- May 18, 2013
Jakob Voigts authored
used the term 'spread' as in the neuralynx software for now
- May 17, 2013
Jakob Voigts authored
works ok with RHD data
Jakob Voigts authored
works for 64 channels now
Jakob Voigts authored
these give reasonable output now, but it looks like we're getting the same data on all three aux ins
- May 16, 2013
Jakob Voigts authored
works well with one and two cables on current rev board
- May 15, 2013
- May 14, 2013
Jakob Voigts authored
Jakob Voigts authored
replaced drawLine method with pixed based plot. Increases speed at the cost of anti-aliasing. Also centered channel number display in channel, and set default channelHeight to 40, so that ~16 channels should fit on a 1080p screen
Jakob Voigts authored
Jakob Voigts authored
Jakob Voigts authored
got number by calibrating against reid's code - fix this some time
aacuevas authored
aacuevas authored
- May 13, 2013
Jakob Voigts authored
bandpass filter setting seem to work only when set before acquiring data for the 1st time
Jakob Voigts authored
added setSampleRate, setUpperBandwidth, setLowerBandwidth also updated getSampleRate
interpretivechaos authored
Removed the call to updateParameterButtons from audionode, which leads to crash when adjusting the volume on slider. The problem is that updateParameterButtons can't be called from any editor that doesn't use the parameterEditors array. While this can be fixed by just removing the call from all the processors, ideally there would be a more robust way to check if it's used. Checking if parameterEditors.size()==0 seems to catch it some times, but other times seems to cause a crash. I'm not sure why it doesn't work: the constructor for Juce Arrays specifies that numUsed should be equal to zero for an unused Array, and parameterEditors should exist for all editors that inherit from GenericEditor.
Josh Siegle authored
jsiegle authored
jsiegle authored
jsiegle authored
jsiegle authored
- May 12, 2013
- May 10, 2013
interpretivechaos authored
Fixes a bug with my previous change that would crash the program if you tried to change the parameters of a processor without a parameterEditor.
jsiegle authored
jsiegle authored
- May 09, 2013
interpretivechaos authored
Allows parameters to be set from saved XML and changes the parameterEditor buttons (currently for discrete parameters only) to reflect which parameters are currently used by selected and non-selected channels. This fixes a problem where the buttons would always show what the last press was rather than the current values for the active channels (e.g. If you changed the parameters on Channel 2, and then switched to select only Channel 1, the GUI would incorrectly indicate that the settings for Channel 2 were active). Additionally, allows the user to see what parameter values are used for channels not currently selected.
- May 06, 2013
jsiegle authored
- May 05, 2013
jsiegle authored
jsiegle authored
jsiegle authored
jsiegle authored
jsiegle authored
- Clean up methods in GenericProcessor - File selection now happens outside of EditorViewport - Add mechanism for saving custom parameters for individual channels - Settings file is automatically saved at the start of recording
- May 04, 2013
jsiegle authored
- Apr 28, 2013
Josh Siegle authored
jsiegle authored
jsiegle authored