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hw3.Rmd 0 → 100644
title: "hw3"
author: "Yushan Yang"
date: "2022-11-22"
extra_dependencies: ["float"]
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo =TRUE, eval = FALSE,fig.pos = "!H",out.extra = "",align="center")
Gitlab link: [STATS506 HW3](
(1) My system is Mac.
The global (or user) level git configuration files are located on: /Users/yushanyang/.gitconfig
The project (or local) level git configuration files are located on: /Users/yushanyang/.git/config
![Global level git configuration file](figure/global_git_configure.png)
![The content of .gitignore file](figure/gitignore.png)
read_lines <- function(n1,n2){
filepath <- "Data/2020_Business_Academic_QCQ.txt"
# read files line by line
conn <- file(filepath,'r')
line <- readLines(conn, n=1)
# separate each line and select needed columns
line_vector <- unlist(strsplit(line,"\""))
index <- which(line_vector %in% c('State','County Code','Employee Size (5) - Location',
'Sales Volume (9) - Location','Census Tract'))
line_vector <- line_vector[index]
# create a dataframe
df <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=5,nrow=n2-n1))
# rename the columns
colnames(df) <- c('state','county_code','employee_size_location',
# store selected rows to the dataframe
cnt <- 1
while(cnt < n2){
if(cnt < n1){
line <- readLines(conn, n=1)
cnt <- cnt + 1
line <- readLines(conn, n=1)
line_vector <- unlist(strsplit(line,"\""))
line_vector <- line_vector[index]
df[cnt-n1+1,] <- line_vector
cnt <- cnt + 1
remove(filepath, index, line, line_vector, conn)
# import library
# initialize the dataframe
n1 <- 1
n2 <- n1+20000
df1 <- read_lines(n1,n2)
df1$employee_size_location <- as.integer(df1$employee_size_location)
df1$sales_volume_location <- as.integer(df1$sales_volume_location)
df1[] <- 0
df1 <- df1 %>% group_by(state, county_code, census_tract) %>%
summarise(employee_size_sum = sum(employee_size_location),
sales_volume_sum = sum(sales_volume_location))
df1 <- df1[df1$state == 'AL',]
# aggregate columns and combine batches
while(n2 < 300001){
n1 <- n2
n2 <- n1+20000
df2 <- read_lines(n1,n2)
df2$employee_size_location <- as.integer(df2$employee_size_location)
df2$sales_volume_location <- as.integer(df2$sales_volume_location)
df2[] <- 0
df2 <- df2 %>% group_by(state, county_code, census_tract) %>%
summarise(employee_size_sum = sum(employee_size_location),
sales_volume_sum = sum(sales_volume_location))
df2 <- df2[df2$state == 'AL',]
df1 <- rbind(df1,df2)
df1 <- df1 %>% group_by(state, county_code, census_tract) %>%
summarise(employee_size_sum = sum(employee_size_sum),
sales_volume_sum = sum(sales_volume_sum))
# connect to MySQL
conn = dbConnect(RMySQL::MySQL(),
# write df1 to df1 table
dbWriteTable(conn = conn, name = 'df1', value=df1, append=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)
![df1 table creation in MySQL command line](figure/df1.png)
df <- dbGetQuery(conn=conn,
statement='SELECT census_tract, sales_volume_sum FROM df1
ORDER BY sales_volume_sum DESC LIMIT 10')
![Top 10 sales amount tract](figure/top10_sales_amount_tract.png)
(6) ![Git commit and create a new branch](figure/commit_and_create_branch.png)
# load data
df <- read.csv('Data/AL.csv')
df <- df[,c('FIELD19','FIELD20','FIELD22','FIELD45','FIELD64','FIELD65')]
# change column names
colnames(df) <- c('household_wealth','household_income','estmtd_home_val','state',
# change column data type
df$household_wealth <- as.integer(df$household_wealth)
df$household_income <- as.integer(df$household_income)
df$estmtd_home_val <- as.integer(df$estmtd_home_val)
# remove 0 home valuation
df <- df[df$estmtd_home_val !=0,]
# summarize dataframe
df2 <- df %>% group_by(state, county_code, census_tract) %>%
summarize(household_wealth_sum = sum(household_wealth),
household_income_sum = sum(household_income),
estmtd_home_val_sum = sum(estmtd_home_val))
# change column data type and add leading zeros
df2$county_code <- as.character(df2$county_code)
df2$census_tract <- as.character(df2$census_tract)
county_code <- rep('',dim(df2)[1])
census_tract <- rep('',dim(df2)[1])
for(i in 1:dim(df2)[1]){
county_code_num = nchar(df2$county_code[i])
if(county_code_num < 3){
county_code[i] <- paste0(strrep('0',3-county_code_num),df2$county_code[i])
county_code[i] <- df2$county_code[i]
census_tract_num = nchar(df2$census_tract[i])
if(census_tract_num < 6){
census_tract[i] <- paste0(strrep('0',6-census_tract_num),df2$census_tract[i])
census_tract[i] <- df2$census_tract[i]
df2$county_code <- county_code
df2$census_tract <- census_tract
# write df2 to df2 table
dbWriteTable(conn = conn, name = 'df2', value=df2, append=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)
![df2 table creation in MySQL command line](figure/df2.png)
(9) ![The second git commit](figure/commit2.png)
![The git log](figure/git_log.png)
HEAD means the current branch.
# check available variables
var <- load_variables(2010,dataset='sf1')
var <- var[grepl("^H", var$name), ]
# take out total household number with race and total
# white household and calculate white household percent
race_total <- get_decennial(geography="tract",
race_white <- get_decennial(geography="tract",
race_white$state <- rep('AL',dim(race_white)[1])
race_white$county_code <- substr(race_white$GEOID,3,5)
race_white$census_tract <- substr(race_white$GEOID,6,11)
race_white$percent <- round(race_white$value/race_total$value*100,1)
race_white <- race_white[,c(3,4,5,6)]
race_white <- race_white[$percent),]
# write race_white to df3 table
dbWriteTable(conn = conn, name = 'df3', value=race_white, row.names=FALSE, append=TRUE)
![df3 table creation in MySQL command line](figure/df3.png)
# combine data
df <- dbGetQuery(conn=conn,
'SELECT df1.state AS state, df1.county_code AS county_code,
df1.census_tract AS census_tract, employee_size_sum, sales_volume_sum,
household_wealth_sum, household_income_sum, estmtd_home_val_sum, percent
FROM (df1 JOIN df2 ON df1.census_tract = df2.census_tract AND df1.county_code =
JOIN df3 ON df1.census_tract = df3.census_tract AND df1.county_code = df3.county_code')
Key variables controlled in the model: time data collected, if it is a university zone.
(12) ![The second git log](figure/git_log2.png)
![Merge branch to main](figure/git_merge.png)
To reset the respository, type: git reset -hard(branch code)
lr <- lm(estmtd_home_val_sum~employee_size_sum+sales_volume_sum+household_wealth_sum+
household_income_sum+percent, data=df)
![Fit result](figure/fit.png)
Fit the data with a linear regression model where the response is the home value summation in a tract and the variables are: (1) employee size summation in a tract; (2) sales volume summation in a tract; (3) household wealth summation in a tract; (4) household income summation in a tract; (5) percent of white race household in a tract.
The result shows the property evaluation doesn't exhibit racial bias in the state of Alabama with p-value = 0.31 > 0.05. When total home value increases by 1 unit (\$1000), total employee size will increase by 2.93 when controlling other variables; total sales volume (annual revenues) will increase by 0.037 unit when holding other variables unchanged; total household wealth will increase by 0.058 unit (\$1000) when keeping other variables; and total household income will increase 1.3 units (\$1000) when controlling other variables.
(1) A cluster is composed of many servers connected to each other and each server is seen as a node. The core is the part of processor that does the computations and a node has many cores.
The login node is for preparing to run a program. The compute node is for running the program.
(2) ![SLURM script example](figure/SLURM.png)
(3) ![Create a symbolic link from home directory to scratch directory](figure/scratch.png)
The full path is: /scratch/stats506s001f22_class_root/stats506s001f22_class/yangyus
If the link is deleted, the original directory is not affected.
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