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Commit ceea03b0 authored by Prince Kuevor's avatar Prince Kuevor
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Built augmented state matrices, added cost function weights and control...

Built augmented state matrices, added cost function weights and control constraints. Also, added formQPMatrices.m and tested it for a horizon of 10.
parent 0f4d05ea
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%% formQPMatrices
function [H, L, G, W, T, IMPC] = formQPMatrices(A, B, Q, R, ...
P, xlim, ulim, N)
%Setup Matrices
nx = size(A,1);
nu = size(B,2);
S = zeros(nx * N, nu * N);
M = zeros(nx * N, nx);
IMPC = [];
Qbar = [];
Rbar = [];
xMin = zeros(nx*N, 1);
xMax = zeros(nx*N, 1);
uMin = zeros(nu*N, 1);
uMax = zeros(nu*N, 1);
for i = 1:N
%Variables to construct diagonal elements
startX = (i-1)*nx + 1;
endX = i * nx;
startU = (i-1)*nu + 1;
endU = i * nu;
%Construct S Matrix
S(startX:endX, startU:endU) = B;
for j = i:-1:2
startXInner = (i-1)*nx + 1;
endXInner = (i) * nx;
startUInner = (j-2)*nu + 1;
endUInner = (j-1) * nu;
S(startXInner:endXInner, startUInner:endUInner) = A^(i-j + 1)*B;
%M Matrix
M(startX:endX, :) = A^i;
if(i ~= N)
Qbar = blkdiag(Qbar, Q);
Qbar = blkdiag(Qbar, P);
if( i == 1)
IMPC = eye(nu);
IMPC = [IMPC zeros(nu, nu)];
Rbar = blkdiag(Rbar, R);
%Constraints Vectors
xMax(startX:endX) = xlim.max';
xMin(startX:endX) = xlim.min';
uMax(startU:endU) = ulim.max';
uMin(startU:endU) = ulim.min';
%Compute H
H = S'*Qbar*S + Rbar;
%Compute gain for Q
L = S'*Qbar*M;
T = [-M; M; zeros(N*nu, nx); zeros(N*nu, nx)];
% W = [xlim.max'; -xlim.min'; ulim.max'; -ulim.min'];
W = [xMax; -xMin; uMax; -uMin];
G = [S; -S; eye(N); -eye(N)];
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -3,25 +3,53 @@
%% 1) First Obtain Linearized A,B Matrices
x0 = [0,0,0,0];
u0 = 0;
[A,B] = symLin(x0,u0);
[Ac,Bc] = symLin(x0,u0);
%% 1.01) Obtain C and D matrices
R = 80/
C =
R = 80/1000; %% TODO Update mip_model if you change this and vice versa
% C = [R 0 0 0;
% 0 R 0 0];
C = [R 0 0 0];
D = zeros(size(C,1),size(Bc,2));
%% 1.1) Open Loop Stable?
[V,D] = eig(A);
[Vec,Val] = eig(Ac);
% not stable! Duh!
%% 1.2) Controllable?s
Co = ctrb(A,B);
Co = ctrb(Ac,Bc);
% it's controllable!!!! :) :) :)
%% 2) Discretize
Ts = 0.01; % 100 Hz in ROB 550
sysC = ss(A,B,C,D)
sysC = ss(Ac,Bc,C,D);
sysD = c2d(sysC,Ts);
[Ad,Bd,Cd,Dd,Ts] = ssdata(sysD);
[Ad,Bd,Cd,Dd,Ts] = ssdata(sysD)
%% 2.1) Open Loop Stable?
[Vec,Val] = eig(Ad)
% No, outside of the unit ball
%% 2.2) Controllable?
Cont = ctrb(Ad,Bd);
% Yes, rank = 4
%% 3.1) Construct Augmented Dyanmic Matrices
%Useful Values
nx = length(Ad); %Size of state
nu = size(Bd,2); %Size of input
ne = 1; %Size of Error
nr = ne; %Size of Reference
A = [Ad, zeros(nx, nu + ne + nr)];
B = [Bd, zeros(nx, nu + ne + nr)]
%% 3.2) LQ-MPC Tracking Problem
% Q = eye(
......@@ -3,26 +3,27 @@
%% 1) First Obtain Linearized A,B Matrices
x0 = [0,0,0,0];
u0 = 0;
[A,B] = symLin(x0,u0);
[Ac,Bc] = symLin(x0,u0);
%% 1.01) Obtain C and D matrices
R = 80/1000; %% TODO Update mip_model if you change this and vice versa
C = [R 0 0 0;
0 R 0 0];
D = zeros(size(C,1),size(B,2));
% C = [R 0 0 0;
% 0 R 0 0];
C = [R 0 0 0];
D = zeros(size(C,1),size(Bc,2));
%% 1.1) Open Loop Stable?
[Vec,Val] = eig(A);
[Vec,Val] = eig(Ac);
% not stable! Duh!
%% 1.2) Controllable?s
Co = ctrb(A,B);
Co = ctrb(Ac,Bc);
% it's controllable!!!! :) :) :)
%% 2) Discretize
Ts = 0.01; % 100 Hz in ROB 550
sysC = ss(A,B,C,D);
sysC = ss(Ac,Bc,C,D);
sysD = c2d(sysC,Ts);
[Ad,Bd,Cd,Dd,Ts] = ssdata(sysD)
......@@ -35,6 +36,48 @@ Cont = ctrb(Ad,Bd);
% Yes, rank = 4
%% 3) LQ-MPC Tracking Problem
%% 3.1) Construct Augmented Dyanmic Matrices
%Useful Values
nx = length(Ad); %Number of states
nu = size(Bd,2); %Number of inputs
ne = 1; %Number of error terms
nr = ne; %Number of References (same as ne)
ny = size(Cd, 1); %Number of outputs
nxe = nx + ne; %Useful for submatrices when calling DARE
A = [Ad, zeros(nx, nu + ne + nr);
C, zeros(ny, ne + nu + nr);
zeros(nu, nx + ne), ones(nu, nu), zeros(nu, nr);
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
B = [Bd;
%% 3.2) LQ-MPC Tracking Problem
Q = diag([zeros(1, nx), 1, zeros(1, nu + nr)]);
R = 1;
Pxe = dare(A(1:nxe, 1:nxe), B(1:nxe), ...
Q(1:nxe, 1:nxe), R);
P = blkdiag(Pxe, zeros(nu + nr));
lN = inf; %Large number (sometimes infinity doesn't work)
tMax = 0.2; %Maximum torque [units]
%State Constraints
xlim.max = [lN, lN, lN, tMax, lN, lN, lN];
xlim.min = -xlim.max;
%Input constraints (TODO: review why this is just infinity and not tMax)
ulim.max = lN;
ulim.min = -ulim.max;
N = 10;
[H, L, G, W, T, IMPC] = formQPMatrices(A, B, Q, R, P, xlim, ulim, N)
function [xdot] = mip_model(x,u)
% Inputs
% x: the state (phi,phidot,theta,thetadot) (4x1)
% u: the input (motor torque) (1x1)
% Output
% xdot: the derivative of the state (4x1)
% Parameters
% mw = (2*30)/1000;
% mr = 750/1000;
% R = 80/1000;
% L = 10/100;
% Iw = 2*0.001;
% Ir = 0.012;
% g = 9.8;
syms mw mr R L Iw Ir g
syms tao phi_dd th_dd th_d th
% w1*phi_dd + w2*theta_dd = w3*sin(theta) - Tao
% w4*phi_dd + w5*cos(theta)*theta_dd = theta_dd^2 * sin(theta) + Tao
w1 = mr * R * L;
w2 = Ir + mr * L*L;
w3 = mr * g * L;
w4 = Iw + (mr + mw)*R*R;
w5 = mr * R * L;
w6 = mr * R * L;
%% Prince's Algebra
syms phi_dd_ th_dd_
phi_dd_ = (w3*w1*cos(th)*sin(th)-w2*w1*th_d*th_d*sin(th)-(w1*cos(th)+w2)*tao)...
/ (w1*w1*cos(th)*cos(th)-w2*w4);
th_dd_ = (w4*th_d*th_d*sin(th)+tao-w4*phi_dd_) / (w1*cos(th));
%% Substitute
subs(cos(a) + sin(b), [a, b], [sym('alpha'), 2])
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