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Commit 72d415ff authored by Eric Giovannini's avatar Eric Giovannini
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{-# OPTIONS --cubical --rewriting --guarded #-}
-- to allow opening this module in other files while there are still holes
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
open import Later
module ErrorDomains(k : Clock) where
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Poset
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat hiding (_^_)
open import Cubical.Data.Bool.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Empty hiding (rec)
open import Cubical.Data.Sum hiding (rec)
open import Agda.Primitive
l : Level
A B : Set l
▹_ : Set l → Set l
▹_ A = ▹_,_ k A
id : {ℓ : Level} -> {A : Type ℓ} -> A -> A
id x = x
_^_ : {ℓ : Level} -> {A : Type ℓ} -> (A -> A) -> ℕ -> A -> A
f ^ zero = id
f ^ suc n = f ∘ (f ^ n)
Predomain : Set₁
Predomain = Poset ℓ-zero ℓ-zero
record MonFun (X Y : Predomain) : Set where
module X = PosetStr (X .snd)
module Y = PosetStr (Y .snd)
_≤X_ = X._≤_
_≤Y_ = Y._≤_
f : (X .fst) → (Y .fst)
isMon : ∀ {x y} → x ≤X y → f x ≤Y f y
▸' : ▹ Predomain → Predomain
▸' X = ((@tick x : Tick k) → (X x) .fst) ,
posetstr (fix {k = k} (λ _,_≤_ x₁ x₂ → ▸ λ x → x , x₁ ≤ x₂))
(fix {k = k} λ proofs → isposet {!!} {!!} {!!} {!!} {!!})
▸''_ : Predomain → Predomain
▸'' X = ▸' (next X)
record ErrorDomain : Set₁ where
X : Predomain
module X = PosetStr (X .snd)
_≤_ = X._≤_
℧ : X .fst
℧⊥ : ∀ x → ℧ ≤ x
θ : MonFun (▸'' X) X
data L℧ (X : Set) : Set where
η : X → L℧ X
℧ : L℧ X
θ : ▹ (L℧ X) → L℧ X
EofP : Predomain → ErrorDomain
EofP X = record {
X = L℧X ; ℧ = ℧ ; ℧⊥ = {!!} ;
θ = record { f = θ ; isMon = λ t -> {!!} } }
module X = PosetStr (X .snd)
L℧X : Predomain
L℧X = L℧ (X .fst) , posetstr {!X._≤_!} {!!}
-- Although tempting from an equational perspective,
-- we should not add the restriction that θ (next x) ≡ x
-- for all x. If we did do this, we would end up collapsing
-- everything down to the infinite looping computation, fix θ.
-- The following lemma proves this.
trivialize' : {X : Set} ->
((lx : L℧ X) -> lx ≡ θ (next lx)) ->
▹ ((lx : L℧ X) -> lx ≡ fix θ) → (lx : L℧ X) -> lx ≡ fix θ
trivialize' hθ IH lx =
lx ≡⟨ hθ lx ⟩
θ (next lx) ≡⟨ ( λ i -> θ λ t -> IH t lx i) ⟩
θ (next (fix θ)) ≡⟨ sym (fix-eq θ) ⟩
(fix θ ∎)
trivialize : {X : Set} ->
((lx : L℧ X) -> lx ≡ θ (next lx)) ->
((lx : L℧ X) -> (lx ≡ fix θ))
trivialize hθ = fix (trivialize' hθ)
-- A slightly stronger version (i.e. a weaker assumption)
-- This applies to the weak bisimulation relation in Mogelberg-Paviotti
trivialize_quotient_stronger : ∀ {X} ->
(∀ x -> η x ≡ θ (next (η x))) ->
(x : X) -> η x ≡ fix θ
trivialize_quotient_stronger {X} hθ = fix rec
where rec : ▹ ((x : X) -> η x ≡ fix θ) → (x : X) -> η x ≡ fix θ
rec IH x =
η x ≡⟨ hθ x ⟩
θ (next (η x)) ≡⟨ (λ i → θ (λ t → IH t x i)) ⟩
θ (next (fix θ)) ≡⟨ sym (fix-eq θ) ⟩
(fix θ ∎)
-- We can prove a similar fact for an arbitrary relation R,
-- so long as it is symmetric, transitive, and a congruence
-- with respect to θ.
transitive : {X : Type} -> (_R_ : X -> X -> Type) -> Type
transitive {X} _R_ =
{x y z : X} -> x R y -> y R z -> x R z
symmetric : {X : Type} -> (_R_ : X -> X -> Type) -> Type
symmetric {X} _R_ =
{x y : X} -> x R y -> y R x
congruence : {X : Type} -> (_R_ : L℧ X -> L℧ X -> Type) -> Type
congruence {X} _R_ = {lx ly : ▹ (L℧ X)} -> ▸ (λ t → (lx t) R (ly t)) -> (θ lx) R (θ ly)
congruence' : {X : Type} -> (_R_ : L℧ X -> L℧ X -> Type) -> Type
congruence' {X} _R_ = {lx ly : L℧ X} -> ▹ (lx R ly) -> (θ (next lx)) R (θ (next ly))
cong→cong' : ∀ {X}{_R_ : L℧ X -> L℧ X -> Type} → congruence _R_ → congruence' _R_
cong→cong' cong ▹R = cong ▹R
trivialize2 : {X : Type} (_R_ : L℧ X -> L℧ X -> Type) ->
symmetric _R_ ->
transitive _R_ ->
congruence _R_ ->
((x : L℧ X) -> (θ (next x)) R x) ->
((x : L℧ X) -> x R (fix θ))
trivialize2 {X} _R_ hSym hTrans hCong hθ = fix trivialize2'
trivialize2' :
▹ ((x : L℧ X) -> x R (fix θ)) → (x : L℧ X) -> x R (fix θ)
trivialize2' IH lx =
(hSym (hθ lx))
(hCong (λ t → IH t lx))
(hθ (fix θ)))
-- lx R
-- (θ (next lx)) R
-- (θ (λ t -> fix θ) ≡
-- (θ (next (fix θ))) R
-- (fix θ)
-- don't need symmetry
trivialize3 : {X : Type} (_R_ : L℧ X -> L℧ X -> Type) ->
transitive _R_ ->
congruence _R_ ->
((x : L℧ X) -> x R (θ (next x))) ->
((x : L℧ X) -> x R (fix θ))
trivialize3 {X} _R_ hTrans hCong hθR = fix trivialize3'
trivialize3' :
▹ ((x : L℧ X) -> x R (fix θ)) → (x : L℧ X) -> x R (fix θ)
trivialize3' IH lx =
subst (λ y → lx R y) (sym (fix-eq θ))
(hθR lx)
(hCong (λ t → IH t lx)))
-- Showing that L is a monad
mapL' : (A -> B) -> ▹ (L℧ A -> L℧ B) -> L℧ A -> L℧ B
mapL' f map_rec (η x) = η (f x)
mapL' f map_rec ℧ = ℧
mapL' f map_rec (θ l_la) = θ (map_rec ⊛ l_la)
-- mapL' f map_rec (θ-next x i) = θ-next {!!} {!!}
mapL : (A -> B) -> L℧ A -> L℧ B
mapL f = fix (mapL' f)
mapL-comp : {A B C : Set} (g : B -> C) (f : A -> B) (x : L℧ A) ->
mapL g (mapL f x) ≡ mapL (g ∘ f) x
mapL-comp g f x = {!!}
ret : {X : Set} -> X -> L℧ X
ret = η
-- rename to ext?
bind' : ∀ {A B} -> (A -> L℧ B) -> ▹ (L℧ A -> L℧ B) -> L℧ A -> L℧ B
bind' f bind_rec (η x) = f x
bind' f bind_rec ℧ = ℧
bind' f bind_rec (θ l_la) = θ (bind_rec ⊛ l_la)
-- fix : ∀ {l} {A : Set l} → (f : ▹ k , A → A) → A
bind : L℧ A -> (A -> L℧ B) -> L℧ B
bind {A} {B} la f = (fix (bind' f)) la
ext : (A -> L℧ B) -> L℧ A -> L℧ B
ext f la = bind la f
mapL : (A -> B) -> L℧ A -> L℧ B
mapL f la = bind la (λ a -> ret (f a))
bind-eta : ∀ (a : A) (f : A -> L℧ B) -> bind (η a) f ≡ f a
bind-eta a f =
fix (bind' f) (ret a) ≡⟨ (λ i → fix-eq (bind' f) i (ret a)) ⟩
(bind' f) (next (fix (bind' f))) (ret a) ≡⟨ refl ⟩
f a ∎
bind-err : (f : A -> L℧ B) -> bind ℧ f ≡ ℧
bind-err f =
fix (bind' f) ℧ ≡⟨ (λ i → fix-eq (bind' f) i ℧) ⟩
(bind' f) (next (fix (bind' f))) ℧ ≡⟨ refl ⟩
℧ ∎
bind-theta : (f : A -> L℧ B)
(l : ▹ (L℧ A)) ->
(fix (bind' f)) (θ l) ≡ θ (fix (bind' f) <$> l)
bind-theta f l =
(fix (bind' f)) (θ l) ≡⟨ (λ i → fix-eq (bind' f) i (θ l)) ⟩
(bind' f) (next (fix (bind' f))) (θ l) ≡⟨ refl ⟩
θ (fix (bind' f) <$> l) ∎
bind-theta : (f : A -> L℧ B)
(l : ▹ (L℧ A)) ->
bind (θ l) f ≡ θ (ext f <$> l)
bind-theta f l =
(fix (bind' f)) (θ l) ≡⟨ (λ i → fix-eq (bind' f) i (θ l)) ⟩
(bind' f) (next (fix (bind' f))) (θ l) ≡⟨ refl ⟩
θ (fix (bind' f) <$> l) ∎
monad-unit-l : ∀ (a : A) (f : A -> L℧ B) -> bind (ret a) f ≡ f a
monad-unit-l = bind-eta
monad-unit-r : (la : L℧ A) -> bind la ret ≡ la
monad-unit-r = fix lem
lem : ▹ ((la : L℧ A) -> bind la ret ≡ la) ->
(la : L℧ A) -> bind la ret ≡ la
lem IH (η x) = monad-unit-l x ret
lem IH ℧ = bind-err ret
lem IH (θ x) = fix (bind' ret) (θ x)
≡⟨ bind-theta ret x ⟩
θ (fix (bind' ret) <$> x)
≡⟨ refl ⟩
θ ((λ la -> bind la ret) <$> x)
-- we get access to a tick since we're under a theta
≡⟨ (λ i → θ λ t → IH t (x t) i) ⟩
θ (id <$> x)
≡⟨ refl ⟩
θ x ∎
-- Should we import this?
-- _∘_ : {A B C : Set} -> (B -> C) -> (A -> B) -> (A -> C)
-- (g ∘ f) x = g (f x)
map-comp : {A B C : Set} (g : B -> C) (f : A -> B) (x : ▹_,_ k _) ->
g <$> (f <$> x) ≡ (g ∘ f) <$> x
map-comp g f x = -- could just say refl for the whole thing
map▹ g (map▹ f x) ≡⟨ refl ⟩
(λ α -> g ((map▹ f x) α)) ≡⟨ refl ⟩
-- (λ α -> g ((λ β -> f (x β)) α)) ≡⟨ refl ⟩
(λ α -> g (f (x α))) ≡⟨ refl ⟩
map▹ (g ∘ f) x ∎
monad-assoc-def =
{A B C : Set} ->
(f : A -> L℧ B) (g : B -> L℧ C) (la : L℧ A) ->
bind (bind la f) g ≡ bind la (λ x -> bind (f x) g)
monad-assoc : monad-assoc-def
monad-assoc = fix lem
lem : ▹ monad-assoc-def -> monad-assoc-def
-- Goal: bind (bind (η x) f) g ≡ bind (η x) (λ y → bind (f y) g)
lem IH f g (η x) =
bind ((bind (η x) f)) g ≡⟨ (λ i → bind (bind-eta x f i) g) ⟩
bind (f x) g ≡⟨ sym (bind-eta x (λ y -> bind (f y) g)) ⟩
bind (η x) (λ y → bind (f y) g) ∎
-- Goal: bind (bind ℧ f) g ≡ bind ℧ (λ x → bind (f x) g)
lem IH f g ℧ =
bind (bind ℧ f) g ≡⟨ (λ i → bind (bind-err f i) g) ⟩
bind ℧ g ≡⟨ bind-err g ⟩
℧ ≡⟨ sym (bind-err (λ x -> bind (f x) g)) ⟩
bind ℧ (λ x → bind (f x) g) ∎
-- Goal: bind (bind (θ x) f) g ≡ bind (θ x) (λ y → bind (f y) g)
-- IH: ▹ (bind (bind la f) g ≡ bind la (λ x -> bind (f x) g))
lem IH f g (θ x) =
bind (bind (θ x) f) g
≡⟨ (λ i → bind (bind-theta f x i) g) ⟩
bind (θ (ext f <$> x)) g
≡⟨ bind-theta g (ext f <$> x) ⟩
-- we can put map-comp in the hole here and refine (but it's wrong)
θ ( ext g <$> (ext f <$> x) )
≡⟨ refl ⟩
θ ( (ext g ∘ ext f) <$> x )
≡⟨ refl ⟩
θ ( ((λ lb -> bind lb g) ∘ (λ la -> bind la f)) <$> x )
≡⟨ refl ⟩ -- surprised that this works
θ ( (λ la -> bind (bind la f) g) <$> x )
≡⟨ (λ i → θ (λ t → IH t f g (x t) i)) ⟩
θ ( (λ la -> bind la (λ y -> bind (f y) g)) <$> x )
≡⟨ refl ⟩
θ ( (ext (λ y -> bind (f y) g)) <$> x )
≡⟨ sym (bind-theta ((λ y -> bind (f y) g)) x) ⟩
bind (θ x) (λ y → bind (f y) g) ∎
-- bind (θ ( (λ la -> bind la f) <$> x)) g ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩
-- 1. Define denotational semantics for gradual STLC and show soundness of term precision
-- 1a. Define interpretation of terms of gradual CBV cast calculus (STLC + casts)
-- i) Semantic domains
-- ii) Term syntax (intrinsically typed, de Bruijn)
-- iii) Denotation function
-- 1b. Soundness of term precision with equational theory only (no ordering)
-- The language supports Dyn, CBV functions, nat
data Dyn' (D : ▹ Type) : Type where
nat : ℕ -> Dyn' D
arr : ▸ (λ t → D t -> L℧ (D t)) -> Dyn' D
-- Would this Dyn be better?
data Dyn'' (D : ▹ Type) : Type where
nat : ℕ -> Dyn'' D
arr : (▸ D -> L℧ (Dyn'' D)) -> Dyn'' D
Dyn : Type
Dyn = fix Dyn'
-- Embedding-projection pairs
record EP (A B : Set) : Set where
emb : A -> B
proj : B -> L℧ A
data Maybe {ℓ : Level} (A : Set ℓ) : Set ℓ where
η : A -> Maybe A
℧ : Maybe A
ret-Maybe : {A : Set} -> A -> Maybe A
ret-Maybe = η
bind-Maybe : {A B : Set} ->
Maybe A -> (A -> Maybe B) -> Maybe B
bind-Maybe (η x) f = f x
bind-Maybe ℧ f = ℧
data L (X : Set) : Set where
η : X -> L X
θ : ▹ (L X) -> L X
Lret : {A : Set} -> A -> L A
Lret = η
Lbind' : ∀ {A B} -> (A -> L B) -> ▹ (L A -> L B) -> L A -> L B
Lbind' f bind_rec (η x) = f x
Lbind' f bind_rec (θ l_la) = θ (bind_rec ⊛ l_la)
Lbind : L A -> (A -> L B) -> L B
Lbind {A} {B} la f = (fix (Lbind' f)) la
-- Try to show that Maybe (L A) is a monad by defining bind...
mapMaybe : (A -> B) -> (Maybe A) -> Maybe B
mapMaybe = {!!}
joinMaybe : Maybe (Maybe A) -> Maybe A
joinMaybe = {!!}
joinL : L (L A) -> L A
joinL = {!!}
Lmap : (A -> B) -> L A -> L B
Lmap = {!!}
ret-Maybe-L : A -> Maybe (L A)
ret-Maybe-L a = η (η a)
bind-Maybe-L' :
(A -> Maybe (L B)) ->
▹ (Maybe (L A) -> Maybe (L B)) ->
Maybe (L A) -> Maybe (L B)
bind-Maybe-L' f bind-rec (η (η x)) = f x
bind-Maybe-L' f bind-rec (η (θ l_la)) = {!!}
-- joinMaybe (η ( mapMaybe joinL (swap (θ λ t -> Lmap (bind-rec t) (η (η (l_la t)))))))
bind-Maybe-L' f bind-rec ℧ = ℧
bind-Maybe-L : Maybe (L A) -> (A -> Maybe (L B)) -> Maybe (L B)
bind-Maybe-L mla f = (fix (bind-Maybe-L' f)) mla
MaybeL-monad-unit-l : ∀ (a : A) (f : A -> Maybe (L B)) ->
bind-Maybe-L (ret-Maybe-L a) f ≡ f a
MaybeL-monad-unit-l a f = {!!}
MaybeL-monad-unit-r : (mla : Maybe (L A)) -> bind-Maybe-L mla ret-Maybe-L ≡ mla
MaybeL-monad-unit-r = fix lem
lem : ▹ ((mla : Maybe (L A)) -> bind-Maybe-L mla ret-Maybe-L ≡ mla) ->
(mla : Maybe (L A)) -> bind-Maybe-L mla ret-Maybe-L ≡ mla
lem IH (η (η x)) = {!!}
lem IH (η (θ x)) = {!!}
lem IH ℧ = {!!}
record EP' (A B : Set) : Set where
emb : A -> B
proj : B -> Maybe (▹ A)
record EP'' (A B : Set) : Set where
emb : A -> B
proj : B -> Maybe (L A)
record EP''' (A B : Set) : Set where
emb : A -> B
proj : ▸ (λ _ -> B -> ▹ (Maybe A))
record EP4 (A B : Set) : Set where
emb : ▹ (A -> B)
proj : ▹ (B -> Maybe A)
record EP5 (A B : Set) : Set where
emb : A -> B
proj : B -> ▹ (Maybe A)
fin-later : {ℓ : Level} -> Type ℓ -> Type ℓ
fin-later A = Σ ℕ λ n -> (_^_ ▹_ n) (Maybe A)
fin-later-bind' : (A -> fin-later B) ->
▹ (fin-later A -> fin-later B) ->
fin-later A -> fin-later B
fin-later-bind' f rec (n , ▹^n-f) = {!!} , {!!}
many▹intro : (n : ℕ) -> (A -> B) -> (▹_ ^ n) A -> (▹_ ^ n) B
many▹intro zero = id
many▹intro (suc n) f l_ln_a = λ t → (many▹intro n f) (l_ln_a t)
lemma : (n m : ℕ) -> (▹_ ^ m) ((▹_ ^ n) B) ≡ (▹_ ^ (m + n)) B
lemma = {!!}
many▹bind : {n m p : ℕ} -> n + m ≡ p -> (▹_ ^ n) A -> (A -> (▹_ ^ m) B) -> (▹_ ^ (n + m)) B
many▹bind {n = n} {m = m} {p = p} eq a f =
transport (lemma m n) (many▹intro n f a) -- (many▹intro {!!} f a)
-- many▹intro {!!} f a
-- many▹bind {n = zero} {m = m} eq a f = {!!}
-- many▹bind {n = suc n} {m = m} eq = {!!}
record EP6 (A B : Type) (n : ℕ) : Type where
emb : A -> B
proj : B -> (▹_ ^ n) (Maybe A)
-- E-P Pair for a type with itself
EP-id : (A : Type) -> EP A A
EP-id A = record {
emb = id;
proj = ret }
EP'''-id : (A : Type) -> EP''' A A
EP'''-id A = record {
emb = {!!};
proj = {!!} }
EP4-id : (A : Type) -> EP4 A A
EP4-id A = record {
emb = {!!};
proj = next (ret-Maybe) }
EP6-id : (A : Type) (n : ℕ) -> EP6 A A n
EP6-id A n = record {
emb = {!!};
proj = {!!} }
-- Composing EP pairs
EP-comp : {A B C : Type} -> EP A B -> EP B C -> EP A C
EP-comp epAB epBC = record {
emb = λ a -> emb epBC (emb epAB a) ;
proj = λ c -> bind (proj epBC c) (proj epAB) }
where open EP
EP-later : {A : Type} -> EP' A B -> EP' (▹ A) (▹ B)
EP-later epAB = record {
emb = λ a -> next (emb epAB {!!});
proj = λ lb -> {!!} }
where open EP'
EP-comp-precise : {A B C : Type} -> EP' A (▹ B) -> EP' (B) (C) -> EP' A (▹ C)
EP-comp-precise epAB epBC = record {
emb = λ a -> {!!};
proj = λ c -> bind-Maybe (proj epBC {!!}) (proj {!!}) }
where open EP'
EP-comp4 : {A B C : Type} -> EP4 A B -> EP4 B C -> EP4 A C
EP-comp4 epAB epBC = record {
emb = λ t a -> emb epBC t (emb epAB t a) ;
proj = λ t c -> bind-Maybe (proj epBC t c) λ b -> proj epAB t b}
where open EP4
EP-comp5 : {A B C : Type} -> EP5 A B -> EP5 B C -> EP5 A C
EP-comp5 epAB epBC = record {
emb = λ a -> emb epBC (emb epAB a) ;
proj = λ c t -> bind-Maybe (proj epBC c t) (λ b -> {!!}) } -- proj epAB b t is invalid
where open EP5
EP-comp6 : {A B C : Type} -> {n m : ℕ} -> EP6 A B n -> EP6 B C m -> EP6 A C (n + m)
EP-comp6 {n = n} {m = m} epAB epBC = record {
emb = λ a -> emb epBC (emb epAB a) ;
proj = λ c -> {!!} }
-- many▹bind {n = m} {m = n} {p = n + m} {!!} (proj epBC c) (λ b -> proj epAB b) }
-- many▹bind (proj epBC c) (λ b -> proj epAB b) }
where open EP6
EP-comp-precise2 : {A B C : Type} -> EP'' A B -> EP'' B C -> EP'' A C
EP-comp-precise2 epAB epBC = record {
emb = λ a -> emb epBC (emb epAB a) ;
proj = λ c -> bind-Maybe
(proj epBC c)
(λ lb -> bind-Maybe {!!} {!!}) }
where open EP''
EP'''-comp : {A B C : Type} -> EP''' A B -> EP''' B C -> EP''' A C
EP'''-comp epAB epBC = record {
emb = λ t -> λ a -> emb epBC t (emb epAB t a) ;
proj = λ t -> λ c -> λ t' ->
bind-Maybe (proj epBC t c t) (λ b -> proj epAB t b t) }
where open EP'''
-- E-P pair between a type and its lift
EP-L : {A : Type} -> EP A B -> EP (L℧ A) (L℧ B)
EP-L epAB = record {
emb = λ la -> mapL (emb epAB) la;
proj = λ lb -> mapL (proj epAB) lb }
where open EP
-- E-P Pair for nat
e-nat : ℕ -> Dyn
e-nat n = transport (sym (fix-eq Dyn')) (nat n)
p-nat' : Dyn' (next Dyn) -> L℧ ℕ
p-nat' (nat n) = ret n
p-nat' (arr f) = ℧
p-nat : Dyn -> L℧ ℕ
p-nat d = p-nat' (transport (fix-eq Dyn') d)
retraction-nat : (n : ℕ) -> p-nat (e-nat n) ≡ ret n
retraction-nat n =
λ i → p-nat'
(transport⁻Transport (sym (fix-eq Dyn')) (nat n) i)
EP-nat : EP ℕ Dyn
EP-nat = record {
emb = e-nat;
proj = p-nat }
-- E-P Pair for functions Dyn to L℧ Dyn
e-fun : (Dyn -> L℧ Dyn) -> Dyn
e-fun f = transport (sym (fix-eq Dyn'))
(arr (next f))
p-fun' : Dyn' (next Dyn) -> L℧ (Dyn -> L℧ Dyn)
p-fun' (nat x) = ℧
p-fun' (arr x) = θ (ret <$> x) -- could also define using tick
p-fun : Dyn -> L℧ (Dyn -> L℧ Dyn)
p-fun d = p-fun' (transport (fix-eq Dyn') d)
fun-retract : (f : (Dyn -> L℧ Dyn)) ->
p-fun (e-fun f) ≡ θ (next (ret f))
fun-retract f =
p-fun' (transport (fix-eq Dyn') (e-fun f))
≡⟨ refl ⟩
p-fun' (transport (fix-eq Dyn') (transport (sym (fix-eq Dyn')) (arr (next f))))
≡⟨ (λ i → p-fun' (transportTransport⁻ (fix-eq Dyn') (arr (next f)) i)) ⟩
p-fun' (arr (next f)) ≡⟨ refl ⟩
θ (ret <$> next f) ≡⟨ refl ⟩
θ (next (ret f)) ∎
EP-fun : EP (Dyn -> L℧ Dyn) Dyn
EP-fun = record {
emb = e-fun;
proj = p-fun }
p-fun-precise' : Dyn' (next Dyn) -> (Maybe (▹ (Dyn -> L℧ Dyn)))
p-fun-precise' (nat x) = ℧
p-fun-precise' (arr x) = η x -- (ret <$> x) -- could also define using tick
p-fun-precise : Dyn -> (Maybe (▹ (Dyn -> L℧ Dyn)))
p-fun-precise d = p-fun-precise' (transport (fix-eq Dyn') d)
fun-retract-precise : (f : (Dyn -> L℧ Dyn)) ->
p-fun-precise (e-fun f) ≡ η (next f)
fun-retract-precise f =
p-fun-precise' (transport (fix-eq Dyn') (transport (sym (fix-eq Dyn')) (arr (next f))))
≡⟨ {!!} ⟩
p-fun-precise' (arr (next f)) ∎
e-fun4 : ▹ ((Dyn -> L℧ Dyn) -> Dyn)
e-fun4 = next (λ f -> transport (sym (fix-eq Dyn')) (arr (next f)))
p-fun4' : (Dyn' (next Dyn) -> Maybe (Dyn -> L℧ Dyn))
p-fun4' (nat x) = ℧
p-fun4' (arr f) = η λ d -> θ (λ t -> f t d)
p-fun4 : ▹ (Dyn -> Maybe (Dyn -> L℧ Dyn))
p-fun4 = next λ d -> p-fun4' (transport (fix-eq Dyn') d)
EP4-fun : EP4 (Dyn -> L℧ Dyn) Dyn
EP4-fun = record {
emb = e-fun4;
proj = p-fun4 }
EP4-fun-retract : (f : (Dyn -> L℧ Dyn)) (t : Tick k) ->
p-fun4 t (e-fun4 t f) ≡ η f
EP4-fun-retract f t =
p-fun4' (transport (fix-eq Dyn') (e-fun4 t f)) ≡⟨ refl ⟩
p-fun4' (transport (fix-eq Dyn') (transport (sym (fix-eq Dyn')) (arr (next f)))) ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩
p-fun4' (arr (next f)) ≡⟨ refl ⟩
(η λ d -> θ (λ t' -> (next f) t' d)) ≡⟨ refl ⟩
(η λ d -> θ (λ t' -> f d)) ≡⟨ refl ⟩
(η λ d -> θ (next (f d))) ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩
(η ((next f) t)) ≡⟨ refl ⟩
η f ∎
-- transport (sym (fix-eq Dyn')) (arr (next f))
-- Lifting retractions to functions
module ArrowRetraction
{A A' B B' : Set}
(epAA' : EP A A')
(epBB' : EP B B') where
e-lift :
(A → L℧ B) → (A' → L℧ B')
e-lift f a' =
bind (EP.proj epAA' a') λ a -> mapL (EP.emb epBB') (f a)
-- or equivalently:
-- mapL (EP.emb epBB') (bind (EP.proj epAA' a') h)
p-lift :
(A' -> L℧ B') -> L℧ (A -> L℧ B)
p-lift f =
ret (λ a → bind (f (EP.emb epAA' a)) (EP.proj epBB'))
EP-lift : {A A' B B' : Set} ->
EP A A' ->
EP B B' ->
EP (A -> L℧ B) (A' -> L℧ B')
EP-lift epAA' epBB' = record {
emb = e-lift;
proj = p-lift }
where open ArrowRetraction epAA' epBB'
-- Ordering on terms
record Predomain (ℓ ℓ' : Level) (X : Type ℓ) : Type (ℓ-max ℓ (ℓ-suc ℓ')) where
_≾X_ : X -> X -> Type
pst : IsPoset _≾X_
U : ErrorDomain -> Type
U d = (ErrorDomain.X d) .fst
δ : {X : Type} -> L℧ X -> L℧ X
δ = θ ∘ next
where open L℧
-- Should this be on Predomains?
module Relation (d : ErrorDomain) where
-- make this a module so we can avoid having to make the IH
-- a parameter of the comparison function
module Inductive (IH : ▹ (L℧ (U d) -> L℧ (U d) -> Type)) where
open ErrorDomain d renaming (θ to θ')
_≾'_ : L℧ (U d) -> L℧ (U d) -> Type
℧ ≾' _ = Unit
η x ≾' η y = x ≤ y
θ lx ≾' θ ly = ▸ (λ t -> IH t (lx t) (ly t))
-- or equivalently: θ lx ≾' θ ly = ▸ ((IH ⊛ lx) ⊛ ly)
η x ≾' θ t = Σ ℕ λ n -> Σ (U d) (λ y -> (θ t ≡ (δ ^ n) (η y)) × (x ≤ y))
-- need to account for error (θ s ≡ delay of η x or delay of ℧, in which case we're done)
θ s ≾' η y = Σ ℕ λ n ->
(θ s ≡ (δ ^ n) L℧.℧) ⊎
(Σ (U d) (λ x -> (θ s ≡ (δ ^ n) (η x)) × (x ≤ y)))
_ ≾' ℧ = ⊥
_≾_ : L℧ (U d) -> L℧ (U d) -> Type
_≾_ = fix _≾'_
where open Inductive
module Properties where
-- To show that this is not transitive:
-- Prove that it's not trivial (i.e., η true is not related to η false.
-- Should follow by definition.)
-- Appeal to lemma: it is a congruence with respect to θ,
-- so if it were transitive, then by the lemma, it would be trivial.
non-trivial : Σ (U d) (λ x -> Σ (U d) (λ y -> x ≡ y -> ⊥)) ->
Σ (U d) (λ x -> Σ (U d) (λ y -> (η x) ≾ (η y) -> ⊥))
non-trivial (x , y , H-contra) = x , (y , (λ H-contra2 → H-contra {!!}))
lem-rewrite : (lx ly : ▹ (L℧ (U d))) ->
(θ lx ≾ θ ly) ≡ (Inductive._≾'_ (next (_≾_)) (θ lx) (θ ly))
lem-rewrite lx ly =
(fix Inductive._≾'_) (θ lx) (θ ly)
-- can't come up with this through refining:
≡⟨ (λ i -> fix-eq (Inductive._≾'_) i (θ lx) (θ ly)) ⟩
(Inductive._≾'_ (next (_≾_)) (θ lx) (θ ly)) ∎
-- fix _≾'_ ≡ _≾'_ (next (_≾_))
-- fix _≾'_ (θ lx) (θ ly) ≡ _≾'_ (next (_≾_)) (θ lx) (θ ly)
θ-cong : congruence _≾_
θ-cong {lx} {ly} h = transport (sym (lem-rewrite lx ly)) h
L℧ : Predomain → ErrorDomain
L℧ X = record { X = L℧X ; ℧ = ℧ ; ℧⊥ = {!!} ; θ = record { f = θ₀ ; isMon = {!!} } }
L℧X : Predomain
L℧X = L℧₀ (X .fst) , {!!}
-- | TODO:
-- | 1. monotone monad structure
-- | 2. strict functions
-- | 3. UMP?
-- | 4. show that later preserves domain structures
-- | 5. Solve some example recursive domain equations
-- | 6. Program in shallow embedded lambda calculus
-- | 7. Embedding-Projection pairs!
-- | 8. GLTC Syntax, Inequational theory
-- | 9. Model of terms & inequational theory
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