#include "Document.h"
string Document::DocToString ( )
string loc = util::GetCurrentWorkingDir( ) + filepath::DOC_MAP;
int file = util::getFileDescriptor( loc.c_str( ), "W" );
off_t resultPosition = 0;
//check if its available
if ( file == -1 )
throw ( "error opening docMap" );
//get the current size of the docMap
if ( resultPosition == -1 )
throw ( "Could not seek" );
cout << "Current docMap position on disk" << endl;
cout << resultPosition << endl;
size_t success = write( file, this->DocToString( ).c_str( ),
strlen( this->DocToString( ).c_str( ) ) );
if ( success == -1 )
throw ( "Error writing document object to document map" );
catch ( const char *str )
cerr << str << endl;
ParsedUrl Document::getUrl ( )
return this->url;
std::cout << url << " is " << location;
string loc = util::GetCurrentWorkingDir( ) + filepath::DOC_MAP;
int file = util::getFileDescriptor( loc.c_str( ), "R" );
//check if its available
if ( file )
off_t resultPosition = lseek( file, ( size_t ) location, SEEK_SET );
int bytes = 14;
if ( bytes > 0 )
char *buffer = new char[bytes];
ssize_t bytesRead;
if ( ( bytesRead = read( file, buffer, bytes ) ) )
write( 1, buffer, bytesRead );
cerr << "Could not read " << bytes << " bytes at position " <<
resultPosition << ", error = " << errno;
pthread_mutex_unlock( &docMap_mutex );