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Commit ba544618 authored by Max New's avatar Max New
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Implement Nbe for solving substitution equations

parent bdbe1b23
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......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ data Val where
-- Do these make sense?
injectN : Val [ nat ] dyn
injectArr : Val [ S ] (dyn ⇀ dyn) -> Val [ S ] dyn
injectArr : Val [ dyn ⇀ dyn ] dyn
mapDyn : Val [ nat ] nat → Val [ dyn ⇀ dyn ] (dyn ⇀ dyn) → Val [ dyn ] dyn
--mapDynβn : ?
--mapDynβf : ?
......@@ -134,7 +134,8 @@ data Val where
_[_]vP = _[_]v
varP = var
↑subst : Subst Δ Γ → Subst (R ∷ Δ) (R ∷ Γ)
↑subst γ = γ ∘s wk ,s var
data EvCtx where
∙E : EvCtx Γ S S
......@@ -195,9 +196,9 @@ data Comp where
-- match 0 Kz (x . Ks) ≡ Kz
matchNatβz : (Kz : Comp Γ S)(Ks : Comp (nat ∷ Γ) S)
→ matchNat Kz Ks [ ids ,s (zro [ !s ]v) ]c ≡ Kz
-- match (S V) Kz (x . Ks) ≡ Ks [ V / x ]
matchNatβs : (Kz : Comp Γ S)(Ks : Comp (nat ∷ Γ) S) (V : Val Γ nat)
→ matchNat Kz Ks [ ids ,s (suc [ !s ,s V ]v) ]c ≡ (Ks [ ids ,s V ]c)
-- match (S y) Kz (x . Ks) ≡ Ks [ y / x ]
matchNatβs : (Kz : Comp Γ S) (Ks : Comp (nat ∷ Γ) S)
→ matchNat Kz Ks [ wk ,s (suc [ !s ,s var ]v) ]c ≡ Ks
-- M[x] ≡ match x (M[0/x]) (x. M[S x/x])
matchNatη : M ≡ matchNat
(M [ ids ,s (zro [ !s ]v) ]c)
......@@ -213,9 +214,11 @@ data Comp where
matchDynβf : (Kn : Comp (nat ∷ Γ) S) (Kf : Comp ((dyn ⇀ dyn) ∷ Γ) S)
(V : Val Γ (dyn ⇀ dyn)) ->
matchDyn Kn Kf [ ids ,s ((injectArr var) [ !s ,s V ]v) ]c ≡
matchDyn Kn Kf [ ids ,s (injectArr [ !s ,s V ]v) ]c ≡
Kf [ ids ,s V ]c
matchDynSubst : ∀ (M : Comp (nat ∷ Γ) R) (N : Comp ((dyn ⇀ dyn) ∷ Γ) R) (γ : Subst Δ Γ)
→ matchDyn M N [ ↑subst γ ]c ≡ matchDyn (M [ ↑subst γ ]c) (N [ ↑subst γ ]c)
matchDynβf' : (Kn : Comp (nat ∷ Γ) S) (Kf : Comp ((dyn ⇀ dyn) ∷ Γ) S)
(V : Val Γ T) (V-up : Val [ T ] (dyn ⇀ dyn)) ->
......@@ -227,6 +230,8 @@ data Comp where
-- tick commutes with ev ctxs
tick-strictness : ∀ {M} -> E [ tick M ]∙ ≡ tick (E [ M ]∙)
-- tick subs
tickSubst : (tick M) [ γ ]c ≡ tick (M [ γ ]c)
isSetComp : isSet (Comp Γ S)
-- isPosetComp : Comp⊑ (refl-⊑ctx Γ) (refl-⊑ S) M M'
......@@ -339,6 +344,9 @@ subst-naturality {S} {Γ} {Δ} {γ} {γ'} {V} {V'} =
!s-ext : {γ : Subst Γ []} → γ ≡ δ
!s-ext = []η ∙ sym []η
ids-sole : ∀ {R} → ids {Γ = R ∷ []} ≡ (!s ,s var)
ids-sole = ,sη ∙ cong₂ _,s_ []η substId
,s-nat : (γ ,s V) ∘s δ ≡ ((γ ∘s δ) ,s (V [ δ ]v))
,s-nat =
,sη ∙ cong₂ _,s_ (∘Assoc ∙ cong₂ (_∘s_) wkβ refl)
......@@ -381,6 +389,54 @@ fun-β' M V =
fun-η' : V ≡ lda (appVal (V [ wk ]v) var)
fun-η' = fun-η
matchNatβz' : matchNat M N [ γ ,s (zro [ !s ]v) ]c ≡ M [ γ ]c
matchNatβz' {M = M}{N = N}{γ = γ} =
cong (matchNat M N [_]c)
(sym (,s-nat ∙ cong₂ _,s_ ∘IdL (sym substAssoc ∙ cong (zro [_]v) []η)))
∙ substAssoc ∙ cong (_[ γ ]c) (matchNatβz _ N)
matchNatβs' : (matchNat M N [ γ ,s (suc [ !s ,s V ]v) ]c) ≡ (N [ γ ,s V ]c)
matchNatβs' {M = M}{N = N}{γ = γ}{V = V} =
cong (matchNat M N [_]c)
(sym (,s-nat ∙ cong₂ _,s_ wkβ (sym substAssoc ∙ cong (suc [_]v) (,s-nat ∙ cong₂ _,s_ []η varβ))))
∙ substAssoc ∙ cong (_[ γ ,s V ]c) (matchNatβs M N )
matchNat-nat :
matchNat M N [ ↑subst γ ]c
≡ matchNat (M [ γ ]c)
(N [ ↑subst γ ]c)
matchNat-nat {M = M}{N = N}{γ = γ} = matchNatη
∙ cong₂ matchNat
(sym substAssoc
∙ cong (matchNat M N [_]c)
(,s-nat ∙ cong₂ _,s_ (sym ∘Assoc ∙ cong (γ ∘s_) wkβ ∙ ∘IdR) varβ)
∙ matchNatβz')
(sym substAssoc
∙ cong (matchNat M N [_]c)
(,s-nat ∙ cong₂ _,s_ (sym ∘Assoc ∙ cong (γ ∘s_) wkβ) varβ)
∙ matchNatβs')
-- (γ , V) ≡ (γ o π1 , π2) ∘ (ids , V)
,s-separate : (γ ,s V) ≡ (↑subst γ) ∘s (ids ,s V)
,s-separate {γ = γ} =
sym (,s-nat ∙ cong₂ _,s_ (sym ∘Assoc ∙ cong (γ ∘s_) wkβ ∙ ∘IdR) varβ)
matchNat-nat' :
matchNat M N [ γ ,s V ]c
≡ matchNat (M [ γ ]c)
(N [ ↑subst γ ]c) [ ids ,s V ]c
matchNat-nat' {M = M}{N = N}{γ = γ}{V = V} =
cong (matchNat M N [_]c) ,s-separate
∙ substAssoc ∙ cong (_[ ids ,s V ]c) matchNat-nat
matchDyn-nat' :
matchDyn M N [ γ ,s V ]c
≡ matchDyn (M [ ↑subst γ ]c)
(N [ ↑subst γ ]c)
[ ids ,s V ]c
matchDyn-nat' {M = M}{N = N}{γ = γ}{V = V} =
cong (matchDyn M N [_]c) ,s-separate
∙ substAssoc ∙ cong (_[ ids ,s V ]c) (matchDynSubst _ _ _)
bind-nat : (bind M) [ γ ]e ≡ bind (M [ γ ∘s wk ,s var ]c)
bind-nat {M = M} {γ = γ} = ret-η ∙ cong bind (cong (_[ ret [ !s ,s var ]c ]∙) (sym substAssoc)
......@@ -441,7 +497,7 @@ Pertᴾ→EC (δi ⇀ δo) = bind (ret' (lda (
((Pertᴾ→EC δo [ !s ]e) [ ret' var ]∙)))))
Pertᴾ→EC (PertD δn δf) = bind (matchDyn
(((Pertᴾ→EC δn [ !s ]e) [ ret' var ]∙) >> ret' (injectN [ wk ]v))
(((Pertᴾ→EC δf [ !s ]e) [ ret' var ]∙) >> ret' (injectArr var [ wk ]v)))
(((Pertᴾ→EC δf [ !s ]e) [ ret' var ]∙) >> ret' (injectArr [ wk ]v)))
-- The four cast rule delay terms are admissible in the syntax
......@@ -483,7 +539,7 @@ emb (ci ⇀ co) =
((app [ drop2nd ]c) >>
((vToE (emb co) [ !s ]e) [ ret' var ]∙)))
emb inj-nat = injectN
emb (inj-arr c) = injectArr (emb c)
emb (inj-arr c) = injectArr [ !s ,s (emb c) ]v
-- We can show that emb (c ∘ d) ≡ emb d ∘ emb c
module Syntax.IntensionalTerms.Induction where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Syntax.IntensionalTerms
open import Syntax.Types
Δ Γ Θ Z Δ' Γ' Θ' Z' : Ctx
R S T U R' S' T' U' : Ty
γ γ' γ'' : Subst Δ Γ
δ δ' δ'' : Subst Θ Δ
θ θ' θ'' : Subst Z Θ
V V' V'' : Val Γ S
M M' M'' N N' : Comp Γ S
E E' E'' F F' : EvCtx Γ S T
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' ℓ''' ℓ'''' : Level
module SynInd
(Ps : ∀ {Δ} {Γ} → Subst Δ Γ → hProp ℓ)
(Pv : ∀ {Γ} {R} → Val Γ R → hProp ℓ')
(Pc : ∀ {Γ} {R} → Comp Γ R → hProp ℓ'')
(Pe : ∀ {Γ R S} → EvCtx Γ R S → hProp ℓ''')
record indCases : Type (ℓ-max ℓ (ℓ-max ℓ' (ℓ-max ℓ'' ℓ'''))) where
indIds : ⟨ Ps {Γ} ids ⟩
ind∘s : ⟨ Ps γ ⟩ → ⟨ Ps θ ⟩ → ⟨ Ps (γ ∘s θ) ⟩
ind!s : ⟨ Ps {Δ} !s ⟩
ind,s : ⟨ Ps {Θ}{Γ} γ ⟩ → ⟨ Pv {R = R} V ⟩ → ⟨ Ps (γ ,s V) ⟩
indwk : ⟨ Ps (wk {S = S}{Γ = Γ}) ⟩
ind[]v : ⟨ Pv V ⟩ → ⟨ Ps γ ⟩ → ⟨ Pv (V [ γ ]v)⟩
indVar : ⟨ Pv {Γ = (R ∷ Γ)} var ⟩
indZero : ⟨ Pv zro ⟩
indSuc : ⟨ Pv suc ⟩
indLda : ⟨ Pc M ⟩ → ⟨ Pv (lda M) ⟩
indInjN : ⟨ Pv injectN ⟩
indInjArr : ⟨ Pv injectArr ⟩
indMapDyn : ⟨ Pv V ⟩ → ⟨ Pv V' ⟩
→ ⟨ Pv (mapDyn V V') ⟩
ind[]∙ : ⟨ Pe E ⟩ → ⟨ Pc M ⟩ → ⟨ Pc (E [ M ]∙)⟩
ind[]c : ⟨ Pc M ⟩ → ⟨ Ps γ ⟩ → ⟨ Pc (M [ γ ]c)⟩
indErr : ⟨ Pc {R = R} err ⟩
indTick : ⟨ Pc M ⟩ → ⟨ Pc (tick M) ⟩
indRet : ⟨ Pc {R = R} ret ⟩
indApp : ⟨ Pc (app {S = S}{T = T}) ⟩
indMatchNat : ⟨ Pc M ⟩ → ⟨ Pc M' ⟩ → ⟨ Pc (matchNat M M' )⟩
indMatchDyn : ⟨ Pc M ⟩ → ⟨ Pc M' ⟩ → ⟨ Pc (matchDyn M M' )⟩
ind∙ : ⟨ Pe {Γ}{R} ∙E ⟩
ind∘E : ⟨ Pe E ⟩ → ⟨ Pe F ⟩ → ⟨ Pe (E ∘E F) ⟩
ind[]e : ⟨ Pe E ⟩ → ⟨ Ps γ ⟩ → ⟨ Pe (E [ γ ]e)⟩
indbind : ⟨ Pc M ⟩ → ⟨ Pe (bind M) ⟩
module _ (ic : indCases) where
open indCases ic
indPs : ∀ (γ : Subst Δ Γ) → ⟨ Ps γ ⟩
indPv : ∀ (V : Val Γ R) → ⟨ Pv V ⟩
indPc : ∀ (M : Comp Γ R) → ⟨ Pc M ⟩
indPe : ∀ (E : EvCtx Γ R S) → ⟨ Pe E ⟩
indPs ids = indIds
indPs (γ ∘s γ₁) = ind∘s (indPs γ) (indPs γ₁)
indPs !s = ind!s
indPs (γ ,s V) = ind,s (indPs γ) (indPv V)
indPs wk = indwk
indPs (∘IdL {γ = γ} i) =
isProp→PathP ((λ i → Ps (∘IdL {γ = γ} i) .snd)) (ind∘s indIds (indPs γ)) (indPs γ) i
indPs (∘IdR {γ = γ} i) = isProp→PathP (((λ i → Ps (∘IdR {γ = γ} i) .snd)))
((ind∘s (indPs γ) indIds)) ((indPs γ)) i
indPs (∘Assoc {γ = γ}{δ = δ}{θ = θ} i) =
isProp→PathP (λ i → Ps (∘Assoc {γ = γ} {δ = δ} {θ = θ} i) .snd)
(ind∘s (indPs γ) (ind∘s (indPs δ) (indPs θ)))
(ind∘s (ind∘s (indPs γ) (indPs δ)) (indPs θ))
indPs ([]η {γ = γ} i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Ps ([]η {γ = γ} i) .snd)
(indPs γ) ind!s i
indPs (wkβ {δ = δ}{V = V} i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Ps (wkβ {δ = δ}{V = V} i) .snd)
(ind∘s indwk (ind,s (indPs δ) (indPv V))) (indPs δ) i
indPs (,sη {δ = δ} i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Ps (,sη {δ = δ} i) .snd)
(indPs δ) (ind,s (ind∘s indwk (indPs δ)) (ind[]v indVar (indPs δ))) i
indPs (isSetSubst γ γ' p q i j) = isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 2 (λ x → isProp→isSet (Ps x .snd))
(indPs γ)
(indPs γ')
(λ j → indPs (p j))
(λ j → indPs (q j))
(isSetSubst γ γ' p q) i j
indPv (V [ γ ]v) = ind[]v (indPv V) (indPs γ)
indPv var = indVar
indPv zro = indZero
indPv suc = indSuc
indPv (lda M) = indLda (indPc M)
indPv injectN = indInjN
indPv injectArr = indInjArr
indPv (mapDyn V V') = indMapDyn (indPv V) (indPv V')
-- avert your eyes
indPv (substId {V = V} i) =
isProp→PathP (λ i → Pv (substId i) .snd) (ind[]v (indPv V) indIds) (indPv V) i
indPv (substAssoc {V = V}{δ = δ}{γ = γ} i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pv (substAssoc i) .snd)
(ind[]v (indPv V) (ind∘s (indPs δ) (indPs γ)))
(ind[]v (ind[]v (indPv V) (indPs δ)) (indPs γ))
indPv (varβ {δ = δ}{V = V} i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pv (varβ i) .snd)
(ind[]v indVar (ind,s (indPs δ) (indPv V)))
(indPv V)
indPv (fun-η {V = V} i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pv (fun-η i) .snd)
(indPv V)
(indLda (ind[]c indApp (ind,s (ind,s ind!s (ind[]v (indPv V) indwk)) indVar)))
indPv (isSetVal V V' p q i j) = isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 2 (λ x → isProp→isSet (Pv x .snd))
(indPv V)
(indPv V')
(λ j → indPv (p j))
(λ j → indPv (q j))
(isSetVal V V' p q)
i j
indPc (E [ M ]∙) = ind[]∙ (indPe E) (indPc M)
indPc (M [ γ ]c) = ind[]c (indPc M) (indPs γ)
indPc err = indErr
indPc (tick M) = indTick (indPc M)
indPc ret = indRet
indPc app = indApp
indPc (matchNat M M₁) = indMatchNat (indPc M) (indPc M₁)
indPc (matchDyn M M₁) = indMatchDyn (indPc M) (indPc M₁)
-- macros did this
indPc (plugId {M = M} i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pc (plugId i) .snd) (ind[]∙ ind∙ (indPc M)) (indPc M) i
indPc (plugAssoc {F = F}{E = E}{M = M} i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pc (plugAssoc i) .snd) (ind[]∙ (ind∘E (indPe F) (indPe E)) (indPc M)) (ind[]∙ (indPe F) (ind[]∙ (indPe E) (indPc M))) i
indPc (substId {M = M} i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pc (substId i) .snd) (ind[]c (indPc M) indIds) (indPc M) i
indPc (substAssoc {M = M}{δ = δ}{γ = γ} i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pc (substAssoc i) .snd) (ind[]c (indPc M) (ind∘s (indPs δ) (indPs γ))) (ind[]c (ind[]c (indPc M) (indPs δ)) (indPs γ)) i
indPc (substPlugDist {E = E}{M = M}{γ = γ} i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pc (substPlugDist i) .snd) (ind[]c (ind[]∙ (indPe E) (indPc M)) (indPs γ)) (ind[]∙ (ind[]e (indPe E) (indPs γ)) (ind[]c (indPc M) (indPs γ))) i
indPc (strictness {E = E} i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pc (strictness i) .snd) (ind[]∙ (indPe E) (ind[]c indErr ind!s)) (ind[]c indErr ind!s) i
indPc (ret-β {M = M} i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pc (ret-β i) .snd) (ind[]∙ (ind[]e (indbind (indPc M)) indwk) (ind[]c indRet (ind,s ind!s indVar))) (indPc M) i
indPc (fun-β {M = M} i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pc (fun-β i) .snd) (ind[]c indApp (ind,s (ind,s ind!s (ind[]v (indLda (indPc M)) indwk)) indVar)) (indPc M) i
indPc (matchNatβz M N i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pc (matchNatβz M N i) .snd) (ind[]c (indMatchNat (indPc M) (indPc N)) (ind,s indIds (ind[]v indZero ind!s))) (indPc M) i
indPc (matchNatβs M N i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pc (matchNatβs M N i) .snd) (ind[]c (indMatchNat (indPc M) (indPc N)) (ind,s indwk (ind[]v indSuc (ind,s ind!s indVar)))) (indPc N) i
indPc (matchNatη {M = M} i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pc (matchNatη i) .snd) (indPc M) (indMatchNat (ind[]c (indPc M) (ind,s indIds (ind[]v indZero ind!s))) (ind[]c (indPc M) (ind,s indwk (ind[]v indSuc (ind,s ind!s indVar))))) i
indPc (matchDynβn M N V i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pc (matchDynβn M N V i) .snd) (ind[]c (indMatchDyn (indPc M) (indPc N)) (ind,s indIds (ind[]v indInjN (ind,s ind!s (indPv V))))) (ind[]c (indPc M) (ind,s indIds (indPv V))) i
indPc (matchDynβf M N V i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pc (matchDynβf M N V i) .snd) (ind[]c (indMatchDyn (indPc M) (indPc N)) (ind,s indIds (ind[]v indInjArr (ind,s ind!s (indPv V))))) (ind[]c (indPc N) (ind,s indIds (indPv V))) i
indPc (matchDynSubst M N γ i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pc (matchDynSubst M N γ i) .snd) (ind[]c (indMatchDyn (indPc M) (indPc N)) (ind,s (ind∘s (indPs γ) indwk) indVar)) (indMatchDyn (ind[]c (indPc M) (ind,s (ind∘s (indPs γ) indwk) indVar)) (ind[]c (indPc N) (ind,s (ind∘s (indPs γ) indwk) indVar))) i
indPc (tick-strictness {E = E}{M = M} i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pc (tick-strictness i) .snd) (ind[]∙ (indPe E) (indTick (indPc M))) (indTick (ind[]∙ (indPe E) (indPc M))) i
indPc (tickSubst {M = M}{γ = γ} i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pc (tickSubst i) .snd) (ind[]c (indTick (indPc M)) (indPs γ)) (indTick (ind[]c (indPc M) (indPs γ))) i
indPc (isSetComp M N p q i j) = isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 2 (λ x → isProp→isSet (Pc x .snd))
(indPc M)
(indPc N)
(λ j → indPc (p j))
(λ j → indPc (q j))
(isSetComp M N p q)
i j
indPe ∙E = ind∙
indPe (E ∘E E₁) = ind∘E (indPe E) (indPe E₁)
indPe (E [ γ ]e) = ind[]e (indPe E) (indPs γ)
indPe (bind M) = indbind (indPc M)
indPe (∘IdL {E = E} i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pe (∘IdL i) .snd) (ind∘E ind∙ (indPe E)) (indPe E) i
indPe (∘IdR {E = E} i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pe (∘IdR i) .snd) (ind∘E (indPe E) ind∙) (indPe E) i
indPe (∘Assoc {E = E}{F = F}{F' = F'} i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pe (∘Assoc i) .snd) (ind∘E (indPe E) (ind∘E (indPe F) (indPe F'))) (ind∘E (ind∘E (indPe E) (indPe F)) (indPe F')) i
indPe (substId {E = E} i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pe (substId i) .snd) (ind[]e (indPe E) indIds) (indPe E) i
indPe (substAssoc {E = E}{γ = γ}{δ = δ} i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pe (substAssoc i) .snd) (ind[]e (indPe E) (ind∘s (indPs γ) (indPs δ))) (ind[]e (ind[]e (indPe E) (indPs γ)) (indPs δ)) i
indPe (∙substDist {γ = γ} i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pe (∙substDist i) .snd) (ind[]e ind∙ (indPs γ)) (ind∙) i
indPe (∘substDist {E = E}{F = F}{γ = γ} i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pe (∘substDist i) .snd) (ind[]e (ind∘E (indPe E) (indPe F)) (indPs γ)) (ind∘E (ind[]e (indPe E) (indPs γ)) (ind[]e (indPe F) (indPs γ))) i
indPe (ret-η {E = E} i) = isProp→PathP (λ i → Pe (ret-η i) .snd) (indPe E) (indbind (ind[]∙ (ind[]e (indPe E) indwk) (ind[]c indRet (ind,s ind!s indVar)))) i
indPe (isSetEvCtx E F p q i j) = isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 2 (λ x → isProp→isSet (Pe x .snd))
(indPe E)
(indPe F)
(λ j → indPe (p j))
(λ j → indPe (q j))
(isSetEvCtx E F p q)
i j
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