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Commit 804b8c98 authored by ziminlu's avatar ziminlu
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import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from extended_kalman_filter_project import extended_kalman_filter
import json
class myStruct:
def process_model(x):
Think this makes sense because we don't move at all
:param x:
f = np.array([x[0,0], x[1,0], x[2,0]], dtype=float)
return f.reshape([3, 1])
def wraptopi(x):
# wraps angles in x, in radians, to the interval [−pi, pi] such that pi maps to pi and −pi maps to −pi.
# In general, odd, positive multiples of pi map to pi and odd, negative multiples of pi map to −pi.
pi = np.pi
x = x - np.floor(x/(2*pi)) *2 *pi
print('x', x)
if x>=pi:
x = x-2*pi
x = x
return float(x)
def measurement(Z_landmark):
# use this function to transform the [x, y, z] 3D coordinate got from pixel position measurement to the 2D bearing and range measurement
# mx, my is the x, y coordinate of the image 1 (the image at time t/t+1), it is the coordinate of the landmark.
# landmarks at t are only used for getting the bearing_range measurement.
Z_landmark = Z_landmark.reshape((3,1))
Z_2D = Z_landmark[0:2, 0]
mx = Z_2D[0]
print('mx', mx)
my = Z_2D[1]
z_br = np.array([[math.atan2(my, mx)],[np.sqrt(my ** 2 + mx ** 2)]]) # z_bearing_range
return z_br.reshape([2, 1])
def measurement_model(x_hat, mx_t_minus_1, my_t_minus_1):
# hfun
# mx_t_minus_1 is the x coordinate of the image 1 at time t-1, it is the coordinate of the landmark.
# x_hat is the estimated state by the process_model
:param mx_t_minus_1, my_t_minus_1: the x, y coordinate of the image 1 (the image at time t-1), it is the coordinate of the landmark.
:param x_hat: the estimated state by the process_model, [x, y ,theta]
:return: h
x_hat = x_hat.reshape((-1,1))
mx = mx_t_minus_1
my = my_t_minus_1
h = np.array([[wraptopi(math.atan2(my - x_hat[1,0], mx - x_hat[0,0])) - x_hat[2,0]], [np.sqrt((my - x_hat[1,0]) ** 2 + (mx - x_hat[0,0]) ** 2)]])
# sys.hfun = @(landmark_x, landmark_y, mu_pred) [...
# wrapToPi(atan2(landmark_y - mu_pred(2), landmark_x - mu_pred(1)) - mu_pred(3));
# sqrt((landmark_y - mu_pred(2))^2 + (landmark_x - mu_pred(1))^2)];
temp = math.atan2(my - x_hat[1,0], mx - x_hat[0,0])
print('hfun', temp)
print('wrap', wraptopi(temp))
return h.reshape([2, 1])
def measurment_Jacobain(landmark_x, landmark_y, mu_pred, z_hat):
# Hfun
:param landmark_x, landmark_y: the x, y coordinate of the image 1 (the image at time t-1), it is the coordinate of the landmark. matrix
:param mu_pred: the estimated state by the process_model, [x, y ,theta]. matrix
:param z_hat: hfun. matrix
:return: mesaurment jacobian
z_hat = z_hat.reshape((-1,))
mu_pred = mu_pred.reshape((-1,))
Hfun = np.array([[(landmark_y - mu_pred[1])/(z_hat[1]**2), -(landmark_x - mu_pred[0])/(z_hat[1]**2), -1],
[-(landmark_x - mu_pred[0])/z_hat[1], -(landmark_y - mu_pred[1])/z_hat[1], 0]])
# print('Hfun', Hfun)
return Hfun.reshape((2,3))
if __name__=="__main__":
# Opening JSON file
f = open('dict.json')
# returns JSON object as a dictionary
data = json.load(f)
xyz_t = data['Frame_t+1']
xyz_t_1 = data['Frame_t']
z_1 = np.zeros((len(xyz_t), 2))
z_2 = np.zeros((len(xyz_t), 2))
z_3 = np.zeros((len(xyz_t), 2))
landmark1 = np.zeros((len(xyz_t), 2))
landmark2 = np.zeros((len(xyz_t), 2))
landmark3 = np.zeros((len(xyz_t), 2))
for i in range(len(xyz_t)):
z_xyz_1 = np.array([xyz_t[i][0][10], xyz_t[i][1][10], xyz_t[i][2][10]])
z_xyz_2 = np.array([xyz_t[i][0][-15], xyz_t[i][1][-15], xyz_t[i][2][-15]])
z_xyz_3 = np.array([xyz_t[i][0][0], xyz_t[i][1][0], xyz_t[i][2][0]])
# t-1
z_xyz_1_1 = np.array([xyz_t_1[i][0][10], xyz_t_1[i][1][10], xyz_t_1[i][2][10]])
z_xyz_2_1 = np.array([xyz_t_1[i][0][-15], xyz_t_1[i][1][-15], xyz_t_1[i][2][-15]])
z_xyz_3_1 = np.array([xyz_t_1[i][0][0], xyz_t_1[i][1][0], xyz_t_1[i][2][0]])
landmark1[i,:] = z_xyz_1_1[0:2]
landmark2[i,:] = z_xyz_2_1[0:2]
landmark3[i,:] = z_xyz_3_1[0:2]
z_1_i = measurement(z_xyz_1)
z_2_i = measurement(z_xyz_2)
z_3_i = measurement(z_xyz_3)
# print('z1i',type(z_1_i[0,0]))
z_1[i, :] = z_1_i.reshape((2,))
z_2[i, :] = z_2_i.reshape((2,))
z_3[i, :] = z_3_i.reshape((2,))
t = list(range(len(xyz_t)))
t = [float(x) for x in t]
# initialize the state using the first measurement
init = myStruct()
init.x1 = np.zeros([3,1])
# init.x1[0,0] = 46.6
# init.x1[1,0] = -33.7
# init.x1[2, 0] = -1.95
init.x1[0,0] = 0
init.x1[1,0] = 0
init.x1[2, 0] = 0
init.Sigma = np.eye(3) #Tune
# Build the system
sys = myStruct()
sys.A = np.eye(3) # double check size
sys.B = [] # no input because the object is static
sys.f = process_model
sys.H = measurment_Jacobain # 2 by3
# sys.H2 = measurment_Jacobain_2 # # 2by 3
sys.R1 = np.cov(z_1, rowvar=False) # double check 2by 2
sys.R2 = np.cov(z_2, rowvar=False) # double check 2 by 2
sys.R3 = np.cov(z_3, rowvar=False) # double check 2 by 2
sys.h = measurement_model
# sys.Q1 = 0.01*np.array([[0.03, 0.02, 0.01],
# [0.02, 0.04, 0.01],
# [0.01, 0.01, 0.05]]).reshape((3, 3)) # vibrations M
sys.Q1 = 10*np.eye(3) # vibrations M
# sys.Q1 = 50*np.array([[0.03, 0.02, 0.01],
# [0.02, 0.03, 0.02],
# [0.02, 0.01, 0.01]]).reshape((3, 3)) # vibrations M good
# sys.Q1 = 10*np.array([[0.03, 0.02, 0.015],
# [0.02, 0.3, 0.015],
# [0.015, 0.015, 0.1]]).reshape((3, 3)) # vibrations M
sys.Q1 = 1*np.array([[0.03, 0.02, 0.015],
[0.02, 0.3, 0.015],
[0.015, 0.015, 0.1]]).reshape((3, 3)) # vibrations M
# sys.Q1 = np.zeros((3,3))
# ################################################
# implement ekf
ekf_1b = extended_kalman_filter(sys, init)
x1_b = []
# started from 0 instead cuz picked random init
for i in range(0, np.shape(z_1)[0],1):
# print('typez1',type(z_1[0,0]))
zstack = np.append(z_1[i, :], z_2[i, :]).reshape((-1,1))
zstack = np.append(zstack, z_3[i, :]).reshape((-1,1))
# print(zstack)
ekf_1b.correction_batch(zstack, landmark1[i, :], landmark2[i, :],landmark3[i, :])
# since the ekf_1b.x1 is the relative location to the x0, we add it to the x0 location.
# double check for the covariance.
x1_b.append(x1_b[-1] + ekf_1b.x1)
# change the axes and add the initilization point.
x1_b = np.array(x1_b).reshape((-1,3))
x1_b_1 = np.zeros(x1_b.shape)
x1_b_1[:,0] = -x1_b[:,1]
x1_b_1[:,1] = x1_b[:,0]
# x1_b = x1_b_1
# x1_b[:,0] = -x1_b[:,0]
true_initialization = np.array([46.6, -33.7, -1.95])
# true_initialization = np.array([85, 15, -1.95])
x1_b_1 = x1_b_1 + true_initialization
x1_b_1 = x1_b_1.reshape((-1,3))
# Final Label
print('Final x: %.4f, y: %.4f, z: %.4f' % (x1_b[-1,0], x1_b[-1,1], x1_b[-1,2]))
# plotting
fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot(x1_b_1[:, 0], x1_b_1[:, 1])
# plt.legend()
plt.title('EKF Batch Measurement')
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