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    Inductive Stoup := None | One.
    Definition StoupSem (S : Stoup) :=
      match S with
        | None => Empty_set
        | One  => unit
    Record StCtx X := mkStCtx {
                          S  : Stoup;
                          ty : StoupSem S -> X
    Definition cdot {X} : StCtx X := mkStCtx _ None (fun x => match x with end).
    Definition hstoup {Y} (B : Y) : StCtx Y := mkStCtx _ One (fun x => match x with tt => B end).
    Inductive VType : Set :=
      VUnit : VType
    | VTimes : forall (A A' : VType), VType
    | VU : forall (B : CType), VType
    CType : Set :=
    | CTo : forall (A : VType) (B : CType), CType
    | CF  : forall (A : VType), CType.
    Inductive Vlt : VType -> VType -> Set :=
      vrefl : forall A, Vlt A A
    | vtrans : forall A1 A2 A3, Vlt A1 A2 -> Vlt A2 A3 -> Vlt A1 A3
    | vtimesmon : forall A1 A1' A2 A2',
                    Vlt A1 A2 ->
                    Vlt A1' A2' ->
                    Vlt (VTimes A1 A1') (VTimes A2 A2')
    | vumon : forall B1 B2,
                Clt B1 B2 ->
                Vlt (VU B1) (VU B2)
    Clt : CType -> CType -> Set :=
      crefl : forall B, Clt B B
    | ctrans : forall B1 B2 B3, Clt B1 B2 -> Clt B2 B3 -> Clt B1 B3
    | ctimesmon : forall A1 A2 B1 B2,
                    Vlt A1 A2 ->
                    Clt B1 B2 ->
                    Clt (CTo A1 B1) (CTo A2 B2)
    | cfmon : forall A1 A2,
                Vlt A1 A2 ->
                Clt (CF A1) (CF A2)
    Definition Vars := Set.
    (* Definition VCtx (U : Vars) := U -> VType. *)
    Record VCtx := mkVCtx {
                        U : Vars;
                        vty : U -> VType
    Definition ext (G : VCtx) (A : VType) : VCtx :=
      mkVCtx (U G + unit)
             (fun x =>
                match x with
                  | inl x => vty G x
                  | inr tt => A            
    Definition CCtx := StCtx CType.
    Inductive Value : VCtx -> VType -> Type :=
    | var : forall G (x : U G), Value G (vty G x)
    | vunit : forall G, Value G VUnit
    | vpair : forall {G} A A' (v : Value G A) (v' : Value G A'), Value G (VTimes A A')
    | vdestr : forall {G} A A' Am
                      (v : Value G (VTimes A A'))
                      (vk  : Value (ext G A) Am)
                      (vk' : Value (ext G A') Am),
                      Value G Am
    | vthunk : forall {G} B
                      (M : Term G cdot B),
                 Value G (VU B)
    Term : VCtx -> CCtx -> CType -> Type :=
    | hole   : forall G B, Term G (hstoup B) B
    | lambda : forall {G Dt B} A
                      (M : Term (ext G A) Dt B),
                 Term G Dt (CTo A B)
    | app    : forall {G Dt A B} 
                      (M : Term G Dt (CTo A B))
                      (v : Value G A),
                 Term G Dt B
    | force : forall {G B}
                     (v : Value G (VU B)),
                Term G cdot B
    | ret : forall {G A}
                   (v : Value G A),
              Term G cdot (CF A)
    | lett : forall {G Dt A B}
                    (M : Term G Dt (CF A))
                    (N : Term (ext G A) cdot B),
               Term G Dt B