820 B
The related work in this paper is more important than in the last because it’s actual call-by-value stuff.
There is a difficulty though. Our result here is graduality + eta + function casts are pure => wrapping function casts.
Exploring the Design Space of Higher-Order Casts (Siek-Garcia-Taha) does a bit of a survey. What is wrong (or right) with it from our perspective?
- The eager semantics is not extensional.
The cast where (B = bool, I = int, D = dyn)
<B -> I <= D -> D><D -> D <= I -> I>(lambda x. t) |-> err but if we eta-expand the inside, it is a value(!) <B -> I <= D -> D>(lambda y. (<D -> D <= I -> I>(lambda x. t) y)
- The downcast semantics is not compositional in that upcasts/downcasts A -> B -> C do not factorize. Does it actually violate the gradual guarantee? Doubtful.