Septen authored
* Implemented LinearSmoothedValueAtomic class based on the JUCE 4.0 library' LinearSmoothedValue class but with some improvements that were suggested by Timur Doumler during his JUCE Summit 2015 talk. * LinearSmoothedValueAtomic is very convenient to use with float values that need linearly smoothed behaviour (like volume, etc.) and which are shared between several threads (i.e. audio and GUI). * This class guarantees we won't have any race conditions and it will remains lock-free because of using std::atomic inside it.
Septen authored* Implemented LinearSmoothedValueAtomic class based on the JUCE 4.0 library' LinearSmoothedValue class but with some improvements that were suggested by Timur Doumler during his JUCE Summit 2015 talk. * LinearSmoothedValueAtomic is very convenient to use with float values that need linearly smoothed behaviour (like volume, etc.) and which are shared between several threads (i.e. audio and GUI). * This class guarantees we won't have any race conditions and it will remains lock-free because of using std::atomic inside it.