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Commit 29797340 authored by Eric Giovannini's avatar Eric Giovannini
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parent 842d7932
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......@@ -5,21 +5,36 @@
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
open import Common.Later
open import Common.Common
module Semantics.ErrorDomains (k : Clock) where
module Semantics.ErrorDomains where -- (k : Clock) where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Poset
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Semantics.Predomains
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Semantics.Predomains
import Semantics.Lift as L℧
import Semantics.Monotone.MonFunCombinators
open import Semantics.StrongBisimulation
open import Semantics.PredomainInternalHom
open import Semantics.Monotone.Base
-- Error domains
record ErrorDomain : Set₁ where
ℓ : Level
_$_ : {A B : Predomain} -> ⟨ A ==> B ⟩ -> ⟨ A ⟩ -> ⟨ B ⟩
_$_ f = MonFun.f f
-- Error domains
record ErrorDomain' {ℓ : Level} (k : Clock) : Type (ℓ-suc ℓ) where
X : Predomain
module X = PosetStr (X .snd)
......@@ -29,32 +44,241 @@ record ErrorDomain : Set₁ where
℧⊥ : ∀ x → ℧ ≤ x
θ : MonFun (▸''_ k X) X
ErrorDomain : {ℓ : Level} -> Type (ℓ-suc ℓ)
ErrorDomain = Σ[ k ∈ Clock ] ErrorDomain' k
-- Isomorphic error domains (with potentially different clocks) have
-- * Isomorphic predomains
-- * The same error element and proof that it's the bottom element
-- * Potentially different θ functions (since they're indexed by potentially different clocks)
-- A family of error domains indexed by a clock k is
-- Morphism of error domains
record ErrorDomainFun {k k' : Clock} (A : ErrorDomain' {ℓ} k) (B : ErrorDomain' {ℓ} k') : Type where
open ErrorDomain'
θA = A .θ
θB = B .θ
f : MonFun (A .X) (B .X)
f℧ : MonFun.f f (A .℧) ≡ (B .℧)
fθ : (x~ : ▹ k , ⟨ A .X ⟩) -> (f $ (θA $ x~)) ≡ (θB $ λ t → f $ {!x~ t!})
-- Underlying predomain of an error domain
𝕌 : {k : Clock} -> ErrorDomain' {ℓ} k -> Predomain
𝕌 d = ErrorDomain'.X d
𝕌 : ErrorDomain -> Predomain
𝕌 d = ErrorDomain.X d
arr : Predomain -> ErrorDomain -> ErrorDomain
arr dom cod =
-- Later structure on error domains
module _ (k : Clock) where
-- open import Semantics.ErrorDomains k
open ErrorDomain'
open import Semantics.Monotone.MonFunCombinators
Domain-▹ : ErrorDomain' {ℓ} k -> ErrorDomain' {ℓ} k
Domain-▹ A =
record {
X = (▸'' k) (𝕌 A) ;
℧ = λ t → ErrorDomain'.℧ A ;
℧⊥ = λ x t → ℧⊥ A (x t) ;
θ = Map▹ k (ErrorDomain'.θ A) }
-- View the lift of a predomain as an error domain (under the provided clock)
𝕃℧ : Predomain → (k : Clock) -> ErrorDomain' {ℓ} k
𝕃℧ A k' = record {
X = 𝕃 A ; ℧ = L℧.℧ ; ℧⊥ = ord-bot A ;
θ = record { f = L℧.θ ; isMon = ord-θ-monotone A } }
open LiftPredomain k'
-- Error domain of monotone functions between a predomain A and an error domain B
arr : (k : Clock) -> Predomain -> ErrorDomain' {ℓ} k -> ErrorDomain' {ℓ} k
arr k A B =
record {
X = arr' dom (𝕌 cod) ;
X = A ==> (𝕌 B) ;
℧ = const-err ;
℧⊥ = const-err-bot ;
θ = {!!} }
θ = θf }
-- open LiftOrder
const-err : ⟨ arr' dom (𝕌 cod) ⟩
open ErrorDomain'
open import Semantics.Monotone.MonFunCombinators k
const-err : ⟨ A ==> (𝕌 B) ⟩
const-err = record {
f = λ _ -> ErrorDomain.℧ cod ;
isMon = λ _ -> reflexive (𝕌 cod) (ErrorDomain.℧ cod) }
f = λ _ -> ErrorDomain'.℧ B ;
isMon = λ _ -> reflexive (𝕌 B) (ErrorDomain'.℧ B) }
const-err-bot : (f : ⟨ A ==> (𝕌 B) ⟩) -> rel (A ==> (𝕌 B)) const-err f
const-err-bot f = λ x y x≤y → ErrorDomain'.℧⊥ B (MonFun.f f y)
θf : MonFun ((▸'' k) (A ==> 𝕌 B)) (A ==> 𝕌 B)
θf = mCompU {!!} Ap▹
-- Goal: MonFun (▹ (A ==> 𝕌 B)) (A ==> 𝕌 B)
-- We will factor this as
-- (▹ (A ==> 𝕌 B)) ==> (▹ A ==> ▹ (𝕌 B)) ==> (A ==> 𝕌 B)
-- The first function is Ap▹
-- The second is θB ∘ App ∘ next
module ClockInv
(A : (k : Clock) -> ErrorDomain' {ℓ} k) where
open ErrorDomain'
to' : {k k' : Clock} ->
(▹ k' , ▹ k , (⟨ 𝕌 (A k) ⟩ -> ⟨ 𝕌 (A k') ⟩)) ->
(⟨ 𝕌 (A k) ⟩ -> ⟨ 𝕌 (A k') ⟩)
to' {k} {k'} rec = fix (λ rec' x → A k' .θ $ λ t' → rec' t' x)
to : {k k' : Clock} -> ⟨ 𝕌 (A k) ⟩ -> ⟨ 𝕌 (A k') ⟩
module ClockInvariant
(A : (k : Clock) -> ErrorDomain' {ℓ} k) where
open ErrorDomain'
open import Cubical.Data.Empty
absurd : {k : Clock} ->
(▹ k , (⊥ -> ⟨ 𝕌 (A k) ⟩)) -> (⊥ -> ⟨ 𝕌 (A k) ⟩)
absurd {k} IH fls = (A k .θ) $ λ t → IH t fls
-- Given a family of ErrorDomains indexed by a clock, we can define a function
-- between the underlying sets of any two members of the family.
-- TODO this function doesn't do anything, it just keeps adding θ's
to' : {k k' : Clock} ->
(▹ k' , (⟨ 𝕌 (A k) ⟩ -> ⟨ 𝕌 (A k') ⟩)) ->
⟨ 𝕌 (A k) ⟩ -> ⟨ 𝕌 (A k') ⟩
to' {k} {k'} rec x1 = (A k' .θ) $ λ t → rec t x1
to : {k k' : Clock} -> ⟨ 𝕌 (A k) ⟩ -> ⟨ 𝕌 (A k') ⟩
to = fix to'
unfold-to : {k k' : Clock} -> to {k} {k'} ≡ to' (next to)
unfold-to = fix-eq to'
to'-refl : {k : Clock} ->
(▹ k , (to' {k} {k} (next to) ≡ id)) ->
to' {k} {k} (next to) ≡ id
to'-refl IH = funExt (λ x → {!!})
to'-mon : {k k' : Clock} ->
▹ k' , ({x y : ⟨ 𝕌 (A k) ⟩} -> (rel (𝕌 (A k)) x y) ->
(rel (𝕌 (A k')) (to' (next to) x) (to' (next to) y))) ->
{x y : ⟨ 𝕌 (A k) ⟩} -> (rel (𝕌 (A k)) x y) ->
(rel (𝕌 (A k')) (to' (next to) x) (to' (next to) y))
to'-mon {k} {k'} IH {x} {y} x≤y = MonFun.isMon (θ (A k')) λ t ->
transport (sym (λ i → rel (𝕌 (A k')) (unfold-to i x) (unfold-to i y))) (IH t x≤y)
const-err-bot : (f : ⟨ arr' dom (𝕌 cod) ⟩) -> rel (arr' dom (𝕌 cod)) const-err f
const-err-bot f = λ x y x≤y → ErrorDomain.℧⊥ cod (MonFun.f f y)
to'-mon' : {k k' : Clock} -> {x y : ⟨ 𝕌 (A k) ⟩} -> (rel (𝕌 (A k)) x y) ->
▹ k' , (rel (𝕌 (A k')) (to' (next to) x) (to' (next to) y)) ->
(rel (𝕌 (A k')) (to' (next to) x) (to' (next to) y))
to'-mon' {k} {k'} {x} {y} x≤y IH = MonFun.isMon (θ (A k')) λ t ->
transport (sym (λ i → rel (𝕌 (A k')) (unfold-to i x) (unfold-to i y))) (IH t)
{- NTS:
(rel (𝕌 (A k')) (to' (next to) x) (to' (next to) y) ≡
(rel (𝕌 (A k')) (to x) (to y)
to-mon : {k k' : Clock} ->
{x y : ⟨ 𝕌 (A k) ⟩} -> (rel (𝕌 (A k)) x y) ->
(rel (𝕌 (A k')) (to x) (to y))
to-mon {k} {k'} {x} {y} x≤y = transport
(sym (λ i → rel (𝕌 (A k')) (unfold-to i x) (unfold-to i y)))
(fix (to'-mon' x≤y))
To : {k k' : Clock} -> ⟨ 𝕌 (A k) ==> 𝕌 (A k') ⟩
To {k} {k'} = record { f = to ; isMon = to-mon }
to' : ∀ k' -> (▹ k , (ErrorDomain' {ℓ} k -> ErrorDomain' {ℓ} k')) -> (ErrorDomain' k -> ErrorDomain' {ℓ} k')
to' k' rec A =
record {
X = A .X ;
℧ = A .℧ ;
℧⊥ = A .℧⊥ ;
θ = record {
f = λ a~ -> MonFun.f (A .θ) λ t -> let foo = rec t A in {!!} ;
isMon = {!!} } }
bad : {k : Clock} -> {X : Type} -> ▹ k , ▹ k , X -> ▹ k , X
bad x = λ t → x t t
module _ (k k' : Clock) {A : Type} where
-- open ErrorDomain
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Semantics.Lift
to' : (▹ k' , (L℧ k A -> L℧ k' A)) -> (L℧ k A -> L℧ k' A)
to' _ (η x) = η x
to' _ L℧.℧ = L℧.℧
to' rec (L℧.θ l~) = L℧.θ λ t → rec t (L℧.θ l~)
to : (L℧ k A -> L℧ k' A)
to = fix to'
inv' : (▹ k , (L℧ k' A -> L℧ k A)) -> (L℧ k' A -> L℧ k A)
inv' _ (η x) = η x
inv' _ L℧.℧ = L℧.℧
inv' rec (L℧.θ l~) = L℧.θ (λ t → rec t (L℧.θ l~))
inv : (L℧ k' A -> L℧ k A)
inv = fix inv'
unfold-to : fix (to') ≡ to' (next to)
unfold-to = fix-eq to'
unfold-inv : fix (inv') ≡ inv' (next inv)
unfold-inv = fix-eq inv'
L℧-Iso : Iso (L℧ k A) (L℧ k' A)
L℧-Iso = iso to inv sec retr
sec' : ▹ k' , (section (to' (next to)) (inv' (next inv))) -> (section (to' (next to)) (inv' (next inv)))
sec' _ (η x) = refl
sec' _ L℧.℧ = refl
sec' IH (L℧.θ l~) = {!!}
-- cong L℧.θ (later-ext (λ t → let foo = IH t (L℧.θ l~) in let foo' = inj-θ k' _ _ foo in {!t!}))
-- λ i -> L℧.θ (λ t → IH t (L℧.θ l~) {!i!})
-- L℧.θ (λ t → next to t (L℧.θ (λ t₁ → next inv t₁ (L℧.θ l~))))
-- ≡ L℧.θ l~
-- cong L℧.θ (later-ext (λ t → let foo = IH t (L℧.θ l~) in {!!}))
sec : {!!}
sec = {!!}
retr' : retract to inv
retr' = {!!}
retr : {!!}
retr = {!!}
-- Predomain to lift Error Domain
......@@ -67,3 +291,45 @@ arr dom cod =
-- open Relation X
open LiftPredomain
-- Experiment with composing relations on error domains
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation
record MyRel {ℓ} (B1 B2 : ErrorDomain) : Type (ℓ-suc ℓ) where
open ErrorDomain
open MonFun
UB1 = ⟨ 𝕌 B1 ⟩
UB2 = ⟨ 𝕌 B2 ⟩
℧B1 = B1 .℧
θB1 = B1 .θ
θB2 = B2 .θ
Rel : UB1 -> UB2 -> hProp ℓ
Rel℧ : ∀ (b2 : UB2) -> ⟨ Rel ℧B1 b2 ⟩
RelΘ : ∀ (b1~ : ▹_,_ k UB1) -> (b2~ : ▹_,_ k UB2) ->
(▸ (λ t -> ⟨ Rel (b1~ t) (b2~ t) ⟩)) ->
⟨ Rel (θB1 .f b1~) (θB2 .f b2~) ⟩
_⊙_ : {ℓ : Level} {B1 B2 B3 : ErrorDomain}
(S : MyRel {ℓ} B1 B2) (R : MyRel {ℓ} B2 B3) -> MyRel {ℓ} B1 B3
_⊙_ {ℓ} {B1} {B2} {B3} S R = record {
Rel = λ b1 b3 → (∃[ b2 ∈ UB2 ] ⟨ S .Rel b1 b2 ⟩ × ⟨ R .Rel b2 b3 ⟩) , {!!} ;
Rel℧ = λ b3 -> ∣ (B2 .℧ , (S .Rel℧ (B2 .℧)) , R .Rel℧ b3) ∣₁ ;
RelΘ = λ b1~ b2~ H → ∣ (θB2 .f {!!} , {!!}) ∣₁ }
open ErrorDomain
open MonFun
open MyRel
UB1 = ⟨ 𝕌 B1 ⟩
UB2 = ⟨ 𝕌 B2 ⟩
UB3 = ⟨ 𝕌 B3 ⟩
θB2 = B2 .θ
......@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Data.Empty hiding (rec)
open import Common.Common
l : Level
......@@ -70,6 +72,9 @@ inj-θ : {X : Set} -> (lx~ ly~ : ▹ (L℧ X)) ->
inj-θ lx~ ly~ H = let lx~≡ly~ = cong pred H in
λ t i → lx~≡ly~ i t
-- Monadic structure
ret : {X : Set} -> X -> L℧ X
ret = η
......@@ -86,8 +91,6 @@ ext f = fix (ext' f)
bind : L℧ A -> (A -> L℧ B) -> L℧ B
bind {A} {B} la f = ext f la
mapL : (A -> B) -> L℧ A -> L℧ B
mapL f la = bind la (λ a -> ret (f a))
unfold-ext : (f : A -> L℧ B) -> ext f ≡ ext' f (next (ext f))
unfold-ext f = fix-eq (ext' f)
......@@ -117,6 +120,31 @@ ext-theta f l =
θ (fix (ext' f) <$> l) ∎
monad-unit-l : ∀ (a : A) (f : A -> L℧ B) -> ext f (ret a) ≡ f a
monad-unit-l = ext-eta
monad-unit-r : (la : L℧ A) -> ext ret la ≡ la
monad-unit-r = fix lem
lem : ▹ ((la : L℧ A) -> ext ret la ≡ la) ->
(la : L℧ A) -> ext ret la ≡ la
lem IH (η x) = monad-unit-l x ret
lem IH ℧ = ext-err ret
lem IH (θ x) = fix (ext' ret) (θ x)
≡⟨ ext-theta ret x ⟩
θ (fix (ext' ret) <$> x)
≡⟨ refl ⟩
θ ((λ la -> ext ret la) <$> x)
≡⟨ (λ i → θ λ t → IH t (x t) i) ⟩
θ (id <$> x)
≡⟨ refl ⟩
θ x ∎
mapL : (A -> B) -> L℧ A -> L℧ B
mapL f la = bind la (λ a -> ret (f a))
mapL-eta : (f : A -> B) (a : A) ->
mapL f (η a) ≡ η (f a)
mapL-eta f a = ext-eta a λ a → ret (f a)
......@@ -125,3 +153,7 @@ mapL-theta : (f : A -> B) (la~ : ▹ (L℧ A)) ->
mapL f (θ la~) ≡ θ (mapL f <$> la~)
mapL-theta f la~ = ext-theta (ret ∘ f) la~
mapL-id : (la : L℧ A) -> mapL id la ≡ la
mapL-id la = monad-unit-r la
......@@ -47,6 +47,26 @@ record MonRel {ℓ' : Level} (X Y : Predomain) : Type (ℓ-suc ℓ') where
isAntitone : ∀ {x x' y} -> R x y -> x' ≤X x -> R x' y
isMonotone : ∀ {x y y'} -> R x y -> y ≤Y y' -> R x y'
module MonReasoning {ℓ' : Level} {X Y : Predomain} where
--open MonRel
module X = PosetStr (X .snd)
module Y = PosetStr (Y .snd)
_≤X_ = X._≤_
_≤Y_ = Y._≤_
-- _Anti⟨_⟩_: R x y -> x'≤X x -> R x' y
[_]_Anti⟨_⟩_ : (S : MonRel {ℓ'} X Y) ->
(x' : ⟨ X ⟩) -> {x : ⟨ X ⟩} -> {y : ⟨ Y ⟩} ->
x' ≤X x -> (S .MonRel.R) x y -> (S .MonRel.R) x' y
[ S ] x' Anti⟨ x'≤x ⟩ x≤y = S .MonRel.isAntitone x≤y x'≤x
[_]_Mon⟨_⟩_ : (S : MonRel {ℓ'} X Y) ->
(x : ⟨ X ⟩) -> {y y' : ⟨ Y ⟩} ->
(S .MonRel.R) x y -> y ≤Y y' -> (S .MonRel.R x y')
[ S ] x Mon⟨ x≤y ⟩ y≤y' = S .MonRel.isMonotone x≤y y≤y'
predomain-monrel : (X : Predomain) -> MonRel X X
predomain-monrel X = record {
R = rel X ;
......@@ -25,8 +25,9 @@ open import Semantics.Predomains
open import Semantics.Lift k
open import Semantics.Monotone.Base
open import Semantics.StrongBisimulation k
open import Syntax.GradualSTLC
open import Syntax.SyntacticTermPrecision k
open import Semantics.PredomainInternalHom
-- open import Syntax.GradualSTLC
-- open import Syntax.SyntacticTermPrecision k
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ open import Common.Common
open import Semantics.Lift k
open import Semantics.Predomains
open import Semantics.PredomainInternalHom
open import Semantics.Monotone.Base
open import Semantics.Monotone.Lemmas k
......@@ -67,7 +68,73 @@ mComp = record {
λ a1 a2 a1≤a2 ->
f1≤f2 (MonFun.f fAB1 a1) (MonFun.f fAB2 a2)
(fAB1≤fAB2 a1 a2 a1≤a2) }
π1 : {A B : Predomain} -> ⟨ (A ×d B) ==> A ⟩
π1 {A} {B} = record {
f = g;
isMon = g-mon }
g : ⟨ A ×d B ⟩ -> ⟨ A ⟩
g (a , b) = a
g-mon : {p1 p2 : ⟨ A ×d B ⟩} → rel (A ×d B) p1 p2 → rel A (g p1) (g p2)
g-mon {γ1 , a1} {γ2 , a2} (a1≤a2 , b1≤b2) = a1≤a2
π2 : {A B : Predomain} -> ⟨ (A ×d B) ==> B ⟩
π2 {A} {B} = record {
f = g;
isMon = g-mon }
g : ⟨ A ×d B ⟩ -> ⟨ B ⟩
g (a , b) = b
g-mon : {p1 p2 : ⟨ A ×d B ⟩} → rel (A ×d B) p1 p2 → rel B (g p1) (g p2)
g-mon {γ1 , a1} {γ2 , a2} (a1≤a2 , b1≤b2) = b1≤b2
Pair : {A B : Predomain} -> ⟨ A ==> B ==> (A ×d B) ⟩
Pair {A} = record {
f = λ a →
record {
f = λ b -> a , b ;
isMon = λ b1≤b2 → (reflexive A a) , b1≤b2 } ;
isMon = λ {a1} {a2} a1≤a2 b1 b2 b1≤b2 → a1≤a2 , b1≤b2 }
-- map and ap functions for later as monotone functions
Map▹ : {A B : Predomain} ->
⟨ A ==> B ⟩ -> ⟨ ▸''_ k A ==> ▸''_ k B ⟩
Map▹ {A} {B} f = record {
f = map▹ (MonFun.f f) ;
isMon = λ {a1} {a2} a1≤a2 t → isMon f (a1≤a2 t) }
Ap▹ : {A B : Predomain} ->
⟨ (▸''_ k (A ==> B)) ==> (▸''_ k A ==> ▸''_ k B) ⟩
Ap▹ {A} {B} = record { f = UAp▹ ; isMon = UAp▹-mon }
UAp▹ : {A B : Predomain} ->
⟨ ▸''_ k (A ==> B) ⟩ -> ⟨ ▸''_ k A ==> ▸''_ k B ⟩
UAp▹ {A} {B} f~ = record {
f = _⊛_ λ t → MonFun.f (f~ t) ;
isMon = λ {a1} {a2} a1≤a2 t → isMon (f~ t) (a1≤a2 t) }
UAp▹-mon : {f1~ f2~ : ▹ ⟨ A ==> B ⟩} ->
▸ (λ t -> rel (A ==> B) (f1~ t) (f2~ t)) ->
rel ((▸''_ k A) ==> (▸''_ k B)) (UAp▹ f1~) (UAp▹ f2~)
UAp▹-mon {f1~} {f2~} f1~≤f2~ a1~ a2~ a1~≤a2~ t = f1~≤f2~ t (a1~ t) (a2~ t) (a1~≤a2~ t)
Next : {A : Predomain} ->
⟨ A ==> ▸''_ k A ⟩
Next = record { f = next ; isMon = λ {a1} {a2} a1≤a2 t → a1≤a2 }
-- 𝕃's return as a monotone function
......@@ -86,6 +153,7 @@ pre ~-> post = {!!}
-- λ f -> mCompU post (mCompU f pre)
-- Extending a monotone function to 𝕃
mExtU : {A B : Predomain} -> MonFun A (𝕃 B) -> MonFun (𝕃 A) (𝕃 B)
mExtU f = record {
......@@ -214,6 +282,10 @@ IntroArg : {Γ B B' : Predomain} ->
⟨ B ==> B' ⟩ -> ⟨ (Γ ==> B) ==> (Γ ==> B') ⟩
IntroArg f = Curry (mCompU f App)
IntroArg1' : {Γ Γ' B : Predomain} ->
⟨ Γ' ==> Γ ⟩ -> ⟨ Γ ==> B ⟩ -> ⟨ Γ' ==> B ⟩
IntroArg1' f = {!!}
PairAssocLR : {A B C : Predomain} ->
⟨ A ×d B ×d C ==> A ×d (B ×d C) ⟩
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --rewriting --guarded #-}
-- to allow opening this module in other files while there are still holes
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
module Semantics.PredomainInternalHom where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Poset
open import Semantics.Predomains
open import Semantics.Monotone.Base
-- Predomains from arrows (need to ensure monotonicity)
-- Ordering on functions between predomains. This does not require that the
-- functions are monotone.
fun-order-het : (P1 P1' P2 P2' : Predomain) ->
(⟨ P1 ⟩ -> ⟨ P1' ⟩ -> Type) ->
(⟨ P2 ⟩ -> ⟨ P2' ⟩ -> Type) ->
(⟨ P1 ⟩ -> ⟨ P2 ⟩) -> (⟨ P1' ⟩ -> ⟨ P2' ⟩) -> Type ℓ-zero
fun-order-het P1 P1' P2 P2' rel-P1P1' rel-P2P2' fP1P2 fP1'P2' =
(p : ⟨ P1 ⟩) -> (p' : ⟨ P1' ⟩) ->
rel-P1P1' p p' ->
rel-P2P2' (fP1P2 p) (fP1'P2' p')
-- TODO can define this in terms of fun-order-het
fun-order : (P1 P2 : Predomain) -> (⟨ P1 ⟩ -> ⟨ P2 ⟩) -> (⟨ P1 ⟩ -> ⟨ P2 ⟩) -> Type ℓ-zero
fun-order P1 P2 f1 f2 =
(x y : ⟨ P1 ⟩) -> x ≤P1 y -> (f1 x) ≤P2 (f2 y)
module P1 = PosetStr (P1 .snd)
module P2 = PosetStr (P2 .snd)
_≤P1_ = P1._≤_
_≤P2_ = P2._≤_
mon-fun-order-refl : {P1 P2 : Predomain} ->
(f : ⟨ P1 ⟩ -> ⟨ P2 ⟩) ->
({x y : ⟨ P1 ⟩} -> rel P1 x y -> rel P2 (f x) (f y)) ->
fun-order P1 P2 f f
mon-fun-order-refl {P1} {P2} f f-mon = λ x y x≤y → f-mon x≤y
fun-order-trans : {P1 P2 : Predomain} ->
(f g h : ⟨ P1 ⟩ -> ⟨ P2 ⟩) ->
fun-order P1 P2 f g ->
fun-order P1 P2 g h ->
fun-order P1 P2 f h
fun-order-trans {P1} {P2} f g h f≤g g≤h =
λ x y x≤y -> (f x) (g x) (h y)
(f≤g x x (reflexive P1 x))
(g≤h x y x≤y)
module P1 = PosetStr (P1 .snd)
module P2 = PosetStr (P2 .snd)
mon-fun-order : (P1 P2 : Predomain) -> MonFun P1 P2 → MonFun P1 P2 → Type ℓ-zero
mon-fun-order P1 P2 mon-f1 mon-f2 =
fun-order P1 P2 (MonFun.f mon-f1) (MonFun.f mon-f2)
mon-fun-order-refl : {P1 P2 : Predomain} ->
(f : MonFun P1 P2) ->
fun-order P1 P2 (MonFun.f f) (MonFun.f f)
mon-fun-order-refl f = λ x y x≤y -> MonFun.isMon f x≤y
mon-fun-order-trans : {P1 P2 : Predomain} ->
(f g h : MonFun P1 P2) ->
mon-fun-order P1 P2 f g ->
mon-fun-order P1 P2 g h ->
mon-fun-order P1 P2 f h
mon-fun-order-trans {P1} {P2} f g h f≤g g≤h =
fun-order-trans {P1} {P2} (MonFun.f f) (MonFun.f g) (MonFun.f h) f≤g g≤h
-- Predomain of monotone functions between two predomains
arr' : Predomain -> Predomain -> Predomain
arr' P1 P2 =
MonFun P1 P2 ,
-- (⟨ P1 ⟩ -> ⟨ P2 ⟩) ,
(mon-fun-order P1 P2)
(isposet {!!} {!!}
-- TODO can use fun-order-trans
(λ f1 f2 f3 Hf1-f2 Hf2-f3 x y H≤xy ->
-- Goal: f1 .f x ≤P2 f3 .f y (f1 .f x) (f2 .f x) (f3 .f y)
(Hf1-f2 x x ( (P1.isPoset) x))
(Hf2-f3 x y H≤xy))
open MonFun
module P1 = PosetStr (P1 .snd)
module P2 = PosetStr (P2 .snd)
_==>_ : Predomain -> Predomain -> Predomain
A ==> B = arr' A B
infixr 20 _==>_
-- TODO show that this is a monotone relation
-- TODO define version where the arguments are all monotone relations
-- instead of arbitrary relations
FunRel : {A A' B B' : Predomain} ->
MonRel {ℓ-zero} A A' ->
MonRel {ℓ-zero} B B' ->
MonRel {ℓ-zero} (A ==> B) (A' ==> B')
FunRel {A} {A'} {B} {B'} RAA' RBB' =
record {
R = λ f f' → fun-order-het A A' B B'
(MonRel.R RAA') (MonRel.R RBB')
(MonFun.f f) (MonFun.f f') ;
isAntitone = {!!} ;
isMonotone = λ {f} {f'} {g'} f≤f' f'≤g' a a' a≤a' →
MonRel.isMonotone RBB' (f≤f' a a' a≤a') {!!} } -- (f'≤g' a' a' (reflexive A' a')) }
......@@ -9,9 +9,18 @@ open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Poset
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Data.Bool
open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming (ℕ to Nat)
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Empty
open import Common.Later
open BinaryRelation
-- Define predomains as posets
Predomain : Set₁
Predomain = Poset ℓ-zero ℓ-zero
......@@ -29,9 +38,129 @@ transitive : (d : Predomain) -> (x y z : ⟨ d ⟩) ->
transitive d x y z x≤y y≤z = (PosetStr.isPoset (str d)) x y z x≤y y≤z
antisym : (d : Predomain) -> (x y : ⟨ d ⟩) ->
rel d x y -> rel d y x -> x ≡ y
antisym d x y x≤y y≤x = (PosetStr.isPoset (str d)) x y x≤y y≤x
isSet-poset : {ℓ ℓ' : Level} -> (P : Poset ℓ ℓ') -> isSet ⟨ P ⟩
isSet-poset P = (PosetStr.isPoset (str P))
isPropValued-poset : {ℓ ℓ' : Level} -> (P : Poset ℓ ℓ') -> isPropValued (PosetStr._≤_ (str P))
isPropValued-poset P = (PosetStr.isPoset (str P))
-- Some common predomains
-- Flat predomain from a set
flat : hSet ℓ-zero -> Predomain
flat h = ⟨ h ⟩ ,
(posetstr _≡_ (isposet (str h) (str h)
(λ _ → refl)
(λ a b c a≡b b≡c → a ≡⟨ a≡b ⟩ b ≡⟨ b≡c ⟩ c ∎)
λ a b a≡b _ → a≡b))
𝔹 : Predomain
𝔹 = flat (Bool , isSetBool)
ℕ : Predomain
ℕ = flat (Nat , isSetℕ)
UnitP : Predomain
UnitP = flat (Unit , isSetUnit)
-- Product of predomains
-- We can't use Cubical.Data.Prod.Base for products, because this version of _×_
-- is not a subtype of the degenerate sigma type Σ A (λ _ → B), and this is needed
-- when we define the lookup function.
-- So we instead use Cubical.Data.Sigma.
-- These aren't included in Cubical.Data.Sigma, so we copy the
-- definitions from Cubical.Data.Prod.Base.
proj₁ : {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A : Type ℓ} {B : Type ℓ'} → A × B → A
proj₁ (x , _) = x
proj₂ : {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A : Type ℓ} {B : Type ℓ'} → A × B → B
proj₂ (_ , x) = x
infixl 21 _×d_
_×d_ : Predomain -> Predomain -> Predomain
A ×d B =
(⟨ A ⟩ × ⟨ B ⟩) ,
(posetstr order (isposet isSet-prod {!!} order-refl order-trans {!!}))
module A = PosetStr (A .snd)
module B = PosetStr (B .snd)
prod-eq : {a1 a2 : ⟨ A ⟩} -> {b1 b2 : ⟨ B ⟩} ->
(a1 , b1) ≡ (a2 , b2) -> (a1 ≡ a2) × (b1 ≡ b2)
prod-eq p = (λ i → proj₁ (p i)) , λ i -> proj₂ (p i)
isSet-prod : isSet (⟨ A ⟩ × ⟨ B ⟩)
isSet-prod (a1 , b1) (a2 , b2) p1 p2 =
let (p-a1≡a2 , p-b1≡b2) = prod-eq p1 in
let (p'-a1≡a2 , p'-b1≡b2) = prod-eq p2 in
-- Theta for predomains
order : ⟨ A ⟩ × ⟨ B ⟩ -> ⟨ A ⟩ × ⟨ B ⟩ -> Type ℓ-zero
order (a1 , b1) (a2 , b2) = (a1 A.≤ a2) × (b1 B.≤ b2)
order-refl : BinaryRelation.isRefl order
order-refl = λ (a , b) → reflexive A a , reflexive B b
order-trans : BinaryRelation.isTrans order
order-trans (a1 , b1) (a2 , b2) (a3 , b3) (a1≤a2 , b1≤b2) (a2≤a3 , b2≤b3) =
( A.isPoset a1 a2 a3 a1≤a2 a2≤a3) , B.isPoset b1 b2 b3 b1≤b2 b2≤b3
-- Sum of predomains
_⊎d_ : Predomain -> Predomain -> Predomain
A ⊎d B =
(⟨ A ⟩ ⊎ ⟨ B ⟩) ,
posetstr order (isposet {!!} {!!} order-refl order-trans order-antisym)
module A = PosetStr (A .snd)
module B = PosetStr (B .snd)
order : ⟨ A ⟩ ⊎ ⟨ B ⟩ -> ⟨ A ⟩ ⊎ ⟨ B ⟩ -> Type ℓ-zero
order (inl a1) (inl a2) = a1 A.≤ a2
order (inl a1) (inr b1) = ⊥
order (inr b1) (inl a1) = ⊥
order (inr b1) (inr b2) = b1 B.≤ b2
order-refl : BinaryRelation.isRefl order
order-refl (inl a) = reflexive A a
order-refl (inr b) = reflexive B b
order-trans : BinaryRelation.isTrans order
order-trans (inl a1) (inl a2) (inl a3) = transitive A a1 a2 a3
order-trans (inr b1) (inr b2) (inr b3) = transitive B b1 b2 b3
order-antisym : BinaryRelation.isAntisym order
order-antisym (inl a1) (inl a2) a1≤a2 a2≤a1 = cong inl (antisym A a1 a2 a1≤a2 a2≤a1)
order-antisym (inr b1) (inr b2) b1≤b2 b2≤b1 = cong inr (antisym B b1 b2 b1≤b2 b2≤b1)
-- Functions from clocks into predomains inherit the predomain structure of the codomain.
-- (Note: Nothing here is specific to clocks.)
𝔽 : (Clock -> Predomain) -> Predomain
𝔽 A = (∀ k -> ⟨ A k ⟩) ,
posetstr (λ x y → ∀ k -> rel (A k) (x k) (y k))
(λ f g pf1 pf2 → λ i1 i2 k → isSet-poset (A k) (f k) (g k) (λ i' -> pf1 i' k) (λ i' -> pf2 i' k) i1 i2)
(λ f g pf1 pf2 i k → isPropValued-poset (A k) (f k) (g k) (pf1 k) (pf2 k) i )
(λ f k → reflexive (A k) (f k))
(λ f g h f≤g g≤h k → transitive (A k) (f k) (g k) (h k) (f≤g k) (g≤h k))
λ f g f≤g g≤f i k → antisym (A k) (f k) (g k) (f≤g k) (g≤f k) i)
-- Later structure on predomains
module _ (k : Clock) where
......@@ -43,11 +172,27 @@ module _ (k : Clock) where
▹_ A = ▹_,_ k A
isSet-poset : {ℓ ℓ' : Level} -> (P : Poset ℓ ℓ') -> isSet ⟨ P ⟩
isSet-poset P = (PosetStr.isPoset (str P))
▹' : Predomain -> Predomain
▹' X = (▹ ⟨ X ⟩) ,
(posetstr ord (isposet isset {!!} ord-refl ord-trans ord-antisym))
ord : ▹ ⟨ X ⟩ → ▹ ⟨ X ⟩ → Type ℓ-zero
ord = λ x1~ x2~ → ▸ (λ t -> PosetStr._≤_ (str X) (x1~ t) (x2~ t))
isset : isSet (▹ ⟨ X ⟩)
isset = λ x y p1 p2 i j t → isSet-poset X (x t) (y t) (λ i' -> p1 i' t) (λ i' -> p2 i' t) i j
ord-refl : (a : ▹ ⟨ X ⟩) -> ord a a
ord-refl a = λ t → reflexive X (a t)
ord-trans : BinaryRelation.isTrans ord
ord-trans = λ a b c a≤b b≤c t → transitive X (a t) (b t) (c t) (a≤b t) (b≤c t)
ord-antisym : BinaryRelation.isAntisym ord
ord-antisym = λ a b a≤b b≤a i t -> antisym X (a t) (b t) (a≤b t) (b≤a t) i
-- Theta for predomains
▸' : ▹ Predomain → Predomain
▸' X = (▸ (λ t → ⟨ X t ⟩)) ,
posetstr ord
......@@ -78,6 +223,12 @@ module _ (k : Clock) where
(PosetStr.isPoset (str (X t))) (a t) (b t) (ord-ab t) (ord-ba t) i
-- This is the analogue of the equation for types that says that
-- ▸ (next A) ≡ ▹ A
▸'-next : (X : Predomain) -> ▸' (next X) ≡ ▹' X
▸'-next X = refl
-- Delay for predomains
▸''_ : Predomain → Predomain
▸'' X = ▸' (next X)
......@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ open import Agda.Primitive
open import Common.Common
open import Semantics.Predomains
open import Semantics.Lift k
open import Semantics.ErrorDomains
-- open import Semantics.ErrorDomains
open import Semantics.PredomainInternalHom
......@@ -47,151 +48,6 @@ private
-- Flat predomain from a set
flat : hSet ℓ-zero -> Predomain
flat h = ⟨ h ⟩ ,
(posetstr _≡_ (isposet (str h) (str h)
(λ _ → refl)
(λ a b c a≡b b≡c → a ≡⟨ a≡b ⟩ b ≡⟨ b≡c ⟩ c ∎)
λ a b a≡b _ → a≡b))
𝔹 : Predomain
𝔹 = flat (Bool , isSetBool)
ℕ : Predomain
ℕ = flat (Nat , isSetℕ)
UnitP : Predomain
UnitP = flat (Unit , isSetUnit)
-- Predomains from arrows (need to ensure monotonicity)
-- Ordering on functions between predomains. This does not require that the
-- functions are monotone.
fun-order-het : (P1 P1' P2 P2' : Predomain) ->
(⟨ P1 ⟩ -> ⟨ P1' ⟩ -> Type) ->
(⟨ P2 ⟩ -> ⟨ P2' ⟩ -> Type) ->
(⟨ P1 ⟩ -> ⟨ P2 ⟩) -> (⟨ P1' ⟩ -> ⟨ P2' ⟩) -> Type ℓ-zero
fun-order-het P1 P1' P2 P2' rel-P1P1' rel-P2P2' fP1P2 fP1'P2' =
(p : ⟨ P1 ⟩) -> (p' : ⟨ P1' ⟩) ->
rel-P1P1' p p' ->
rel-P2P2' (fP1P2 p) (fP1'P2' p')
-- TODO can define this in terms of fun-order-het
fun-order : (P1 P2 : Predomain) -> (⟨ P1 ⟩ -> ⟨ P2 ⟩) -> (⟨ P1 ⟩ -> ⟨ P2 ⟩) -> Type ℓ-zero
fun-order P1 P2 f1 f2 =
(x y : ⟨ P1 ⟩) -> x ≤P1 y -> (f1 x) ≤P2 (f2 y)
module P1 = PosetStr (P1 .snd)
module P2 = PosetStr (P2 .snd)
_≤P1_ = P1._≤_
_≤P2_ = P2._≤_
mon-fun-order-refl : {P1 P2 : Predomain} ->
(f : ⟨ P1 ⟩ -> ⟨ P2 ⟩) ->
({x y : ⟨ P1 ⟩} -> rel P1 x y -> rel P2 (f x) (f y)) ->
fun-order P1 P2 f f
mon-fun-order-refl {P1} {P2} f f-mon = λ x y x≤y → f-mon x≤y
fun-order-trans : {P1 P2 : Predomain} ->
(f g h : ⟨ P1 ⟩ -> ⟨ P2 ⟩) ->
fun-order P1 P2 f g ->
fun-order P1 P2 g h ->
fun-order P1 P2 f h
fun-order-trans {P1} {P2} f g h f≤g g≤h =
λ x y x≤y -> (f x) (g x) (h y)
(f≤g x x (reflexive P1 x))
(g≤h x y x≤y)
module P1 = PosetStr (P1 .snd)
module P2 = PosetStr (P2 .snd)
mon-fun-order : (P1 P2 : Predomain) -> MonFun P1 P2 → MonFun P1 P2 → Type ℓ-zero
mon-fun-order P1 P2 mon-f1 mon-f2 =
fun-order P1 P2 (MonFun.f mon-f1) (MonFun.f mon-f2)
module P1 = PosetStr (P1 .snd)
module P2 = PosetStr (P2 .snd)
_≤P1_ = P1._≤_
_≤P2_ = P2._≤_
mon-fun-order-refl : {P1 P2 : Predomain} ->
(f : MonFun P1 P2) ->
fun-order P1 P2 (MonFun.f f) (MonFun.f f)
mon-fun-order-refl f = λ x y x≤y -> MonFun.isMon f x≤y
mon-fun-order-trans : {P1 P2 : Predomain} ->
(f g h : MonFun P1 P2) ->
mon-fun-order P1 P2 f g ->
mon-fun-order P1 P2 g h ->
mon-fun-order P1 P2 f h
mon-fun-order-trans {P1} {P2} f g h f≤g g≤h =
fun-order-trans {P1} {P2} (MonFun.f f) (MonFun.f g) (MonFun.f h) f≤g g≤h
-- Predomain of monotone functions between two predomains
arr' : Predomain -> Predomain -> Predomain
arr' P1 P2 =
MonFun P1 P2 ,
-- (⟨ P1 ⟩ -> ⟨ P2 ⟩) ,
(mon-fun-order P1 P2)
(isposet {!!} {!!}
-- TODO can use fun-order-trans
(λ f1 f2 f3 Hf1-f2 Hf2-f3 x y H≤xy ->
-- Goal: f1 .f x ≤P2 f3 .f y (f1 .f x) (f2 .f x) (f3 .f y)
(Hf1-f2 x x ( (P1.isPoset) x))
(Hf2-f3 x y H≤xy))
open MonFun
module P1 = PosetStr (P1 .snd)
module P2 = PosetStr (P2 .snd)
_==>_ : Predomain -> Predomain -> Predomain
A ==> B = arr' A B
infixr 20 _==>_
-- TODO show that this is a monotone relation
-- TODO define version where the arguments are all monotone relations
-- instead of arbitrary relations
FunRel : {A A' B B' : Predomain} ->
MonRel {ℓ-zero} A A' ->
MonRel {ℓ-zero} B B' ->
MonRel {ℓ-zero} (A ==> B) (A' ==> B')
FunRel {A} {A'} {B} {B'} RAA' RBB' =
record {
R = λ f f' → fun-order-het A A' B B'
(MonRel.R RAA') (MonRel.R RBB')
(MonFun.f f) (MonFun.f f') ;
isAntitone = {!!} ;
isMonotone = λ {f} {f'} {g'} f≤f' f'≤g' a a' a≤a' →
MonRel.isMonotone RBB' (f≤f' a a' a≤a') {!!} } -- (f'≤g' a' a' (reflexive A' a')) }
-- Lifting a heterogeneous relation between A and B to a
-- relation between L A and L B
......@@ -241,6 +97,10 @@ module LiftRelation
ord-bot : (lb : L℧ ⟨ B ⟩) -> ℧ ≾ lb
ord-bot lb = transport (sym (λ i → unfold-≾ i ℧ lb)) tt
ord-θ-monotone : {la~ : ▹ L℧ ⟨ A ⟩} -> {lb~ : ▹ L℧ ⟨ B ⟩} ->
▸ (λ t -> la~ t ≾ lb~ t) -> θ la~ ≾ θ lb~
ord-θ-monotone H = ≾'->≾ H
-- Predomain to lift predomain
module LiftPredomain (p : Predomain) where
......@@ -373,100 +233,6 @@ module LiftRelMon
-- Product of predomains
-- We can't use Cubical.Data.Prod.Base for products, because this version of _×_
-- is not a subtype of the degenerate sigma type Σ A (λ _ → B), and this is needed
-- when we define the lookup function.
-- So we instead use Cubical.Data.Sigma.
-- These aren't included in Cubical.Data.Sigma, so we copy the
-- definitions from Cubical.Data.Prod.Base.
proj₁ : {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A : Type ℓ} {B : Type ℓ'} → A × B → A
proj₁ (x , _) = x
proj₂ : {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A : Type ℓ} {B : Type ℓ'} → A × B → B
proj₂ (_ , x) = x
infixl 21 _×d_
_×d_ : Predomain -> Predomain -> Predomain
A ×d B =
(⟨ A ⟩ × ⟨ B ⟩) ,
(posetstr order {!!})
module A = PosetStr (A .snd)
module B = PosetStr (B .snd)
prod-eq : {a1 a2 : ⟨ A ⟩} -> {b1 b2 : ⟨ B ⟩} ->
(a1 , b1) ≡ (a2 , b2) -> (a1 ≡ a2) × (b1 ≡ b2)
prod-eq p = (λ i → proj₁ (p i)) , λ i -> proj₂ (p i)
isSet-prod : isSet (⟨ A ⟩ × ⟨ B ⟩)
isSet-prod (a1 , b1) (a2 , b2) p1 p2 =
let (p-a1≡a2 , p-b1≡b2) = prod-eq p1 in
let (p'-a1≡a2 , p'-b1≡b2) = prod-eq p2 in
order : ⟨ A ⟩ × ⟨ B ⟩ -> ⟨ A ⟩ × ⟨ B ⟩ -> Type ℓ-zero
order (a1 , b1) (a2 , b2) = (a1 A.≤ a2) × (b1 B.≤ b2)
order-refl : BinaryRelation.isRefl order
order-refl = λ (a , b) → reflexive A a , reflexive B b
order-trans : BinaryRelation.isTrans order
order-trans (a1 , b1) (a2 , b2) (a3 , b3) (a1≤a2 , b1≤b2) (a2≤a3 , b2≤b3) =
( A.isPoset a1 a2 a3 a1≤a2 a2≤a3) , B.isPoset b1 b2 b3 b1≤b2 b2≤b3
is-poset : IsPoset order
is-poset = isposet
π1 : {A B : Predomain} -> ⟨ (A ×d B) ==> A ⟩
π1 {A} {B} = record {
f = g;
isMon = g-mon }
g : ⟨ A ×d B ⟩ -> ⟨ A ⟩
g (a , b) = a
g-mon : {p1 p2 : ⟨ A ×d B ⟩} → rel (A ×d B) p1 p2 → rel A (g p1) (g p2)
g-mon {γ1 , a1} {γ2 , a2} (a1≤a2 , b1≤b2) = a1≤a2
π2 : {A B : Predomain} -> ⟨ (A ×d B) ==> B ⟩
π2 {A} {B} = record {
f = g;
isMon = g-mon }
g : ⟨ A ×d B ⟩ -> ⟨ B ⟩
g (a , b) = b
g-mon : {p1 p2 : ⟨ A ×d B ⟩} → rel (A ×d B) p1 p2 → rel B (g p1) (g p2)
g-mon {γ1 , a1} {γ2 , a2} (a1≤a2 , b1≤b2) = b1≤b2
Pair : {A B : Predomain} -> ⟨ A ==> B ==> (A ×d B) ⟩
Pair {A} = record {
f = λ a →
record {
f = λ b -> a , b ;
isMon = λ b1≤b2 → (reflexive A a) , b1≤b2 } ;
isMon = λ {a1} {a2} a1≤a2 b1 b2 b1≤b2 → a1≤a2 , b1≤b2 }
-- Induced equivalence relation on a Predomain
......@@ -548,8 +314,6 @@ module Bisimilarity (d : Predomain) where
unfold-≈ : _≈_ ≡ Inductive._≈'_ (next _≈_)
unfold-≈ = fix-eq Inductive._≈'_
module Properties where
open Inductive (next _≈_)
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