module gcbpv where
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Fin
open import Data.Vec
open import Data.Vec.Properties
open ≡-Reasoning
data Stoup : Set where
None : Stoup
One : Stoup
-- | Semantics
-- | ⟦ S ⟧st X =~ ⟦ S ⟧ -> X
⟦_⟧st : Stoup -> Set -> Set
⟦ None ⟧st X = ⊤
⟦ One ⟧st X = X
record StCtx (X : Set) : Set where
constructor stctx
S : Stoup
ty : ⟦ S ⟧st X
cdot : forall (X : Set) -> StCtx X
cdot X = record { S = None ; ty = tt }
hstoup : forall {Y : Set} -> Y -> StCtx Y
hstoup B = record { S = One ; ty = B }
data Dimension : Set where
GT : Dimension
LT : Dimension
DCtx : Set
DCtx = StCtx ⊤
onevar : StCtx ⊤
onevar = hstoup tt
infixl 90 _⟨_⟩v
infixl 90 _⟨_⟩vsq
infixl 90 _⟨_⟩c
data VType : DCtx -> Set
_⟨_⟩v : VType onevar -> Dimension -> VType (cdot _)
data CType : DCtx -> Set
_⟨_⟩c : CType onevar -> Dimension -> CType (cdot _)
-- | Transitivvity-composable pair of value types
-- | "Value Transitivity Composite"
record VTC where
Agt : VType onevar
Alt : VType onevar
eq : Agt ⟨ LT ⟩v ≡ Alt ⟨ GT ⟩v
data VType where
VUnit : forall I -> VType I
_×_ : forall {I} -> VType I -> VType I -> VType I
U : forall {I} -> CType I -> VType I
VUnit _ ⟨ i ⟩v = VUnit _
(A × A') ⟨ i ⟩v = (A ⟨ i ⟩v) × (A' ⟨ i ⟩v)
U B ⟨ i ⟩v = U (B ⟨ i ⟩c)
vtrans Vsq ⟨ GT ⟩v = VTC.Agt Vsq ⟨ GT ⟩v -- morally this: Vsq ⟨ GT ⟩vsq ⟨ GT ⟩v
vtrans Vsq ⟨ LT ⟩v = VTC.Alt Vsq ⟨ LT ⟩v -- morally this: Vsq ⟨ LT ⟩vsq ⟨ LT ⟩v
-- vtrans Atop Abot p ⟨ GT ⟩v = Atop ⟨ GT ⟩v
-- vtrans Atop Abot p ⟨ LT ⟩v = Abot ⟨ LT ⟩v
data CType where
_⇀_ : forall {I} -> VType I -> CType I -> CType I
F : forall {I} -> VType I -> CType I
ctrans : forall (Btop : CType onevar) (Bbot : CType onevar) ->
Btop ⟨ LT ⟩c ≡ Bbot ⟨ GT ⟩c ->
(A ⇀ B) ⟨ i ⟩c = (A ⟨ i ⟩v) ⇀ (B ⟨ i ⟩c)
F A ⟨ i ⟩c = F (A ⟨ i ⟩v)
ctrans Btop Bbot p ⟨ GT ⟩c = Btop ⟨ GT ⟩c
ctrans Btop Bbot p ⟨ LT ⟩c = Bbot ⟨ LT ⟩c
_⟨_⟩vsq : VTC -> Dimension -> VType onevar
Vsq ⟨ GT ⟩vsq = VTC.Agt Vsq
Vsq ⟨ LT ⟩vsq = VTC.Alt Vsq
vrefl : VType (cdot _) -> VType onevar
crefl : CType (cdot _) -> CType onevar
vrefl (VUnit _) = VUnit _
vrefl (A × A') = vrefl A × vrefl A'
vrefl (U B) = U (crefl B)
crefl (A ⇀ B) = vrefl A ⇀ crefl B
crefl (F A) = F (vrefl A)
vreflretract : forall A i -> vrefl A ⟨ i ⟩v ≡ A
creflretract : forall B i -> crefl B ⟨ i ⟩c ≡ B
vreflretract (VUnit _) i = refl
vreflretract (A × A₁) i = cong₂ _×_ (vreflretract A i) (vreflretract A₁ i)
vreflretract (U B) i = cong U (creflretract B i)
creflretract (A ⇀ B) i = cong₂ _⇀_ (vreflretract A i) (creflretract B i)
creflretract (F A) i = cong F (vreflretract A i)
-- | For a more traditional presentation of ordering
data VLt (A A' : VType (cdot _)) : Set where
lt : forall (Aord : VType onevar) -> Aord ⟨ GT ⟩v ≡ A -> Aord ⟨ LT ⟩v ≡ A' -> VLt A A'
data CLt (B B' : CType (cdot _)) : Set where
lt : forall (Bord : CType onevar) -> Bord ⟨ GT ⟩c ≡ B -> Bord ⟨ LT ⟩c ≡ B' -> CLt B B'
-- | Now the term structure
-- Values correspond to complex values in cbpv
-- Terms correspond to both terms and complex stacks in cbpv
-- Everything is also indexed by a dimension stoup, so that we simultaneously
-- implement the term constructors and their monotonicity, meaning like the
-- types we can implement reflexivity as weakening and only have to add in
-- transitivity, beta and eta
record VCtx (I : DCtx) : Set where
constructor vctx
Vars : ℕ
vty : Vec (VType I) Vars
vcdot : ∀ I -> VCtx I
vcdot I = vctx zero []
infixl 20 _,,_
_,,_ : forall {I} -> VCtx I -> VType I -> VCtx I
Vars (Γ ,, A) = suc (Vars Γ)
vty (Γ ,, A) = A ∷ vty Γ
infixl 90 _⟪_⟫v
infixl 90 _⟪_⟫vsq
infixl 90 _⟪_⟫c
_⟪_⟫v : VCtx onevar -> Dimension -> VCtx (cdot _)
Vars (Γ ⟪ i ⟫v) = Vars Γ
vty (Γ ⟪ i ⟫v) = map (\A -> A ⟨ i ⟩v) (vty Γ)
vctxrefl : VCtx (cdot _) -> VCtx onevar
Vars (vctxrefl Γ) = Vars Γ
vty (vctxrefl Γ) = map vrefl (vty Γ)
record Var {I} (Γ : VCtx I) (A : VType I) : Set where
constructor mkVar
name : Fin (Vars Γ)
types : A ≡ lookup name (vty Γ)
-- | Based on Allais-Chapman-McBride-McKenna "Type-and-Scope Safe Programs and Their Proofs"
VModel : Set₁
VModel = forall {I} -> VCtx I -> VType I -> Set
record VEnv {I} (V : VModel) (Γ : VCtx I) (Γ' : VCtx I) : Set
where constructor pack
field env-lookup : forall A -> Var Γ' A -> V Γ A
open VEnv
Renaming : forall {I} -> VCtx I -> VCtx I -> Set
Renaming = VEnv Var
record VCtxTC : Set where
_⟪_⟫vsq : VCtxTC -> Dimension -> VCtx onevar
Vars (Γsq ⟪ i ⟫vsq) = Vars Γsq
vty (Γsq ⟪ i ⟫vsq) = (map (λ Vsq → Vsq ⟨ i ⟩vsq) (vty Γsq))
vctxtrans Γsq = vctx (Vars Γsq) (map vtrans (vty Γsq))
vtrans-dapp-lem : ∀ Vsq i -> vtrans Vsq ⟨ i ⟩v ≡ Vsq ⟨ i ⟩vsq ⟨ i ⟩v
vtrans-dapp-lem Vsq GT = refl
vtrans-dapp-lem Vsq LT = refl
ctxttrans-dapp-lem : ∀ Γsq i -> vctxtrans Γsq ⟪ i ⟫v ≡ Γsq ⟪ i ⟫vsq ⟪ i ⟫v
ctxttrans-dapp-lem Γsq i =
vctxtrans Γsq ⟪ i ⟫v
≡⟨ cong (vctx (Vars Γsq)) (
map (λ A → A ⟨ i ⟩v) (vty (vctxtrans Γsq))
≡⟨ sym (map-∘ (\A -> A ⟨ i ⟩v) vtrans (vty Γsq)) ⟩
map (λ Vsq → vtrans Vsq ⟨ i ⟩v) (vty Γsq)
≡⟨ map-cong (λ x → vtrans-dapp-lem x i) (vty Γsq) ⟩
map (λ Vsq → Vsq ⟨ i ⟩vsq ⟨ i ⟩v) (vty Γsq)
≡⟨ map-∘ ((λ A → A ⟨ i ⟩v)) ((λ Vsq → Vsq ⟨ i ⟩vsq)) (vty Γsq) ⟩
map (λ A → A ⟨ i ⟩v) (map (λ Vsq → Vsq ⟨ i ⟩vsq) (vty Γsq))
CCtx : DCtx -> Set
CCtx I = StCtx (CType I)
_⟪_⟫c : CCtx onevar -> Dimension -> CCtx (cdot _)
stctx None ty ⟪ i ⟫c = stctx None tt
stctx One ty ⟪ i ⟫c = stctx One (ty ⟨ i ⟩c)
cctxrefl : CCtx (cdot _) -> CCtx onevar
cctxrefl (stctx None ty) = stctx None tt
cctxrefl (stctx One ty) = stctx One (crefl ty)
data Value : forall {I} -> VCtx I -> VType I -> Set
renV : forall {I} {Γ : VCtx I} {Γ'}{A} -> Renaming Γ Γ' -> Value Γ' A -> Value Γ A
_⟨_⟩vv : forall {Γ : VCtx onevar} {A} ->
Value Γ A ->
(i : Dimension) ->
Value (Γ ⟪ i ⟫v) (A ⟨ i ⟩v)
record ValTC : Set
data Term : forall {I} -> VCtx I -> CCtx I -> CType I -> Set
_⟨_⟩cc : forall {Γ : VCtx onevar}{Δ}{B} ->
Term Γ Δ B ->
(i : Dimension) ->
Term (Γ ⟪ i ⟫v) (Δ ⟪ i ⟫c) (B ⟨ i ⟩c)
renC : forall {I} {Γ : VCtx I}{Δ}{Γ'}{A} -> Renaming Γ Γ' -> Term Γ' Δ A -> Term Γ Δ A
record ValTC where
Vgt : Value (ΓΓ ⟪ GT ⟫vsq) (AA ⟨ GT ⟩vsq)
Vlt : Value (ΓΓ ⟪ LT ⟫vsq) (AA ⟨ LT ⟩vsq)
data Value where
var : forall {I} (Γ : VCtx I) (x : Fin (Vars Γ)) A -> A ≡ lookup x (vty Γ) -> Value Γ A
vunit : forall {I} (Γ : VCtx I) -> Value Γ (VUnit _)
vpair : forall {I}{Γ : VCtx I}{A}{A'} -> Value Γ A -> Value Γ A' -> Value Γ (A × A')
vdestr : forall {I}{Γ : VCtx I}{A}{A'}{Am} ->
Value Γ (A × A') ->
Value (Γ ,, A ,, A') Am ->
Value Γ Am
vthunk : forall {I}{Γ : VCtx I}{B} ->
Term Γ (cdot _) B ->
Value Γ (U B)
valtrans : forall
(sq : ValTC) ->
Value (vctxtrans (ValTC.ΓΓ sq)) (vtrans (ValTC.AA sq))
vupcast : forall
{Γ} Aord ->
Value Γ (Aord ⟨ LT ⟩v) ->
Value Γ (Aord ⟨ GT ⟩v)
vupl : forall
Aord ->
Value (vcdot _ ,, vrefl (Aord ⟨ LT ⟩v)) Aord
vupr : forall
Aord ->
Value (vcdot _ ,, Aord) (vrefl (Aord ⟨ GT ⟩v))
renV ρ (var Γ x A p) with env-lookup ρ A (mkVar x p)
... | y = var _ ( y) _ (Var.types y)
renV ρ (vunit Γ) = vunit _
renV ρ (vpair V V') = vpair (renV ρ V) (renV ρ V')
renV ρ (vdestr V V₁) = {!!}
renV ρ (vthunk M) = vthunk (renC ρ M)
renV ρ (valtrans sq) = {!!}
renV ρ (vupcast Aord V) = {!!}
renV ρ (vupl Aord) = {!!}
renV ρ (vupr Aord) = {!!}
var Γ x A p ⟨ i ⟩vv = var (Γ ⟪ i ⟫v) x (A ⟨ i ⟩v)
A ⟨ i ⟩v
≡⟨ cong (λ A → A ⟨ i ⟩v) p ⟩
(lookup x (vty Γ)) ⟨ i ⟩v
≡⟨ sym (lookup-map x (\A -> A ⟨ i ⟩v) (vty Γ)) ⟩
lookup x (vty (Γ ⟪ i ⟫v))
vunit Γ ⟨ i ⟩vv = vunit (Γ ⟪ i ⟫v)
vpair V V' ⟨ i ⟩vv = vpair (V ⟨ i ⟩vv) (V' ⟨ i ⟩vv)
vdestr V Vk ⟨ i ⟩vv = vdestr (V ⟨ i ⟩vv) (Vk ⟨ i ⟩vv)
vthunk M ⟨ i ⟩vv = vthunk (M ⟨ i ⟩cc)
valtrans sq ⟨ GT ⟩vv rewrite ctxttrans-dapp-lem (ValTC.ΓΓ sq) GT = ValTC.Vgt sq ⟨ GT ⟩vv
valtrans sq ⟨ LT ⟩vv rewrite ctxttrans-dapp-lem (ValTC.ΓΓ sq) LT = ValTC.Vlt sq ⟨ LT ⟩vv
vupl Aord ⟨ GT ⟩vv = vupcast Aord (var _ zero _ (sym (vreflretract _ _)))
vupl Aord ⟨ LT ⟩vv = var _ zero _ (sym (vreflretract _ _))
vupr Aord ⟨ GT ⟩vv = var _ zero _ (vreflretract _ _)
vupr Aord ⟨ LT ⟩vv rewrite vreflretract (Aord ⟨ GT ⟩v) LT = vupcast Aord (var _ zero _ refl)
data Term where
hole : forall {I}{Γ : VCtx I}{B} -> Term Γ (hstoup B) B
lambda : forall {I}{Γ : VCtx I}{Δ}{A}{B} ->
Term (Γ ,, A) Δ B ->
Term Γ Δ (A ⇀ B)
app : forall {I}{Γ : VCtx I}{Δ}{A}{B} ->
Term Γ Δ (A ⇀ B) ->
Value Γ A ->
Term Γ Δ B
force : forall {I}{Γ : VCtx I}{B} ->
Value Γ (U B) ->
Term Γ (cdot _) B
ret : forall {I}{Γ : VCtx I}{A} ->
Value Γ A ->
Term Γ (cdot _) (F A)
lett : forall {I}{Γ : VCtx I}{Δ}{A}{B} ->
Term Γ Δ (F A) ->
Term Γ (cdot _) B ->
Term Γ Δ B
hole ⟨ i ⟩cc = hole
lambda M ⟨ i ⟩cc = lambda (M ⟨ i ⟩cc)
app M V ⟨ i ⟩cc = app (M ⟨ i ⟩cc) (V ⟨ i ⟩vv)
force V ⟨ i ⟩cc = force (V ⟨ i ⟩vv)
ret V ⟨ i ⟩cc = ret (V ⟨ i ⟩vv)
lett M Mk ⟨ i ⟩cc = lett (M ⟨ i ⟩cc) (Mk ⟨ i ⟩cc)
valrefl : forall {Γ}{A} -> Value Γ A -> Value (vctxrefl Γ) (vrefl A)
termrefl : forall {Γ}{Δ}{B} -> Term Γ Δ B -> Term (vctxrefl Γ) (cctxrefl Δ) (crefl B)
valrefl (var Γ x A p) = var (vctxrefl Γ) x (vrefl A) (
vrefl A
≡⟨ cong vrefl p ⟩
vrefl (lookup x (vty Γ))
≡⟨ sym (lookup-map x vrefl (vty Γ)) ⟩
lookup x (vty (vctxrefl Γ))
valrefl (vunit Γ) = vunit _
valrefl (vpair V V') = vpair (valrefl V) (valrefl V')
valrefl (vdestr V Vk) = vdestr (valrefl V) (valrefl Vk)
valrefl (vthunk M) = vthunk (termrefl M)
valrefl (vupcast Aord V) = {!!} -- Need to use substitution here!
termrefl hole = hole
termrefl (lambda M) = lambda (termrefl M)
termrefl (app M V) = app (termrefl M) (valrefl V)
termrefl (force V) = force (valrefl V)
termrefl (ret V) = ret (valrefl V)
termrefl (lett M Mk) = lett (termrefl M) ((termrefl Mk))