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UIComponent.h 7.53 KiB

    This file is part of the Open Ephys GUI
    Copyright (C) 2013 Open Ephys


    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.


#ifndef __UICOMPONENT_H_D97C73CF__
#define __UICOMPONENT_H_D97C73CF__

#include "../../JuceLibraryCode/JuceHeader.h"
#include "InfoLabel.h"
#include "ControlPanel.h"
#include "ProcessorList.h"
#include "EditorViewport.h"
#include "DataViewport.h"
#include "../Processors/MessageCenter/MessageCenterEditor.h"
#include "GraphViewer.h"
#include "../Processors/ProcessorGraph/ProcessorGraph.h"
#include "../Audio/AudioComponent.h"
#include "../MainWindow.h"

class MainWindow;
class ProcessorList;

class EditorViewportButton;


  Creates objects for user interaction.

  The UIComponent is responsible for the layout of the user interface and
  for creating the application's menu bar.

  @see ControlPanel, ProcessorList, EditorViewport, DataViewport,


class UIComponent : public Component,
    public ActionBroadcaster,
    public MenuBarModel,
    public ApplicationCommandTarget,
    public DragAndDropContainer // required for
    // drag-and-drop
    // internal components

    UIComponent(MainWindow* mainWindow_, ProcessorGraph* pgraph, AudioComponent* audio);

    /** Returns a pointer to the EditorViewport. */
    EditorViewport* getEditorViewport()
        return editorViewport;

    /** Returns a pointer to the ProcessorList. */
    ProcessorList* getProcessorList()
        return processorList;

    /** Returns a pointer to the DataViewport. */
    DataViewport* getDataViewport()
        return dataViewport;

    /** Returns a pointer to the ProcessorGraph. */
    ProcessorGraph* getProcessorGraph()
        return processorGraph;

    /** Returns a pointer to the GraphViewer. */
    GraphViewer* getGraphViewer()
        return graphViewer;

    /** Returns a pointer to the ControlPanel. */
    ControlPanel* getControlPanel()
        return controlPanel;

    /** Returns a pointer to the MessageCenterEditor. */
    MessageCenterEditor* getMessageCenter()
        return messageCenterEditor;

    /** Returns a pointer to the UIComponent. */
    UIComponent* getUIComponent()
        return this;

    /** Returns a pointer to the AudioComponent. */
    AudioComponent* getAudioComponent()
        return audio;

    /** Stops the callbacks to the ProcessorGraph which drive data acquisition. */
    void disableCallbacks();

    /** Disables the connection between the DataViewport and the EditorViewport. */
    void disableDataViewport();

    Called whenever a major change takes place within a child component, in order
    to make sure the UIComponent's other children get resized appropriately. */
    void childComponentChanged();

    /** Returns the names of all the requested menubar drop-down lists (e.g., "File", "Edit", "Help", etc.). */
    StringArray getMenuBarNames();

    /** Adds the commands contained within a given drop-down menu from the menubar. */
    PopupMenu getMenuForIndex(int topLevelMenuIndex, const String& menuName);

    /** Called when a particular menu item is selected. Doesn't do anything yet. */
    void menuItemSelected(int menuItemID, int topLevelMenuIndex);

    /** Doesn't do anything yet. */
    ApplicationCommandTarget* getNextCommandTarget();

    /** Returns a list of commands the application can perform. */
    void getAllCommands(Array <CommandID>& commands);

    /** Returns the info, default keypress, and activation state of all the application's commands. */
    void getCommandInfo(CommandID commandID, ApplicationCommandInfo& result);

    /** Determines what takes place when a given command is executed by the user. */
    bool perform(const InvocationInfo& info);

    /** Save settings. */
    void saveStateToXml(XmlElement*);

    /** Load settings. */
    void loadStateFromXml(XmlElement*);

    StringArray getRecentlyUsedFilenames();

    void setRecentlyUsedFilenames(const StringArray& filenames);


    ScopedPointer<DataViewport> dataViewport;
    ScopedPointer<EditorViewport> editorViewport;
    ScopedPointer<EditorViewportButton> editorViewportButton;
    ScopedPointer<ProcessorList> processorList;
    ScopedPointer<ControlPanel> controlPanel;
    MessageCenterEditor* messageCenterEditor; // owned by ProcessorGraph
    ScopedPointer<InfoLabel> infoLabel;
    ScopedPointer<GraphViewer> graphViewer;

    Viewport processorListViewport;

    /** Pointer to the GUI's MainWindow, which owns the UIComponent. */
    MainWindow* mainWindow;

    /** Allows the application to use tooltips, which are messages
    that appear when the mouse hovers over particular components. */
    TooltipWindow tooltipWindow;

    /** Pointer to the GUI's ProcessorGraph. Owned by the MainWindow. */
    ProcessorGraph* processorGraph;

    /** Pointer to the GUI's AudioComponent. Owned by the MainWindow. */
    AudioComponent* audio;

    /** Resizes all of components inside the UIComponent to fit the new boundaries
    of the MainWindow, or to account for opening/closing events.*/
    void resized();

    /** Contains codes for common user commands to which the application must react.*/
    enum CommandIDs
        openConfiguration 		= 0x2001,
        saveConfiguration		= 0x2002,
        undo					= 0x2003,
        redo 					= 0x2004,
        copySignalChain			= 0x2005,
        pasteSignalChain		= 0x2006,
        clearSignalChain		= 0x2007,
        toggleProcessorList 	= 0x2008,
        toggleSignalChain	    = 0x2009,
        toggleFileInfo			= 0x2010,
        showHelp				= 0x2011,
        resizeWindow            = 0x2012,
        reloadOnStartup         = 0x2013,
        saveConfigurationAs     = 0x2014

    File currentConfigFile;




  A button used to show/hide the EditorViewport.

  @see UIComponent, EditorViewport


class EditorViewportButton : public Component
    EditorViewportButton(UIComponent* ui);

    /** Returns the open/closed state of the button. */
    bool isOpen()
        return open;

    /** Draws the button. */
    void paint(Graphics& g);

    /** Switches the open/closed state of the button. */
    void toggleState();

    /** Called when a mouse click begins inside the boundaries of the button. Used
    to toggle the button's open/closed state. */
    void mouseDown(const MouseEvent& e);


    UIComponent* UI;
    bool open;

    Font buttonFont;


#endif  // __UICOMPONENT_H_D97C73CF__