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Add DoublePoset files (corresponding to Poset)

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{-# OPTIONS --guarded --rewriting #-}
-- to allow opening this module in other files while there are still holes
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
module Semantics.Concrete.DoublePoset.DPMorRelation where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Sum hiding (elim)
open import Cubical.Data.Empty hiding (elim)
open import Cubical.Reflection.Base
open import Cubical.Reflection.RecordEquiv
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Common.Common
open import Common.LaterProperties
open import Semantics.Concrete.DoublePoset.Base
open import Semantics.Concrete.DoublePoset.Convenience
open import Semantics.Concrete.DoublePoset.Constructions
open import Semantics.Concrete.DoublePoset.Morphism
open import Common.Later
open BinaryRelation
ℓX ℓ'X ℓ''X ℓY ℓ'Y ℓ''Y ℓZ ℓ'Z ℓ''Z ℓA ℓ'A ℓ''A ℓB ℓ'B ℓ''B : Level
ℓX' ℓ'X' ℓY' ℓ'Y' ℓZ' ℓ'Z' ℓA' ℓ'A' ℓB' ℓ'B' : Level
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' ℓR ℓR' ℓR'' : Level
ℓo : Level
X : DoublePoset ℓX ℓ'X ℓ''X
Y : DoublePoset ℓY ℓ'Y ℓ''Y
record DPMorRel (X : DoublePoset ℓX ℓ'X ℓ''X) (Y : DoublePoset ℓY ℓ'Y ℓ''Y) (ℓR : Level) :
Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max (ℓ-max ℓX ℓ'X) (ℓ-max ℓY ℓ'Y)) (ℓ-suc ℓR)) where
module X = DblPosetStr (X .snd)
module Y = DblPosetStr (Y .snd)
_≤X_ = X._≤_
_≤Y_ = Y._≤_
R : ⟨ X ⟩ -> ⟨ Y ⟩ -> Type ℓR
is-prop-valued : (x : ⟨ X ⟩) -> (y : ⟨ Y ⟩) -> isProp (R x y)
is-antitone : ∀ {x' x y} -> x' ≤X x -> R x y -> R x' y
is-monotone : ∀ {x y y'} -> R x y -> y ≤Y y' -> R x y'
open DPMorRel hiding (module X ; module Y ; _≤X_ ; _≤Y_)
record DPMorRel' (X : DoublePoset ℓX ℓ'X ℓ''X) (Y : DoublePoset ℓY ℓ'Y ℓ''Y) (ℓR : Level) :
Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max (ℓ-max ℓX ℓ'X) (ℓ-max ℓY ℓ'Y)) (ℓ-suc ℓR)) where
module X = DblPosetStr (X .snd)
module Y = DblPosetStr (Y .snd)
_≤X_ = X._≤_
_≤Y_ = Y._≤_
R : ⟨ X ⟩ -> ⟨ Y ⟩ -> hProp ℓR
is-antitone : ∀ x' x y -> x' ≤X x -> ⟨ R x y ⟩ -> ⟨ R x' y ⟩
is-monotone : ∀ x y y' -> ⟨ R x y ⟩ -> y ≤Y y' -> ⟨ R x y' ⟩
dblposet-monrel : {ℓo : Level} -> (X : DoublePoset ℓ ℓ' ℓ'') -> DPMorRel X X (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓo)
dblposet-monrel {ℓ' = ℓ'} {ℓo = ℓo} X = record {
R = λ x x' -> Lift {i = ℓ'} {j = ℓo} (rel-≤ X x x') ;
is-prop-valued = λ x x' -> isOfHLevelLift 1 (prop-valued-≤ X x x') ;
is-antitone = λ {x'} {x} {y} x'≤x x≤y -> lift (transitive-≤ X x' x y x'≤x (lower x≤y)) ;
is-monotone = λ {x} {y} {y'} x≤y y≤y' -> lift (transitive-≤ X x y y' (lower x≤y) y≤y') }
_==>dpmonrel_ : {ℓR : Level} {Ai Ao Bi Bo : DoublePoset ℓ ℓ' ℓ''} ->
DPMorRel Ai Bi ℓR ->
DPMorRel Ao Bo ℓR ->
DPMorRel (Ai ==> Ao) (Bi ==> Bo) (ℓ-max ℓ ℓR)
R ==>dpmonrel S = record {
R = λ f g ->
TwoCell (DPMorRel.R R) (DPMorRel.R S) (DPMor.f f) (DPMor.f g) ;
is-prop-valued = λ f g -> isPropTwoCell (S ;
is-antitone = λ {f1} {f2} {g} f1≤f2 f1≤g a b aRb →
S (f1≤f2 a) (f1≤g a b aRb) ;
is-monotone = λ {f} {g1} {g2} f≤g1 g1≤g2 a b aRb →
S (f≤g1 a b aRb) (g1≤g2 b) }
{-# OPTIONS --rewriting --guarded #-}
-- to allow opening this module in other files while there are still holes
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
{-# OPTIONS --lossy-unification #-}
open import Common.Later
module Semantics.Concrete.DoublePoset.DblDyn (k : Clock) where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming (ℕ to Nat)
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Data.Empty
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Common.LaterProperties
open import Semantics.Lift k
-- open import Semantics.Concrete.LiftPreorder k
open import Semantics.Concrete.DoublePoset.Base
open import Semantics.Concrete.DoublePoset.Convenience
open import Semantics.Concrete.DoublePoset.Constructions
open import Semantics.Concrete.DoublePoset.Morphism
open import Semantics.MonotoneCombinators
open import Semantics.Concrete.DoublePoset.DPMorProofs
open import Semantics.Concrete.DoublePoset.LockStepErrorBisim k
open BinaryRelation
open LiftDoublePoset
open ClockedCombinators k
ℓ ℓ' ℓX ℓX' : Level
▹_ : Type ℓ → Type ℓ
▹_ A = ▹_,_ k A
DynP' : (D : ▹ DoublePoset ℓ-zero ℓ-zero ℓ-zero) -> DoublePoset ℓ-zero ℓ-zero ℓ-zero
DynP' D = ℕ ⊎p (DP▸ k (λ t → D t ==> 𝕃 (D t)))
DynP : DoublePoset ℓ-zero ℓ-zero ℓ-zero
DynP = fix DynP'
unfold-DynP : DynP ≡ DynP' (next DynP)
unfold-DynP = fix-eq DynP'
unfold-⟨DynP⟩ : ⟨ DynP ⟩ ≡ ⟨ DynP' (next DynP) ⟩
unfold-⟨DynP⟩ = λ i → ⟨ unfold-DynP i ⟩
DynP-Sum : DynP ≡ ℕ ⊎p ((DP▸' k) (DynP ==> 𝕃 DynP))
DynP-Sum = unfold-DynP
⟨DynP⟩-Sum : ⟨ DynP ⟩ ≡ Nat ⊎ (▹ (⟨ DynP ==> 𝕃 DynP ⟩))
⟨DynP⟩-Sum i = ⟨ DynP-Sum i ⟩
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --rewriting --guarded #-}
-- to allow opening this module in other files while there are still holes
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
open import Common.Later
module Semantics.Concrete.DoublePoset.LockStepErrorBisim (k : Clock) where
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat hiding (_^_) renaming (ℕ to Nat)
open import Cubical.Data.Bool.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Bool.Properties hiding (_≤_)
open import Cubical.Data.Empty hiding (rec)
open import Cubical.Data.Sum hiding (rec)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Poset
open import Cubical.Data.Unit.Properties
open import Agda.Primitive
open import Common.Common
open import Semantics.Lift k
open import Semantics.Concrete.DoublePoset.Base
open import Semantics.Concrete.DoublePoset.Convenience
open import Semantics.Concrete.DoublePoset.Constructions
open import Semantics.Concrete.DoublePoset.DPMorRelation
open import Semantics.LockStepErrorOrdering k
open import Semantics.WeakBisimilarity k
open BinaryRelation
open DblPosetStr hiding (_≤_)
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
ℓA ℓ'A ℓ''A ℓB ℓ'B ℓ''B ℓC ℓ'C ℓ''C : Level
ℓX ℓ'X ℓY ℓ'Y : Level
ℓR ℓR1 ℓR2 : Level
A B : Set ℓ
▹_ : Type ℓ → Type ℓ
▹_ A = ▹_,_ k A
module LiftDoublePoset (A : DoublePoset ℓ ℓ' ℓ'') where
module A = DblPosetStr (A .snd)
open import Common.Poset.MonotoneRelation
open A using (_≤_)
open LiftRelation ⟨ A ⟩ ⟨ A ⟩ _≤_ public
A⊎1 : DoublePoset ℓ (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓ-zero) (ℓ-max ℓ'' ℓ-zero)
A⊎1 = A ⊎p UnitDP
Bisim-⊎ : ⟨ A ⟩ ⊎ Unit → ⟨ A ⟩ ⊎ Unit → Type ℓ''
Bisim-⊎ = A⊎1 .snd ._≈_
-- Bisim-⊎ (inl a) (inl a') = a A.≈ a'
-- Bisim-⊎ (inr tt) (inr tt) = Unit*
-- Bisim-⊎ _ _ = ⊥*
module LiftBisim = Bisim (⟨ A ⟩ ⊎ Unit) Bisim-⊎
-- temporarily placed here
module FunctionalRel {X' : Type ℓ'X} {X : Type ℓX} {Y' : Type ℓ'Y} {Y : Type ℓY}
(f : X' -> X) (g : Y' -> Y) (R : X -> Y -> Type ℓR) where
functionalRelation : (X' -> Y' -> Type ℓR)
functionalRelation = λ x' y' → R (f x') (g y')
module _ {X' : Type ℓ'X} {X : Type ℓX} (f : X' -> X) (R : X -> X -> Type ℓR) (isReflR : isRefl R) where
open FunctionalRel f f R
functionalRel-refl : isRefl functionalRelation
functionalRel-refl = λ x' -> isReflR (f x')
module _ {X' : Type ℓ'X} {X : Type ℓX} (f : X' -> X) (R : X -> X -> Type ℓR) (isSymR : isSym R) where
open FunctionalRel f f R
functionalRel-sym : isSym functionalRelation
functionalRel-sym x' y' funRelxy = isSymR (f x') (f y') funRelxy
module _ {X' : Type ℓ'X} {X : Type ℓX} {Y' : Type ℓ'Y} {Y : Type ℓY}
(f : X' -> X) (g : Y' -> Y) (R : X -> Y -> Type ℓR)
(isPropValuedR : ∀ x y -> isProp (R x y)) where
open FunctionalRel f g R
functionalRel-propValued : ∀ x' y' -> isProp (functionalRelation x' y')
functionalRel-propValued x' y' p q = isPropValuedR (f x') (g y') p q
L℧A→LA⊎Unit' : ▹ (L℧ ⟨ A ⟩ → L (⟨ A ⟩ ⊎ Unit)) -> L℧ ⟨ A ⟩ → L (⟨ A ⟩ ⊎ Unit)
L℧A→LA⊎Unit' IH (η a) = η (inl a)
L℧A→LA⊎Unit' IH ℧ = η (inr tt)
L℧A→LA⊎Unit' IH (θ la~) = θ (λ t → IH t (la~ t))
L℧A→LA⊎Unit : L℧ ⟨ A ⟩ → L (⟨ A ⟩ ⊎ Unit)
L℧A→LA⊎Unit = fix L℧A→LA⊎Unit'
LA⊎Unit→L℧A' : ▹ (L (⟨ A ⟩ ⊎ Unit) → L℧ ⟨ A ⟩) -> L (⟨ A ⟩ ⊎ Unit) → L℧ ⟨ A ⟩
LA⊎Unit→L℧A' IH (η (inl a)) = η a
LA⊎Unit→L℧A' IH (η (inr tt)) = ℧
LA⊎Unit→L℧A' IH (θ la~) = θ (λ t → IH t (la~ t))
LA⊎Unit→L℧A : L (⟨ A ⟩ ⊎ Unit) → L℧ ⟨ A ⟩
LA⊎Unit→L℧A = fix LA⊎Unit→L℧A'
unfold-L→L℧ : LA⊎Unit→L℧A ≡ LA⊎Unit→L℧A' (next LA⊎Unit→L℧A)
unfold-L→L℧ = fix-eq LA⊎Unit→L℧A'
unfold-L℧→L : L℧A→LA⊎Unit ≡ L℧A→LA⊎Unit' (next L℧A→LA⊎Unit)
unfold-L℧→L = fix-eq L℧A→LA⊎Unit'
L℧ALA⊎Unit-iso : Iso (L℧ ⟨ A ⟩) (L (⟨ A ⟩ ⊎ Unit))
L℧ALA⊎Unit-iso =
iso to inv sec is-retract
to' = L℧A→LA⊎Unit'
to = L℧A→LA⊎Unit
inv' = LA⊎Unit→L℧A'
inv = LA⊎Unit→L℧A
P' = (section (to' (next to)) (inv' (next inv)))
P = section to inv
P'→P : P' → P
P'→P H x = (λ i -> fix-eq to' i (fix-eq inv' i x)) ∙ H x
sec' : ▹ (section (to' (next to)) (inv' (next inv))) -> section (to' (next to)) (inv' (next inv))
sec' IH (η (inl b)) = refl
sec' IH (η (inr t)) = refl
sec' IH (θ la~) = λ i -> θ λ t -> P'→P (IH t) (la~ t) i
sec : section L℧A→LA⊎Unit LA⊎Unit→L℧A
sec = transport (λ i → section (fix-eq to' (~ i)) (fix-eq inv' (~ i))) (fix sec')
Q'→Q : retract (to' (next to)) (inv' (next inv)) → retract to inv
Q'→Q H x = (λ i → fix-eq inv' i (fix-eq to' i x)) ∙ H x
is-retract' : ▹ retract (to' (next to)) (inv' (next inv)) -> retract (to' (next to)) (inv' (next inv))
is-retract' IH (η a) = refl
is-retract' IH ℧ = refl
is-retract' IH (θ la~) = λ i → θ (λ t → Q'→Q (IH t) (la~ t) i)
is-retract : retract L℧A→LA⊎Unit LA⊎Unit→L℧A
is-retract = transport (λ i → retract (fix-eq to' (~ i)) (fix-eq inv' (~ i))) (fix is-retract')
open FunctionalRel
_∽_ : L℧ ⟨ A ⟩ → L℧ ⟨ A ⟩ → Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ'')
_∽_ = functionalRelation L℧A→LA⊎Unit L℧A→LA⊎Unit LiftBisim._≈_
-- L℧ X ≡ Lift (X + 1)
open Inductive (next _≾_) public
open Properties public
prop-≾'→prop-≾ : BinaryRelation.isPropValued _≾'_ -> BinaryRelation.isPropValued _≾_
prop-≾'→prop-≾ = transport (λ i -> BinaryRelation.isPropValued (sym unfold-≾ i))
ord-prop' : ▹ (BinaryRelation.isPropValued _≾'_) -> BinaryRelation.isPropValued _≾'_
ord-prop' IH (η a) (η b) p q = a b p q
ord-prop' IH ℧ lb (lift tt) (lift tt) = refl
ord-prop' IH (θ la~) (θ lb~) p q =
λ i t → prop-≾'→prop-≾ (IH t) (la~ t) (lb~ t) (p t) (q t) i
ord-prop : BinaryRelation.isPropValued _≾_
ord-prop = prop-≾'→prop-≾ (fix ord-prop')
ord-refl' : ▹ ((a : L℧ ⟨ A ⟩) -> a ≾ a) ->
(a : L℧ ⟨ A ⟩) -> a ≾ a
ord-refl' IH (η x) =
transport (sym (λ i -> unfold-≾ i (η x) (η x))) ( x)
ord-refl' IH ℧ =
transport (sym (λ i -> unfold-≾ i ℧ ℧)) tt*
ord-refl' IH (θ x) =
transport (sym (λ i -> unfold-≾ i (θ x) (θ x))) λ t → IH t (x t)
ord-refl : (a : L℧ ⟨ A ⟩) -> a ≾ a
ord-refl = fix ord-refl'
ord-antisym' : ▹ ((la lb : L℧ ⟨ A ⟩) -> la ≾' lb -> lb ≾' la -> la ≡ lb) ->
(la lb : L℧ ⟨ A ⟩) -> la ≾' lb -> lb ≾' la -> la ≡ lb
ord-antisym' IH (η a) (η b) a≤b b≤a i = η ( a b a≤b b≤a i)
ord-antisym' IH ℧ ℧ _ _ = refl
ord-antisym' IH (θ la~) (θ lb~) la≤lb lb≤la i =
θ λ t -> IH t (la~ t) (lb~ t) (≾->≾' (la≤lb t)) (≾->≾' (lb≤la t)) i
ord-antisym : BinaryRelation.isAntisym _≾_ -- (a b : A) → R a b → R b a → a ≡ b
ord-antisym = transport {!!} (fix ord-antisym')
ord-trans : BinaryRelation.isTrans _≾_
ord-trans = {!!}
prop-≈→prop-≃ : BinaryRelation.isPropValued LiftBisim._≈_ -> BinaryRelation.isPropValued _≃_
prop-≈→prop-≃ = transport (λ i → BinaryRelation.isPropValued (sym {!!} i))
bisim-prop : BinaryRelation.isPropValued _≃_
bisim-prop = {!!} -}
𝕃 : DoublePoset ℓ ℓ' (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ'')
𝕃 = L℧ ⟨ A ⟩ ,
(dblposetstr (isSetL℧
(isorderingrelation ord-prop ord-refl ord-trans ord-antisym)
(isper (functionalRel-refl L℧A→LA⊎Unit LiftBisim._≈_ (LiftBisim.Reflexive.≈-refl (A⊎1 .snd .is-refl-PER)))
(functionalRel-sym L℧A→LA⊎Unit LiftBisim._≈_ (LiftBisim.Symmetric.symmetric (A⊎1 .snd .is-sym)))
(functionalRel-propValued L℧A→LA⊎Unit L℧A→LA⊎Unit LiftBisim._≈_ (LiftBisim.PropValued.prop (A⊎1 .snd .is-prop-valued-PER)))))
module LiftDPMorRel (A : DoublePoset ℓA ℓ'A ℓ''A) (B : DoublePoset ℓB ℓ'B ℓ''B) (R : DPMorRel A B ℓ'') where
module LR = LiftRelation ⟨ A ⟩ ⟨ B ⟩ (DPMorRel.R R)
open LiftDoublePoset
open DPMorRel
ℝ : DPMorRel (𝕃 A) (𝕃 B) ℓ''
ℝ = record {
R = LR._≾_ ;
is-prop-valued = {!!} ;
is-antitone = {!!} ;
is-monotone = {!!} }
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