jsiegle authored
Changes to the DataThread, SourceNode, and UIComponent classes allow data threads to disable callbacks if they are no longer receiving input. So far this has only been tested with the Intan Board, but it works really well. Unplugging the board in the middle of acquisition allows the thread to exit, and callbacks to be disabled, without any seg faults.
jsiegle authoredChanges to the DataThread, SourceNode, and UIComponent classes allow data threads to disable callbacks if they are no longer receiving input. So far this has only been tested with the Intan Board, but it works really well. Unplugging the board in the middle of acquisition allows the thread to exit, and callbacks to be disabled, without any seg faults.
ProcessorGraph.cpp 13.19 KiB
Created: 30 Apr 2011 8:36:35pm
Author: jsiegle
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ProcessorGraph.h"
#include "AudioNode.h"
#include "LfpDisplayNode.h"
#include "EventNode.h"
#include "FileReader.h"
#include "FilterNode.h"
#include "GenericProcessor.h"
#include "RecordNode.h"
#include "ResamplingNode.h"
#include "SignalGenerator.h"
#include "SourceNode.h"
#include "SpikeDetector.h"
#include "Utilities/Splitter.h"
#include "../UI/UIComponent.h"
#include "../UI/Configuration.h"
#include "../UI/FilterViewport.h"
ProcessorGraph::ProcessorGraph() :
// ProcessorGraph will always have 0 inputs (all content is generated within graph)
// but it will have N outputs, where N is the number of channels for the audio monitor
setPlayConfigDetails(0, // number of inputs
2, // number of outputs
44100.0, // sampleRate
128); // blockSize
ProcessorGraph::~ProcessorGraph() { }
void ProcessorGraph::createDefaultNodes()
// add output node -- sends output to the audio card
AudioProcessorGraph::AudioGraphIOProcessor* on =
new AudioProcessorGraph::AudioGraphIOProcessor(AudioProcessorGraph::AudioGraphIOProcessor::audioOutputNode);
// add record node -- sends output to disk
RecordNode* recn = new RecordNode();
// add audio node -- takes all inputs and selects those to be used for audio monitoring
AudioNode* an = new AudioNode();
// add resampling node -- resamples continuous signals to 44.1kHz
ResamplingNode* rn = new ResamplingNode(true);
addNode(an, AUDIO_NODE_ID);
// connect audio network
for (int n = 0; n < 2; n++) {
addConnection(AUDIO_NODE_ID, n,
addConnection(RESAMPLING_NODE_ID, n,
std::cout << "Default nodes created." << std::endl;
void* ProcessorGraph::createNewProcessor(String& description)//,
// GenericProcessor* source,
// GenericProcessor* dest)
GenericProcessor* processor = createProcessorFromDescription(description);
int id = currentNodeId++;
if (processor != 0) {
processor->setNodeId(id); // identifier within processor graph
std::cout << " Adding node to graph with ID number " << id << std::endl;
addNode(processor,id); // have to add it so it can be deleted by the graph
return processor->createEditor();
} else {
sendActionMessage("Not a valid processor type.");
return 0;
void ProcessorGraph::clearConnections()
for (int i = 0; i < getNumConnections(); i++)
const Connection* connection = getConnection(i);
if (connection->destNodeId == RESAMPLING_NODE_ID ||
connection->destNodeId == OUTPUT_NODE_ID)
; // leave it
} else {
// std::cout << "Clearing nodes..." << std::endl;
// for (int i = 0; i < getNumNodes(); i++)
// {
// Node* node = getNode(i);
// int id = node->nodeId;
// if (!(id == RECORD_NODE_ID || id == AUDIO_NODE_ID ||
// {
// removeNode(id);
// }
// }
// std::cout << "Remaining nodes: " << std::endl;
// for (int i = 0; i < getNumNodes(); i++)
// {
// Node* node = getNode(i);
// std::cout << " " << node->getProcessor()->getName() << std::endl;
// }
// std::cout << std::endl;
void ProcessorGraph::updateConnections(Array<SignalChainTabButton*, CriticalSection> tabs)
clearConnections(); // clear processor graph
//createDefaultNodes(); // add audio and record nodes
std::cout << "Updating connections:" << std::endl;
for (int n = 0; n < tabs.size(); n++)
std::cout << "Signal chain " << n << std::endl;
//if (tabs[n]->hasNewConnections())
GenericEditor* sourceEditor = (GenericEditor*) tabs[n]->getEditor();
GenericProcessor* source = (GenericProcessor*) sourceEditor->getProcessor();
while (source != 0)// && destEditor->isEnabled())
std::cout << "Source node: " << source->getName() << ", ";
GenericProcessor* dest = (GenericProcessor*) source->getDestNode();
if (dest != 0)
std::cout << "Dest node: " << dest->getName() << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "no dest node." << std::endl;
if (source->enabledState())
// add the source to the graph if it doesn't already exist
//Node* node = getNodeForId(source->getNodeId());
//if (node == 0)
// addNode(source, source->getNodeId());
// add the connections to audio and record nodes if necessary
if (!(source->isSink() || source->isSource() ||
source->isSplitter() || source->isMerger()))
std::cout << " Connecting to audio and record nodes." << std::endl;
for (int chan = 0; chan < source->getNumOutputs(); chan++) {
addConnection(source->getNodeId(), // sourceNodeID
chan, // sourceNodeChannelIndex
AUDIO_NODE_ID, // destNodeID
getNextFreeAudioChannel()); // destNodeChannelIndex
addConnection(source->getNodeId(), // sourceNodeID
chan, // sourceNodeChannelIndex
getNextFreeRecordChannel()); // destNodeChannelIndex
if (dest != 0) {
if (dest->enabledState())
std::cout << "OK." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Not OK." << std::endl;
if (dest->enabledState())
// add dest node to graph if it doesn't already exist
//node = getNodeForId(dest->getNodeId());
//if (node == 0)
// addNode(dest, dest->getNodeId());
std::cout << " Connecting " << source->getName() << " channel ";
for (int chan = 0; chan < source->getNumOutputs(); chan++)
// eventually need to account for splitter and mergers
std::cout << chan << " ";
addConnection(source->getNodeId(), // sourceNodeID
chan, // sourceNodeChannelIndex
dest->getNodeId(), // destNodeID
chan); // destNodeChannelIndex
std::cout << " to " << dest->getName() << std::endl;
std::cout << " Connecting " << source->getName() <<
" event channel to " <<
dest->getName() << std::endl;
// connect event channel
addConnection(source->getNodeId(), // sourceNodeID
midiChannelIndex, // sourceNodeChannelIndex
dest->getNodeId(), // destNodeID
midiChannelIndex); // destNodeChannelIndex
source = dest; // switch source and dest
} // end while source != 0
} // end "tabs" for loop
} // end method
int ProcessorGraph::getNextFreeAudioChannel()
return totalAudioConnections++;
int ProcessorGraph::getNextFreeRecordChannel()
return totalRecordConnections++;
GenericProcessor* ProcessorGraph::createProcessorFromDescription(String& description)
int splitPoint = description.indexOf("/");
String processorType = description.substring(0,splitPoint);
String subProcessorType = description.substring(splitPoint+1);
std::cout << processorType << "::" << subProcessorType << std::endl;
GenericProcessor* processor = 0;
if (processorType.equalsIgnoreCase("Sources")) {
if (subProcessorType.equalsIgnoreCase("Intan Demo Board")) {
processor = new SourceNode(subProcessorType);
std::cout << "Creating a new data source." << std::endl;
} else if (subProcessorType.equalsIgnoreCase("Signal Generator"))
processor = new SignalGenerator();
std::cout << "Creating a new signal generator." << std::endl;
sendActionMessage("New source node created.");
} else if (processorType.equalsIgnoreCase("Filters")) {
if (subProcessorType.equalsIgnoreCase("Bandpass Filter")) {
std::cout << "Creating a new filter." << std::endl;
processor = new FilterNode();
} else if (subProcessorType.equalsIgnoreCase("Resampler")) {
std::cout << "Creating a new resampler." << std::endl;
processor = new ResamplingNode(false);
} else if (subProcessorType.equalsIgnoreCase("Spike Detector")) {
std::cout << "Creating a new spike detector." << std::endl;
processor = new SpikeDetector();
sendActionMessage("New filter node created.");
} else if (processorType.equalsIgnoreCase("Utilities")) {
if (subProcessorType.equalsIgnoreCase("Splitter")) {
std::cout << "Creating a new splitter." << std::endl;
processor = new Splitter();
sendActionMessage("New splitter created.");
} else if (processorType.equalsIgnoreCase("Sinks")) {
//if (subProcessorType.equalsIgnoreCase("Stream Viewer")) {
if (subProcessorType.equalsIgnoreCase("LFP Viewer")) {
std::cout << "Creating a display node." << std::endl;
processor = new LfpDisplayNode();
std::cout << "Graph data viewport: " << UI->getDataViewport() << std::endl;
sendActionMessage("New visualizer created.");
return processor;
void ProcessorGraph::removeProcessor(GenericProcessor* processor) {
std::cout << "Removing processor with ID " << processor->getNodeId() << std::endl;
// GenericProcessor* source = processor->getSourceNode();
// GenericProcessor* dest = processor->getDestNode();
// int numInputs = processor->getNumInputs();
// std::cout << " Source " << source << std::endl;
// std::cout << " Dest " << dest << std::endl;
// eliminate connections for now
/*if (dest !=0 && source !=0) {
std::cout << " Making new connections...." << std::endl;
// connect source and dest
for (int chan = 0; chan < numInputs; chan++) {
// if (dest != 0)
// dest->setSourceNode(source);
// if (source != 0)
// source->setDestNode(dest);
void ProcessorGraph::setUIComponent(UIComponent* ui)
UI = ui;
//config = ui->getConfiguration();
void ProcessorGraph::setFilterViewport(FilterViewport* fv)
filterViewport = fv;
void ProcessorGraph::setMessageCenter(MessageCenter* mc)
messageCenter = mc;
void ProcessorGraph::setConfiguration(Configuration* c)
config = c;
bool ProcessorGraph::enableProcessors() {
std::cout << "Enabling processors..." << std::endl;
bool allClear;
for (int i = 0; i < getNumNodes(); i++)
Node* node = getNode(i);
if (node->nodeId != OUTPUT_NODE_ID)
GenericProcessor* p = (GenericProcessor*) node->getProcessor();
allClear = p->enable();
if (!allClear) {
sendActionMessage("Could not initialize acquisition. Is the Intan Board plugged in?");
return false;
sendActionMessage("Acquisition started.");
return true;
bool ProcessorGraph::disableProcessors() {
std::cout << "Disabling processors..." << std::endl;
bool allClear;
for (int i = 0; i < getNumNodes(); i++)
Node* node = getNode(i);
if (node->nodeId != OUTPUT_NODE_ID)
GenericProcessor* p = (GenericProcessor*) node->getProcessor();
allClear = p->disable();
if (!allClear) {
sendActionMessage("Could not stop acquisition.");
return false;
sendActionMessage("Acquisition ended.");
return true;
AudioNode* ProcessorGraph::getAudioNode() {
Node* node = getNodeForId(AUDIO_NODE_ID);
return (AudioNode*) node->getProcessor();
RecordNode* ProcessorGraph::getRecordNode() {
Node* node = getNodeForId(RECORD_NODE_ID);
return (RecordNode*) node->getProcessor();
GenericProcessor* ProcessorGraph::getSourceNode(int snID) {
std::cout << "Requested ID: " << snID << std::endl;
//if (snID != 0) {
Node* node = getNodeForId(snID);
if (node != 0) {
return (GenericProcessor*) node->getProcessor();
} else {
return 0;
void ProcessorGraph::saveState()
File file = File("./savedState.xml");
void ProcessorGraph::loadState()
File file = File("./savedState.xml");