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juce_linux_Windowing.cpp 122 KiB
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  • /*
       This file is part of the JUCE library - "Jules' Utility Class Extensions"
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       Copyright 2004-11 by Raw Material Software Ltd.
       JUCE can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General
       Public License (Version 2), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
       A copy of the license is included in the JUCE distribution, or can be found
       online at
       JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
       WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
       A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
       To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
       available: visit for more information.
    extern Display* display;
    extern XContext windowHandleXContext;
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    typedef void (*WindowMessageReceiveCallback) (XEvent&);
    extern WindowMessageReceiveCallback dispatchWindowMessage;
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    struct Atoms
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            Protocols                       = getIfExists ("WM_PROTOCOLS");
            ProtocolList [TAKE_FOCUS]       = getIfExists ("WM_TAKE_FOCUS");
            ProtocolList [DELETE_WINDOW]    = getIfExists ("WM_DELETE_WINDOW");
            ProtocolList [PING]             = getIfExists ("_NET_WM_PING");
            ChangeState                     = getIfExists ("WM_CHANGE_STATE");
            State                           = getIfExists ("WM_STATE");
            UserTime                        = getCreating ("_NET_WM_USER_TIME");
            ActiveWin                       = getCreating ("_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW");
            Pid                             = getCreating ("_NET_WM_PID");
            WindowType                      = getIfExists ("_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE");
            WindowState                     = getIfExists ("_NET_WM_STATE");
            XdndAware                       = getCreating ("XdndAware");
            XdndEnter                       = getCreating ("XdndEnter");
            XdndLeave                       = getCreating ("XdndLeave");
            XdndPosition                    = getCreating ("XdndPosition");
            XdndStatus                      = getCreating ("XdndStatus");
            XdndDrop                        = getCreating ("XdndDrop");
            XdndFinished                    = getCreating ("XdndFinished");
            XdndSelection                   = getCreating ("XdndSelection");
            XdndTypeList                    = getCreating ("XdndTypeList");
            XdndActionList                  = getCreating ("XdndActionList");
            XdndActionCopy                  = getCreating ("XdndActionCopy");
            XdndActionPrivate               = getCreating ("XdndActionPrivate");
            XdndActionDescription           = getCreating ("XdndActionDescription");
            allowedMimeTypes[0]             = getCreating ("UTF8_STRING");
            allowedMimeTypes[1]             = getCreating ("text/plain;charset=utf-8");
            allowedMimeTypes[2]             = getCreating ("text/plain");
            allowedMimeTypes[3]             = getCreating ("text/uri-list");
            externalAllowedFileMimeTypes[0] = getCreating ("text/uri-list");
            externalAllowedTextMimeTypes[0] = getCreating ("text/plain");
            allowedActions[0]               = getCreating ("XdndActionMove");
            allowedActions[1]               = XdndActionCopy;
            allowedActions[2]               = getCreating ("XdndActionLink");
            allowedActions[3]               = getCreating ("XdndActionAsk");
            allowedActions[4]               = XdndActionPrivate;
        static const Atoms& get()
            static Atoms atoms;
            return atoms;
        enum ProtocolItems
            TAKE_FOCUS = 0,
            DELETE_WINDOW = 1,
            PING = 2
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        Atom Protocols, ProtocolList[3], ChangeState, State, UserTime,
             ActiveWin, Pid, WindowType, WindowState,
             XdndAware, XdndEnter, XdndLeave, XdndPosition, XdndStatus,
             XdndDrop, XdndFinished, XdndSelection, XdndTypeList, XdndActionList,
             XdndActionDescription, XdndActionCopy, XdndActionPrivate,
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        static const unsigned long DndVersion;
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        static Atom getIfExists (const char* name)    { return XInternAtom (display, name, True); }
        static Atom getCreating (const char* name)    { return XInternAtom (display, name, False); }
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        static String getName (const Atom atom)
            if (atom == None)
                return "None";
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            return String (XGetAtomName (display, atom));
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        static bool isMimeTypeFile (const Atom atom)  { return getName (atom).equalsIgnoreCase ("text/uri-list"); }
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    const unsigned long Atoms::DndVersion = 3;
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    struct GetXProperty
        GetXProperty (Window window, Atom atom, long offset, long length, bool shouldDelete, Atom requestedType)
            : data (nullptr)
            success = (XGetWindowProperty (display, window, atom, offset, length,
                                           (Bool) shouldDelete, requestedType, &actualType,
                                           &actualFormat, &numItems, &bytesLeft, &data) == Success)
                        && data != nullptr;
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            if (data != nullptr)
                XFree (data);
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        bool success;
        unsigned char* data;
        unsigned long numItems, bytesLeft;
        Atom actualType;
        int actualFormat;
    namespace Keys
        enum MouseButtons
            NoButton = 0,
            LeftButton = 1,
            MiddleButton = 2,
            RightButton = 3,
            WheelUp = 4,
            WheelDown = 5
        static int AltMask = 0;
        static int NumLockMask = 0;
        static bool numLock = false;
        static bool capsLock = false;
        static char keyStates [32];
        static const int extendedKeyModifier = 0x10000000;
    bool KeyPress::isKeyCurrentlyDown (const int keyCode)
        int keysym;
        if (keyCode & Keys::extendedKeyModifier)
            keysym = 0xff00 | (keyCode & 0xff);
            keysym = keyCode;
            if (keysym == (XK_Tab & 0xff)
                || keysym == (XK_Return & 0xff)
                || keysym == (XK_Escape & 0xff)
                || keysym == (XK_BackSpace & 0xff))
                keysym |= 0xff00;
        ScopedXLock xlock;
        const int keycode = XKeysymToKeycode (display, keysym);
        const int keybyte = keycode >> 3;
        const int keybit = (1 << (keycode & 7));
        return (Keys::keyStates [keybyte] & keybit) != 0;
    namespace XSHMHelpers
        static int trappedErrorCode = 0;
        extern "C" int errorTrapHandler (Display*, XErrorEvent* err)
            trappedErrorCode = err->error_code;
            return 0;
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        static bool isShmAvailable() noexcept
            static bool isChecked = false;
            static bool isAvailable = false;
            if (! isChecked)
                isChecked = true;
                int major, minor;
                Bool pixmaps;
                ScopedXLock xlock;
                if (XShmQueryVersion (display, &major, &minor, &pixmaps))
                    trappedErrorCode = 0;
                    XErrorHandler oldHandler = XSetErrorHandler (errorTrapHandler);
                    XShmSegmentInfo segmentInfo;
                    zerostruct (segmentInfo);
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                    XImage* xImage = XShmCreateImage (display, DefaultVisual (display, DefaultScreen (display)),
                                                      24, ZPixmap, 0, &segmentInfo, 50, 50);
                    if ((segmentInfo.shmid = shmget (IPC_PRIVATE,
                                                     xImage->bytes_per_line * xImage->height,
                                                     IPC_CREAT | 0777)) >= 0)
                        segmentInfo.shmaddr = (char*) shmat (segmentInfo.shmid, 0, 0);
                        if (segmentInfo.shmaddr != (void*) -1)
                            segmentInfo.readOnly = False;
                            xImage->data = segmentInfo.shmaddr;
                            XSync (display, False);
                            if (XShmAttach (display, &segmentInfo) != 0)
                                XSync (display, False);
                                XShmDetach (display, &segmentInfo);
                                isAvailable = true;
                        XFlush (display);
                        XDestroyImage (xImage);
                        shmdt (segmentInfo.shmaddr);
                    shmctl (segmentInfo.shmid, IPC_RMID, 0);
                    XSetErrorHandler (oldHandler);
                    if (trappedErrorCode != 0)
                        isAvailable = false;
            return isAvailable;
    namespace XRender
        typedef Status (*tXRenderQueryVersion) (Display*, int*, int*);
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        typedef XRenderPictFormat* (*tXRenderFindStandardFormat) (Display*, int);
        typedef XRenderPictFormat* (*tXRenderFindFormat) (Display*, unsigned long, XRenderPictFormat*, int);
        typedef XRenderPictFormat* (*tXRenderFindVisualFormat) (Display*, Visual*);
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        static tXRenderQueryVersion xRenderQueryVersion = nullptr;
        static tXRenderFindStandardFormat xRenderFindStandardFormat = nullptr;
        static tXRenderFindFormat xRenderFindFormat = nullptr;
        static tXRenderFindVisualFormat xRenderFindVisualFormat = nullptr;
        static bool isAvailable()
            static bool hasLoaded = false;
            if (! hasLoaded)
                ScopedXLock xlock;
                hasLoaded = true;
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                if (void* h = dlopen ("", RTLD_GLOBAL | RTLD_NOW))
                    xRenderQueryVersion         = (tXRenderQueryVersion)        dlsym (h, "XRenderQueryVersion");
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                    xRenderFindStandardFormat   = (tXRenderFindStandardFormat)  dlsym (h, "XRenderFindStandardFormat");
                    xRenderFindFormat           = (tXRenderFindFormat)          dlsym (h, "XRenderFindFormat");
                    xRenderFindVisualFormat     = (tXRenderFindVisualFormat)    dlsym (h, "XRenderFindVisualFormat");
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                if (xRenderQueryVersion != nullptr
                     && xRenderFindStandardFormat != nullptr
                     && xRenderFindFormat != nullptr
                     && xRenderFindVisualFormat != nullptr)
                    int major, minor;
                    if (xRenderQueryVersion (display, &major, &minor))
                        return true;
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                xRenderQueryVersion = nullptr;
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            return xRenderQueryVersion != nullptr;
        static XRenderPictFormat* findPictureFormat()
            ScopedXLock xlock;
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            XRenderPictFormat* pictFormat = nullptr;
            if (isAvailable())
                pictFormat = xRenderFindStandardFormat (display, PictStandardARGB32);
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                if (pictFormat == nullptr)
                    XRenderPictFormat desiredFormat;
                    desiredFormat.type = PictTypeDirect;
                    desiredFormat.depth = 32;
           = 0xff;
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             = 0xff;
           = 0xff;
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            = 0xff;
           = 24;
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             = 16;
           = 8;
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            = 0;
                    pictFormat = xRenderFindFormat (display,
                                                    PictFormatType | PictFormatDepth
                                                     | PictFormatRedMask | PictFormatRed
                                                     | PictFormatGreenMask | PictFormatGreen
                                                     | PictFormatBlueMask | PictFormatBlue
                                                     | PictFormatAlphaMask | PictFormatAlpha,
            return pictFormat;
    namespace Visuals
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        static Visual* findVisualWithDepth (const int desiredDepth) noexcept
            ScopedXLock xlock;
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            Visual* visual = nullptr;
            int numVisuals = 0;
            long desiredMask = VisualNoMask;
            XVisualInfo desiredVisual;
            desiredVisual.screen = DefaultScreen (display);
            desiredVisual.depth = desiredDepth;
            desiredMask = VisualScreenMask | VisualDepthMask;
            if (desiredDepth == 32)
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                desiredVisual.c_class    = TrueColor;
                desiredVisual.red_mask   = 0x00FF0000;
                desiredVisual.green_mask = 0x0000FF00;
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                desiredVisual.blue_mask  = 0x000000FF;
                desiredVisual.bits_per_rgb = 8;
                desiredMask |= VisualClassMask;
                desiredMask |= VisualRedMaskMask;
                desiredMask |= VisualGreenMaskMask;
                desiredMask |= VisualBlueMaskMask;
                desiredMask |= VisualBitsPerRGBMask;
            XVisualInfo* xvinfos = XGetVisualInfo (display,
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            if (xvinfos != nullptr)
                for (int i = 0; i < numVisuals; i++)
                    if (xvinfos[i].depth == desiredDepth)
                        visual = xvinfos[i].visual;
                XFree (xvinfos);
            return visual;
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        static Visual* findVisualFormat (const int desiredDepth, int& matchedDepth) noexcept
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            Visual* visual = nullptr;
            if (desiredDepth == 32)
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               #if JUCE_USE_XSHM
                if (XSHMHelpers::isShmAvailable())
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                   #if JUCE_USE_XRENDER
                    if (XRender::isAvailable())
                        XRenderPictFormat* pictFormat = XRender::findPictureFormat();
                        if (pictFormat != 0)
                            int numVisuals = 0;
                            XVisualInfo desiredVisual;
                            desiredVisual.screen = DefaultScreen (display);
                            desiredVisual.depth = 32;
                            desiredVisual.bits_per_rgb = 8;
                            XVisualInfo* xvinfos = XGetVisualInfo (display,
                                                                   VisualScreenMask | VisualDepthMask | VisualBitsPerRGBMask,
                                                                   &desiredVisual, &numVisuals);
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                            if (xvinfos != nullptr)
                                for (int i = 0; i < numVisuals; ++i)
                                    XRenderPictFormat* pictVisualFormat = XRender::xRenderFindVisualFormat (display, xvinfos[i].visual);
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                                    if (pictVisualFormat != nullptr
                                         && pictVisualFormat->type == PictTypeDirect
                                         && pictVisualFormat->direct.alphaMask)
                                        visual = xvinfos[i].visual;
                                        matchedDepth = 32;
                                XFree (xvinfos);
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                    if (visual == nullptr)
                        visual = findVisualWithDepth (32);
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                        if (visual != nullptr)
                            matchedDepth = 32;
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            if (visual == nullptr && desiredDepth >= 24)
                visual = findVisualWithDepth (24);
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                if (visual != nullptr)
                    matchedDepth = 24;
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            if (visual == nullptr && desiredDepth >= 16)
                visual = findVisualWithDepth (16);
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                if (visual != nullptr)
                    matchedDepth = 16;
            return visual;
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    class XBitmapImage  : public ImagePixelData
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        XBitmapImage (const Image::PixelFormat format, const int w, const int h,
                      const bool clearImage, const int imageDepth_, Visual* visual)
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            : ImagePixelData (format, w, h),
              imageDepth (imageDepth_),
              gc (None)
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            jassert (format == Image::RGB || format == Image::ARGB);
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            pixelStride = (format == Image::RGB) ? 3 : 4;
            lineStride = ((w * pixelStride + 3) & ~3);
            ScopedXLock xlock;
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           #if JUCE_USE_XSHM
            usingXShm = false;
            if ((imageDepth > 16) && XSHMHelpers::isShmAvailable())
                zerostruct (segmentInfo);
                segmentInfo.shmid = -1;
                segmentInfo.shmaddr = (char *) -1;
                segmentInfo.readOnly = False;
                xImage = XShmCreateImage (display, visual, imageDepth, ZPixmap, 0, &segmentInfo, w, h);
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                if (xImage != nullptr)
                    if ((segmentInfo.shmid = shmget (IPC_PRIVATE,
                                                     xImage->bytes_per_line * xImage->height,
                                                     IPC_CREAT | 0777)) >= 0)
                        if (segmentInfo.shmid != -1)
                            segmentInfo.shmaddr = (char*) shmat (segmentInfo.shmid, 0, 0);
                            if (segmentInfo.shmaddr != (void*) -1)
                                segmentInfo.readOnly = False;
                                xImage->data = segmentInfo.shmaddr;
                                imageData = (uint8*) segmentInfo.shmaddr;
                                if (XShmAttach (display, &segmentInfo) != 0)
                                    usingXShm = true;
                                shmctl (segmentInfo.shmid, IPC_RMID, 0);
            if (! usingXShm)
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                imageDataAllocated.allocate (lineStride * h, format == Image::ARGB && clearImage);
                imageData = imageDataAllocated;
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                xImage = (XImage*) ::calloc (1, sizeof (XImage));
                xImage->width = w;
                xImage->height = h;
                xImage->xoffset = 0;
                xImage->format = ZPixmap;
                xImage->data = (char*) imageData;
                xImage->byte_order = ImageByteOrder (display);
                xImage->bitmap_unit = BitmapUnit (display);
                xImage->bitmap_bit_order = BitmapBitOrder (display);
                xImage->bitmap_pad = 32;
                xImage->depth = pixelStride * 8;
                xImage->bytes_per_line = lineStride;
                xImage->bits_per_pixel = pixelStride * 8;
                xImage->red_mask   = 0x00FF0000;
                xImage->green_mask = 0x0000FF00;
                xImage->blue_mask  = 0x000000FF;
                if (imageDepth == 16)
                    const int pixelStride = 2;
                    const int lineStride = ((w * pixelStride + 3) & ~3);
                    imageData16Bit.malloc (lineStride * h);
                    xImage->data = imageData16Bit;
                    xImage->bitmap_pad = 16;
                    xImage->depth = pixelStride * 8;
                    xImage->bytes_per_line = lineStride;
                    xImage->bits_per_pixel = pixelStride * 8;
                    xImage->red_mask   = visual->red_mask;
                    xImage->green_mask = visual->green_mask;
                    xImage->blue_mask  = visual->blue_mask;
                if (! XInitImage (xImage))
            ScopedXLock xlock;
            if (gc != None)
                XFreeGC (display, gc);
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           #if JUCE_USE_XSHM
            if (usingXShm)
                XShmDetach (display, &segmentInfo);
                XFlush (display);
                XDestroyImage (xImage);
                shmdt (segmentInfo.shmaddr);
                shmctl (segmentInfo.shmid, IPC_RMID, 0);
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                xImage->data = nullptr;
                XDestroyImage (xImage);
        LowLevelGraphicsContext* createLowLevelContext()
            return new LowLevelGraphicsSoftwareRenderer (Image (this));
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        void initialiseBitmapData (Image::BitmapData& bitmap, int x, int y, Image::BitmapData::ReadWriteMode)
   = imageData + x * pixelStride + y * lineStride;
            bitmap.pixelFormat = pixelFormat;
            bitmap.lineStride = lineStride;
            bitmap.pixelStride = pixelStride;
        ImagePixelData* clone()
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            return nullptr;
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        ImageType* createType() const     { return new NativeImageType(); }
        void blitToWindow (Window window, int dx, int dy, int dw, int dh, int sx, int sy)
            ScopedXLock xlock;
            if (gc == None)
                XGCValues gcvalues;
                gcvalues.foreground = None;
                gcvalues.background = None;
                gcvalues.function = GXcopy;
                gcvalues.plane_mask = AllPlanes;
                gcvalues.clip_mask = None;
                gcvalues.graphics_exposures = False;
                gc = XCreateGC (display, window,
                                GCBackground | GCForeground | GCFunction | GCPlaneMask | GCClipMask | GCGraphicsExposures,
            if (imageDepth == 16)
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                const uint32 rMask   = xImage->red_mask;
                const uint32 gMask   = xImage->green_mask;
                const uint32 bMask   = xImage->blue_mask;
                const uint32 rShiftL = jmax (0,  getShiftNeeded (rMask));
                const uint32 rShiftR = jmax (0, -getShiftNeeded (rMask));
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                const uint32 gShiftL = jmax (0,  getShiftNeeded (gMask));
                const uint32 gShiftR = jmax (0, -getShiftNeeded (gMask));
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                const uint32 bShiftL = jmax (0,  getShiftNeeded (bMask));
                const uint32 bShiftR = jmax (0, -getShiftNeeded (bMask));
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                const Image::BitmapData srcData (Image (this), Image::BitmapData::readOnly);
                for (int y = sy; y < sy + dh; ++y)
                    const uint8* p = srcData.getPixelPointer (sx, y);
                    for (int x = sx; x < sx + dw; ++x)
                        const PixelRGB* const pixel = (const PixelRGB*) p;
                        p += srcData.pixelStride;
                        XPutPixel (xImage, x, y,
                                   (((((uint32) pixel->getRed()) << rShiftL) >> rShiftR) & rMask)
                                     | (((((uint32) pixel->getGreen()) << gShiftL) >> gShiftR) & gMask)
                                     | (((((uint32) pixel->getBlue()) << bShiftL) >> bShiftR) & bMask));
            // blit results to screen.
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           #if JUCE_USE_XSHM
            if (usingXShm)
                XShmPutImage (display, (::Drawable) window, gc, xImage, sx, sy, dx, dy, dw, dh, True);
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                XPutImage (display, (::Drawable) window, gc, xImage, sx, sy, dx, dy, dw, dh);
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        XImage* xImage;
        const int imageDepth;
        HeapBlock <uint8> imageDataAllocated;
        HeapBlock <char> imageData16Bit;
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        int pixelStride, lineStride;
        uint8* imageData;
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       #if JUCE_USE_XSHM
        XShmSegmentInfo segmentInfo;
        bool usingXShm;
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        static int getShiftNeeded (const uint32 mask) noexcept
            for (int i = 32; --i >= 0;)
                if (((mask >> i) & 1) != 0)
                    return i - 7;
            return 0;
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    namespace PixmapHelpers
        Pixmap createColourPixmapFromImage (Display* display, const Image& image)
            ScopedXLock xlock;
            const int width = image.getWidth();
            const int height = image.getHeight();
            HeapBlock <uint32> colour (width * height);
            int index = 0;
            for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                    colour[index++] = image.getPixelAt (x, y).getARGB();
            XImage* ximage = XCreateImage (display, CopyFromParent, 24, ZPixmap,
                                           0, reinterpret_cast<char*> (colour.getData()),
                                           width, height, 32, 0);
            Pixmap pixmap = XCreatePixmap (display, DefaultRootWindow (display),
                                           width, height, 24);
            GC gc = XCreateGC (display, pixmap, 0, 0);
            XPutImage (display, pixmap, gc, ximage, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height);
            XFreeGC (display, gc);
            return pixmap;
        Pixmap createMaskPixmapFromImage (Display* display, const Image& image)
            ScopedXLock xlock;
            const int width = image.getWidth();
            const int height = image.getHeight();
            const int stride = (width + 7) >> 3;
            HeapBlock <char> mask;
            mask.calloc (stride * height);
            const bool msbfirst = (BitmapBitOrder (display) == MSBFirst);
            for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                    const char bit = (char) (1 << (msbfirst ? (7 - (x & 7)) : (x & 7)));
                    const int offset = y * stride + (x >> 3);
                    if (image.getPixelAt (x, y).getAlpha() >= 128)
                        mask[offset] |= bit;
            return XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData (display, DefaultRootWindow (display),
                                                mask.getData(), width, height, 1, 0, 1);
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    static void* createDraggingHandCursor()
        static unsigned char dragHandData[] = { 71,73,70,56,57,97,16,0,16,0,145,2,0,0,0,0,255,255,255,0,
          0,0,0,0,0,33,249,4,1,0,0,2,0,44,0,0,0,0,16,0, 16,0,0,2,52,148,47,0,200,185,16,130,90,12,74,139,107,84,123,39,
          132,117,151,116,132,146,248,60,209,138,98,22,203,114,34,236,37,52,77,217, 247,154,191,119,110,240,193,128,193,95,163,56,60,234,98,135,2,0,59 };
        const int dragHandDataSize = 99;
        return CustomMouseCursorInfo (ImageFileFormat::loadFrom (dragHandData, dragHandDataSize), 8, 7).create();
    class LinuxComponentPeer  : public ComponentPeer
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        LinuxComponentPeer (Component& comp, const int windowStyleFlags, Window parentToAddTo)
            : ComponentPeer (comp, windowStyleFlags),
              windowH (0), parentWindow (0),
              fullScreen (false), mapped (false),
              visual (nullptr), depth (0)
            // it's dangerous to create a window on a thread other than the message thread..
            jassert (MessageManager::getInstance()->currentThreadHasLockedMessageManager());
    jsiegle's avatar
    jsiegle committed
            dispatchWindowMessage = windowMessageReceive;
            repainter = new LinuxRepaintManager (this);
    jsiegle's avatar
    jsiegle committed
            createWindow (parentToAddTo);
    jsiegle's avatar
    jsiegle committed
            setTitle (component.getName());
            // it's dangerous to delete a window on a thread other than the message thread..
            jassert (MessageManager::getInstance()->currentThreadHasLockedMessageManager());
            windowH = 0;
    jsiegle's avatar
    jsiegle committed
        // (this callback is hooked up in the messaging code)
        static void windowMessageReceive (XEvent& event)
            if (event.xany.window != None)
                if (LinuxComponentPeer* const peer = getPeerFor (event.xany.window))
                    peer->handleWindowMessage (event);
            else if (event.xany.type == KeymapNotify)
                const XKeymapEvent& keymapEvent = (const XKeymapEvent&) event.xkeymap;
                memcpy (Keys::keyStates, keymapEvent.key_vector, 32);
        void* getNativeHandle() const
            return (void*) windowH;
    jsiegle's avatar
    jsiegle committed
        static LinuxComponentPeer* getPeerFor (Window windowHandle) noexcept
    jsiegle's avatar
    jsiegle committed
            XPointer peer = nullptr;
            ScopedXLock xlock;
            if (! XFindContext (display, (XID) windowHandle, windowHandleXContext, &peer))
    jsiegle's avatar
    jsiegle committed
                if (peer != nullptr && ! ComponentPeer::isValidPeer (reinterpret_cast <LinuxComponentPeer*> (peer)))
                    peer = nullptr;
    jsiegle's avatar
    jsiegle committed
            return reinterpret_cast <LinuxComponentPeer*> (peer);
        void setVisible (bool shouldBeVisible)
            ScopedXLock xlock;
            if (shouldBeVisible)
                XMapWindow (display, windowH);
                XUnmapWindow (display, windowH);
        void setTitle (const String& title)
            XTextProperty nameProperty;
    jsiegle's avatar
    jsiegle committed
            char* strings[] = { const_cast <char*> (title.toUTF8().getAddress()) };
            ScopedXLock xlock;
            if (XStringListToTextProperty (strings, 1, &nameProperty))
                XSetWMName (display, windowH, &nameProperty);
                XSetWMIconName (display, windowH, &nameProperty);
                XFree (nameProperty.value);
        void setBounds (int x, int y, int w, int h, bool isNowFullScreen)
    jsiegle's avatar
    jsiegle committed
            if (fullScreen && ! isNowFullScreen)
                // When transitioning back from fullscreen, we might need to remove
                // the FULLSCREEN window property
                Atom fs = Atoms::getIfExists ("_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN");
    jsiegle's avatar
    jsiegle committed
                if (fs != None)
                    Window root = RootWindow (display, DefaultScreen (display));
                    XClientMessageEvent clientMsg;
                    clientMsg.display = display;
                    clientMsg.window = windowH;
                    clientMsg.type = ClientMessage;
                    clientMsg.format = 32;
                    clientMsg.message_type = Atoms::get().WindowState;
          [0] = 0;  // Remove
          [1] = fs;
          [2] = 0;
          [3] = 1;  // Normal Source
                    ScopedXLock xlock;
                    XSendEvent (display, root, false,
                                SubstructureRedirectMask | SubstructureNotifyMask,
                                (XEvent*) &clientMsg);
            fullScreen = isNowFullScreen;
            if (windowH != 0)
    jsiegle's avatar
    jsiegle committed
                bounds.setBounds (x, y, jmax (1, w), jmax (1, h));
    jsiegle's avatar
    jsiegle committed
                WeakReference<Component> deletionChecker (&component);
                ScopedXLock xlock;
    jsiegle's avatar
    jsiegle committed
                XSizeHints* const hints = XAllocSizeHints();
                hints->flags  = USSize | USPosition;
                hints->x      = bounds.getX();
                hints->y      = bounds.getY();
                hints->width  = bounds.getWidth();
                hints->height = bounds.getHeight();
                if ((getStyleFlags() & (windowHasTitleBar | windowIsResizable)) == windowHasTitleBar)
                    hints->min_width  = hints->max_width  = hints->width;
                    hints->min_height = hints->max_height = hints->height;
                    hints->flags |= PMinSize | PMaxSize;
                XSetWMNormalHints (display, windowH, hints);
                XFree (hints);
                XMoveResizeWindow (display, windowH,
    jsiegle's avatar
    jsiegle committed
                                   bounds.getX() - windowBorder.getLeft(),
                                   bounds.getY() - windowBorder.getTop(),
    jsiegle's avatar
    jsiegle committed
                if (deletionChecker != nullptr)
    jsiegle's avatar
    jsiegle committed
        void setPosition (int x, int y)           { setBounds (x, y, bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getHeight(), false); }
        void setSize (int w, int h)               { setBounds (bounds.getX(), bounds.getY(), w, h, false); }
        Rectangle<int> getBounds() const          { return bounds; }
        Point<int> getScreenPosition() const      { return bounds.getPosition(); }
    jsiegle's avatar
    jsiegle committed
        Point<int> localToGlobal (const Point<int>& relativePosition)
            return relativePosition + getScreenPosition();
    jsiegle's avatar
    jsiegle committed
        Point<int> globalToLocal (const Point<int>& screenPosition)
            return screenPosition - getScreenPosition();
    jsiegle's avatar
    jsiegle committed
        void setAlpha (float /* newAlpha */)
            //xxx todo!
        void setMinimised (bool shouldBeMinimised)
            if (shouldBeMinimised)
                Window root = RootWindow (display, DefaultScreen (display));
                XClientMessageEvent clientMsg;
                clientMsg.display = display;
                clientMsg.window = windowH;
                clientMsg.type = ClientMessage;
                clientMsg.format = 32;
    jsiegle's avatar
    jsiegle committed
                clientMsg.message_type = Atoms::get().ChangeState;
      [0] = IconicState;
                ScopedXLock xlock;
                XSendEvent (display, root, false, SubstructureRedirectMask | SubstructureNotifyMask, (XEvent*) &clientMsg);
                setVisible (true);
        bool isMinimised() const
            ScopedXLock xlock;
    jsiegle's avatar
    jsiegle committed
            const Atoms& atoms = Atoms::get();
            GetXProperty prop (windowH, atoms.State, 0, 64, false, atoms.State);