crawler.h 1.44 KiB
#pragma once
#include "spider.h"
#include "../shared/ProducerConsumerQueue.h"
#include <unordered_map>
#include "UrlFrontier.h"
//#include "CrawlerStatistics.h"
using namespace std;
using DocIndex = const unordered_map< string, vector< unsigned long > >;
class Crawler
Crawler ( string mode_in,
UrlFrontier *url_q_in,
ProducerConsumerQueue< DocIndex * > *doc_index_queue_in )
: IndexerQueue( doc_index_queue_in ),
mode( mode_in ),
urlFrontier( url_q_in )
{ };
//spawns a number of works
void SpawnSpiders ( size_t num_spiders, atomic_bool* alive );
//Creates a housekeeping thread
void houseKeeper ( );
void KillAllSpiders ( );
void WaitOnAllSpiders ( );
UrlFrontier *urlFrontier;
vector< Spider * > spiders;
//UrlFrontier *urlFrontier;
ProducerConsumerQueue< DocIndex * > *IndexerQueue;
//CrawlerStatistics housekeeper;
string mode;
//spiders : threads doing work of fetching urls
//houseKeeper : This thread is generally quiescent except that it wakes up once every few seconds to log crawl progress statistics
// (URLs crawled, frontier size, etc.), decide whether to terminate the crawl, or (once every few hours of crawling) checkpoint the crawl. In checkpointing, a snapshot of the crawler's state (say, the URL frontier) is committed to disk. In the event of a catastrophic crawler failure, the crawl is restarted from the most recent checkpoint.