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Commit 53107377 authored by Max New's avatar Max New
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[agda] new version of composites, might work?

parent ee37f2eb
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......@@ -2,11 +2,12 @@ module gcbpv where
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Sum hiding (map)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Fin
open import Data.Vec
import Data.Vec
import Data.Vec.Properties
open ≡-Reasoning
......@@ -51,24 +52,34 @@ onevar = hstoup tt
infix 90 _⟨_⟩v
infix 90 _⟨_⟩c
record VTC : Set
data VType : DCtx -> Set
_⟨_⟩v : VType onevar -> Dimension -> VType (cdot _)
data CType : DCtx -> Set
_⟨_⟩c : CType onevar -> Dimension -> CType (cdot _)
-- | Transitivvity-composable pair of value types
-- | "Value Transitivity Composite"
record VTC where
A⊤ : VType onevar
A⊥ : VType onevar
eq : A⊤ ⟨ Bot ⟩v ≡ A⊥ ⟨ Top ⟩v
data VType where
VUnit : forall I -> VType I
_×_ : forall {I} -> VType I -> VType I -> VType I
U : forall {I} -> CType I -> VType I
vtrans : forall (Atop : VType onevar) (Abot : VType onevar) ->
Atop ⟨ Bot ⟩v ≡ Abot ⟨ Top ⟩v ->
VType onevar
vtrans : VTC -> VType onevar
VUnit _ ⟨ i ⟩v = VUnit _
(A × A') ⟨ i ⟩v = (A ⟨ i ⟩v) × (A' ⟨ i ⟩v)
U B ⟨ i ⟩v = U (B ⟨ i ⟩c)
vtrans Atop Abot p ⟨ Top ⟩v = Atop ⟨ Top ⟩v
vtrans Atop Abot p ⟨ Bot ⟩v = Abot ⟨ Bot ⟩v
vtrans comp ⟨ Top ⟩v = VTC.A⊤ comp ⟨ Top ⟩v
vtrans comp ⟨ Bot ⟩v = VTC.A⊥ comp ⟨ Bot ⟩v
-- vtrans Atop Abot p ⟨ Top ⟩v = Atop ⟨ Top ⟩v
-- vtrans Atop Abot p ⟨ Bot ⟩v = Abot ⟨ Bot ⟩v
data CType where
_⇀_ : forall {I} -> VType I -> CType I -> CType I
......@@ -111,8 +122,8 @@ data CLt (B B' : CType (cdot _)) : Set where
vltrefl : forall A -> VLt A A
vltrefl A = lt (vrefl A) (vreflretract A Top) ((vreflretract A Bot))
vlttrans : forall A1 A2 A3 -> VLt A1 A2 -> VLt A2 A3 -> VLt A1 A3
vlttrans A1 A2 A3 (lt A12 x x₁) (lt A23 x₂ x₃) = lt (vtrans A12 A23 (trans x₁ (sym x₂))) x x₃
-- vlttrans : forall A1 A2 A3 -> VLt A1 A2 -> VLt A2 A3 -> VLt A1 A3
-- vlttrans A1 A2 A3 (lt A12 x x₁) (lt A23 x₂ x₃) = lt (vtrans A12 A23 (trans x₁ (sym x₂))) x x₃
cltrefl : forall B -> CLt B B
cltrefl B = lt (crefl B) (creflretract B Top) ((creflretract B Bot))
......@@ -128,11 +139,12 @@ clttrans B1 B2 B3 (lt B12 x x₁) (lt B23 x₂ x₃) = lt (ctrans B12 B23 (trans
-- types we can implement reflexivity as weakening and only have to add in
-- transitivity, beta and eta
record VCtx (I : DCtx) : Set₁ where
record VCtx (I : DCtx) : Set where
constructor vctx
Vars : ℕ
vty : Vec (VType I) Vars
open VCtx
infixl 20 _,,_
_,,_ : forall {I} -> VCtx I -> VType I -> VCtx I
......@@ -149,14 +161,14 @@ _⟪_⟫v : VCtx onevar -> Dimension -> VCtx (cdot _)
vctxrefl : VCtx (cdot _) -> VCtx onevar
vctxrefl Γ = record { Vars = VCtx.Vars Γ ; vty = vrefl (VCtx.vty Γ) }
-- record VctxComp (Γ⊤ Γ⊥ : VCtx onevar) : Set where
-- field
-- SameVar : Set
-- eq⊤ : SameVar ≡ VCtx.Vars Γ⊤
-- eq⊥ : SameVar ≡ VCtx.Vars Γ⊥
-- eqδ :
-- forall (x : SameVar) ->
-- (VCtx.vty Γ⊤ (subst _ eq⊤ x) ⟨ Bot ⟩v) ≡ VCtx.vty Γ⊥ (subst _ eq⊥ x) ⟨ Top ⟩v
record VCtxTC : Set where
Γ⊤ : VCtx onevar
Γ⊥ : VCtx onevar
eqvars : Vars Γ⊤ ≡ Vars Γ⊥
eqδ : Vec VTC (VCtx.Vars Γ⊤)
open VCtxTC
-- eq-to-compvars : ∀ Γ⊤ Γ⊥ -> Γ⊤ ⟪ Bot ⟫v ≡ Γ⊥ ⟪ Top ⟫v -> VCtx.Vars Γ⊤ ≡ VCtx.Vars Γ⊥
-- eq-to-compvars Γ⊤ Γ⊥ eq =
......@@ -189,8 +201,39 @@ vctxrefl Γ = record { Vars = VCtx.Vars Γ ; vty = vrefl (VCtx.vty
-- VCtx.vty Γ⊥ Vars⊥ ⟨ Top ⟩v
-- ∎
-- eq-to-comp : ∀ Γ⊤ Γ⊥ -> Γ⊤ ⟪ Bot ⟫v ≡ Γ⊥ ⟪ Top ⟫v -> VctxComp Γ⊤ Γ⊥
-- eq-to-comp Γ⊤ Γ⊥ p =
-- mkeqvars : ∀ Γ⊤ Γ⊥ -> Γ⊤ ⟪ Bot ⟫v ≡ Γ⊥ ⟪ Top ⟫v -> Vars Γ⊤ ≡ Vars Γ⊥
-- mkeqvars Γ⊤ Γ⊥ p =
-- begin
-- Vars Γ⊤
-- ≡⟨ refl ⟩
-- Vars (Γ⊤ ⟪ Bot ⟫v)
-- ≡⟨ cong Vars p ⟩
-- Vars (Γ⊥ ⟪ Top ⟫v)
-- ≡⟨ refl ⟩
-- Vars Γ⊥
-- ∎
-- eq-to-comp : ∀ Γ⊤ Γ⊥ -> Γ⊤ ⟪ Bot ⟫v ≡ Γ⊥ ⟪ Top ⟫v -> VctxTransComp Γ⊤ Γ⊥
-- eq-to-comp Γ⊤ Γ⊥ p = record {
-- eqvars = mkeqvars Γ⊤ Γ⊥ p;
-- eqδ = tabulate λ x⊤ → record {
-- A⊤ = lookup x⊤ (vty Γ⊤) ;
-- A⊥ = lookup (subst Fin (mkeqvars Γ⊤ Γ⊥ p) x⊤) (vty Γ⊥) ;
-- compat =
-- begin
-- lookup x⊤ (vty Γ⊤) ⟨ Bot ⟩v
-- ≡⟨ sym (lookup-map x⊤ (λ z → z ⟨ Bot ⟩v) (vty Γ⊤)) ⟩
-- lookup x⊤ (vty (Γ⊤ ⟪ Bot ⟫v))
-- ≡⟨ cong (lookup x⊤) {!p!} ⟩
-- lookup x⊤ (subst (Vec (VType _)) _ (vty (Γ⊥ ⟪ Top ⟫v)))
-- ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩
-- lookup (subst Fin _ x⊤) (vty (Γ⊥ ⟪ Top ⟫v))
-- ≡⟨ lookup-map _ (\z -> z ⟨ Top ⟩v) (vty Γ⊥) ⟩
-- lookup (subst Fin _ x⊤) (vty Γ⊥) ⟨ Top ⟩v
-- ∎
-- }
-- }
-- record {
-- SameVar = VCtx.Vars Γ⊤ ;
-- eq⊤ = refl ;
......@@ -207,14 +250,9 @@ vctxrefl Γ = record { Vars = VCtx.Vars Γ ; vty = vrefl (VCtx.vty
-- ∎
-- }
-- vctxtrans : ∀ (Γ⊤ Γ⊥ : VCtx onevar) -> Γ⊤ ⟪ Bot ⟫v ≡ Γ⊥ ⟪ Top ⟫v -> VCtx onevar
-- vctxtrans Γ⊤ Γ⊥ p with eq-to-comp Γ⊤ Γ⊥ p
-- vctxtrans Γ⊤ Γ⊥ p | record { SameVar = SameVar ; eq⊤ = eq⊤ ; eq⊥ = eq⊥ ; eqδ = eqδ } =
-- record { Vars = SameVar ; vty = λ x →
-- vtrans (VCtx.vty Γ⊤ (subst (λ z → z) eq⊤ x))
-- (VCtx.vty Γ⊥ (subst (λ z → z) eq⊥ x))
-- (eqδ x)
-- }
vctxtrans : VCtxTC -> VCtx onevar
vctxtrans record { Γ⊤ = Γ⊤ ; Γ⊥ = Γ⊥ ; eqvars = eqvars ; eqδ = eqδ } =
vctx (VCtx.Vars Γ⊤) (map vtrans eqδ)
CCtx : DCtx -> Set
CCtx I = StCtx (CType I)
......@@ -227,22 +265,26 @@ cctxrefl : CCtx (cdot _) -> CCtx onevar
cctxrefl (stctx None ty) = stctx None tt
cctxrefl (stctx One ty) = stctx One (crefl ty)
data Value : forall {I} -> VCtx I -> VType I -> Set
data Value : forall {I} -> VCtx I -> VType I -> Set
_⟨_⟩vv : forall {Γ : VCtx onevar} {A} ->
Value Γ A ->
(i : Dimension) ->
Value (Γ ⟪ i ⟫v) (A ⟨ i ⟩v)
record ValCompat Γ⊤ Γ⊥ A⊤ A⊥
(pctx : Γ⊤ ⟪ Bot ⟫v ≡ Γ⊥ ⟪ Top ⟫v)
(pty : A⊤ ⟨ Bot ⟩v ≡ A⊥ ⟨ Top ⟩v)
(v⊤ : Value Γ⊤ A⊤)
(v⊥ : Value Γ⊥ A⊥) : Set₁
data Term : forall {I} -> VCtx I -> CCtx I -> CType I -> Set₁
record ValTC : Set
data Term : forall {I} -> VCtx I -> CCtx I -> CType I -> Set
_⟨_⟩cc : forall {Γ : VCtx onevar}{Δ}{B} ->
Term Γ Δ B ->
(i : Dimension) ->
Term (Γ ⟪ i ⟫v) (Δ ⟪ i ⟫c) (B ⟨ i ⟩c)
record ValTC where
V⊤ : Value (VCtxTC.Γ⊤ ΓΓ) (VTC.A⊤ AA)
V⊥ : Value (VCtxTC.Γ⊥ ΓΓ) (VTC.A⊥ AA)
data Value where
var : forall {I} (Γ : VCtx I) (x : Fin (VCtx.Vars Γ)) A -> A ≡ lookup x (VCtx.vty Γ) -> Value Γ A
vunit : forall {I} (Γ : VCtx I) -> Value Γ (VUnit _)
......@@ -254,13 +296,9 @@ data Value where
vthunk : forall {I}{Γ : VCtx I}{B} ->
Term Γ (cdot _) B ->
Value Γ (U B)
-- valtrans : forall {Γ⊤}{Γ⊥}{A⊤}{A⊥} ->
-- (pctx : Γ⊤ ⟪ Bot ⟫v ≡ Γ⊥ ⟪ Top ⟫v) ->
-- (pty : A⊤ ⟨ Bot ⟩v ≡ A⊥ ⟨ Top ⟩v) ->
-- (v⊤ : Value Γ⊤ A⊤) ->
-- (v⊥ : Value Γ⊥ A⊥) ->
-- ValCompat Γ⊤ Γ⊥ A⊤ A⊥ pctx pty v⊤ v⊥ ->
-- Value (vctxtrans Γ⊤ Γ⊥ pctx) (vtrans A⊤ A⊥ pty)
valtrans : forall
(sq : ValTC) ->
Value (vctxtrans (ValTC.ΓΓ sq)) (vtrans (ValTC.AA sq))
var Γ x A p ⟨ i ⟩vv = var (Γ ⟪ i ⟫v) x (A ⟨ i ⟩v)
......@@ -274,14 +312,8 @@ vunit Γ ⟨ i ⟩vv = vunit (Γ ⟪ i ⟫v)
vpair V V' ⟨ i ⟩vv = vpair (V ⟨ i ⟩vv) (V' ⟨ i ⟩vv)
vdestr V Vk ⟨ i ⟩vv = vdestr (V ⟨ i ⟩vv) (Vk ⟨ i ⟩vv)
vthunk M ⟨ i ⟩vv = vthunk (M ⟨ i ⟩cc)
record ValCompat Γ⊤ Γ⊥ A⊤ A⊥ pctx pty v⊤ v⊥ where
compat :
subst (λ Γm → Value Γm (A⊥ ⟨ Top ⟩v)) pctx (subst (λ Am → Value (Γ⊤ ⟪ Bot ⟫v) Am) pty
(v⊤ ⟨ Bot ⟩vv))
≡ v⊥ ⟨ Top ⟩vv
valtrans sq ⟨ Top ⟩vv = {!!}
valtrans sq ⟨ Bot ⟩vv = {!!}
data Term where
hole : forall {I}{Γ : VCtx I}{B} -> Term Γ (hstoup B) B
......@@ -332,4 +364,3 @@ termrefl (app M V) = app (termrefl M) (valrefl V)
termrefl (force V) = force (valrefl V)
termrefl (ret V) = ret (valrefl V)
termrefl (lett M Mk) = lett (termrefl M) ((termrefl Mk))
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