\max{decide if we want to include $\times$ or not}
\begin{align*}% TODO is hole a term?
&\text{Types } A := \dyn\alt\nat\alt A \times A \alt (A \ra A') \\
&\text{Value Contexts }\Gamma := \cdot\alt (\Gamma, x : A) \\
&\text{Terms } M, N := \upc c M \alt\dnc c M
&\quad\quad\alt\ret{V}\alt\bind{x}{M}{N}\alt V_f\, V_x \alt\dn{A}{B} M
The type precision derivations $c : A \ltdyn A'$ is inductively defined by
reflexivity, transitivity, congruence for $\ra$ and $\times$, and generators
$\textsf{Inj}_\ra : (D \ra D)\ltdyn D$ and $\textsf{Inj}_{\text{nat}}
: \nat\ltdyn D$.
We define equivalence of type precision derivations to be inductively generated by congruence for all constructors, category laws for reflexivity and transitivity as well as functoriality laws for $\ra$ and $\times$ congruence