@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ model}. A strict homomorphism of CBPV models from $(\mathcal
V,\mathcal E,\ldots)$ to $(\mathcal V', \mathcal E',\ldots)$ consists
of functors $G_v : \mathcal V \to\mathcal V'$ and $G_e : \mathcal E
\to\mathcal E'$ that strictly preserve all CBPV constructions, see
the appendix for a more detailed definition.
Some of that data can be visualized as follows:
the appendix for a more detailed definition. We call this a strict morphism in contrast to a \emph{lax} morphism, which only preserves CBPV constructions up to transformation.
Some of the data of a double CBPV model can be visualized as follows: