Welcome to the Open Ephys project!
This GUI was designed to provide a fast and flexible interface for acquiring and visualizing data from extracellular electrodes.
Everything is written in C++, with the help of the Juce_ library. Juce is lightweight, easy to learn, and completely cross-platform. What's more, it includes a variety of classes for audio processing, which have been co-opted to process neural data. It might be necessary to create custom data processing classes in the future, but for now, Juce takes care of a lot of the messy bits involved in analyzing many parallel data streams.
This repository contains all of the files (save for a few dependencies) you'll need to compile and run the GUI on Linux and Mac OS X. The makefile (for Linux) and XCode project (for Mac) are located in the Builds/ directory. To build the GUI on Windows, you'll need to use Visual Studio 2012. The Visual Studio project files can be found in the Builds/ directory, and Windows dependencies (such as DLLs) are conveniently located in the windeps/ folder.
We recommend reading through the GitHub wiki_ before attempting to make any changes.
If you want to add files, you'll have to do that through the "Introjucer," using the "open-ephys.jucer" file. The Introjucer makefiles are located in the JuceLibraryCode/Introjucer/Builds folder, or as part of the Juce library package on SourceForge_.
.. _SourceForge:
.. _JUCE:
.. _windows: