poset.MonotoneRelation
open import Semantics.MonotoneCombinators
open import Semantics.Concrete.MonotonicityProofs
open import Semantics.LockStepErrorOrdering k
......@@ -44,6 +47,7 @@ open BinaryRelation
open LiftPoset
open ClockedCombinators k
ℓ ℓ' ℓX ℓX' : Level
......@@ -62,6 +66,8 @@ DynP' D = ℕ ⊎p (▸' k (λ t → D t ==> 𝕃 (D t)))
DynP : Poset ℓ-zero ℓ-zero
DynP = fix DynP'
unfold-DynP : DynP ≡ DynP' (next DynP)
unfold-DynP = fix-eq DynP'
......@@ -74,6 +80,46 @@ DynP-Sum = unfold-DynP
⟨DynP⟩-Sum : ⟨ DynP ⟩ ≡ Nat ⊎ (▹ (⟨ DynP ==> 𝕃 DynP ⟩)) -- MonFun DynP (𝕃 DynP)
⟨DynP⟩-Sum i = ⟨ DynP-Sum i ⟩
case : {ℓA ℓB ℓC : Level} -> {A : Type ℓA} {B : Type ℓB} {C : Type ℓC} ->
(A -> C) -> (B -> C) -> ((A ⊎ B) -> C)
case f g = λ { (inl a) → f a ; (inr b) → g b }
Rel-DynP-lem : ∀ d d' -> rel DynP d d' ->
(Σ[ n ∈ ⟨ ℕ ⟩ ]
(Σ[ n' ∈ ⟨ ℕ ⟩ ]
(transport ⟨DynP⟩-Sum d ≡ inl n)
× (transport ⟨DynP⟩-Sum d' ≡ inl n')
× (n ≡ n'))) ⊎
(Σ[ f~ ∈ ⟨ ▹' k ((DynP ==> 𝕃 DynP)) ⟩ ]
(Σ[ g~ ∈ ⟨ ▹' k ((DynP ==> 𝕃 DynP)) ⟩ ]
(transport ⟨DynP⟩-Sum d ≡ inr f~)
× (transport ⟨DynP⟩-Sum d' ≡ inr g~)
× (▸ (λ t → f~ t ≤mon g~ t))))
Rel-DynP-lem d d' d≤d' =
let dSum = transport ⟨DynP⟩-Sum d in let d'Sum = transport ⟨DynP⟩-Sum d' in
let dSum≤d'Sum = rel-transport DynP-Sum d≤d' in (rel-sum dSum d'Sum dSum≤d'Sum)
⊎p-rel-lem-l : {ℓA ℓ'A ℓB ℓ'B : Level} {A : Poset ℓA ℓ'A} {B : Poset ℓB ℓ'B} ->
(a : ⟨ A ⟩) ->
(x : ⟨ A ⟩ ⊎ ⟨ B ⟩) ->
rel (A ⊎p B) (inl a) x ->
Σ[ a' ∈ ⟨ A ⟩ ] (x ≡ inl a') × rel A a a'
⊎p-rel-lem-l a (inl a') H = a' , (refl , (lower H))
⊎p-rel-lem-r : {ℓA ℓ'A ℓB ℓ'B : Level} {A : Poset ℓA ℓ'A} {B : Poset ℓB ℓ'B} ->
(b : ⟨ B ⟩) ->
(x : ⟨ A ⟩ ⊎ ⟨ B ⟩) ->
rel (A ⊎p B) (inr b) x ->
Σ[ b' ∈ ⟨ B ⟩ ] (x ≡ inr b') × rel B b b'
⊎p-rel-lem-r b (inr b') H = b' , (refl , (lower H))
InjNat : ⟨ ℕ ==> DynP ⟩
InjNat = mCompU (mTransport (sym DynP-Sum)) σ1
......@@ -83,28 +129,60 @@ InjArr = mCompU (mTransport (sym DynP-Sum)) (mCompU σ2 Next)
ProjNat : ⟨ DynP ==> 𝕃 ℕ ⟩
ProjNat = mCompU (Case' mRet (K _ ℧)) (mTransport DynP-Sum)
▹g→g : MonFun ((▸'' k) (DynP ==> 𝕃 DynP)) (𝕃 (DynP ==> 𝕃 DynP))
▹g→g = record {
f = λ f~ -> θ (λ t -> η (f~ t)) ;
isMon = λ {f~} {g~} f~≤g~ → ord-θ-monotone _ (λ t -> ord-η-monotone _ (f~≤g~ t))
-- ord-θ-monotone _ (λ t -> ord-η-monotone _ (f~≤g~ t))
isMon = λ {f~} {g~} f~≤g~ → ord-θ-monotone _ (λ t -> ord-η-monotone _ (f~≤g~ t)) }
ProjNat-nat : ∀ d n ->
transport ⟨DynP⟩-Sum d ≡ inl n ->
MonFun.f ProjNat d ≡ η n
ProjNat-nat d n eq =
cong₂ (MonFun.f {X = DynP} {Y = 𝕃 ℕ})
(refl {x = ProjNat})
((sym (transport⁻Transport ⟨DynP⟩-Sum d)) ∙ λ i -> transport⁻ ⟨DynP⟩-Sum (eq i))
∙ λ i → MonFun.f {!!} (transportTransport⁻ ⟨DynP⟩-Sum (inl n) i)
ProjNat-fun : ∀ d g~ ->
transport ⟨DynP⟩-Sum d ≡ inr g~ ->
MonFun.f ProjNat d ≡ ℧
ProjNat-fun d g~ eq =
cong₂ (MonFun.f {X = DynP} {Y = 𝕃 ℕ})
(refl {x = ProjNat})
((sym (transport⁻Transport ⟨DynP⟩-Sum d)) ∙ λ i -> transport⁻ ⟨DynP⟩-Sum (eq i))
∙ λ i → MonFun.f (Case' mRet (K {!𝕃 (DynP ==> 𝕃 DynP)!} ℧)) (transportTransport⁻ ⟨DynP⟩-Sum (inr g~) i)
ProjArr : ⟨ DynP ==> 𝕃 (DynP ==> 𝕃 DynP) ⟩
ProjArr = mCompU (Case' (K _ ℧) ▹g→g) (mTransport DynP-Sum)
ProjArr-nat : ∀ d n ->
transport ⟨DynP⟩-Sum d ≡ inl n ->
MonFun.f ProjArr d ≡ ℧
ProjArr-nat d n eq =
cong₂ (MonFun.f {X = DynP} {Y = 𝕃 (DynP ==> 𝕃 DynP)})
(refl {x = ProjArr})
((sym (transport⁻Transport ⟨DynP⟩-Sum d)) ∙ λ i -> transport⁻ ⟨DynP⟩-Sum (eq i))
∙ λ i → MonFun.f (Case' (K ℕ ℧) ▹g→g) (transportTransport⁻ ⟨DynP⟩-Sum (inl n) i)
ProjArr-fun : ∀ d g~ ->
transport ⟨DynP⟩-Sum d ≡ inr g~ ->
MonFun.f ProjArr d ≡ θ (λ t -> η (g~ t))
ProjArr-fun d g~ eq = {!!} ∙
ProjArr-fun d g~ eq =
cong₂ (MonFun.f {X = DynP} {Y = 𝕃 (DynP ==> 𝕃 DynP)})
(refl {x = ProjArr})
((sym (transport⁻Transport ⟨DynP⟩-Sum d)) ∙ λ i -> transport⁻ ⟨DynP⟩-Sum (eq i))
∙ (λ i -> MonFun.f (Case' (K ℕ ℧) ▹g→g) (transportTransport⁻ ⟨DynP⟩-Sum (inr g~) i))
-- MonFun.f ProjArr (transport⁻ ⟨DynP⟩-Sum (inr g~)) ≡ _y_510
{-{!!} ∙
-- (λ i -> MonFun.f (mCompU (Case' (K _ ℧) aux) (mTransport DynP-Sum)) d) ∙
(congS ((λ { (inl a) → MonFun.f (K ℕ ℧) a
; (inr b) → MonFun.f ▹g→g b
})) eq) ∙
refl -}
-- MonFun.f ProjArr d ≡ θ (λ t → η (g~ t))
-- (transp (λ i → ⟨ DynP-Sum i ⟩) i0 d)
......@@ -106,14 +106,15 @@ module ClockedProofs (k : Clock) where
ret-monotone : {A : Poset ℓA ℓ'A} ->
(a a' : ⟨ A ⟩) ->
(rAA : ⟨ A ⟩ -> ⟨ A ⟩ -> Type ℓR) ->
rel A a a' ->
rel (𝕃 A) (ret a) (ret a')
ret-monotone = {!!}
ret-monotone {A = A} = λ a a' a≤a' →
LiftRelation.Properties.ord-η-monotone ⟨ A ⟩ ⟨ A ⟩ _ a≤a'
_×rel_ : {A : Type ℓA} {A' : Type ℓA'} {B : Type ℓB} {B' : Type ℓB'} ->
(R : A -> A' -> Type ℓR1) -> (S : B -> B' -> Type ℓR2) ->
(p : A × B) -> (p' : A' × B') -> Type (ℓ-max ℓR1 ℓR2)
(R ×rel S) (a , b) (a' , b') = R a a' × S b b' --R a a' , S b b' won't work
(R ×rel S) (a , b) (a' , b') = R a a' × S b b'
lift×-monotone-het : {A : Poset ℓA ℓ'A} {A' : Poset ℓA' ℓ'A'}
{B : Poset ℓB ℓ'B} {B' : Poset ℓB' ℓ'B'} ->
......@@ -124,7 +125,17 @@ module ClockedProofs (k : Clock) where
((_ LiftRelation.≾ _) R ×rel (_ LiftRelation.≾ _) S) (lift× lab) (lift× la'b')
lift×-monotone-het {A = A} {A' = A'} {B = B} {B' = B'} R S lab la'b' lab≤la'b' =
let fixed = fix monotone-lift×' in
transport {!!} {!!}
-- transport⁻Transport
transport (sym (λ i → LiftP'.unfold-≾ {!i!} {!!} {!!}))
(fixed lab la'b' (transport (λ i → LiftP'.unfold-≾ i lab la'b') lab≤la'b'))
--(sym λ i → LiftP'.unfold-≾ {!!} {!unfold-lift×-inv i!} {!!})
(LiftP1'._≾_ ×rel LiftP2'._≾_) (lift× lab) (lift× la'b') ≡
(lift×' (next lift×) lab .fst ≾'P1' lift×' (next lift×) la'b' .fst)
(λ _ →
lift×' (next lift×) lab .snd ≾'P2' lift×' (next lift×) la'b' .snd)
_≾'LA_ = LiftPoset._≾'_ A
_≾'LA'_ = LiftPoset._≾'_ A'
......@@ -142,12 +153,29 @@ module ClockedProofs (k : Clock) where
monotone-lift×' :
▹ ((lab : ⟨ 𝕃 (A ×p B) ⟩) -> (la'b' : ⟨ 𝕃 (A' ×p B') ⟩) ->
lab ≾'P' la'b' ->
(lift×' (next lift×) lab .fst ≾'P1' {!!}) × ({!!} ≾'P2' {!!})) ->
-- {!? ≾'P1' ?!} × {! ? ≾'P2' ?!}) ->
(lift×' (next lift×) lab .fst ≾'P1' lift×' (next lift×) la'b' .fst)
× (lift×' (next lift×) lab .snd ≾'P2' lift×' (next lift×) la'b' .snd)) ->
(lab : ⟨ 𝕃 (A ×p B) ⟩) -> (la'b' : ⟨ 𝕃 (A' ×p B') ⟩) ->
lab ≾'P' la'b' ->
monotone-lift×' = {!!}
(lift×' (next lift×) lab .fst ≾'P1' lift×' (next lift×) la'b' .fst)
× (lift×' (next lift×) lab .snd ≾'P2' lift×' (next lift×) la'b' .snd)
monotone-lift×' IH (η (a , b)) (η (a' , b')) (x , y) =
transport (λ i → LiftP1'.unfold-≾ i (η a) (η a')) (LiftP1'.Properties.ord-η-monotone x)
, transport (λ i → LiftP2'.unfold-≾ i (η b) (η b')) (LiftP2'.Properties.ord-η-monotone y)
monotone-lift×' IH ℧ l' l≤l' = tt* , tt*
monotone-lift×' IH (θ p) (θ p') l≤l' =
(λ t → transport
(λ i → (sym LiftP1'.unfold-≾) i
((sym unfold-lift×) i (p t) .fst)
((sym unfold-lift×) i (p' t) .fst))
(IH t (p t) (p' t)
(transport (λ i → LiftP'.unfold-≾ i (p t) (p' t)) (l≤l' t)) .fst))
, λ t → transport
(λ i → (sym LiftP2'.unfold-≾) i
((sym unfold-lift×) i (p t) .snd)
((sym unfold-lift×) i (p' t) .snd))
(IH t (p t) (p' t)
(transport (λ i → LiftP'.unfold-≾ i (p t) (p' t)) (l≤l' t)) .snd)
--todo: follow ext-monotone-het
lift×-inv-monotone-het : {A : Poset ℓA ℓ'A} {A' : Poset ℓA' ℓ'A'}
......@@ -183,7 +211,14 @@ module ClockedProofs (k : Clock) where
(p : ⟨ 𝕃 A ×p 𝕃 B ⟩) -> (p' : ⟨ 𝕃 A' ×p 𝕃 B' ⟩) ->
((p .fst ≾'P1' p' .fst) × (p .snd ≾'P2' p' .snd)) ->
lift×-inv' (next lift×-inv) p ≾'P' lift×-inv' (next lift×-inv) p'
monotone-lift×-inv' IH (η a , η b) (η a' , η b') (la≤la' , lb≤lb') = transport (λ i → LiftP'.unfold-≾ i {!lift×-inv (η a , η b )!} {!!}) {!!}
monotone-lift×-inv' IH (η a1 , η b1) (η a2 , η b2) (a1≤a2 , b1≤b2) =
(λ i → LiftP'.unfold-≾ {!i!} (lift×-inv (η a1 , η b1)) (lift×-inv (η a2 , η b2)))
lift×-inv' (next lift×-inv) (η a1 , η b1) ≾'P'
lift×-inv' (next lift×-inv) (η a2 , η b2)
monotone-lift×-inv' IH ((η a) , (θ lb~)) ((η a') , (θ lb'~)) (la≤la' , lb≤lb') = {!!}
monotone-lift×-inv' IH (℧ , _) (℧ , _) (la≤la' , lb≤lb') = {!!}
monotone-lift×-inv' IH (_ , ℧) (_ , ℧) (la≤la' , lb≤lb') = {!!}
......@@ -225,8 +260,7 @@ module ClockedProofs (k : Clock) where
monotone-ext' :
▹ (
(la : ⟨ 𝕃 A ⟩) -> (la' : ⟨ 𝕃 A' ⟩) ->
▹ ((la : ⟨ 𝕃 A ⟩) -> (la' : ⟨ 𝕃 A' ⟩) ->
(la ≾'LALA' la') ->
(ext' f (next (ext f)) la) ≾'LBLB'
(ext' f' (next (ext f')) la')) ->
......@@ -234,11 +268,11 @@ module ClockedProofs (k : Clock) where
(la ≾'LALA' la') ->
(ext' f (next (ext f)) la) ≾'LBLB'
(ext' f' (next (ext f')) la')
monotone-ext' IH (η x) (η y) x≤y = transport (λ i → LiftBB'.unfold-≾ i (f x) (f' y)) (f≤f' x y x≤y)
monotone-ext' IH (η x) (η y) x≤y =
(λ i → LiftBB'.unfold-≾ i (f x) (f' y))
(f≤f' x y x≤y)-}
monotone-ext' IH ℧ la' la≤la' = {!!} --tt*
(f≤f' x y x≤y)
monotone-ext' IH ℧ la' la≤la' = tt*
monotone-ext' IH (θ lx~) (θ ly~) la≤la' = λ t ->
(λ i → (sym (LiftBB'.unfold-≾)) i
......@@ -247,8 +281,6 @@ module ClockedProofs (k : Clock) where
(IH t (lx~ t) (ly~ t)
(transport (λ i -> LiftAA'.unfold-≾ i (lx~ t) (ly~ t)) (la≤la' t)))
-- ext respects monotonicity (in the usual homogeneous sense)
-- This can be rewritten to reuse the above result!
ext-monotone :
......@@ -257,7 +289,8 @@ module ClockedProofs (k : Clock) where
(la la' : ⟨ 𝕃 A ⟩) ->
rel (𝕃 A) la la' ->
rel (𝕃 B) (ext f la) (ext f' la')
ext-monotone {A} {B} f f' f≤f' la la' la≤la' = {!!}
ext-monotone {A = A} {B = B} f f' f≤f' la la' la≤la' =
ext-monotone-het {A = A} {A' = A} {B = B} {B' = B} (rel A) (rel B) f f' f≤f' la la' la≤la'
lift×-monotone : {A : Poset ℓA ℓ'A} {B : Poset ℓB ℓ'B} ->
(l l' : ⟨ 𝕃 (A ×p B) ⟩) ->
......@@ -269,7 +302,7 @@ module ClockedProofs (k : Clock) where
(l l' : ⟨ 𝕃 A ×p 𝕃 B ⟩) ->
rel (𝕃 A ×p 𝕃 B) l l' ->
rel (𝕃 (A ×p B)) (lift×-inv l) (lift×-inv l')
lift×-inv-monotone = {!!}
lift×-inv-monotone = {!!}
bind-monotone :
{la la' : ⟨ 𝕃 A ⟩} ->
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