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Commit 0ea410fb authored by Eric Giovannini's avatar Eric Giovannini
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Syntactic bisimilarity

parent 4b41fb46
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module Syntax.SyntacticBisimilarity where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude renaming (comp to compose)
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.Data.Empty renaming (rec to exFalso)
open import Syntax.Types
open import Syntax.IntensionalTerms
open TyPrec
open CtxPrec
Δ Γ Θ Z Δ' Γ' Θ' Z' : Ctx
R S T U R' S' T' U' : Ty
B B' C C' D D' : Γ ⊑ctx Γ'
b b' c c' d d' : S ⊑ S'
γ γ' γ'' : Subst Δ Γ
δ δ' δ'' : Subst Θ Δ
θ θ' θ'' : Subst Z Θ
V V' V'' : Val Γ S
M M' M'' N N' : Comp Γ S
E E' E'' F F' : EvCtx Γ S T
-- The congruence closure of the relation with generators:
-- tick ; M ≈ M
-- V.δl ≈ id
-- V.δr ≈ id
-- E.δl ≈ id
-- E.δr ≈ id
-- TODO do we need bisimilarity to interact with the equations,
-- e.g. identity and associativity?
infix 4 _≈c_
infix 4 _≈e_
infix 4 _≈v_
infix 4 _≈s_
-- Bisimilarity for substitutions, values, ev ctxs, and computations
data _≈s_ : Subst Γ Δ -> Subst Γ Δ -> Type
data _≈v_ : Val Γ S -> Val Γ S -> Type
data _≈e_ : EvCtx Γ S T -> EvCtx Γ S T -> Type
data _≈c_ : Comp Γ S -> Comp Γ S -> Type
data _≈s_ where
≈-refl : γ ≈s γ
-- ≈-ids : (ids {Γ = Γ}) ≈s ids
≈-∘s : γ ≈s γ' -> δ ≈s δ' -> (γ ∘s δ) ≈s (γ' ∘s δ')
-- ≈-!s : (!s {Γ = Γ}) ≈s !s
≈-,s : ∀ {γ γ' : Subst Γ Δ} {V V' : Val Γ S} ->
γ ≈s γ' ->
V ≈v V' ->
(γ ,s V) ≈s (γ' ,s V')
-- ≈-wk : (wk {S = S} {Γ = Γ}) ≈s wk
data _≈v_ where
≈-refl : V ≈v V
≈-substV : V ≈v V' ->
γ ≈s γ' ->
V [ γ ]v ≈v V' [ γ' ]v
-- ≈-var : (var {S = S} {Γ = Γ}) ≈v var
-- ≈-zro : zro ≈v zro
-- ≈-suc : suc ≈v suc
≈-lda : M ≈c M' ->
lda M ≈v lda M'
-- ≈-up : ∀ S⊑T -> up S⊑T ≈v up S⊑T -- follows from reflexivity?
-- If δl and δr were made admissible, then these two rules wouldn't be needed
-- ≈-δl : ∀ S⊑T (V : Val Γ (ty-left S⊑T)) -> δl S⊑T [ !s ,s V ]v ≈v V
-- ≈-δr : ∀ S⊑T (V : Val Γ (ty-right S⊑T)) -> δr S⊑T [ !s ,s V ]v ≈v V
data _≈e_ where
≈-refl : E ≈e E
≈-∘E : E ≈e E' -> F ≈e F' -> E ∘E F ≈e E' ∘E F'
≈-substE : E ≈e E' -> γ ≈s γ' -> E [ γ ]e ≈e E' [ γ' ]e
≈-bind : M ≈c M' -> bind M ≈e bind M'
-- ≈-dn : ∀ S⊑T -> dn S⊑T ≈e dn S⊑T -- follows from reflexivity?
-- If δl and δr were made admissible, then these two rules wouldn't be needed
-- ≈-δl : ∀ S⊑T -> δl S⊑T ≈e ∙E
-- ≈-δr : ∀ S⊑T -> δr S⊑T ≈e ∙E
data _≈c_ where
≈-refl : M ≈c M
≈-tick : (M M' : Comp Γ S) -> M ≈c M' -> tick M ≈c M'
≈-plugE :
E ≈e E' ->
M ≈c M' ->
(E [ M ]∙) ≈c (E' [ M' ]∙) -- redundant by tick-strictness + ≈-tick?
≈-substC : {M M' : Comp Γ S} {γ γ' : Subst Δ Γ} ->
M ≈c M' ->
γ ≈s γ' ->
M [ γ ]c ≈c M' [ γ' ]c
≈-matchNat : {Kz Kz' : Comp Γ S} {Ks Ks' : Comp (nat ∷ Γ) S} ->
Kz ≈c Kz' ->
Ks ≈c Ks' ->
(matchNat Kz Ks) ≈c matchNat Kz' Ks'
-- TODO: add symmetry
≈s-refl : (γ : Subst Γ Δ) -> γ ≈s γ
≈s-refl ids = ≈-ids
≈s-refl (γ ∘s γ₁) = {!!}
≈s-refl (∘IdL i) = {!!}
≈s-refl (∘IdR i) = {!!}
≈s-refl (∘Assoc i) = {!!}
≈s-refl (isSetSubst γ γ₁ x y i i₁) = {!!}
≈s-refl (isPosetSubst x x₁ i) = {!!}
≈s-refl !s = {!!}
≈s-refl ([]η i) = {!!}
≈s-refl (γ ,s x) = {!!}
≈s-refl wk = {!!}
≈s-refl (wkβ i) = {!!}
≈s-refl (,sη i) = {!!}
≈v-refl : (V : Val Γ S) -> V ≈v V
≈v-refl (V [ γ ]v) = ≈-substV (≈v-refl V) (≈s-refl γ)
≈v-refl (substId i) = {!≈v-refl V!}
≈v-refl (substAssoc i) = {!!}
≈v-refl var = ≈-var
≈v-refl (varβ i) = {!!}
≈v-refl zro = ≈-zro
≈v-refl suc = ≈-suc
≈v-refl (lda M) = ≈-lda {!!}
≈v-refl (fun-η i) = {!!}
≈v-refl (up S⊑T) = ≈-up S⊑T
≈v-refl (δl S⊑T) = {!!}
≈v-refl (δr S⊑T) = {!!}
≈v-refl (isSetVal V V₁ x y i i₁) = {!!}
≈v-refl (isPosetVal x x₁ i) = {!!}
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