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  • * Inductive, Coinductive and Recursive Types in GTT
    In order to apply the GTT model to non-trivial (statically typed)
    programs, we need to add some facility for inductive, co-recursive
    and/or recursive types.
    In principle this should not be a problem: the uniqueness principles
    are derivable in the presence of functoriality of connectives, and
    recursive types don't disrupt that. One difficulty is in establishing
    formally that the casts we derive for *recursive* types are actually
    values for recursive value types and stacks for recursive stack types.
    The usual presentation of recursive types by just adding in an
    isomorphism between (rec X. A) and A[rec X.A] is not sufficient
    because we would use something like the Y combinator to implement
    functorial stuff. This presentation is useful for minimalistic
    *operational* semantics, but is insufficient for a minimalistic
    *axiomatic* semantics.
    By contrast, Inductive and Co-inductive types present no difficulty at
    all. We add in an injection and the induction principle, with the
    induction principle being a *value form*. This makes it easy to show
    that the upcast implementation is a value. The same holds in the dual:
    the coinduction principle for co-inductive computations should be
    Then the result should hold because any recursive type can be written
    using inductive types and *guarded* recursive types where guarded here
    means the variable occurs under a thunk.
    That is any recursive value type `rec X. A` can be written in the form
    `rec X. μ X'. [A]` where every occurrence of `X'` in `A` is strictly
    positive and every occurrence of `X` in `A` occurs under a thunk `U`.
    For example, take a simple Schemish CBV dynamic type:
        rec D. 1 + (D * D) + U(D -> F D)
    The intuition about this type is that dynamically typed values are
    S-Expressions whose leaves are either nil or a unary procedure.
    The factorization makes this clearer:
        rec D. μ T. 1 + (T * T) + U(D -> F D)
    We can think of `D` as the full recursive dynamic type and `T` as
    representing the inductive first-order component of the type:
    I haven't worked out the details but I think this observation should
    be sufficient to prove syntactically that upcasts are values/downcasts
    are stacks.
    * Precision and Equi-Recursion vs Iso-Recursion
    Static typing naturally lends itself to iso-recursion whereas dynamic
    typing naturally lends itself to equi-recursion. Gradual typing can
    accommodate this difference quite easily: in the cast calculus, the
    recursion is iso-recursive, but the *precision* is equi-recursive.
    But what rules should we have? Should we just state that they are
    equi-dynamic with their one level unrolling?
        rec X. A == A[rec X.A]
    Or should we say that in fact they are *least pre-fixed points*
    in the precision ordering? I haven't thought through the consequences
    yet but my gut says least fixed point will be more useful.
    The lfp rules are simple. We say first that the type mu X. A is a pre-fixed point of X.A:
    A[mu X. A/X] <= mu X. A
    and second that it is the *least* such pre-fixed point:
    A[A'/X] <= A'
    mu X. A <= A'
    From this we can derive that lfp are functorial:
    X <= X' |- A <= A'
    mu X. A <= mu X'. A'
    by using the lfp property and monotonicity of all connectives:
    A[mu X'. A'/X] <= A'[mu X'. A'/X'] <= mu X'. A'
    A[mu X'. A'/X] <= mu X'. A'
    mu X. A <= mu X'. A'
    * Recursive Types as a Precision-Least Pre-fixed Point
    Here's an interesting idea, somewhat inspired by denotational
    semantics. What if the recursive type mu X. A were just *defined* to
    be the least pre-fixed point of X.A in the dynamism ordering? That is,
    we treat mu X. A similar to the dynamic type ? in that we only
    interact with it via casts.
    Then we could define for example:
    G |- V : A[mu X. A/X]
    G |- roll(V) : mu X. A =: <mu X. A <--< A[mu X. A/X]>V
    G |- V : mu X. A
    G |- unroll(V) : A[mu X. A/X] =: <A[mu X.A/X] <--< mu X.A>V
    where the dynamism derivation of the latter comes from
    A <= A  and  A[mu X. A/X] <= mu X.A
    A[A[mu X.A/X]/X] <= A[mu X.A /X]
    ----------------------least pre-fixed point
    mu X. A <= A[mu X.A/X]
    we can prove that roll, unroll form an isomorphism from our proof that
    equi-dynamic types are isomorphic.
    What's even cooler than that is we can derive reduction rules:
    Say we have a derivation
    A[A'/X] <= A'
    mu X. A <= A'
    Then there is an upcast
    <A' <--< mu X. A>V
    We can derive a reduction rule for this cast when it is applied to roll:
    <A' <--< mu X.A>roll(V)
    = <A' <--< mu X.A><mu X. A <--< A[mu X.A/X]>V
    = <A' <--< A[A'/X]><A[A'/X] <--< A[mu X.A/X]>V
    By coherence of upcasts, we need only verify that appropriate type
    dynamism derivations can be constructed:
    1. A[A'/X] <= A'
    2. A <= A   and   mu X.A <= A'
       A[mu X.A/X] <= A[A'/X]
    TODO: look at the downcasts involving mu, and dualize everything for
    computation types.