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begin description of denotational model for intensional gradual typing

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% Denotational model
\section{A Denotational Model for Intensional Gradual Typing}
In this section we model intensional gradual typing in a suitable double category.
We construct a (thin) double category $\mathsf{IGTT}$ as follows.
% First, we fix a set $D$ with a partial order $\le_D$ and bisimilarity relation $\bisim_D$.
% This is intended to model the dynamic type. Now we define the double category:
\item \textbf{Objects}: An object consists of the following data:
\item A double poset $X$, i.e., a set $X$ equipped with a partial order $\le_X$
and a reflexive, symmetric ``bisimilarity'' relation $\bisim_X$.
\item Two commutative monoids of perturbations $P_V$ and $P_C$ with homomorphisms
\ptb_V &: P_V \to \{ f : X \to_m X \mid f \bisim \id \} \\
\ptb_C &: P_C \to \{ f : X \to_m \li X \mid f \bisim \eta \}
(where composition in the latter monoid of functions is given by Kleisli composition).
\item \textbf{Vertical arrows}: An vertical arrow from $(X, P_V^X, P_C^X)$ to $(Y, P_V^Y, P_C^Y)$ is
a function $f : X \to Y$ that is \emph{monotone} (preserves ordering) and preserves the bisimilarity relation.
% that preserves ordering and bisimilarity.
\item \textbf{Horizontal arrows}: A horizontal arrow from $(X, P_V^X, P_C^X)$ to $(Y, P_V^Y, P_C^Y)$
consists of:
\item A relation $R : X \nrightarrow Y$ that is antitone with respect to $\le_X$ and
monotone with respect to $\le_Y$.
\item An embedding $e_{XY} : X \to_m Y$ preserving ordering and bisimilarity.
\item A projection $p_{XY} : Y \to_m \li X$ preserving ordering and bisimilarity.
such that (1) $R$ is \emph{quasi-representable} by $e_{XY}$ and $p_{XY}$, and
(2) $R$ satisfies the \emph{push-pull} property.
The former means that there are distinguished elements $\delta^{l,e} \in P_V^X$, $\delta^{r,e} \in P_V^Y$,
$\delta^{l,p} \in P_C^X$ and $\delta^{r,p} \in P_C^Y$ such that the following squares commute:
\begin{tabular}{ c | c }
% UpL
\begin{tikzcd}[ampersand replacement=\&]
X \& Y \\
Y \& Y
\arrow["R", "\shortmid"{marking}, no head, from=1-1, to=1-2]
\arrow["{\le_Y}"', "\shortmid"{marking}, no head, from=2-1, to=2-2]
\arrow[""{name=0, anchor=center, inner sep=0}, "{e_{XY}}"', from=1-1, to=2-1]
\arrow[""{name=1, anchor=center, inner sep=0}, "{\ptb_V^Y(\delta^{r,e})}", from=1-2, to=2-2]
\arrow["\ltdyn"{description}, draw=none, from=0, to=1]
\end{tikzcd} &
% UpR
\begin{tikzcd}[ampersand replacement=\&]
X \& X \\
X \& Y
\arrow[""{name=0, anchor=center, inner sep=0}, "{\ptb_V^X(\delta^{l,e})}"', from=1-1, to=2-1]
\arrow[""{name=1, anchor=center, inner sep=0}, "{e_{XY}}", from=1-2, to=2-2]
\arrow["R"', "\shortmid"{marking}, no head, from=2-1, to=2-2]
\arrow["{\le_X}", "\shortmid"{marking}, no head, from=1-1, to=1-2]
\arrow["\ltdyn"{description}, draw=none, from=0, to=1]
\end{tikzcd} \\
% DnR
\begin{tikzcd}[ampersand replacement=\&]
X \& Y \\
LX \& LX
\arrow[""{name=0, anchor=center, inner sep=0}, "{\ptb_C^X(\delta^{l,p})}"', from=1-1, to=2-1]
\arrow[""{name=1, anchor=center, inner sep=0}, "{p_{XY}}", from=1-2, to=2-2]
\arrow["R", "\shortmid"{marking}, no head, from=1-1, to=1-2]
\arrow["{\le_{LX}}"', "\shortmid"{marking}, no head, from=2-1, to=2-2]
\arrow["\ltdyn"{description}, draw=none, from=0, to=1]
\end{tikzcd} &
% DnL
\begin{tikzcd}[ampersand replacement=\&]
Y \& Y \\
LX \& LY
\arrow["{\le_Y}", "\shortmid"{marking}, no head, from=1-1, to=1-2]
\arrow[""{name=0, anchor=center, inner sep=0}, "{p_{XY}}"', from=1-1, to=2-1]
\arrow[""{name=1, anchor=center, inner sep=0}, "{\ptb_C^Y(\delta^{r,p})}", from=1-2, to=2-2]
\arrow["LR"', "\shortmid"{marking}, no head, from=2-1, to=2-2]
\arrow["\ltdyn"{description}, draw=none, from=0, to=1]
\end{tikzcd} \\
(Here, $LR$ is the lock step lifting of the relation $R$.)
The push-pull property is defined as follows:
\item Given any perturbation $\delta_X \in P_V^X$, we can \emph{push} it forward along $R$ to a
perturbation $\push(\delta_X) \in P_V^Y$, such that $\ptb_V^X(\delta_X) \le \ptb_V^Y(\push(\delta_X))$.
\item Conversely, given any perturbation $\delta_Y \in P_V^Y$, we can \emph{pull} it back along $R$
to a perturbation $\pull(\delta_Y) \in P_V^X$, such that $\ptb_V^X(\pull(\delta_Y)) \le \ptb_V^Y(\delta_Y)$.
\item Likewise, we can push any perturbation $\delta_X \in P_C^X$ along $LR$
to get a perturbation $\push(\delta_X) \in P_C^Y$ such that
$\ptb_C^X(\delta_X) \le \ptb_C^Y(\push(\delta_X))$.
\item And similarly, we can pull a perturbation in $P_C^Y$ along $LR$ to a perturbation in $P_C^X$
satisfying the analogous property.
\textbf{TODO: push and pull might need to be monoid homomorphisms}
\item \textbf{Two-cells}: Let $f : W \to X$ and $g : Y \to Z$ and let $R : W \nrightarrow Y$ and
$S : X \nrightarrow Z$. We define $f \le g$ to mean for all $(w, y) \in R$, we have
$(f(w), g(y)) \in S$. This is depicted in the square below:
\[\begin{tikzcd}[ampersand replacement=\&]
W \& Y \\
X \& Z
\arrow[""{name=0, anchor=center, inner sep=0}, "R", "\shortmid"{marking}, no head, from=1-1, to=1-2]
\arrow[""{name=1, anchor=center, inner sep=0}, "S"', "\shortmid"{marking}, no head, from=2-1, to=2-2]
\arrow["f"', from=1-1, to=2-1]
\arrow["g", from=1-2, to=2-2]
\arrow["\sqsubseteq"{description}, draw=none, from=0, to=1]
The category satisfies the following additional properties:
\item \emph{Existence of Dyn}: There is an object $D$ with the property that for any
object $X$, there is a horizontal arrow $X \nrightarrow D$.
The underlying double poset is defined by guarded recursion as the solution to
\[ D \cong \mathbb{N}\, + \later \hspace{-0.5ex} (D \to_m \li D). \]
\textbf{TODO: define the perturbations for Dyn and show there is a horizontal arrow $X \nrightarrow D$ for all $X$.}
\item \emph{Thinness}: There is at most one two-cell for any given square.
% \item \emph{Push-Pull}: Let $X$ and $Y$ be objects, and let $R : X \nrightarrow Y$.
% \begin{itemize}
% \item Given any perturbation $\delta_X \in P_V^X$, we can \emph{push} it forward along $R$ to a
% perturbation $\push(\delta_X) \in P_V^Y$, such that $\ptb_V^X(\delta_X) \le \ptb_V^Y(\push(\delta_X))$.
% \item Conversely, given any perturbation $\delta_Y \in P_V^Y$, we can \emph{pull} it back along $R$
% to a perturbation $\pull(\delta_Y) \in P_V^X$, such that $\ptb_V^X(\pull(\delta_Y)) \le \ptb_V^Y(\delta_Y)$.
% \item Likewise, we can push any perturbation $\delta_X \in P_C^X$ along $L\, R$
% (the lock-step lifting of the relation $R$) to get a perturbation $\push(\delta_X) \in P_C^Y$ such that
% $\ptb_C^X(\delta_X) \le \ptb_C^Y(\push(\delta_X))$.
% \item And similarly we can pull a perturbation in $P_C^Y$ to a perturbation in $P_C^X$
% satisfying the analogous property.
% \end{itemize}
% Composability of embedding and projections
We need to verify that this forms a thin double category.
\item \emph{Horizontal identity morphism}:
Let $X$ be an object. We take $R$ to be $\le_X$ (the ordering relation on $X$),
which is trivially antitone and monotone with respect to itself.
We let $e_{XX} = \id$ and $p_{XX} = \eta$. These clearly preserve the
ordering and bisimilarity.
We first need to show that $R$ is quasi-representable.
We prove the UpR rule; the others are similar.
We need to specify a distinguished element $\delta^{l,e} \in P_V^X$ such that
the following square commutes:
\[\begin{tikzcd}[ampersand replacement=\&]
X \& X \\
X \& X
\arrow["{\ptb_V^X(\delta^{l,e})}"', from=1-1, to=2-1]
\arrow["{e_{XX} = \id}", from=1-2, to=2-2]
\arrow["{\le_X}", "\shortmid"{marking}, no head, from=1-1, to=1-2]
\arrow["{\le_X}"', "\shortmid"{marking}, no head, from=2-1, to=2-2]
Taking $\delta^{l,e} = \id$ (the identity of the monoid), we observe that since
$\ptb_V^X$ is a homomorphism of monoids, we have $\ptb_V^X(\id) = \id$.
Now it is clear that the above square commutes.
We also need to show that $R$ satisfies the four push-pull properties.
We show one; the others are similar. Let $\delta_X \in P_V^X$.
We need to define $\push(\delta_X) \in P_V^X$ such that the following square commutes:
\[\begin{tikzcd}[ampersand replacement=\&]
X \& X \\
X \& X
\arrow["{\le_X}", "\shortmid"{marking}, no head, from=1-1, to=1-2]
\arrow["{\le_X}"', "\shortmid"{marking}, no head, from=2-1, to=2-2]
\arrow["{\ptb_V^X(\delta_X)}"', from=1-1, to=2-1]
\arrow["{\ptb_V^X(\push(\delta_X))}", dashed, from=1-2, to=2-2]
Let $\push(\delta_X) = \delta_X$. We need to show that for $x \le_X x'$,
we have $\ptb_V^X(\delta_X)(x) \le \ptb_V^X(\delta_X)(x')$, which holds because
$\ptb_V^X(\delta_X)$ is monotone with respect to $\le_X$.
\item \emph{Horizontal composition}:
Let $R : X \nrightarrow Y$ and $S : Y \nrightarrow Z$.
We define
$e_{XZ} = e_{YZ} \circ e_{XY}$ and $p_{XZ} = \ext{p_{XY}}{} \circ p_{YZ}$.
We define the distinguished perturbations in the representability rules as follows:
\delta_{R\circ S}^{l,e} &= \pull_R(\delta_S^{l,e}) \cdot \delta_R^{l,e} \\
\delta_{R\circ S}^{r,e} &= \delta_S^{r,e} \cdot \push_S(\delta_R^{r,e}) \\
\delta_{R\circ S}^{l,p} &= \delta_R^{l,p} \cdot \pull_{LR}(\delta_S^{l,p}) \\
\delta_{R\circ S}^{r,p} &= \push_{LS}(\delta_R^{r,p}) \cdot \delta_S^{r,p}
where $\cdot$ denotes composition in the appropriate monoid of perturbations.
We can then show that the four quasi-representability rules are valid with these definitions.
\textbf{TODO show one or two of the cases}
We also need to show that the push-pull rules hold of the composition $R \circ S$.
This follows from the fact that they hold for both $R$ and $S$.
Specifically, we define
\push_{R \circ S}(\delta^X) &= \push_S(\push_R(\delta^X)) \\
\pull_{R \circ S}(\delta^Z) &= \pull_R(\pull_S(\delta^Z)) \\
\push_{L(R \circ S)}(\delta^X) &= \push_{LS}(\push_{LR}(\delta^X)) \\
\pull_{L(R \circ S)}(\delta^Z) &= \pull_{LR}(\pull_{LS}(\delta^Z))
Then we can verify that the relevant push-pull inequalities hold using the above definitions.
\textbf{TODO maybe show one of the cases}
\item \emph{Identity two-cells}:
The horizontal identity two-cells have the form
\[\begin{tikzcd}[ampersand replacement=\&]
X \& X \\
Y \& Y
\arrow[""{name=0, anchor=center, inner sep=0}, "f"', from=1-1, to=2-1]
\arrow[""{name=1, anchor=center, inner sep=0}, "f", from=1-2, to=2-2]
\arrow["{\le_X}", from=1-1, to=1-2]
\arrow["{\le_Y}"', from=2-1, to=2-2]
\arrow["\ltdyn"{description}, draw=none, from=0, to=1]
This square commutes because $f$ is monotone with respect to the ordering relation.
The vertical two-cells have the form
\[\begin{tikzcd}[ampersand replacement=\&]
X \& Y \\
X \& Y
\arrow["R", "\shortmid"{marking}, no head, from=1-1, to=1-2]
\arrow["R", "\shortmid"{marking}, no head, from=2-1, to=2-2]
\arrow[""{name=0, anchor=center, inner sep=0}, "{\id_X}"', from=1-1, to=2-1]
\arrow[""{name=1, anchor=center, inner sep=0}, "{\id_Y}", from=1-2, to=2-2]
\arrow["\ltdyn"{description}, draw=none, from=0, to=1],
which commutes trivially.
\item \emph{Composition of two-cells}:
Two-cells compose vertically and horizontally, which follows from the definition
definition of a two-cell in this category.
\textbf{TODO: elaborate}
\textbf{Kleisli internal hom: TODO}
% The arrow => takes a value type and an algebra and constructs an algebra
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% \section{Discussion}\label{sec:discussion}
% \subsection{Synthetic Ordering}
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