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Commit 5562f568 authored by Max New's avatar Max New
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finish the term syntax, init the logic

parent 9ec49c75
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{-# OPTIONS --cubical --rewriting --guarded -W noUnsupportedIndexedMatch #-}
-- to allow opening this module in other files while there are still holes
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
{-# OPTIONS --lossy-unification #-}
module Syntax.ExplicitSubstListCtx where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude renaming (comp to compose)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat hiding (_·_)
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Data.Prod hiding (map)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.Data.Empty renaming (rec to exFalso)
-- import Syntax.DeBruijnCommon
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
open import Syntax.Types
SynType = Ty Empty
TyPrec = Ty Full
TypeCtx = Ctx Empty
PrecCtx = Ctx Full
-- Values, Computations and Evaluation contexts,
-- quotiented by βη equivalence but *not* by order equivalence (i.e., up/dn laws)
data Subst : (Δ : TypeCtx) (Γ : TypeCtx) → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ-zero)
data Val : (Γ : TypeCtx) (A : SynType) → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ-zero)
data EvCtx : (Γ : TypeCtx) (A : SynType) (B : SynType) → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ-zero)
data Comp : (Γ : TypeCtx) (A : SynType) → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ-zero)
_[_]v : ∀ {Δ Γ S} → Val Γ S → Subst Δ Γ → Val Δ S
_[_]c : ∀ {Δ Γ S} → Comp Γ S → Subst Δ Γ → Comp Δ S
_[_]e : ∀ {Δ Γ S T} → EvCtx Γ S T → Subst Δ Γ → EvCtx Δ S T
var : ∀ {Γ A} → Val (A ∷ Γ) A
app : ∀ {S T} → Comp (S ∷ (S ⇀ T) ∷ []) T
-- Explicit substitutions roughly following
-- but with some changes
-- Idea:
-- 1. Subst is a category
-- 2. Subst Γ (S ∷ Δ) ≅ Subst Γ Δ × Val Γ S
-- 3 Val - S , Comp - S, EvCtx - S T are Presheaves over Subst
-- 4. EvCtx Γ - = is a category enriched in Psh over Subst
-- 5. Comp Γ is a Psh(Subst)-enriched covariant presheaf over EvCtx Γ
data Subst where
ids : ∀ {Γ} → Subst Γ Γ
_∘s_ : ∀ {Γ Δ Θ} → Subst Δ Θ → Subst Γ Δ → Subst Γ Θ
wk : ∀ {Γ S} → Subst (S ∷ Γ) Γ
_,s_ : ∀ {Γ Δ S} → Subst Γ Δ → Val Γ S → Subst Γ (S ∷ Δ)
!s : ∀ {Γ} → Subst Γ []
-- equations: Subst is a cat
∘IdL : ∀ {Γ} (γ : Subst Γ Γ) → ids ∘s γ ≡ γ
∘IdR : ∀ {Γ} (γ : Subst Γ Γ) → γ ∘s ids ≡ γ
∘Assoc : ∀ {Γ Δ Θ Z} (γ : Subst Δ Γ) (δ : Subst Θ Δ)(θ : Subst Z Θ) → γ ∘s (δ ∘s θ) ≡ (γ ∘s δ) ∘s θ
-- [] is terminal
[]η : ∀ {Γ} → (γ : Subst Γ []) → γ ≡ !s
-- universal property of S ∷ Γ
-- β (other one is in Val), η and naturality
wkβ : ∀ {Γ Δ S} (δ : Subst Γ Δ)(V : Val Γ S) → wk ∘s (δ ,s V) ≡ δ
,sη : ∀ {Γ Δ S} → (δ : Subst Γ (S ∷ Δ)) → δ ≡ (wk ∘s δ) ,s (var [ δ ]v)
data Val where
-- with explicit substitutions we only need the one variable, which we can combine with weakening
var' : ∀ {Γ A} → Val (A ∷ Γ) A
varβ : ∀ {Γ Δ S} → (δ : Subst Γ Δ) (V : Val Γ S) → var [ δ ,s V ]v ≡ V
-- by making these function symbols we avoid more substitution equations
zro : Val [] nat
suc : Val ([ nat ]) nat
lda : ∀ {Γ S T} -> (Comp (S ∷ Γ) T) -> Val Γ (S ⇀ T)
fun-η : ∀ {Γ S T} → (V : Val Γ (S ⇀ T))
→ V ≡ lda (app [ (!s ,s (V [ wk ]v)) ,s var ]c)
up : (S⊑T : TyPrec) -> Val [ ty-left S⊑T ] (ty-right S⊑T)
-- values form a presheaf over substitutions
_[_]v' : ∀ {Δ Γ S} → Val Γ S → Subst Δ Γ → Val Δ S
compVId : ∀ {Γ S} → (V : Val Γ S) → V [ ids ]v ≡ V
compV∘s : ∀ {Θ Γ Δ S} → (V : Val Δ S) (δ : Subst Γ Δ)(γ : Subst Θ Γ)
→ V [ δ ∘s γ ]v ≡ (V [ δ ]v) [ γ ]v
isSetVal : ∀ {Γ S} → isSet (Val Γ S)
_[_]v = _[_]v'
var = var'
data EvCtx where
∙E : ∀ {Γ S} → EvCtx Γ S S
_∘E_ : ∀ {Γ S T U} → EvCtx Γ T U → EvCtx Γ S T → EvCtx Γ S U
_[_]e' : ∀ {Δ Γ S T} → EvCtx Γ S T → Subst Δ Γ → EvCtx Δ S T
bind : ∀ {Γ S T} → Comp (S ∷ Γ) T → EvCtx Γ S T
dn : ∀ {Γ} (S⊑T : TyPrec) → EvCtx Γ (ty-right S⊑T) (ty-left S⊑T)
-- TODO: assoc, psh laws, η for bind
-- ret-η : ∀ {Γ S T} → (E : EvCtx Γ S T) → E ≡ bind ∙E (wkE E [ ret (varV' (inr _)) ]e∙)
isSetEvCtx : ∀ {Γ A B} → isSet (EvCtx Γ A B)
data Comp where
err : ∀ {S} → Comp [] S
ret : ∀ {S} → Comp [ S ] S
app' : ∀ {S T} → Comp (S ∷ S ⇀ T ∷ []) T
matchNat : ∀ {Γ S} → Comp Γ S → Comp (nat ∷ Γ) S → Comp (nat ∷ Γ) S
_[_]∙ : ∀ {Γ S T} → EvCtx Γ S T → Comp Γ S → Comp Γ T
compEId : ∀ {Γ S} → (M : Comp Γ S) → ∙E [ M ]∙ ≡ M
compE∘E : ∀ {Γ S T U} → (M : Comp Γ S)(E : EvCtx Γ S T)(F : EvCtx Γ T U) → (F ∘E E) [ M ]∙ ≡ F [ E [ M ]∙ ]∙
_[_]c' : ∀ {Γ Δ S} → Comp Δ S → Subst Γ Δ → Comp Γ S
-- presheaf
compId : ∀ {Γ S} → (M : Comp Γ S) → M [ ids ]c ≡ M
comp∘s : ∀ {Θ Γ Δ S} → (M : Comp Δ S) (δ : Subst Γ Δ)(γ : Subst Θ Γ)
→ M [ δ ∘s γ ]c ≡ (M [ δ ]c) [ γ ]c
-- Interchange law
compES : ∀ {Δ Γ S T} (E : EvCtx Γ S T) (M : Comp Γ S) → (γ : Subst Δ Γ) → (E [ M ]∙) [ γ ]c ≡ (E [ γ ]e) [ M [ γ ]c ]∙
-- TODO: strictness, βη for nat, β for app, β for ret
-- Strictness of all evaluation contexts
-- strictness : ∀ {Γ S T} → (E : EvCtx Γ S T) → E [ err ]e∙ ≡ err
-- ret-β : ∀ {Γ S T} → (V : Val Γ S) → (K : Comp (cons Γ S) T) → bind (ret V) K ≡ K [ V ]c1
-- fun-β : ∀ {Γ S T} → (M : Comp (cons Γ S) T) → (V : Val Γ S) → app (lda M) V ≡ M [ V ]c1
-- nat-βz : ∀ {Γ S} → (Kz : Comp Γ S) (Ks : Comp (nat ∷ Γ) S) → matchNat zro Kz Ks ≡ Kz
-- nat-βs : ∀ {Γ S} → (V : Val Γ nat) (Kz : Comp Γ S) (Ks : Comp (cons Γ nat) S) → matchNat (suc V) Kz Ks ≡ Ks [ V ]c1
-- η for matchNat
-- some notation would probably help here...
-- nat-η : ∀ {Γ S} → (M : Comp (cons Γ nat) S)
-- → M ≡
-- (matchNat (varV' (inr _))
-- (M [ cons-subst (Val (cons Γ nat)) (λ x → varV' (inl x)) zro ]c)
-- (M [ cons-subst ((Val (cons (cons Γ nat) nat))) (λ x → varV' (inl (inl x))) (suc (varV' (inr _))) ]c))
-- this allows cong wrt plugging be admissible
-- ret-η : ∀ {Γ S T} → (E : EvCtx Γ S T) (M : Comp Γ S) → E [ M ]e∙ ≡ bind M (wkE E [ ret (varV' (inr _)) ]e∙)
isSetComp : ∀ {Γ A} → isSet (Comp Γ A)
app = app'
_[_]c = _[_]c'
_[_]e = _[_]e'
data ValPrec : (Γ : PrecCtx) (A : TyPrec) (V : Val (ctx-endpt l Γ) (ty-endpt l A)) (V' : Val (ctx-endpt r Γ) (ty-endpt r A)) → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ-zero)
data CompPrec : (Γ : PrecCtx) (A : TyPrec) (M : Comp (ctx-endpt l Γ) (ty-endpt l A)) (M' : Comp (ctx-endpt r Γ) (ty-endpt r A)) → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ-zero)
data EvCtxPrec : (Γ : PrecCtx) (A : TyPrec) (B : TyPrec) (E : EvCtx (ctx-endpt l Γ) (ty-endpt l A) (ty-endpt l B)) (E' : EvCtx (ctx-endpt r Γ) (ty-endpt r A) (ty-endpt r B)) → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ-zero)
data ValPrec where
data CompPrec where
data EvCtxPrec where
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
-- to allow opening this module in other files while there are still holes
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
module Syntax.Logic where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude renaming (comp to compose)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat hiding (_·_)
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Data.Prod hiding (map)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.Data.Empty renaming (rec to exFalso)
open import Syntax.Types
open import Syntax.Terms
data ValPrec : (Γ : PrecCtx) (A : TyPrec) (V : Val (ctx-endpt l Γ) (ty-endpt l A)) (V' : Val (ctx-endpt r Γ) (ty-endpt r A)) → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ-zero)
data CompPrec : (Γ : PrecCtx) (A : TyPrec) (M : Comp (ctx-endpt l Γ) (ty-endpt l A)) (M' : Comp (ctx-endpt r Γ) (ty-endpt r A)) → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ-zero)
data EvCtxPrec : (Γ : PrecCtx) (A : TyPrec) (B : TyPrec) (E : EvCtx (ctx-endpt l Γ) (ty-endpt l A) (ty-endpt l B)) (E' : EvCtx (ctx-endpt r Γ) (ty-endpt r A) (ty-endpt r B)) → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ-zero)
data ValPrec where
data CompPrec where
data EvCtxPrec where
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
-- to allow opening this module in other files while there are still holes
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
module Syntax.Terms where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude renaming (comp to compose)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat hiding (_·_)
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Data.Prod hiding (map)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.Data.Empty renaming (rec to exFalso)
open import Syntax.Types
SynType = Ty Empty
TyPrec = Ty Full
TypeCtx = Ctx Empty
PrecCtx = Ctx Full
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
Δ Γ Θ Z : TypeCtx
R S T U : SynType
-- Values, Computations and Evaluation contexts,
-- quotiented by βη equivalence but *not* by order equivalence (i.e., up/dn laws)
data Subst : (Δ : TypeCtx) (Γ : TypeCtx) → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ-zero)
data Val : (Γ : TypeCtx) (A : SynType) → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ-zero)
data EvCtx : (Γ : TypeCtx) (A : SynType) (B : SynType) → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ-zero)
data Comp : (Γ : TypeCtx) (A : SynType) → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ-zero)
-- This isn't actually induction-recursion, this is just a hack to get
-- around limitations of Agda's mutual recursion for HITs
_[_]v : Val Γ S → Subst Δ Γ → Val Δ S
_[_]c : Comp Γ S → Subst Δ Γ → Comp Δ S
_[_]e : EvCtx Γ S T → Subst Δ Γ → EvCtx Δ S T
_[_]∙ : EvCtx Γ S T → Comp Γ S → Comp Γ T
var : Val (S ∷ Γ) S
ret : Comp [ S ] S
app : Comp (S ∷ (S ⇀ T) ∷ []) T
-- Explicit substitutions roughly following
-- but with some changes
-- Idea:
-- 1. Subst is a category
-- 2. Subst Γ (S ∷ Δ) ≅ Subst Γ Δ × Val Γ S
-- 3 Val - S , Comp - S, EvCtx - S T are Presheaves over Subst
-- 4. EvCtx Γ - = is a category enriched in Psh over Subst
-- 5. Comp Γ is a Psh(Subst)-enriched covariant presheaf over EvCtx Γ
data Subst where
-- Subst is a cat
ids : Subst Γ Γ
_∘s_ : Subst Δ Θ → Subst Γ Δ → Subst Γ Θ
∘IdL : (γ : Subst Γ Γ) → ids ∘s γ ≡ γ
∘IdR : (γ : Subst Γ Γ) → γ ∘s ids ≡ γ
∘Assoc : (γ : Subst Δ Γ) (δ : Subst Θ Δ)(θ : Subst Z Θ) → γ ∘s (δ ∘s θ) ≡ (γ ∘s δ) ∘s θ
-- [] is terminal
!s : Subst Γ []
[]η : (γ : Subst Γ []) → γ ≡ !s
-- universal property of S ∷ Γ
-- β (other one is in Val), η and naturality
_,s_ : Subst Γ Δ → Val Γ S → Subst Γ (S ∷ Δ)
wk : Subst (S ∷ Γ) Γ
wkβ : (δ : Subst Γ Δ)(V : Val Γ S) → wk ∘s (δ ,s V) ≡ δ
,sη : (δ : Subst Γ (S ∷ Δ)) → δ ≡ (wk ∘s δ ,s var [ δ ]v)
-- copied from similar operators
infixl 4 _,s_
infixr 9 _∘s_
data Val where
-- with explicit substitutions we only need the one variable, which we can combine with weakening
varPrim : Val (S ∷ Γ) S
varβ : (δ : Subst Γ Δ) (V : Val Γ S) → var [ δ ,s V ]v ≡ V
-- by making these function symbols we avoid more substitution equations
zro : Val [] nat
suc : Val [ nat ] nat
lda : Comp (S ∷ Γ) T -> Val Γ (S ⇀ T) -- TODO: prove substitution under lambdas is admissible
fun-η : (V : Val Γ (S ⇀ T))
-- V = λ x. V x
→ V ≡ lda (app [ (!s ,s (V [ wk ]v)) ,s var ]c)
up : (S⊑T : TyPrec) -> Val [ ty-left S⊑T ] (ty-right S⊑T)
-- values form a presheaf over substitutions
_[_]v' : Val Γ S → Subst Δ Γ → Val Δ S
substId : (V : Val Γ S) → V [ ids ]v ≡ V
substAssoc : (V : Val Δ S) (δ : Subst Γ Δ)(γ : Subst Θ Γ)
→ V [ δ ∘s γ ]v ≡ (V [ δ ]v) [ γ ]v
isSetVal : isSet (Val Γ S)
_[_]v = _[_]v'
var = varPrim
data EvCtx where
∙E : EvCtx Γ S S
_∘E_ : EvCtx Γ T U → EvCtx Γ S T → EvCtx Γ S U
∘IdL : (E : EvCtx Γ S T) → ∙E ∘E E ≡ E
∘IdR : (E : EvCtx Γ S T) → E ∘E ∙E ≡ E
∘Assoc : (E : EvCtx Γ T U) (F : EvCtx Γ S T)(G : EvCtx Γ R S)
→ E ∘E (F ∘E G) ≡ (E ∘E F) ∘E G
_[_]e' : EvCtx Γ S T → Subst Δ Γ → EvCtx Δ S T
substId : (E : EvCtx Γ S T) → E [ ids ]e ≡ E
substAssoc : (E : EvCtx Γ S T)(γ : Subst Δ Γ)(δ : Subst Θ Δ)
→ E [ γ ∘s δ ]e ≡ E [ γ ]e [ δ ]e
∘substDist : (E : EvCtx Γ T U)(F : EvCtx Γ S T)(γ : Subst Δ Γ)
→ (E ∘E F) [ γ ]e ≡ (E [ γ ]e) ∘E (F [ γ ]e)
bind : Comp (S ∷ Γ) T → EvCtx Γ S T
-- E[∙] ≡ x <- ∙; E[ret x]
ret-η : (E : EvCtx Γ S T) → E ≡ bind (E [ wk ]e [ ret [ !s ,s var ]c ]∙)
dn : (S⊑T : TyPrec) → EvCtx Γ (ty-right S⊑T) (ty-left S⊑T)
isSetEvCtx : isSet (EvCtx Γ S T)
data Comp where
_[_]∙' : EvCtx Γ S T → Comp Γ S → Comp Γ T
plugId : (M : Comp Γ S) → ∙E [ M ]∙ ≡ M
plugAssoc : (M : Comp Γ S)(E : EvCtx Γ S T)(F : EvCtx Γ T U) → (F ∘E E) [ M ]∙ ≡ F [ E [ M ]∙ ]∙
_[_]c' : Comp Δ S → Subst Γ Δ → Comp Γ S
-- presheaf
substId : (M : Comp Γ S) → M [ ids ]c ≡ M
substAssoc : (M : Comp Δ S) (δ : Subst Γ Δ)(γ : Subst Θ Γ)
→ M [ δ ∘s γ ]c ≡ (M [ δ ]c) [ γ ]c
-- Interchange law
substPlugDist : (E : EvCtx Γ S T) (M : Comp Γ S) → (γ : Subst Δ Γ)
→ (E [ M ]∙) [ γ ]c ≡ (E [ γ ]e) [ M [ γ ]c ]∙
err : Comp [] S
-- E[err] ≡ err
strictness : (E : EvCtx Γ S T) → E [ err [ !s ]c ]∙ ≡ err [ !s ]c
retPrim : Comp [ S ] S
-- x <- ret x; M ≡ M
ret-β : (M : Comp (S ∷ Γ) T) → (bind M [ wk ]e [ ret [ !s ,s var ]c ]∙) ≡ M
appPrim : Comp (S ∷ S ⇀ T ∷ []) T
-- (λ x. M) x ≡ M
fun-β : (M : Comp (S ∷ Γ) T) → app [ (!s ,s ((lda M) [ wk ]v)) ,s var ]c ≡ M
matchNat : Comp Γ S → Comp (nat ∷ Γ) S → Comp (nat ∷ Γ) S
-- match 0 Kz (x . Ks) ≡ Kz
matchNatβz : (Kz : Comp Γ S)(Ks : Comp (nat ∷ Γ) S)
→ matchNat Kz Ks [ ids ,s (zro [ !s ]v) ]c ≡ Kz
-- match (S V) Kz (x . Ks) ≡ Ks [ V / x ]
matchNatβs : (Kz : Comp Γ S)(Ks : Comp (nat ∷ Γ) S) (V : Val Γ nat)
→ matchNat Kz Ks [ ids ,s (suc [ !s ,s V ]v) ]c ≡ (Ks [ ids ,s V ]c)
-- M[x] ≡ match x (M[0/x]) (x. M[S x/x])
matchNatη : (M : Comp (nat ∷ Γ) S) → M ≡ matchNat (M [ ids ,s (zro [ !s ]v) ]c) (M [ wk ,s (suc [ !s ,s var ]v) ]c)
isSetComp : isSet (Comp Γ S)
app = appPrim
ret = retPrim
_[_]c = _[_]c'
_[_]e = _[_]e'
_[_]∙ = _[_]∙'
-- More ordinary term constructors are admissible
-- up, dn, zro, suc, err, app, bind
app' : (Vf : Val Γ (S ⇀ T)) (Va : Val Γ S) → Comp Γ T
app' Vf Va = app [ !s ,s Vf ,s Va ]c
-- As well as substitution principles for them
!s-nat : (γ : Subst Γ []) → !s ∘s γ ≡ !s
!s-nat γ = []η _
,s-nat : (δ : Subst Θ Δ) (γ : Subst Δ Γ) (V : Val Δ S)
→ (γ ,s V) ∘s δ ≡ ((γ ∘s δ) ,s (V [ δ ]v))
,s-nat δ γ V =
,sη _
∙ cong₂ _,s_ (∘Assoc _ _ _ ∙ cong (_∘s δ) (wkβ _ _))
(substAssoc _ _ _ ∙ cong _[ δ ]v (varβ _ _))
-- Some examples for functions
app'-nat : (γ : Subst Δ Γ) (Vf : Val Γ (S ⇀ T)) (Va : Val Γ S)
→ app' Vf Va [ γ ]c ≡ app' (Vf [ γ ]v) (Va [ γ ]v)
app'-nat γ Vf Va =
sym (substAssoc _ _ _)
∙ cong (app [_]c) (,s-nat _ _ _ ∙ cong₂ _,s_ (,s-nat _ _ _ ∙ cong₂ _,s_ ([]η _) refl) refl)
lda-nat : (γ : Subst Δ Γ) (M : Comp (S ∷ Γ) T)
→ (lda M) [ γ ]v ≡ lda (M [ γ ∘s wk ,s var ]c)
lda-nat {Δ = Δ}{Γ = Γ}{S = S} γ M =
fun-η _
∙ cong lda (cong (app [_]c) (cong₂ _,s_ (cong₂ _,s_ (sym ([]η (!s ∘s the-subst))) (sym (substAssoc _ _ _)
∙ cong (lda M [_]v) (sym (wkβ _ var))
∙ substAssoc _ _ _))
(sym (varβ (γ ∘s wk) _))
∙ cong (_,s (var [ the-subst ]v)) (sym (,s-nat _ _ _))
∙ sym (,s-nat _ _ _))
∙ substAssoc _ _ _
∙ cong (_[ the-subst ]c) (fun-β _)) where
the-subst : Subst (S ∷ Δ) (S ∷ Γ)
the-subst = γ ∘s wk ,s var
fun-β' : (M : Comp (S ∷ Γ) T) (V : Val Γ S)
→ app' (lda M) V ≡ M [ ids ,s V ]c
fun-β' M V =
cong (app [_]c) (cong₂ _,s_ (cong₂ _,s_ (sym ([]η _)) ((sym (substId _) ∙ cong (lda M [_]v) (sym (wkβ _ _))) ∙ substAssoc _ _ _) ∙ sym (,s-nat _ _ _))
(sym (varβ _ _))
∙ sym (,s-nat _ _ _))
∙ substAssoc _ _ _
∙ cong (_[ ids ,s V ]c) (fun-β _)
fun-η' : (V : Val Γ (S ⇀ T)) → V ≡ lda (app' (V [ wk ]v) var)
fun-η' = fun-η
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --rewriting --guarded -W noUnsupportedIndexedMatch #-}
{-# OPTIONS --cubical -W noUnsupportedIndexedMatch #-}
-- to allow opening this module in other files while there are still holes
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
{-# OPTIONS --lossy-unification #-}
open import Common.Later hiding (next)
-- {-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
module Syntax.Types where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude renaming (comp to compose)
......@@ -57,34 +51,35 @@ module _ where
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
X = Unit
S : Unit → Type
S tt = Unit ⊎ (Unit ⊎ Unit)
P : ∀ x → S x → Type
P tt (inl x) = ⊥
P tt (inr (inl x)) = ⊥
P tt (inr (inr x)) = Unit ⊎ Unit
inX : ∀ x → (s : S x) → P x s → X
inX x s p = tt
W = IW S P inX tt
Ty→W : Ty Empty → W
Ty→W nat = node (inl tt) exFalso
Ty→W dyn = node (inr (inl tt)) exFalso
Ty→W (A ⇀ B) = node (inr (inr tt)) trees where
trees : Unit ⊎ Unit → W
trees (inl x) = Ty→W A
trees (inr x) = Ty→W B
W→Ty : W → Ty Empty
W→Ty (node (inl x) subtree) = nat
W→Ty (node (inr (inl x)) subtree) = dyn
W→Ty (node (inr (inr x)) subtree) = W→Ty (subtree (inl tt)) ⇀ W→Ty (subtree (inr tt))
rtr : (x : Ty Empty) → W→Ty (Ty→W x) ≡ x
rtr nat = refl
rtr dyn = refl
rtr (A ⇀ B) = cong₂ _⇀_ (rtr A) (rtr B)
X = Unit
S : Unit → Type
S tt = Unit ⊎ (Unit ⊎ Unit)
P : ∀ x → S x → Type
P tt (inl x) = ⊥
P tt (inr (inl x)) = ⊥
P tt (inr (inr x)) = Unit ⊎ Unit
inX : ∀ x → (s : S x) → P x s → X
inX x s p = tt
W = IW S P inX tt
Ty→W : Ty Empty → W
Ty→W nat = node (inl tt) exFalso
Ty→W dyn = node (inr (inl tt)) exFalso
Ty→W (A ⇀ B) = node (inr (inr tt)) trees where
trees : Unit ⊎ Unit → W
trees (inl x) = Ty→W A
trees (inr x) = Ty→W B
W→Ty : W → Ty Empty
W→Ty (node (inl x) subtree) = nat
W→Ty (node (inr (inl x)) subtree) = dyn
W→Ty (node (inr (inr x)) subtree) = W→Ty (subtree (inl tt)) ⇀ W→Ty (subtree (inr tt))
rtr : (x : Ty Empty) → W→Ty (Ty→W x) ≡ x
rtr nat = refl
rtr dyn = refl
rtr (A ⇀ B) = cong₂ _⇀_ (rtr A) (rtr B)
isSetTy : isSet (Ty Empty)
isSetTy = isSetRetract Ty→W W→Ty rtr (isOfHLevelSuc-IW 1 (λ tt → isSet⊎ isSetUnit (isSet⊎ isSetUnit isSetUnit)) tt)
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