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Commit 5b9e4b9f authored by Max New's avatar Max New
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Implement the GTT logic, reduce the amount of annotations using nested var generalization

parent 475c61c4
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......@@ -10,18 +10,106 @@ open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Data.Prod hiding (map)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.Data.List hiding (nil)
open import Cubical.Data.Empty renaming (rec to exFalso)
open import Syntax.Types
open import Syntax.Terms
data ValPrec : (Γ : PrecCtx) (A : TyPrec) (V : Val (ctx-endpt l Γ) (ty-endpt l A)) (V' : Val (ctx-endpt r Γ) (ty-endpt r A)) → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ-zero)
data CompPrec : (Γ : PrecCtx) (A : TyPrec) (M : Comp (ctx-endpt l Γ) (ty-endpt l A)) (M' : Comp (ctx-endpt r Γ) (ty-endpt r A)) → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ-zero)
data EvCtxPrec : (Γ : PrecCtx) (A : TyPrec) (B : TyPrec) (E : EvCtx (ctx-endpt l Γ) (ty-endpt l A) (ty-endpt l B)) (E' : EvCtx (ctx-endpt r Γ) (ty-endpt r A) (ty-endpt r B)) → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ-zero)
Δ Γ Θ Z Δ' Γ' Θ' Z' : Ctx
R S T U R' S' T' U' : Ty
B B' C C' D D' : Γ ⊑ctx Γ'
b b' c c' d d' : S ⊑ S'
γ γ' γ'' : Subst Δ Γ
δ δ' δ'' : Subst Θ Δ
V V' V'' : Val Γ S
M M' M'' N N' N'' : Comp Γ S
E E' E'' F F' F'' : EvCtx Γ S T
open TyPrec
open CtxPrec
data Subst⊑ : (C : Δ ⊑ctx Δ') (D : Γ ⊑ctx Γ') (γ : Subst Δ Γ) (γ' : Subst Δ' Γ') → Type
data Val⊑ : (C : Γ ⊑ctx Γ') (c : S ⊑ S') (V : Val Γ S) (V' : Val Γ' S') → Type
data EvCtx⊑ : (C : Γ ⊑ctx Γ') (c : S ⊑ S') (d : T ⊑ T') (E : EvCtx Γ S T) (E' : EvCtx Γ' S' T') → Type
data Comp⊑ : (C : Γ ⊑ctx Γ') (c : S ⊑ S') (M : Comp Γ S) (M' : Comp Γ' S') → Type
-- Three parts:
-- 1. Internalization to Preorders
-- - everything is monotone (including the actions of substitution/plugging)
-- - transitivity (reflexivity is admissible)
-- - propositionally truncate
-- 2. Errors are bottom
-- 3. Casts are LUBs/GLBs and retractions
data Subst⊑ where
!s : Subst⊑ C [] !s !s
_,s_ : Subst⊑ C D γ γ' → Val⊑ C c V V' → Subst⊑ C (c ∷ D) (γ ,s V) (γ' ,s V')
_∘s_ : Subst⊑ C D γ γ' → Subst⊑ B C δ δ' → Subst⊑ B D (γ ∘s δ) (γ' ∘s δ')
_ids_ : Subst⊑ C C ids ids
-- in principle we could add βη equations instead but truncating is simpler
isProp⊑ : isProp (Subst⊑ C D γ γ')
data Val⊑ where
_[_]v : Val⊑ C c V V' → Subst⊑ B C γ γ' → Val⊑ B c (V [ γ ]v) (V' [ γ' ]v)
var : Val⊑ (c ∷ C) c var var
zro : Val⊑ [] nat zro zro
suc : Val⊑ (nat ∷ []) nat suc suc
up-L : ∀ S⊑T → Val⊑ ((ty-prec S⊑T) ∷ []) (refl-⊑ (ty-right S⊑T)) (up S⊑T) var
up-R : ∀ S⊑T → Val⊑ ((refl-⊑ (ty-left S⊑T)) ∷ []) (ty-prec S⊑T) var (up S⊑T)
trans : Val⊑ C c V V' → Val⊑ D d V' V'' → Val⊑ (trans-⊑ctx C D) (trans c d) V V''
isProp⊑ : isProp (Val⊑ C c V V')
data EvCtx⊑ where
∙E : EvCtx⊑ C c c ∙E ∙E
_∘E_ : EvCtx⊑ C c d E E' → EvCtx⊑ C b c F F' → EvCtx⊑ C b d (E ∘E F) (E' ∘E F')
_[_]e : EvCtx⊑ C c d E E' → Subst⊑ B C γ γ' → EvCtx⊑ B c d (E [ γ ]e) (E' [ γ' ]e)
-- bind : Comp⊑ (c ∷ C) d M M' → EvCtx⊑ C c d ? ?
dn-L : ∀ S⊑T → EvCtx⊑ [] (refl-⊑ (ty-right S⊑T)) (ty-prec S⊑T) (dn S⊑T) ∙E
dn-R : ∀ S⊑T → EvCtx⊑ [] (ty-prec S⊑T) (refl-⊑ (ty-left S⊑T)) ∙E (dn S⊑T)
retractionR : ∀ S⊑T → EvCtx⊑ (refl-⊑ (ty-right S⊑T) ∷ []) (refl-⊑ (ty-right S⊑T)) (refl-⊑ (ty-right S⊑T)) ∙E (upE S⊑T ∘E dn S⊑T)
trans : EvCtx⊑ C b c E E' → EvCtx⊑ C' b' c' E' E'' → EvCtx⊑ (trans-⊑ctx C C') (trans b b') (trans c c') E E''
isProp⊑ : isProp (EvCtx⊑ C c d E E')
data Comp⊑ where
_[_]∙ : EvCtx⊑ C c d E E' → Comp⊑ C c M M' → Comp⊑ C d (E [ M ]∙) (E' [ M' ]∙)
_[_]c : Comp⊑ C c M M' → Subst⊑ D C γ γ' → Comp⊑ D c (M [ γ ]c) (M' [ γ' ]c)
ret : Comp⊑ (c ∷ []) c ret ret
app : Comp⊑ (c ∷ c ⇀ d ∷ []) d app app
matchNat : ∀ {Kz Kz' Ks Ks'} → Comp⊑ C c Kz Kz' → Comp⊑ (nat ∷ C) c Ks Ks' → Comp⊑ (nat ∷ C) c (matchNat Kz Ks) (matchNat Kz' Ks')
err⊥ : Comp⊑ (refl-⊑ctx Γ) (refl-⊑ S) err' M
trans : Comp⊑ C c M M' → Comp⊑ D d M' M'' → Comp⊑ (trans-⊑ctx C D) (trans c d) M M''
isProp⊑ : isProp (Comp⊑ C c M M')
Subst⊑-homo : (γ γ' : Subst Δ Γ) → Type _
Subst⊑-homo = Subst⊑ (refl-⊑ctx _) (refl-⊑ctx _)
Val⊑-homo : (V V' : Val Γ S) → Type _
Val⊑-homo = Val⊑ (refl-⊑ctx _) (refl-⊑ _)
Comp⊑-homo : (M M' : Comp Γ S) → Type _
Comp⊑-homo = Comp⊑ (refl-⊑ctx _) (refl-⊑ _)
EvCtx⊑-homo : (E E' : EvCtx Γ S T) → Type _
EvCtx⊑-homo = EvCtx⊑ (refl-⊑ctx _) (refl-⊑ _) (refl-⊑ _)
_≈s_ : ∀ (γ γ' : Subst Δ Γ) → Type
γ ≈s γ' = Subst⊑-homo γ γ' × Subst⊑-homo γ' γ
_≈v_ : (V V' : Val Γ S) → Type _
V ≈v V' = Val⊑-homo V V' × Val⊑-homo V' V
_≈m_ : (M M' : Comp Γ S) → Type _
M ≈m M' = Comp⊑-homo M M' × Comp⊑-homo M' M
data ValPrec where
data CompPrec where
data EvCtxPrec where
_≈e_ : (E E' : EvCtx Γ S T) → Type _
E ≈e E' = EvCtx⊑-homo E E' × EvCtx⊑-homo E' E
-- TODO: show up, down are monotone, derive semantics of function casts
......@@ -11,40 +11,43 @@ open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Data.Prod hiding (map)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.Data.Empty renaming (rec to exFalso)
open import Syntax.Types
SynType = Ty Empty
TyPrec = Ty Full
TypeCtx = Ctx Empty
PrecCtx = Ctx Full
open TyPrec
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
Δ Γ Θ Z : TypeCtx
R S T U : SynType
Δ Γ Θ Z : Ctx
R S T U : Ty
-- Values, Computations and Evaluation contexts,
-- quotiented by βη equivalence but *not* by order equivalence (i.e., up/dn laws)
data Subst : (Δ : TypeCtx) (Γ : TypeCtx) → Type
data Val : (Γ : TypeCtx) (A : SynType) → Type
data EvCtx : (Γ : TypeCtx) (A : SynType) (B : SynType) → Type
data Comp : (Γ : TypeCtx) (A : SynType) → Type
data Subst : (Δ : Ctx) (Γ : Ctx) → Type
data Val : (Γ : Ctx) (S : Ty) → Type
data EvCtx : (Γ : Ctx) (S : Ty) (T : Ty) → Type
data Comp : (Γ : Ctx) (S : Ty) → Type
γ : Subst Δ Γ
δ : Subst Θ Δ
θ : Subst Z Θ
V V' : Val Γ S
M M' N N' : Comp Γ S
E E' F F' : EvCtx Γ S T
-- This isn't actually induction-recursion, this is just a hack to get
-- around limitations of Agda's mutual recursion for HITs
_[_]v : Val Γ S → Subst Δ Γ → Val Δ S
_[_]c : Comp Γ S → Subst Δ Γ → Comp Δ S
_[_]e : EvCtx Γ S T → Subst Δ Γ → EvCtx Δ S T
_[_]∙ : EvCtx Γ S T → Comp Γ S → Comp Γ T
var : Val (S ∷ Γ) S
ret : Comp [ S ] S
app : Comp (S ∷ (S ⇀ T) ∷ []) T
_[_]vP : Val Γ S → Subst Δ Γ → Val Δ S
_[_]cP : Comp Γ S → Subst Δ Γ → Comp Δ S
_[_]∙P : EvCtx Γ S T → Comp Γ S → Comp Γ T
varP : Val (S ∷ Γ) S
retP : Comp [ S ] S
appP : Comp (S ∷ (S ⇀ T) ∷ []) T
-- Explicit substitutions roughly following
-- but with some changes
......@@ -58,102 +61,95 @@ data Subst where
-- Subst is a cat
ids : Subst Γ Γ
_∘s_ : Subst Δ Θ → Subst Γ Δ → Subst Γ Θ
∘IdL : (γ : Subst Γ Γ) → ids ∘s γ ≡ γ
∘IdR : (γ : Subst Γ Γ) → γ ∘s ids ≡ γ
∘Assoc : (γ : Subst Δ Γ) (δ : Subst Θ Δ)(θ : Subst Z Θ) → γ ∘s (δ ∘s θ) ≡ (γ ∘s δ) ∘s θ
∘IdL : ids ∘s γ ≡ γ
∘IdR : γ ∘s ids ≡ γ
∘Assoc : γ ∘s (δ ∘s θ) ≡ (γ ∘s δ) ∘s θ
-- [] is terminal
!s : Subst Γ []
[]η : (γ : Subst Γ []) → γ ≡ !s
[]η : γ ≡ !s
-- universal property of S ∷ Γ
-- β (other one is in Val), η and naturality
_,s_ : Subst Γ Δ → Val Γ S → Subst Γ (S ∷ Δ)
wk : Subst (S ∷ Γ) Γ
wkβ : (δ : Subst Γ Δ)(V : Val Γ S) → wk ∘s (δ ,s V) ≡ δ
,sη : (δ : Subst Γ (S ∷ Δ)) → δ ≡ (wk ∘s δ ,s var [ δ ]v)
wkβ : wk ∘s (δ ,s V) ≡ δ
,sη : δ ≡ (wk ∘s δ ,s varP [ δ ]vP)
-- copied from similar operators
infixl 4 _,s_
infixr 9 _∘s_
data Val where
-- values form a presheaf over substitutions
_[_]v : Val Γ S → Subst Δ Γ → Val Δ S
substId : V [ ids ]v ≡ V
substAssoc : V [ δ ∘s γ ]v ≡ (V [ δ ]v) [ γ ]v
-- with explicit substitutions we only need the one variable, which we can combine with weakening
varPrim : Val (S ∷ Γ) S
varβ : (δ : Subst Γ Δ) (V : Val Γ S) → var [ δ ,s V ]v ≡ V
var : Val (S ∷ Γ) S
varβ : var [ δ ,s V ]v ≡ V
-- by making these function symbols we avoid more substitution equations
zro : Val [] nat
suc : Val [ nat ] nat
lda : Comp (S ∷ Γ) T -> Val Γ (S ⇀ T) -- TODO: prove substitution under lambdas is admissible
fun-η : (V : Val Γ (S ⇀ T))
-- V = λ x. V x
→ V ≡ lda (app [ (!s ,s (V [ wk ]v)) ,s var ]c)
-- V = λ x. V x
fun-η : V ≡ lda (appP [ (!s ,s (V [ wk ]v)) ,s var ]cP)
up : (S⊑T : TyPrec) -> Val [ ty-left S⊑T ] (ty-right S⊑T)
-- values form a presheaf over substitutions
_[_]v' : Val Γ S → Subst Δ Γ → Val Δ S
substId : (V : Val Γ S) → V [ ids ]v ≡ V
substAssoc : (V : Val Δ S) (δ : Subst Γ Δ)(γ : Subst Θ Γ)
→ V [ δ ∘s γ ]v ≡ (V [ δ ]v) [ γ ]v
isSetVal : isSet (Val Γ S)
_[_]v = _[_]v'
var = varPrim
_[_]vP = _[_]v
varP = var
data EvCtx where
∙E : EvCtx Γ S S
_∘E_ : EvCtx Γ T U → EvCtx Γ S T → EvCtx Γ S U
∘IdL : (E : EvCtx Γ S T) → ∙E ∘E E ≡ E
∘IdR : (E : EvCtx Γ S T) → E ∘E ∙E ≡ E
∘Assoc : (E : EvCtx Γ T U) (F : EvCtx Γ S T)(G : EvCtx Γ R S)
→ E ∘E (F ∘E G) ≡ (E ∘E F) ∘E G
∘IdL : ∙E ∘E E ≡ E
∘IdR : E ∘E ∙E ≡ E
∘Assoc : E ∘E (F ∘E F') ≡ (E ∘E F) ∘E F'
_[_]e' : EvCtx Γ S T → Subst Δ Γ → EvCtx Δ S T
substId : (E : EvCtx Γ S T) → E [ ids ]e ≡ E
substAssoc : (E : EvCtx Γ S T)(γ : Subst Δ Γ)(δ : Subst Θ Δ)
→ E [ γ ∘s δ ]e ≡ E [ γ ]e [ δ ]e
_[_]e : EvCtx Γ S T → Subst Δ Γ → EvCtx Δ S T
substId : E [ ids ]e ≡ E
substAssoc : E [ γ ∘s δ ]e ≡ E [ γ ]e [ δ ]e
∘substDist : (E : EvCtx Γ T U)(F : EvCtx Γ S T)(γ : Subst Δ Γ)
→ (E ∘E F) [ γ ]e ≡ (E [ γ ]e) ∘E (F [ γ ]e)
∘substDist : (E ∘E F) [ γ ]e ≡ (E [ γ ]e) ∘E (F [ γ ]e)
bind : Comp (S ∷ Γ) T → EvCtx Γ S T
-- E[∙] ≡ x <- ∙; E[ret x]
ret-η : (E : EvCtx Γ S T) → E ≡ bind (E [ wk ]e [ ret [ !s ,s var ]c ]∙)
ret-η : E ≡ bind (E [ wk ]e [ retP [ !s ,s var ]cP ]∙P)
dn : (S⊑T : TyPrec) → EvCtx Γ (ty-right S⊑T) (ty-left S⊑T)
isSetEvCtx : isSet (EvCtx Γ S T)
data Comp where
_[_]∙' : EvCtx Γ S T → Comp Γ S → Comp Γ T
plugId : (M : Comp Γ S) → ∙E [ M ]∙ ≡ M
plugAssoc : (M : Comp Γ S)(E : EvCtx Γ S T)(F : EvCtx Γ T U) → (F ∘E E) [ M ]∙ ≡ F [ E [ M ]∙ ]∙
_[_]∙ : EvCtx Γ S T → Comp Γ S → Comp Γ T
plugId : ∙E [ M ]∙ ≡ M
plugAssoc : (F ∘E E) [ M ]∙ ≡ F [ E [ M ]∙ ]∙
_[_]c' : Comp Δ S → Subst Γ Δ → Comp Γ S
_[_]c : Comp Δ S → Subst Γ Δ → Comp Γ S
-- presheaf
substId : (M : Comp Γ S) → M [ ids ]c ≡ M
substAssoc : (M : Comp Δ S) (δ : Subst Γ Δ)(γ : Subst Θ Γ)
→ M [ δ ∘s γ ]c ≡ (M [ δ ]c) [ γ ]c
substId : M [ ids ]c ≡ M
substAssoc : M [ δ ∘s γ ]c ≡ (M [ δ ]c) [ γ ]c
-- Interchange law
substPlugDist : (E : EvCtx Γ S T) (M : Comp Γ S) → (γ : Subst Δ Γ)
→ (E [ M ]∙) [ γ ]c ≡ (E [ γ ]e) [ M [ γ ]c ]∙
substPlugDist : (E [ M ]∙) [ γ ]c ≡ (E [ γ ]e) [ M [ γ ]c ]∙
err : Comp [] S
-- E[err] ≡ err
strictness : (E : EvCtx Γ S T) → E [ err [ !s ]c ]∙ ≡ err [ !s ]c
strictness : E [ err [ !s ]c ]∙ ≡ err [ !s ]c
retPrim : Comp [ S ] S
ret : Comp [ S ] S
-- x <- ret x; M ≡ M
ret-β : (M : Comp (S ∷ Γ) T) → (bind M [ wk ]e [ ret [ !s ,s var ]c ]∙) ≡ M
ret-β : (bind M [ wk ]e [ ret [ !s ,s var ]c ]∙) ≡ M
appPrim : Comp (S ∷ S ⇀ T ∷ []) T
app : Comp (S ∷ S ⇀ T ∷ []) T
-- (λ x. M) x ≡ M
fun-β : (M : Comp (S ∷ Γ) T) → app [ (!s ,s ((lda M) [ wk ]v)) ,s var ]c ≡ M
fun-β : app [ (!s ,s ((lda M) [ wk ]v)) ,s var ]c ≡ M
matchNat : Comp Γ S → Comp (nat ∷ Γ) S → Comp (nat ∷ Γ) S
-- match 0 Kz (x . Ks) ≡ Kz
......@@ -163,14 +159,13 @@ data Comp where
matchNatβs : (Kz : Comp Γ S)(Ks : Comp (nat ∷ Γ) S) (V : Val Γ nat)
→ matchNat Kz Ks [ ids ,s (suc [ !s ,s V ]v) ]c ≡ (Ks [ ids ,s V ]c)
-- M[x] ≡ match x (M[0/x]) (x. M[S x/x])
matchNatη : (M : Comp (nat ∷ Γ) S) → M ≡ matchNat (M [ ids ,s (zro [ !s ]v) ]c) (M [ wk ,s (suc [ !s ,s var ]v) ]c)
matchNatη : M ≡ matchNat (M [ ids ,s (zro [ !s ]v) ]c) (M [ wk ,s (suc [ !s ,s var ]v) ]c)
isSetComp : isSet (Comp Γ S)
app = appPrim
ret = retPrim
_[_]c = _[_]c'
_[_]e = _[_]e'
_[_]∙ = _[_]∙'
appP = app
retP = ret
_[_]cP = _[_]c
_[_]∙P = _[_]∙
-- More ordinary term constructors are admissible
-- up, dn, zro, suc, err, app, bind
......@@ -179,45 +174,60 @@ app' Vf Va = app [ !s ,s Vf ,s Va ]c
-- As well as substitution principles for them
!s-nat : (γ : Subst Γ []) → !s ∘s γ ≡ !s
!s-nat γ = []η _
!s-nat γ = []η
,s-nat : (δ : Subst Θ Δ) (γ : Subst Δ Γ) (V : Val Δ S)
→ (γ ,s V) ∘s δ ≡ ((γ ∘s δ) ,s (V [ δ ]v))
,s-nat δ γ V =
,sη _
∙ cong₂ _,s_ (∘Assoc _ _ _ ∙ cong (_∘s δ) (wkβ _ _))
(substAssoc _ _ _ ∙ cong _[ δ ]v (varβ _ _))
∙ cong₂ _,s_ (∘Assoc ∙ cong (_∘s δ) wkβ)
(substAssoc ∙ cong _[ δ ]v varβ)
-- Some examples for functions
app'-nat : (γ : Subst Δ Γ) (Vf : Val Γ (S ⇀ T)) (Va : Val Γ S)
→ app' Vf Va [ γ ]c ≡ app' (Vf [ γ ]v) (Va [ γ ]v)
app'-nat γ Vf Va =
sym (substAssoc _ _ _)
∙ cong (app [_]c) (,s-nat _ _ _ ∙ cong₂ _,s_ (,s-nat _ _ _ ∙ cong₂ _,s_ ([]η _) refl) refl)
sym substAssoc
∙ cong (app [_]c) (,s-nat _ _ _ ∙ cong₂ _,s_ (,s-nat _ _ _ ∙ cong₂ _,s_ []η refl) refl)
lda-nat : (γ : Subst Δ Γ) (M : Comp (S ∷ Γ) T)
→ (lda M) [ γ ]v ≡ lda (M [ γ ∘s wk ,s var ]c)
lda-nat {Δ = Δ}{Γ = Γ}{S = S} γ M =
fun-η _
∙ cong lda (cong (app [_]c) (cong₂ _,s_ (cong₂ _,s_ (sym ([]η (!s ∘s the-subst))) (sym (substAssoc _ _ _)
∙ cong (lda M [_]v) (sym (wkβ _ var))
∙ substAssoc _ _ _))
(sym (varβ (γ ∘s wk) _))
∙ cong lda (cong (app [_]c) (cong₂ _,s_ (cong₂ _,s_ (sym ([]η)) (sym substAssoc
∙ cong (lda M [_]v) (sym wkβ)
∙ substAssoc))
(sym varβ)
∙ cong (_,s (var [ the-subst ]v)) (sym (,s-nat _ _ _))
∙ sym (,s-nat _ _ _))
∙ substAssoc _ _ _
∙ cong (_[ the-subst ]c) (fun-β _)) where
∙ substAssoc
∙ cong (_[ the-subst ]c) fun-β) where
the-subst : Subst (S ∷ Δ) (S ∷ Γ)
the-subst = γ ∘s wk ,s var
fun-β' : (M : Comp (S ∷ Γ) T) (V : Val Γ S)
→ app' (lda M) V ≡ M [ ids ,s V ]c
fun-β' M V =
cong (app [_]c) (cong₂ _,s_ (cong₂ _,s_ (sym ([]η _)) ((sym (substId _) ∙ cong (lda M [_]v) (sym (wkβ _ _))) ∙ substAssoc _ _ _) ∙ sym (,s-nat _ _ _))
(sym (varβ _ _))
cong (app [_]c) (cong₂ _,s_ (cong₂ _,s_ (sym []η) ((sym substId ∙ cong (lda M [_]v) (sym wkβ)) ∙ substAssoc) ∙ sym (,s-nat _ _ _))
(sym varβ)
∙ sym (,s-nat _ _ _))
∙ substAssoc _ _ _
∙ cong (_[ ids ,s V ]c) (fun-β _)
∙ substAssoc
∙ cong (_[ ids ,s V ]c) fun-β
fun-η' : (V : Val Γ (S ⇀ T)) → V ≡ lda (app' (V [ wk ]v) var)
fun-η' : V ≡ lda (app' (V [ wk ]v) var)
fun-η' = fun-η
err' : Comp Γ S
err' = err [ !s ]c
ret' : Val Γ S → Comp Γ S
ret' V = ret [ !s ,s V ]c
up' : ∀ S⊑T → Val Γ (ty-left S⊑T) → Val Γ (ty-right S⊑T)
up' S⊑T V = up S⊑T [ !s ,s V ]v
upC : ∀ S⊑T → Val Γ (ty-left S⊑T) → Comp Γ (ty-right S⊑T)
upC S⊑T V = ret' (up' S⊑T V)
upE : ∀ S⊑T → EvCtx Γ (ty-left S⊑T) (ty-right S⊑T)
upE S⊑T = bind (ret' (up' S⊑T var))
......@@ -7,44 +7,86 @@ open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude renaming (comp to compose)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.Data.List hiding (nil)
open import Cubical.Data.Prod hiding (map)
open import Cubical.Data.Empty renaming (rec to exFalso)
ℓ : Level
-- Types --
data Ty : Type where
nat : Ty
dyn : Ty
_⇀_ : Ty -> Ty -> Ty
data Interval : Type where
l r : Interval
data iCtx : Type where
Empty : iCtx
Full : iCtx
endpt-fun : ∀ {ℓ} → (iCtx → Type ℓ) → Type ℓ
endpt-fun {ℓ} A = Interval → A Full → A Empty
data Ty : iCtx -> Type
ty-endpt : endpt-fun Ty
_⊑_ : Ty Empty -> Ty Empty -> Type
A ⊑ B = Σ[ c ∈ Ty Full ] ((ty-endpt l c ≡ A) × (ty-endpt r c ≡ B))
data Ty where
nat : ∀ {Ξ} -> Ty Ξ
dyn : ∀ {Ξ} -> Ty Ξ
_⇀_ : ∀ {Ξ} -> Ty Ξ -> Ty Ξ -> Ty Ξ
inj-nat : Ty Full
inj-arr : Ty Full
comp : ∀ (c : Ty Full) -> (d : Ty Full) ->
(ty-endpt l c ≡ ty-endpt r d) -> Ty Full
-- isProp⊑ : ∀ {A B : Ty }
private -- should we make this public???
R R' S S' T T' U U' : Ty
data _⊑_ : Ty → Ty → Type where
nat : nat ⊑ nat
dyn : dyn ⊑ dyn
_⇀_ : R ⊑ R' → S ⊑ S' → (R ⇀ S) ⊑ (R' ⇀ S')
inj-nat : nat ⊑ dyn
inj-arr : (dyn ⇀ dyn) ⊑ dyn
trans : R ⊑ S → S ⊑ T → R ⊑ T
-- this is not provable bc we can do a trans with an id relation
-- might cause issues later though...
isProp⊑ : isProp (R ⊑ S)
refl-⊑ : ∀ S → S ⊑ S
refl-⊑ nat = nat
refl-⊑ dyn = dyn
refl-⊑ (S ⇀ T) = refl-⊑ S ⇀ refl-⊑ T
record TyPrec : Type where
ty-left : Ty
ty-right : Ty
ty-prec : ty-left ⊑ ty-right
open TyPrec
refl-TP : ∀ (S : Ty) → TyPrec
refl-TP S = record { ty-left = S ; ty-right = S ; ty-prec = refl-⊑ S }
Ctx = List Ty
Γ Γ' Δ Δ' Θ Θ' : Ctx
-- Couldn't find anything in the stdlib. Data.List.Dependent is close
-- but only works for one parameter
data _⊑ctx_ : Ctx → Ctx → Type where
[] : [] ⊑ctx []
_∷_ : S ⊑ S' → Γ ⊑ctx Γ' → (S ∷ Γ) ⊑ctx (S' ∷ Γ')
refl-⊑ctx : ∀ Γ → Γ ⊑ctx Γ
refl-⊑ctx [] = []
refl-⊑ctx (S ∷ Γ) = (refl-⊑ S) ∷ (refl-⊑ctx Γ)
trans-⊑ctx : Γ ⊑ctx Δ → Δ ⊑ctx Θ → Γ ⊑ctx Θ
trans-⊑ctx [] [] = []
trans-⊑ctx (c ∷ C) (d ∷ D) = (trans c d) ∷ (trans-⊑ctx C D)
record CtxPrec : Type where
ctx-left : Ctx
ctx-right : Ctx
ctx-prec : ctx-left ⊑ctx ctx-right
open CtxPrec
nil : CtxPrec
nil .ctx-left = []
nil .ctx-right = []
nil .ctx-prec = []
cons : TyPrec → CtxPrec → CtxPrec
cons c C .ctx-left = c .ty-left ∷ C .ctx-left
cons c C .ctx-right = c .ty-right ∷ C .ctx-right
cons c C .ctx-prec = (ty-prec c) ∷ (ctx-prec C)
refl-CP : Ctx → CtxPrec
refl-CP [] = nil
refl-CP (S ∷ Γ) = cons (refl-TP S) (refl-CP Γ)
module _ where
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Data.W.Indexed
......@@ -53,17 +95,17 @@ module _ where
X = Unit
S : Unit → Type
S tt = Unit ⊎ (Unit ⊎ Unit)
P : ∀ x → S x → Type
St : Unit → Type
St tt = Unit ⊎ (Unit ⊎ Unit)
P : ∀ x → St x → Type
P tt (inl x) = ⊥
P tt (inr (inl x)) = ⊥
P tt (inr (inr x)) = Unit ⊎ Unit
inX : ∀ x → (s : S x) → P x s → X
inX : ∀ x → (s : St x) → P x s → X
inX x s p = tt
W = IW S P inX tt
W = IW St P inX tt
Ty→W : Ty Empty → W
Ty→W : Ty → W
Ty→W nat = node (inl tt) exFalso
Ty→W dyn = node (inr (inl tt)) exFalso
Ty→W (A ⇀ B) = node (inr (inr tt)) trees where
......@@ -71,138 +113,15 @@ module _ where
trees (inl x) = Ty→W A
trees (inr x) = Ty→W B
W→Ty : W → Ty Empty
W→Ty : W → Ty
W→Ty (node (inl x) subtree) = nat
W→Ty (node (inr (inl x)) subtree) = dyn
W→Ty (node (inr (inr x)) subtree) = W→Ty (subtree (inl tt)) ⇀ W→Ty (subtree (inr tt))
rtr : (x : Ty Empty) → W→Ty (Ty→W x) ≡ x
rtr : (x : Ty) → W→Ty (Ty→W x) ≡ x
rtr nat = refl
rtr dyn = refl
rtr (A ⇀ B) = cong₂ _⇀_ (rtr A) (rtr B)
isSetTy : isSet (Ty Empty)
isSetTy = isSetRetract Ty→W W→Ty rtr (isOfHLevelSuc-IW 1 (λ tt → isSet⊎ isSetUnit (isSet⊎ isSetUnit isSetUnit)) tt)
ty-endpt p nat = nat
ty-endpt p dyn = dyn
ty-endpt p (cin ⇀ cout) = ty-endpt p cin ⇀ ty-endpt p cout
ty-endpt l inj-nat = nat
ty-endpt r inj-nat = dyn
ty-endpt l inj-arr = (dyn ⇀ dyn) -- inj-arr : (dyn -> dyn) ⊑ dyn
ty-endpt r inj-arr = dyn
ty-endpt l (comp c d _) = ty-endpt l d
ty-endpt r (comp c d _) = ty-endpt r c
_[_/i] : Ty Full -> Interval -> Ty Empty
c [ p /i] = ty-endpt p c
ty-left : Ty Full -> Ty Empty
ty-left = ty-endpt l
ty-right : Ty Full -> Ty Empty
ty-right = ty-endpt r
CompTyRel : Type
CompTyRel = Σ (Ty Full × Ty Full)
λ { (c' , c) -> (ty-left c') ≡ (ty-right c) }
CompTyRel-comp : CompTyRel -> Ty Full
CompTyRel-comp ((c' , c) , pf) = comp c' c pf
CompTyRel-endpt : Interval -> CompTyRel -> Ty Full
CompTyRel-endpt l ((c , d) , _) = c
CompTyRel-endpt r ((c , d) , _) = d
-- Given a "normal" type A, view it as its reflexivity precision derivation c : A ⊑ A.
ty-refl : Ty Empty -> Ty Full
ty-refl nat = nat
ty-refl dyn = dyn
ty-refl (Ai ⇀ Ao) = ty-refl Ai ⇀ ty-refl Ao
ty-endpt-refl : {A : Ty Empty} -> (p : Interval) -> ty-endpt p (ty-refl A) ≡ A
ty-endpt-refl {nat} p = refl
ty-endpt-refl {dyn} p = refl
ty-endpt-refl {A ⇀ B} p = cong₂ _⇀_ (ty-endpt-refl p) (ty-endpt-refl p)
-- ############### Contexts ###############
Ctx : iCtx -> Type
Ctx Ξ = List (Ty Ξ)
-- Endpoints of a full context
ctx-endpt : (p : Interval) -> Ctx Full -> Ctx Empty
ctx-endpt p = map (ty-endpt p)
-- CompCtx : (Δ Γ : Ctx Full) -> (pf : ctx-endpt l Δ ≡ ctx-endpt r Γ) ->
-- Ctx Full
-- CompCtx Δ Γ pf = {!!}
-- "Contains" relation stating that a context Γ contains a type T
data _∋_ : ∀ {Ξ} -> Ctx Ξ -> Ty Ξ -> Set where
vz : ∀ {Ξ Γ S} -> _∋_ {Ξ} (S ∷ Γ) S
vs : ∀ {Ξ Γ S T} (x : _∋_ {Ξ} Γ T) -> (S ∷ Γ ∋ T)
infix 4 _∋_
∋-ctx-endpt : {Γ : Ctx Full} {c : Ty Full} -> (p : Interval) ->
(Γ ∋ c) -> ((ctx-endpt p Γ) ∋ (ty-endpt p c))
∋-ctx-endpt p vz = vz
∋-ctx-endpt p (vs Γ∋c) = vs (∋-ctx-endpt p Γ∋c)
-- View a "normal" typing context Γ as a type precision context where the derivation
-- corresponding to each type A in Γ is just the reflexivity precision derivation A ⊑ A.
ctx-refl : Ctx Empty -> Ctx Full
ctx-refl = map ty-refl
--ctx-refl · = ·
--ctx-refl (A :: Γ) = ty-refl A :: ctx-refl Γ
-- For a given typing context, the endpoints of the corresponding reflexivity precision
-- context are the typing context itself.
ctx-endpt-refl : {Γ : Ctx Empty} -> (p : Interval) -> ctx-endpt p (ctx-refl Γ) ≡ Γ
ctx-endpt-refl {[]} p = refl
ctx-endpt-refl {A ∷ Γ} p = cong₂ _∷_ (ty-endpt-refl p) (ctx-endpt-refl p)
-- open Ctx
-- TyCtx : iCtx → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ-zero)
-- TyCtx Ξ = Ctx (Ty Ξ)
-- -- Endpoints of a full context
-- ctx-endpt : endpt-fun TyCtx
-- ctx-endpt p = (ty-endpt p)
-- CompCtx : (Δ Γ : TyCtx Full)
-- -> (pf : ctx-endpt l Δ ≡ ctx-endpt r Γ)
-- -> TyCtx Full
-- CompCtx Δ Γ pf .var = Δ .var
-- CompCtx Δ Γ pf .isFinSetVar = Δ .isFinSetVar
-- CompCtx Δ Γ pf .el x = comp (Δ .el x)
-- (Γ .el (transport (cong var pf) x))
-- λ i → pf i .el (transport-filler (cong var pf) x i)
-- -- -- "Contains" relation stating that a context Γ contains a type T
-- -- data _∋_ : ∀ {Ξ} -> Ctx Ξ -> Ty Ξ -> Set where
-- -- vz : ∀ {Ξ Γ S} -> _∋_ {Ξ} (S :: Γ) S
-- -- vs : ∀ {Ξ Γ S T} (x : _∋_ {Ξ} Γ T) -> (S :: Γ ∋ T)
-- -- infix 4 _∋_
-- -- ∋-ctx-endpt : {Γ : Ctx Full} {c : Ty Full} -> (p : Interval) ->
-- -- (Γ ∋ c) -> ((ctx-endpt p Γ) ∋ (ty-endpt p c))
-- -- ∋-ctx-endpt p vz = vz
-- -- ∋-ctx-endpt p (vs Γ∋c) = vs (∋-ctx-endpt p Γ∋c)
-- -- View a "normal" typing context Γ as a type precision context where the derivation
-- -- corresponding to each type A in Γ is just the reflexivity precision derivation A ⊑ A.
-- ctx-refl : TyCtx Empty -> TyCtx Full
-- ctx-refl = ty-refl
-- -- For a given typing context, the endpoints of the corresponding reflexivity precision
-- -- context are the typing context itself.
-- ctx-endpt-refl : {Γ : TyCtx Empty} -> (p : Interval) -> ctx-endpt p (ctx-refl Γ) ≡ Γ
-- ctx-endpt-refl {Γ} p = Ctx≡ _ _ refl (funExt λ x → ty-endpt-refl {A = Γ .el x} p)
isSetTy : isSet Ty
isSetTy = isSetRetract Ty→W W→Ty rtr (isOfHLevelSuc-IW 1 (λ tt → isSet⊎ isSetUnit (isSet⊎ isSetUnit isSetUnit)) tt)
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