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1 year ago
Eric Giovannini
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Move global lift code into separate file
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@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Data.Empty.Base renaming (rec to exFalso)
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Bool hiding (_≤_)
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Data.Unit renaming (Unit to ⊤)
@@ -25,13 +26,18 @@ open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality renaming (_≡_ to _≣_) hiding (refl)
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality.Rewrite
import Semantics.StrongBisimulation
import Semantics.Monotone.Base
import Syntax.GradualSTLC
import Syntax.GradualSTLC
open import Common.Common
open import Semantics.Predomains
open import Semantics.Lift
open import Semantics.Global
-- TODO move definition of Predomain to a module that
-- isn't parameterized by a clock!
@@ -45,152 +51,6 @@ private
open Semantics.StrongBisimulation
-- open StrongBisimulation.LiftPredomain
-- "Global" definitions
L℧F : (X : Type) -> Type
L℧F X = ∀ (k : Clock) -> L℧ k X
ηF : {X : Type} -> X -> L℧F X
ηF {X} x = λ k → η x
℧F : {X : Type} -> L℧F X
℧F = λ k -> ℧
θF : {X : Type} -> L℧F X -> L℧F X
θF lx = λ k → θ (λ t → lx k)
δ-gl : {X : Type} -> L℧F X -> L℧F X
δ-gl lx = λ k → δ k (lx k)
δ-gl^n : (lxF : L℧F Nat) -> (n : Nat) -> (k : Clock) ->
((δ-gl) ^ n) lxF k ≡ ((δ k) ^ n) (lxF k)
δ-gl^n lxF zero k = refl
δ-gl^n lxF (suc n') k = cong (δ k) (δ-gl^n lxF n' k)
_Iso⟨_⟩_ : {ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level} {B : Type ℓ'} {C : Type ℓ''}
(X : Type ℓ) →
Iso X B → Iso B C → Iso X C
_∎Iso : {ℓ : Level} (A : Type ℓ) → Iso A A
Σ-Π-Iso : {ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level} {A : Type ℓ} {B : A → Type ℓ'}
{C : (a : A) → B a → Type ℓ''} →
Iso ((a : A) → Σ-syntax (B a) (C a))
(Σ-syntax ((a : A) → B a) (λ f → (a : A) → C a (f a)))
: {ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level} {A : Type ℓ} {B : A → Type ℓ'}
{C : A → Type ℓ''} →
((a : A) → Iso (B a) (C a)) → Iso ((a : A) → B a) ((a : A) → C a)
⊎Iso : {A.ℓa : Level} {A : Type A.ℓa} {C.ℓc : Level}
{C : Type C.ℓc} {B.ℓb : Level} {B : Type B.ℓb} {D.ℓd : Level}
{D : Type D.ℓd} →
Iso A C → Iso B D → Iso (A ⊎ B) (C ⊎ D)
Unit-clock-irrel : clock-irrel Unit
Unit-clock-irrel M k k' with M k | M k'
... | tt | tt = refl
∀kL℧-▹-Iso : {X : Type} -> Iso ((k : Clock) -> ▹_,_ k (L℧ k X)) ((k : Clock) -> L℧ k X)
∀kL℧-▹-Iso = force-iso
∀clock-Σ : {A : Type} -> {B : A -> Clock -> Type} ->
-- (∀ a k -> clock-irrel (B a k)) ->
clock-irrel A ->
(∀ (k : Clock) -> Σ A (λ a -> B a k)) ->
Σ A (λ a -> ∀ (k : Clock) -> B a k)
∀clock-Σ {A} {B} H-clk-irrel H =
let a = fst (H k0) in
a , (λ k -> transport
(λ i → B (H-clk-irrel (fst ∘ H) k k0 i) k)
(snd (H k)))
-- NTS: B (fst (H k)) k ≡ B (fst (H k0)) k
-- i.e. essentially need to show that fst (H k) ≡ fst (H k0)
-- This follows from clock irrelevance for A, with M = fst ∘ H of type Clock -> A
Iso-Π-⊎ : {A B : Clock -> Type} ->
Iso ((k : Clock) -> (A k ⊎ B k)) (((k : Clock) -> A k) ⊎ ((k : Clock) -> B k))
Iso-Π-⊎ {A} {B} = iso to inv sec retr
to : ((k : Clock) → A k ⊎ B k) → ((k : Clock) → A k) ⊎ ((k : Clock) → B k)
to f with f k0
... | inl a = inl (λ k → transport (type-clock-irrel A k0 k) a)
... | inr b = inr (λ k → transport (type-clock-irrel B k0 k) b)
inv : ((k : Clock) → A k) ⊎ ((k : Clock) → B k) -> ((k : Clock) → A k ⊎ B k)
inv (inl f) k = inl (f k)
inv (inr f) k = inr (f k)
sec : section to inv
sec (inl f) = cong inl (clock-ext λ k -> {!!})
sec (inr f) = cong inr (clock-ext (λ k -> {!!}))
retr : retract to inv
retr f with (f k0)
... | inl a = clock-ext (λ k → {!!})
... | inr b = {!!}
: {ℓ : Level} {A B : Type ℓ} (p : A ≡ B) (x : A) →
PathP (λ i → p i) x (transport p x)
L℧-iso : {k : Clock} -> {X : Type} -> Iso (L℧ k X) ((X ⊎ ⊤) ⊎ (▹_,_ k (L℧ k X)))
L℧-iso {k} {X} = iso f g sec retr
f : L℧ k X → (X ⊎ ⊤) ⊎ (▹ k , L℧ k X)
f (η x) = inl (inl x)
f ℧ = inl (inr tt)
f (θ lx~) = inr lx~
g : (X ⊎ ⊤) ⊎ (▹ k , L℧ k X) -> L℧ k X
g (inl (inl x)) = η x
g (inl (inr tt)) = ℧
g (inr lx~) = θ lx~
sec : section f g
sec (inl (inl x)) = refl
sec (inl (inr tt)) = refl
sec (inr lx~) = refl
retr : retract f g
retr (η x) = refl
retr ℧ = refl
retr (θ x) = refl
L℧F-iso : {X : Type} -> clock-irrel X -> Iso (L℧F X) ((X ⊎ ⊤) ⊎ (L℧F X))
L℧F-iso {X} H-irrel-X =
(∀ k -> L℧ k X)
Iso⟨ codomainIsoDep (λ k -> L℧-iso) ⟩
(∀ k -> (X ⊎ ⊤) ⊎ (▹_,_ k (L℧ k X)))
Iso⟨ Iso-Π-⊎ ⟩
(∀ (k : Clock) -> (X ⊎ ⊤)) ⊎ (∀ k -> ▹_,_ k (L℧ k X))
Iso⟨ ⊎Iso Iso-Π-⊎ idIso ⟩
((∀ (k : Clock) -> X) ⊎ (∀ (k : Clock) -> ⊤)) ⊎
(∀ k -> ▹_,_ k (L℧ k X))
Iso⟨ ⊎Iso (⊎Iso (Iso-∀kA-A H-irrel-X) (Iso-∀kA-A Unit-clock-irrel)) force-iso ⟩
(X ⊎ ⊤) ⊎ (L℧F X) ∎Iso
unfold-L℧F : {X : Type} -> clock-irrel X -> (L℧F X) ≡ ((X ⊎ ⊤) ⊎ (L℧F X))
unfold-L℧F H = ua (isoToEquiv (L℧F-iso H))
-- Adequacy of lock-step relation
@@ -204,19 +64,15 @@ module AdequacyLockstep
_≾-gl_ : {p : Predomain} -> (L℧F ⟨ p ⟩) -> (L℧F ⟨ p ⟩) -> Type
_≾-gl_ {p} lx ly = ∀ (k : Clock) -> _≾_ k p (lx k) (ly k)
-- _≾'_ : {k : Clock} -> L℧ k Nat → L℧ k Nat → Type
-- _≾'_ {k} = {!!}
-- These should probably be moved to the module where _≾'_ is defined.
≾'-℧ : {k : Clock} -> (lx : L℧ k Nat) ->
_≾'_ k
(ℕ k0)
lx ℧ -> lx ≡ ℧
_≾'_ k
lx ℧ -> lx ≡ ℧
≾'-℧ (η x) ()
≾'-℧ ℧ _ = refl
≾'-℧ (θ x) ()
≾'-θ : {k : Clock} -> (lx : L℧ k Nat) -> (ly~ : ▹_,_ k (L℧ k Nat)) ->
_≾'_ k
(ℕ k0)
lx (θ ly~) ->
_≾'_ k
lx (θ ly~) ->
Σ (▹_,_ k (L℧ k Nat)) (λ lx~ -> lx ≡ θ lx~)
≾'-θ (θ lz~) ly~ H = lz~ , refl
≾'-θ ℧ ly~ x = {!!}
@@ -237,9 +93,9 @@ module AdequacyLockstep
adequate-err' :
(m : Nat) ->
(lxF : L℧F Nat) ->
(H-lx : _≾-gl_ {ℕ
} lxF ((δ-gl ^ m) ℧F)) ->
(H-lx : _≾-gl_ {ℕ} lxF ((δ-gl ^ m) ℧F)) ->
(Σ (Nat) λ n -> (n ≤ m) × ((lxF ≡ (δ-gl ^ n) ℧F)))
adequate-err' zero lxF H-lx with ( (L℧F-iso nat-clock-irrel) lxF)
adequate-err' zero lxF H-lx with ( (L℧F-iso
nat-clock-irrel) lxF)
... | inl (inl x) = zero , {!!}
... | _ = {!!}
adequate-err' (suc m) = {!!}
@@ -247,10 +103,10 @@ module AdequacyLockstep
adequate-err :
(m : Nat) ->
(lxF : L℧F Nat) ->
(H-lx : _≾-gl_ {ℕ
} lxF ((δ-gl ^ m) ℧F)) ->
(H-lx : _≾-gl_ {ℕ} lxF ((δ-gl ^ m) ℧F)) ->
(Σ (Nat) λ n -> (n ≤ m) × ((lxF ≡ (δ-gl ^ n) ℧F)))
adequate-err zero lxF H-lxF =
let H' = transport (λ i -> ∀ k -> unfold-≾ k (ℕ
) i (lxF k) (℧F k)) H-lxF in
let H' = transport (λ i -> ∀ k -> unfold-≾ k (ℕ) i (lxF k) (℧F k)) H-lxF in
zero , ≤-refl , clock-ext λ k → ≾'-℧ (lxF k) (H' k)
-- H' says that for all k, (lxF k) ≾' (℧F k) i.e.
-- for all k, (lxF k) ≾' ℧, which means, by definition of ≾',
@@ -263,10 +119,10 @@ module AdequacyLockstep
aux : (k : Clock) -> (Σ (▹ k , L℧ k Nat) (λ lx~ → lxF k ≡ θ lx~)) × _
aux k = let RHS = (((δ-gl ^ m') ℧F) k) in
let RHS' = (δ k RHS) in
let H1 = transport (λ i -> unfold-≾ k (ℕ
) i (lxF k) RHS') (H-lxF k) in
let H1 = transport (λ i -> unfold-≾ k (ℕ) i (lxF k) RHS') (H-lxF k) in
let pair = ≾'-θ (lxF k) (next RHS) H1 in
let H2 = transport (λ i → _≾'_ k (ℕ
) (snd pair i) RHS') H1 in
let H3 = transport ((λ i -> (t : Tick k) -> _≾_ k (ℕ
) (tick-irrelevance (fst pair) t ◇ i) RHS)) H2 in
let H2 = transport (λ i → _≾'_ k (ℕ) (snd pair i) RHS') H1 in
let H3 = transport ((λ i -> (t : Tick k) -> _≾_ k (ℕ) (tick-irrelevance (fst pair) t ◇ i) RHS)) H2 in
pair , (H3 ◇)
@@ -289,9 +145,6 @@ module AdequacyLockstep
module AdequacyBisim where
open Semantics.StrongBisimulation
@@ -331,7 +184,7 @@ module AdequacyBisim where
H' = {!!}
open GlobalBisim (ℕ
open GlobalBisim (ℕ)
@@ -343,11 +196,11 @@ module AdequacyBisim where
(Σ (Nat) λ n -> ((lxF ≡ (δ-gl ^ n) ℧F)))
adequate-err zero lxF H-lx = (fst H3) , clock-ext (snd H4)
H1 : (k : Clock) -> _≈'_ k (ℕ
) (next (_≈_ k (ℕ
))) (lxF k) (℧F k)
H1 = transport (λ i → ∀ k -> unfold-≈ k (ℕ
) i (lxF k) (℧F k)) H-lx
H1 : (k : Clock) -> _≈'_ k (ℕ) (next (_≈_ k (ℕ))) (lxF k) (℧F k)
H1 = transport (λ i → ∀ k -> unfold-≈ k (ℕ) i (lxF k) (℧F k)) H-lx
H2 : (k : Clock) -> Σ Nat (λ n → lxF k ≡ (δ k ^ n) ℧)
H2 k = ≈-℧ k (ℕ
) (lxF k) (H1 k)
H2 k = ≈-℧ k (ℕ) (lxF k) (H1 k)
H3 : Σ Nat (λ n -> ∀ (k : Clock) -> lxF k ≡ (δ k ^ n) ℧)
H3 = ∀clock-Σ nat-clock-irrel H2
@@ -361,3 +214,36 @@ module AdequacyBisim where
adequate-err (suc m') lxF H-lx = {!!}
module DynExp where
open import Semantics.SemanticsNew
open import Semantics.PredomainInternalHom
open import Semantics.StrongBisimulation
open LiftPredomain
open import Semantics.Monotone.Base
open import Semantics.Monotone.MonFunCombinators
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Poset
open import Semantics.Predomains
DynUnfold : Iso
(∀ k -> ⟨ DynP k ⟩)
(Nat ⊎ (∀ k -> ⟨ DynP k ==> 𝕃 k (DynP k) ⟩))
DynUnfold = {!!}
dyn-clk : (k k' : Clock) -> ⟨ DynP k ==> DynP k' ⟩
dyn-clk = {!!}
𝔽𝕃 : (Clock -> Predomain) -> Predomain
𝔽𝕃 f = 𝔽 (λ k → 𝕃 k (f k))
dyn-eqn : Iso
⟨ (ℕ ⊎d (𝔽 (λ k -> DynP k ==> 𝕃 k (DynP k) ))) ⟩
⟨ (ℕ ⊎d (𝔽 DynP)) ==> 𝔽𝕃 DynP ⟩
dyn-eqn = {!!}
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{-# OPTIONS --cubical --rewriting --guarded #-}
{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}
-- to allow opening this module in other files while there are still holes
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
open import Common.Later
module Semantics.Global where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming (ℕ to Nat) hiding (_·_ ; _^_)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Data.Empty.Base renaming (rec to exFalso)
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Bool hiding (_≤_)
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Data.Unit renaming (Unit to ⊤)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality renaming (_≡_ to _≣_) hiding (refl)
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality.Rewrite
import Semantics.StrongBisimulation
import Semantics.Monotone.Base
-- import Syntax.GradualSTLC
open import Common.Common
open import Semantics.Predomains
open import Semantics.Lift
-- TODO move definition of Predomain to a module that
-- isn't parameterized by a clock!
l : Level
X : Type l
-- Lift monad
open Semantics.StrongBisimulation
-- open StrongBisimulation.LiftPredomain
-- "Global" definitions
-- TODO in the general setting, X should have type Clock -> Type
-- and L℧F X should be equal to ∀ k -> L℧ k (X k)
L℧F : (X : Type) -> Type
L℧F X = ∀ (k : Clock) -> L℧ k X
□ : Type -> Type
□ X = ∀ (k : Clock) -> X
ηF : {X : Type} -> □ X -> L℧F X
ηF {X} x = λ k → η (x k)
℧F : {X : Type} -> L℧F X
℧F = λ k -> ℧
θF : {X : Type} -> L℧F X -> L℧F X
θF lx = λ k → θ (λ t → lx k)
δ-gl : {X : Type} -> L℧F X -> L℧F X
δ-gl lx = λ k → δ k (lx k)
δ-gl^n : {X : Type} (lxF : L℧F X) -> (n : Nat) -> (k : Clock) ->
((δ-gl) ^ n) lxF k ≡ ((δ k) ^ n) (lxF k)
δ-gl^n lxF zero k = refl
δ-gl^n lxF (suc n') k = cong (δ k) (δ-gl^n lxF n' k)
{- Iso definitions used in this file:
_Iso⟨_⟩_ : {ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level} {B : Type ℓ'} {C : Type ℓ''}
(X : Type ℓ) →
Iso X B → Iso B C → Iso X C
_∎Iso : {ℓ : Level} (A : Type ℓ) → Iso A A
Σ-Π-Iso : {ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level} {A : Type ℓ} {B : A → Type ℓ'}
{C : (a : A) → B a → Type ℓ''} →
Iso ((a : A) → Σ-syntax (B a) (C a))
(Σ-syntax ((a : A) → B a) (λ f → (a : A) → C a (f a)))
: {ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level} {A : Type ℓ} {B : A → Type ℓ'}
{C : A → Type ℓ''} →
((a : A) → Iso (B a) (C a)) → Iso ((a : A) → B a) ((a : A) → C a)
⊎Iso : {A.ℓa : Level} {A : Type A.ℓa} {C.ℓc : Level}
{C : Type C.ℓc} {B.ℓb : Level} {B : Type B.ℓb} {D.ℓd : Level}
{D : Type D.ℓd} →
Iso A C → Iso B D → Iso (A ⊎ B) (C ⊎ D)
: {A.ℓ : Level} {A : Type A.ℓ} {B..1 : Level} {A' : Type B..1}
{B.ℓ : Level} {B : A' → Type B.ℓ} (isom : Iso A A') →
Iso (Σ A (B ∘ isom)) (Σ A' B)
: {B'..1 : Level} {A : Type B'..1} {B.ℓ : Level} {B : A → Type B.ℓ}
{B'.ℓ : Level} {B' : A → Type B'.ℓ} →
((x : A) → Iso (B x) (B' x)) → Iso (Σ A B) (Σ A B')
Unit-clock-irrel : clock-irrel Unit
Unit-clock-irrel M k k' with M k | M k'
... | tt | tt = refl
∀kL℧-▹-Iso : {X : Type} -> Iso
((k : Clock) -> ▹_,_ k (L℧ k X))
((k : Clock) -> L℧ k X)
∀kL℧-▹-Iso = force-iso
bool2ty : Type -> Type -> Bool -> Type
bool2ty A B true = A
bool2ty A B false = B
bool2ty-eq : {X : Type} {A B : X -> Type} ->
(b : Bool) ->
(∀ (x : X) -> bool2ty (A x) (B x) b) ≡
bool2ty (∀ x -> A x) (∀ x -> B x) b
bool2ty-eq {X} {A} {B} true = refl
bool2ty-eq {X} {A} {B} false = refl
Iso-⊎-ΣBool : {A B : Type} -> Iso (A ⊎ B) (Σ Bool (λ b -> bool2ty A B b))
Iso-⊎-ΣBool {A} {B} = iso to inv sec retr
to : A ⊎ B → Σ Bool (λ b -> bool2ty A B b)
to (inl a) = true , a
to (inr b) = false , b
inv : Σ Bool (bool2ty A B) → A ⊎ B
inv (true , a) = inl a
inv (false , b) = inr b
sec : section to inv
sec (true , a) = refl
sec (false , b) = refl
retr : retract to inv
retr (inl a) = refl
retr (inr b) = refl
∀clock-Σ : {A : Type} -> {B : A -> Clock -> Type} ->
clock-irrel A ->
(∀ (k : Clock) -> Σ A (λ a -> B a k)) ->
Σ A (λ a -> ∀ (k : Clock) -> B a k)
∀clock-Σ {A} {B} H-clk-irrel p =
let a = fst (p k0) in
a , (λ k -> transport
(λ i → B (H-clk-irrel (fst ∘ p) k k0 i) k)
(snd (p k)))
-- NTS: B (fst (p k)) k ≡ B (fst (p k0)) k
-- i.e. essentially need to show that fst (p k) ≡ fst (p k0)
-- This follows from clock irrelevance for A, with M = fst ∘ p of type Clock -> A
MLTT-choice : {S : Type} -> {A : S -> Type} -> {B : (s : S) -> A s -> Type} ->
Iso (∀ (s : S) -> (Σ[ x ∈ A s ] B s x))
(Σ[ x ∈ (∀ s -> A s) ] ( ∀ s -> B s (x s) ))
MLTT-choice = Σ-Π-Iso
Eq-Iso : {A B : Type} ->
A ≡ B -> Iso A B
Eq-Iso {A} {B} H-eq = subst (Iso A) H-eq idIso
-- same as: transport (cong (Iso A) H-eq) idIso
Iso-∀clock-Σ : {A : Type} -> {B : A -> Clock -> Type} ->
clock-irrel A ->
(∀ (k : Clock) -> Σ A (λ a -> B a k))
(Σ A (λ a -> ∀ (k : Clock) -> B a k))
Iso-∀clock-Σ {A} {B} H-clk-irrel =
(∀ (k : Clock) -> Σ A (λ a -> B a k))
Iso⟨ Σ-Π-Iso {A = Clock} {B = λ _ -> A} {C = λ k a -> B a k} ⟩
(Σ ((k : Clock) → A) (λ f → (k : Clock) → B (f k) k))
Iso⟨ ( Σ-cong-iso-snd (λ f → codomainIsoDep (λ k → Eq-Iso (λ i → B (H-clk-irrel f k k0 i) k)))) ⟩
(Σ ((k : Clock) → A) (λ f → (k : Clock) → B (f k0) k))
Iso⟨ Σ-cong-iso-fst {B = λ a -> ∀ k' -> B a k'} (Iso-∀kA-A H-clk-irrel) ⟩
(Σ A (λ a -> ∀ (k : Clock) -> B a k)) ∎Iso
-- Action of the above isomorphism
Iso-∀clock-Σ-fun : {A : Type} {B : A -> Clock -> Type} ->
(H : clock-irrel A) ->
(f : (k : Clock) -> Σ A (λ a -> B a k)) -> (Iso-∀clock-Σ {A} {B} H) f ≡ (fst (f k0) , {!!})
Iso-∀clock-Σ-fun {A} {B} H f = {!!}
{- Note:
: {A.ℓ : Level} {A : Type A.ℓ} {B..1 : Level} {A' : Type B..1}
{B.ℓ : Level} {B : A' → Type B.ℓ} (isom : Iso A A') →
Iso (Σ A (B ∘ isom)) (Σ A' B)
In this case, the isomorphism function associated with Iso-∀kA-A
takes f : (∀ (k : Clock) -> A) to A by applying f to k0.
This is why we need the intermediate step of transforming B (f k) k
into B (f k0) k.
Iso-Π-⊎-clk : {A B : Clock -> Type} ->
((k : Clock) -> (A k ⊎ B k))
(((k : Clock) -> A k) ⊎ ((k : Clock) -> B k))
Iso-Π-⊎-clk {A} {B} =
(∀ (k : Clock) -> (A k ⊎ B k))
Iso⟨ codomainIsoDep (λ k -> Iso-⊎-ΣBool) ⟩
(∀ (k : Clock) -> Σ[ b ∈ Bool ] bool2ty (A k) (B k) b )
Iso⟨ Iso-∀clock-Σ bool-clock-irrel ⟩
(Σ[ b ∈ Bool ] ∀ k -> bool2ty (A k) (B k) b)
Iso⟨ Σ-cong-iso-snd (λ b → Eq-Iso (bool2ty-eq b)) ⟩
-- (cong (Iso ((x : Clock) → bool2ty (A x) (B x) b)) (bool2ty-eq b))
(Σ[ b ∈ Bool ] bool2ty (∀ k -> A k) (∀ k -> B k) b)
Iso⟨ invIso Iso-⊎-ΣBool ⟩
(∀ k -> A k) ⊎ (∀ k -> B k) ∎Iso
-- Action of the above isomorphism
Iso-Π-⊎-clk-fun : {A B : Clock -> Type} -> {f : (k : Clock) -> (A k ⊎ B k) } -> Iso-Π-⊎-clk f ≡ {!!}
Iso-Π-⊎-clk-fun {A} {B} {f} = {!!}
L℧-iso : {k : Clock} -> {X : Type} -> Iso (L℧ k X) ((X ⊎ ⊤) ⊎ (▹_,_ k (L℧ k X)))
L℧-iso {k} {X} = iso f g sec retr
f : L℧ k X → (X ⊎ ⊤) ⊎ (▹ k , L℧ k X)
f (η x) = inl (inl x)
f ℧ = inl (inr tt)
f (θ lx~) = inr lx~
g : (X ⊎ ⊤) ⊎ (▹ k , L℧ k X) -> L℧ k X
g (inl (inl x)) = η x
g (inl (inr tt)) = ℧
g (inr lx~) = θ lx~
sec : section f g
sec (inl (inl x)) = refl
sec (inl (inr tt)) = refl
sec (inr lx~) = refl
retr : retract f g
retr (η x) = refl
retr ℧ = refl
retr (θ x) = refl
L℧F-iso : {X : Type} -> Iso (L℧F X) (((□ X) ⊎ ⊤) ⊎ (L℧F X))
L℧F-iso {X} =
(∀ k -> L℧ k X)
Iso⟨ codomainIsoDep (λ k -> L℧-iso) ⟩
(∀ k -> (X ⊎ ⊤) ⊎ (▹_,_ k (L℧ k X)))
Iso⟨ Iso-Π-⊎-clk ⟩
(∀ (k : Clock) -> (X ⊎ ⊤)) ⊎ (∀ k -> ▹_,_ k (L℧ k X))
Iso⟨ ⊎Iso Iso-Π-⊎-clk idIso ⟩
((∀ (k : Clock) -> X) ⊎ (∀ (k : Clock) -> ⊤)) ⊎
(∀ k -> ▹_,_ k (L℧ k X))
Iso⟨ ⊎Iso
(⊎Iso idIso (Iso-∀kA-A Unit-clock-irrel))
force-iso ⟩
((□ X) ⊎ ⊤) ⊎ (L℧F X) ∎Iso
-- Characterizing the behavior of the isomorphism on specific inputs.
rule-tru : {k k' : Clock} -> {i : I} ->
bool-clock-irrel (λ x → true) k k' i ≣ true
rule-tru = {!!}
rule-fls : {k k' : Clock} -> {i : I} ->
bool-clock-irrel (λ x → false) k k' i ≣ false
rule-fls = {!!}
{-# REWRITE rule-tru rule-fls #-}
lem-iso : {A B : Type} -> (iAB : Iso A B) -> (a : A) -> (b : B) -> iAB a ≡ b -> Iso.inv iAB b ≡ a
lem-iso iAB a b H =
Iso.inv iAB b ≡⟨ sym (λ i -> Iso.inv iAB (H i) ) ⟩
Iso.inv iAB ( iAB a) ≡⟨ Iso.leftInv iAB a ⟩
a ∎
L℧F-iso-η : {X : Type} -> (x : □ X) -> L℧F-iso (ηF x) ≡ (inl (inl x))
L℧F-iso-η x = cong inl (cong inl (clock-ext (λ k -> {!!})))
L℧F-iso-℧ : {X : Type} -> (L℧F-iso {X}) ℧F ≡ inl (inr tt)
L℧F-iso-℧ = cong inl refl
L℧F-iso-θ : {X : Type} -> (l : L℧F X) -> (L℧F-iso {X}) (λ k -> θ (next (l k))) ≡ inr l
L℧F-iso-θ l = cong inr (clock-ext (λ k -> {!!}))
L℧F-iso-η-inv : {X : Type} ->
(l : L℧F X) -> (x : □ X) -> L℧F-iso l ≡ (inl (inl x)) ->
l ≡ (ηF x)
L℧F-iso-η-inv l x H = isoFunInjective L℧F-iso l (ηF x)
( L℧F-iso l ≡⟨ H ⟩
inl (inl x) ≡⟨ sym (L℧F-iso-η x) ⟩ L℧F-iso (ηF x) ∎)
-- In the special case where X is clock-irrelevant, we can simplify the
-- above isomorphism further by replacing □ X with X.
L℧F-iso-irrel : {X : Type} -> clock-irrel X -> Iso (L℧F X) ((X ⊎ ⊤) ⊎ (L℧F X))
L℧F-iso-irrel {X} H-irrel =
L℧F X Iso⟨ L℧F-iso ⟩
((□ X) ⊎ ⊤) ⊎ (L℧F X) Iso⟨ ⊎Iso (⊎Iso (Iso-∀kA-A H-irrel) idIso) idIso ⟩
(X ⊎ ⊤) ⊎ (L℧F X) ∎Iso
unfold-L℧F : {X : Type} -> clock-irrel X -> (L℧F X) ≡ ((X ⊎ ⊤) ⊎ (L℧F X))
unfold-L℧F H = ua (isoToEquiv (L℧F-iso-irrel H))
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