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Commit 0cac88b2 authored by Eric Giovannini's avatar Eric Giovannini
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monoid stuff

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{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.Monoid.FreeMonoid where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
private variable
ℓ : Level
A : Type ℓ
data FreeMonoid (A : Type ℓ) : Type ℓ where
⟦_⟧ : A → FreeMonoid A
ε : FreeMonoid A
_·_ : FreeMonoid A → FreeMonoid A → FreeMonoid A
identityᵣ : ∀ x → x · ε ≡ x
identityₗ : ∀ x → ε · x ≡ x
assoc : ∀ x y z → x · (y · z) ≡ (x · y) · z
trunc : isSet (FreeMonoid A)
module Elim {ℓ'} {B : FreeMonoid A → Type ℓ'}
(⟦_⟧* : (x : A) → B ⟦ x ⟧)
(ε* : B ε)
(_·*_ : ∀ {x y} → B x → B y → B (x · y))
(identityᵣ* : ∀ {x} → (xs : B x)
→ PathP (λ i → B (identityᵣ x i)) (xs ·* ε*) xs)
(identityₗ* : ∀ {x} → (xs : B x)
→ PathP (λ i → B (identityₗ x i)) (ε* ·* xs) xs)
(assoc* : ∀ {x y z} → (xs : B x) (ys : B y) (zs : B z)
→ PathP (λ i → B (assoc x y z i)) (xs ·* (ys ·* zs)) ((xs ·* ys) ·* zs))
(trunc* : ∀ xs → isSet (B xs)) where
f : (xs : FreeMonoid A) → B xs
f ⟦ x ⟧ = ⟦ x ⟧*
f ε = ε*
f (xs · ys) = f xs ·* f ys
f (identityᵣ xs i) = identityᵣ* (f xs) i
f (identityₗ xs i) = identityₗ* (f xs) i
f (assoc xs ys zs i) = assoc* (f xs) (f ys) (f zs) i
f (trunc xs ys p q i j) = isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 2 trunc* (f xs) (f ys)
(cong f p) (cong f q) (trunc xs ys p q) i j
module ElimProp {ℓ'} {B : FreeMonoid A → Type ℓ'}
(BProp : {xs : FreeMonoid A} → isProp (B xs))
(⟦_⟧* : (x : A) → B ⟦ x ⟧)
(ε* : B ε)
(_·*_ : ∀ {x y} → B x → B y → B (x · y)) where
f : (xs : FreeMonoid A) → B xs
f = Elim.f ⟦_⟧* ε* _·*_
(λ {x} xs → toPathP (BProp (transport (λ i → B (identityᵣ x i)) (xs ·* ε*)) xs))
(λ {x} xs → toPathP (BProp (transport (λ i → B (identityₗ x i)) (ε* ·* xs)) xs))
(λ {x y z} xs ys zs → toPathP (BProp (transport (λ i → B (assoc x y z i)) (xs ·* (ys ·* zs))) ((xs ·* ys) ·* zs)))
(λ _ → (isProp→isSet BProp))
module Rec {ℓ'} {B : Type ℓ'} (BType : isSet B)
(⟦_⟧* : (x : A) → B)
(ε* : B)
(_·*_ : B → B → B)
(identityᵣ* : (x : B) → x ·* ε* ≡ x)
(identityₗ* : (x : B) → ε* ·* x ≡ x)
(assoc* : (x y z : B) → x ·* (y ·* z) ≡ (x ·* y) ·* z)
f : FreeMonoid A → B
f = Elim.f ⟦_⟧* ε* _·*_ identityᵣ* identityₗ* assoc* (const BType)
-- {-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.Monoid.FreeProduct where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Algebra.Monoid.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.Monoid.More
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
open IsMonoidHom
-- Free monoid on two generators as a HIT, similar to
-- Cubical.HITs.FreeComMonoids.Base.html
data FreeMonoidProd (M : Monoid ℓ) (N : Monoid ℓ') : Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') where
⟦_⟧₁ : ⟨ M ⟩ -> FreeMonoidProd M N
⟦_⟧₂ : ⟨ N ⟩ -> FreeMonoidProd M N
ε : FreeMonoidProd M N
_·_ : FreeMonoidProd M N -> FreeMonoidProd M N -> FreeMonoidProd M N
id₁ : ⟦ MonoidStr.ε (M .snd) ⟧₁ ≡ ε
id₂ : ⟦ MonoidStr.ε (N .snd) ⟧₂ ≡ ε
comp₁ : ∀ m m' -> ⟦ MonoidStr._·_ (M .snd) m m' ⟧₁ ≡ (⟦ m ⟧₁ · ⟦ m' ⟧₁)
comp₂ : ∀ n n' -> ⟦ MonoidStr._·_ (N .snd) n n' ⟧₂ ≡ (⟦ n ⟧₂ · ⟦ n' ⟧₂)
identityᵣ : ∀ x → x · ε ≡ x
identityₗ : ∀ x → ε · x ≡ x
assoc : ∀ x y z → x · (y · z) ≡ (x · y) · z
trunc : isSet (FreeMonoidProd M N)
-- Maps out of the free product
module Elim {ℓ''} {M : Monoid ℓ} {N : Monoid ℓ'}
{B : FreeMonoidProd M N -> Type ℓ''}
(⟦_⟧₁* : (m : ⟨ M ⟩) -> B ⟦ m ⟧₁)
(⟦_⟧₂* : (n : ⟨ N ⟩) -> B ⟦ n ⟧₂)
(ε* : B ε)
(_·*_ : ∀ {x y} -> B x -> B y -> B (x · y))
(id₁* : PathP (λ i -> B (id₁ i)) ⟦ MonoidStr.ε (M .snd) ⟧₁* ε*)
(id₂* : PathP (λ i -> B (id₂ i)) ⟦ MonoidStr.ε (N .snd) ⟧₂* ε*)
(comp₁* : ∀ m m' -> PathP (λ i -> B (comp₁ m m' i))
⟦ MonoidStr._·_ (M .snd) m m' ⟧₁* (⟦ m ⟧₁* ·* ⟦ m' ⟧₁*))
(comp₂* : ∀ n n' -> PathP (λ i -> B (comp₂ n n' i))
⟦ MonoidStr._·_ (N .snd) n n' ⟧₂* (⟦ n ⟧₂* ·* ⟦ n' ⟧₂*))
(identityᵣ* : ∀ {x} -> (xs : B x) ->
PathP (λ i -> B (identityᵣ x i)) (xs ·* ε*) xs)
(identityₗ* : ∀ {x} -> (xs : B x) ->
PathP (λ i -> B (identityₗ x i)) (ε* ·* xs) xs)
(assoc* : ∀ {x y z} -> (xs : B x) (ys : B y) (zs : B z) ->
PathP (λ i → B (assoc x y z i)) (xs ·* (ys ·* zs)) ((xs ·* ys) ·* zs))
(trunc* : ∀ xs -> isSet (B xs))
f : (x : FreeMonoidProd M N) -> B x
f ⟦ m ⟧₁ = ⟦ m ⟧₁*
f ⟦ n ⟧₂ = ⟦ n ⟧₂*
f ε = ε*
f (x · y) = f x ·* f y
f (id₁ i) = id₁* i
f (id₂ i) = id₂* i
f (comp₁ m m' i) = comp₁* m m' i
f (comp₂ n n' i) = comp₂* n n' i
f (identityᵣ x i) = identityᵣ* (f x) i
f (identityₗ x i) = identityₗ* (f x) i
f (assoc x y z i) = assoc* (f x) (f y) (f z) i
f (trunc x y p q i j) = isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 2 trunc*
(f x) (f y) (cong f p) (cong f q) (trunc x y p q) i j
module Rec {ℓ''} {M : Monoid ℓ} {N : Monoid ℓ'}
{B : Type ℓ''}
(⟦_⟧₁* : (m : ⟨ M ⟩) -> B)
(⟦_⟧₂* : (n : ⟨ N ⟩) -> B)
(ε* : B)
(_·*_ : B -> B -> B)
(id₁* : ⟦ MonoidStr.ε (M .snd) ⟧₁* ≡ ε*)
(id₂* : ⟦ MonoidStr.ε (N .snd) ⟧₂* ≡ ε*)
(comp₁* : ∀ m m' ->
⟦ MonoidStr._·_ (M .snd) m m' ⟧₁* ≡ (⟦ m ⟧₁* ·* ⟦ m' ⟧₁*))
(comp₂* : ∀ n n' ->
⟦ MonoidStr._·_ (N .snd) n n' ⟧₂* ≡ (⟦ n ⟧₂* ·* ⟦ n' ⟧₂*))
(identityᵣ* : (x : B) -> (x ·* ε*) ≡ x)
(identityₗ* : (x : B) -> (ε* ·* x) ≡ x)
(assoc* : ∀ (x y z : B) -> x ·* (y ·* z) ≡ (x ·* y) ·* z)
(trunc* : isSet B) where
f : FreeMonoidProd M N -> B
f = Elim.f
⟦_⟧₁* ⟦_⟧₂* ε* _·*_ id₁* id₂* comp₁* comp₂*
identityᵣ* identityₗ* assoc* (λ _ -> trunc*)
_⋆_ : Monoid ℓ -> Monoid ℓ' -> Monoid (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ')
M ⋆ N = makeMonoid {M = FreeMonoidProd M N} ε _·_ trunc assoc identityᵣ identityₗ
-- Universal property of the free product
module _ {M : Monoid ℓ} {N : Monoid ℓ'} where
open MonoidStr
i₁ : MonoidHom M (M ⋆ N)
i₁ = ⟦_⟧₁ , (monoidequiv id₁ comp₁)
i₂ : MonoidHom N (M ⋆ N)
i₂ = ⟦_⟧₂ , (monoidequiv id₂ comp₂)
case : (P : Monoid ℓ'') (f : MonoidHom M P) (g : MonoidHom N P) ->
isContr (Σ[ h ∈ MonoidHom (M ⋆ N) P ] (f ≡ h ∘hom i₁) × (g ≡ h ∘hom i₂))
case P f g .fst .fst .fst =
Rec.f (f .fst) (g .fst) P.ε P._·_ (f .snd .presε) (g .snd .presε)
(f .snd .pres·) (g .snd .pres·) P.·IdR P.·IdL P.·Assoc
module P = MonoidStr (P .snd)
case P f g .fst .fst .snd = monoidequiv refl (λ x y -> refl)
case P f g .fst .snd = (eqMonoidHom _ _ refl) , (eqMonoidHom _ _ refl)
case P f g .snd = {!!}
[_,hom_] : {P : Monoid ℓ''} (f : MonoidHom M P) (g : MonoidHom N P) ->
MonoidHom (M ⋆ N) P
[_,hom_] {P = P} f g = fst (fst (case P f g))
...@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ M1 ×CM M2 = makeCommMonoid ...@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ M1 ×CM M2 = makeCommMonoid
{M = ⟨ M1 ⟩ × ⟨ M2 ⟩} {M = ⟨ M1 ⟩ × ⟨ M2 ⟩}
(commMonoidId M1 , commMonoidId M2) (commMonoidId M1 , commMonoidId M2)
(λ { (m1 , m2) (m1' , m2') -> (m1 ·M1 m1') , (m2 ·M2 m2')}) (λ { (m1 , m2) (m1' , m2') -> (m1 ·M1 m1') , (m2 ·M2 m2')})
(isSet× (isSetCommMonoid M1) (isSetCommMonoid M2)) (isSet×
(λ { (m1 , m2) (m1' , m2') (m1'' , m2'') -> (λ { (m1 , m2) (m1' , m2') (m1'' , m2'') ->
≡-× (M1 .snd .isMonoid .isSemigroup .·Assoc m1 m1' m1'') ≡-× (M1 .snd .isMonoid .isSemigroup .·Assoc m1 m1' m1'')
(M2 .snd .isMonoid .isSemigroup .·Assoc m2 m2' m2'') }) (M2 .snd .isMonoid .isSemigroup .·Assoc m2 m2' m2'') })
...@@ -95,6 +95,8 @@ M1 ×CM M2 = makeCommMonoid ...@@ -95,6 +95,8 @@ M1 ×CM M2 = makeCommMonoid
λ { (m1 , m2) (m1' , m2') -> ≡-× λ { (m1 , m2) (m1' , m2') -> ≡-×
(M1 .snd .·Comm m1 m1') (M2 .snd .·Comm m2 m2') } (M1 .snd .·Comm m1 m1') (M2 .snd .·Comm m2 m2') }
where where
module M1 = CommMonoidStr (M1 .snd)
module M2 = CommMonoidStr (M2 .snd)
open CommMonoidStr open CommMonoidStr
open IsMonoid open IsMonoid
open IsSemigroup open IsSemigroup
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