diff --git a/Builds/VisualStudio2013/Plugins/Plugins.sln b/Builds/VisualStudio2013/Plugins/Plugins.sln
index c167ab1547bbdd6e92c4273a2bcb87966002aad4..7c16119cedef602190b8a9fbfa49a24962036cc3 100644
--- a/Builds/VisualStudio2013/Plugins/Plugins.sln
+++ b/Builds/VisualStudio2013/Plugins/Plugins.sln
@@ -40,8 +40,6 @@ Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "SpikeSorter", "SpikeSorter\
 Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "ExampleProcessor", "ExampleProcessor\ExampleProcessor.vcxproj", "{767D282E-0BE5-4B35-874A-3B1ED925F06B}"
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "PCIeRhythm", "PCIeRhythm\PCIeRhythm.vcxproj", "{8F019559-89D4-4C33-BA0F-FF330C57BA2B}"
 Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "BinaryWriter", "BinaryWriter\BinaryWriter.vcxproj", "{9DB31964-F7E8-49B0-92E9-BAB2C35AF4B5}"
 Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "LFP_Viewer_Beta", "LFP_Viewer_Beta\LFP_Viewer_Beta.vcxproj", "{A6E2C4F0-63A3-496B-8929-1B2785FDBBFD}"
@@ -261,18 +259,6 @@ Global
 		{767D282E-0BE5-4B35-874A-3B1ED925F06B}.Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
 		{767D282E-0BE5-4B35-874A-3B1ED925F06B}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
 		{767D282E-0BE5-4B35-874A-3B1ED925F06B}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
-		{8F019559-89D4-4C33-BA0F-FF330C57BA2B}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
-		{8F019559-89D4-4C33-BA0F-FF330C57BA2B}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|x64
-		{8F019559-89D4-4C33-BA0F-FF330C57BA2B}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
-		{8F019559-89D4-4C33-BA0F-FF330C57BA2B}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
-		{8F019559-89D4-4C33-BA0F-FF330C57BA2B}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
-		{8F019559-89D4-4C33-BA0F-FF330C57BA2B}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
-		{8F019559-89D4-4C33-BA0F-FF330C57BA2B}.Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
-		{8F019559-89D4-4C33-BA0F-FF330C57BA2B}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|x64
-		{8F019559-89D4-4C33-BA0F-FF330C57BA2B}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
-		{8F019559-89D4-4C33-BA0F-FF330C57BA2B}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
-		{8F019559-89D4-4C33-BA0F-FF330C57BA2B}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
-		{8F019559-89D4-4C33-BA0F-FF330C57BA2B}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
 		{9DB31964-F7E8-49B0-92E9-BAB2C35AF4B5}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
 		{9DB31964-F7E8-49B0-92E9-BAB2C35AF4B5}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|x64
 		{9DB31964-F7E8-49B0-92E9-BAB2C35AF4B5}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
diff --git a/Source/Plugins/NWBFormat/NWBFormat.cpp b/Source/Plugins/NWBFormat/NWBFormat.cpp
index 4288c4dddd82ef1b5f8c87ff1180c4327cd92562..e653ed221e94712bee1051d0cd3afef1bef141ea 100644
--- a/Source/Plugins/NWBFormat/NWBFormat.cpp
+++ b/Source/Plugins/NWBFormat/NWBFormat.cpp
@@ -36,10 +36,16 @@
+ #define MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 40960
  NWBFile::NWBFile(String fName, String ver, String idText) : HDF5FileBase(), filename(fName), identifierText(idText), GUIVersion(ver)
 	 //Init stuff
 	 readyToOpen=true; //In KWIK this is in initFile, but the new recordEngine methods make it safe for it to be here
+	 scaledBuffer.malloc(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
+	 intBuffer.malloc(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
+	 bufferSize = MAX_BUFFER_SIZE;
@@ -65,10 +71,7 @@ int NWBFile::createFileStructure()
 	if (createGroup("/stimulus")) return -1;
 	if (createGroup("/acquisition/timeseries")) return -1;
-	if (createGroup("/acquisition/timeseries/continuous")) return -1;
-	if (createGroup("/acquisition/timeseries/spikes")) return -1;
-	if (createGroup("/acquisition/timeseries/messages")) return -1;
-	if (createGroup("/acquisition/timeseries/events")) return -1;
 	if (createGroup("/general/data_collection")) return -1;
@@ -87,167 +90,249 @@ int NWBFile::createFileStructure()
 	return 0;
- bool NWBFile::startNewRecording(int recordingNumber, const Array<NWBRecordingInfo>& continuousInfo, const Array<NWBRecordingInfo>& spikeInfo)
+bool NWBFile::startNewRecording(int recordingNumber, const Array<ContinuousGroup>& continuousArray,
+	const Array<const EventChannel*>& eventArray, const Array<const SpikeChannel*>& electrodeArray)
 	 //Created each time a new recording is started. Creates the specific file structures and attributes
 	 //for that specific recording
-	 HDF5RecordingData* dSet;
 	 String basePath;
-	 int nCont = continuousInfo.size();
+	 StringArray ancestry;
+	 String rootPath = "/acquisition/timeseries/recording" + String(recordingNumber);
+	 if (createGroup(rootPath)) return false;
+	 if (createGroupIfDoesNotExist(rootPath + "/continuous")) return false;
+	 if (createGroupIfDoesNotExist(rootPath + "/spikes")) return false;
+	 if (createGroupIfDoesNotExist(rootPath + "/events")) return false;
+	 //just in case
+	 continuousDataSets.clearQuick(true);
+	 spikeDataSets.clearQuick(true);
+	 eventDataSets.clearQuick(true);
+	 ScopedPointer<TimeSeries> tsStruct;
+	 ScopedPointer<HDF5RecordingData> dSet;
+	 int nCont;
+	 nCont = continuousArray.size();
 	 for (int i = 0; i < nCont; i++)
-		 basePath = "/acquisition/timeseries/continuous";
-		 basePath = basePath + "/processor" + String(continuousInfo[i].processorId) + "_" + String(continuousInfo[i].sourceId) + "." + String(continuousInfo[i].sourceSubIdx);
-		 if (createGroupIfDoesNotExist(basePath)) return false;
-		 basePath = basePath + "/recording" + String(recordingNumber);
-		 if (createGroup(basePath)) return false;
-		 dSet = createRecordingStructures(basePath, continuousInfo[i], "Stores acquired voltage data from extracellular recordings", CHUNK_XSIZE, "ElectricalSeries");
-		 continuousDataSetsTS.add(dSet);
-		 basePath += "/data";
-		 continuousBasePaths.add(basePath);
-		 dSet = createDataSet(I16, 0, continuousInfo[i].nChannels, CHUNK_XSIZE, basePath);
-		 continuousDataSets.add(dSet); //even if it's null, to not break ordering.
-		 if (!dSet)
-			 std::cerr << "Error creating data dataset for " << continuousInfo[i].processorId << std::endl;
+		 //All channels in a group will share the same source information (any caller to this method MUST assure this happen
+		 //so we just pick the first channel.
+		 const DataChannel* info = continuousArray[i][0];
+		 basePath = rootPath + "/continuous/processor" + String(info->getCurrentNodeID()) + "_" + String(info->getSourceNodeID());
+		 if (info->getSourceSubprocessorCount() > 1) basePath += "." + String(info->getSubProcessorIdx());
+		 String name = info->getCurrentNodeName() + " (" + String(info->getCurrentNodeID()) + ") From " + info->getSourceName() + " (" + String(info->getSourceNodeID());
+		 if (info->getSourceSubprocessorCount() > 1) name += "." + String(info->getSubProcessorIdx());
+		 name += ")";
+		 ancestry.clearQuick();
+		 ancestry.add("Timeseries");
+		 ancestry.add("ElectricalSeries");
+		 if (!createTimeSeriesBase(basePath, name, "Stores acquired voltage data from extracellular recordings", "", ancestry)) return false;
+		 tsStruct = new TimeSeries();
+		 tsStruct->basePath = basePath;
+		 dSet = createDataSet(BaseDataType::I16, 0, CHUNK_XSIZE, basePath + "/data");
+		 if (dSet == nullptr)
+		 {
+			 std::cerr << "Error creating dataset for " << name << std::endl;
+			 return false;
+		 }
-			 float bV = continuousInfo[i].bitVolts;
-			 CHECK_ERROR(setAttribute(F32, &bV, basePath, "resolution"));
-			 bV = bV / float(65536);
-			 CHECK_ERROR(setAttribute(F32, &bV, basePath, "resolution"));
-			 CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr("volt", basePath, "unit"));
+			 createDataAttributes(basePath, info->getBitVolts(), info->getBitVolts() / 65536, info->getDataUnits());
-		 continuousInfoStructs.add(continuousInfo[i]);
-	 }
+		 tsStruct->baseDataSet = dSet;
+		 dSet = createTimestampDataSet(basePath, CHUNK_XSIZE);
+		 if (dSet == nullptr) return false;
+		 tsStruct->timestampDataSet = dSet;
-	 nCont = spikeInfo.size();
+		 basePath = basePath + "/oe_extra_info";
+		 if (createGroup(basePath)) return false;
+		 int nChans = continuousArray[i].size();
+		 for (int j = 0; j < nChans; j++)
+		 {
+			 String channelPath = basePath + "/channel" + String(j + 1);
+			 const DataChannel* chan = continuousArray[i][j];
+			 createExtraInfo(channelPath, chan->getName(), chan->getDescription(), chan->getIdentifier(), chan->getSourceIndex(), chan->getSourceTypeIndex());
+			 createChannelMetaDataSets(channelPath + "/channel_metadata", chan);
+		 }
+		 continuousDataSets.add(tsStruct.release());
+	 }		 
+	 nCont = electrodeArray.size();
 	 for (int i = 0; i < nCont; i++)
-		 basePath = "/acquisition/timeseries/spikes";
-		 basePath = basePath + "/electrode" + String(i);
-		 if (createGroupIfDoesNotExist(basePath)) return false;
-		 basePath = basePath + "/recording" + String(recordingNumber);
-		 if (createGroup(basePath)) return false;
-		 dSet = createRecordingStructures(basePath, spikeInfo[i], "Snapshorts of spike events from data", SPIKE_CHUNK_XSIZE, "SpikeEventSeries");
-		 spikeDataSetsTS.add(dSet);
-		 basePath += "/data";
-		 spikeBasePaths.add(basePath);
-		 dSet = createDataSet(I16, 0, spikeInfo[i].nChannels, spikeInfo[i].nSamplesPerSpike, SPIKE_CHUNK_XSIZE, basePath);
-		 spikeDataSets.add(dSet); //even if it's null, to not break ordering.
-		 if (!dSet)
-			 std::cerr << "Error creating spike dataset for " << spikeInfo[i].processorId << std::endl;
+		 basePath = rootPath + "/spikes/electrode" + String(i + 1);
+		 const SpikeChannel* info = electrodeArray[i];
+		 String sourceName = info->getSourceName() + "_" + String(info->getSourceNodeID());
+		 if (info->getSourceSubprocessorCount() > 1) sourceName = sourceName + "." + String(info->getSubProcessorIdx());
+		 ancestry.clearQuick();
+		 ancestry.add("Timeseries");
+		 ancestry.add("SpikeEventSeries");
+		 if (!createTimeSeriesBase(basePath, sourceName, "Snapshorts of spike events from data", info->getName(), ancestry)) return false;
+		 tsStruct = new TimeSeries();
+		 tsStruct->basePath = basePath;
+		 dSet = createDataSet(BaseDataType::I16, 0, info->getNumChannels(), info->getTotalSamples(), SPIKE_CHUNK_XSIZE, basePath + "/data");
+		 if (dSet == nullptr)
+		 {
+			 std::cerr << "Error creating dataset for electrode " << i << std::endl;
+			 return false;
+		 }
-			 float bV = spikeInfo[i].bitVolts;
-			 CHECK_ERROR(setAttribute(F32, &bV, basePath, "resolution"));
-			 bV = bV / float(65536);
-			 CHECK_ERROR(setAttribute(F32, &bV, basePath, "resolution"));
-			 CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr("volt", basePath, "unit"));
+			 createDataAttributes(basePath, info->getChannelBitVolts(0), info->getChannelBitVolts(0) / 65536, "volt");
-		 spikeInfoStructs.add(spikeInfo[i]);
-		 numSpikes.add(0);
+		 tsStruct->baseDataSet = dSet;
+		 dSet = createTimestampDataSet(basePath, SPIKE_CHUNK_XSIZE);
+		 if (dSet == nullptr) return false;
+		 tsStruct->timestampDataSet = dSet;
-	 }
+		 basePath = basePath + "/oe_extra_info";
+		 createExtraInfo(basePath, info->getName(), info->getDescription(), info->getIdentifier(), info->getSourceIndex(), info->getSourceTypeIndex());
+		 createChannelMetaDataSets(basePath + "/channel_metadata", info);
+		 createEventMetaDataSets(basePath + "/spike_metadata", tsStruct, info);
-	 NWBRecordingInfo singleInfo;
-	 singleInfo.bitVolts = NAN;
-	 singleInfo.nChannels = 0;
-	 singleInfo.nSamplesPerSpike = 0;
-	 singleInfo.processorId = 0;
-	 singleInfo.sampleRate = 0;
-	 singleInfo.sourceId = 0;
-	 singleInfo.spikeElectrodeName = " ";
-	 singleInfo.sourceName = "All processors";
-	 basePath = "/acquisition/timeseries/events";
-	 basePath = basePath + "/recording" + String(recordingNumber);
-	 if (createGroup(basePath)) return false;
-	 dSet = createRecordingStructures(basePath, singleInfo, "Stores the start and stop times for events",EVENT_CHUNK_SIZE, "IntervalSeries");
-	 eventsDataSetTS = dSet;
-	 eventsControlDataSet = createDataSet(U8, 0, EVENT_CHUNK_SIZE, basePath + "/control");
-	 if (!eventsControlDataSet)
-		 std::cerr << "Error creating events control dataset" << std::endl;
-	 basePath += "/data";
-	 eventsBasePath = basePath;
-	 dSet = createDataSet(I8, 0, EVENT_CHUNK_SIZE, basePath);
-	 eventsDataSet = dSet; //even if it's null, to not break ordering.
-	 if (!dSet)
-		 std::cerr << "Error creating events dataset " << std::endl;
-	 else
-	 {
-		 float bV = NAN;
-		 CHECK_ERROR(setAttribute(F32, &bV, basePath, "resolution"));
-		 CHECK_ERROR(setAttribute(F32, &bV, basePath, "resolution"));
-		 CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr("n/a", basePath, "unit"));
-	 }
-	 numEvents = 0;
+		 spikeDataSets.add(tsStruct.release());
-	 basePath = "/acquisition/timeseries/messages";
-	 basePath = basePath + "/recording" + String(recordingNumber);
-	 if (createGroup(basePath)) return false;
-	 dSet = createRecordingStructures(basePath, singleInfo, "Time-stamped annotations about an experiment", EVENT_CHUNK_SIZE, "AnnotationSeries");
-	 messagesDataSetTS = dSet;
-	 basePath += "/data";
-	 messagesBasePath = basePath;
-	 dSet = createDataSet(STR, 0, EVENT_CHUNK_SIZE, basePath);
-	 messagesDataSet = dSet; //even if it's null, to not break ordering.
-	 if (!dSet)
-		 std::cerr << "Error creating messages dataset " << std::endl;
-	 else
+	 }
+	 nCont = eventArray.size();
+	 int nTTL = 0;
+	 int nTXT = 0;
+	 int nBIN = 0;
+	 for (int i = 0; i < nCont; i++)
-		 float bV = NAN;
-		 CHECK_ERROR(setAttribute(F32, &bV, basePath, "resolution"));
-		 CHECK_ERROR(setAttribute(F32, &bV, basePath, "resolution"));
-		 CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr("n/a", basePath, "unit"));
+		 basePath = rootPath + "/events";
+		 const EventChannel* info = eventArray[i];
+		 String sourceName = info->getSourceName() + "_" + String(info->getSourceNodeID());
+		 if (info->getSourceSubprocessorCount() > 1) sourceName = sourceName + "." + String(info->getSubProcessorIdx());
+		 ancestry.clearQuick();
+		 ancestry.add("Timeseries");
+		 String helpText;
+		 switch (info->getChannelType())
+		 {
+		 case EventChannel::TTL:
+			 nTTL += 1;
+			 basePath = basePath + "/ttl" + String(nTTL);
+			 ancestry.add("IntervalSeries");
+			 ancestry.add("TTLSeries");
+			 helpText = "Stores the start and stop times for TTL events";
+			 break;
+		 case EventChannel::TEXT:
+			 nTXT += 1;
+			 basePath = basePath + "/text" + String(nTXT);
+			 ancestry.add("AnnotationSeries");
+			 helpText = "Time-stamped annotations about an experiment";
+			 break;
+		 default:
+			 nBIN += 1;
+			 basePath = basePath + "/binary" + String(nBIN);
+			 ancestry.add("BinarySeries");
+			 helpText = "Stores arbitrary binary data";
+			 break;
+		 }
+		 if (!createTimeSeriesBase(basePath, sourceName, helpText, info->getDescription(), ancestry)) return false;
+		 tsStruct = new TimeSeries();
+		 tsStruct->basePath = basePath;
+		 if (info->getChannelType() >= EventChannel::BINARY_BASE_VALUE) //only binary events have length greater than 1
+		 {
+			 dSet = createDataSet(getEventH5Type(info->getChannelType(), info->getLength()), 0, info->getLength(), EVENT_CHUNK_SIZE, basePath + "/data");;
+		 }
+		 else
+		 {
+			 dSet = createDataSet(getEventH5Type(info->getChannelType(), info->getLength()), 0, EVENT_CHUNK_SIZE, basePath + "/data");
+		 }
+		 if (dSet == nullptr)
+		 {
+			 std::cerr << "Error creating dataset for event " << info->getName() << std::endl;
+			 return false;
+		 }
+		 else
+		 {
+			 createDataAttributes(basePath, NAN, NAN, "n/a");
+		 }
+		 tsStruct->baseDataSet = dSet;
+		 dSet = createTimestampDataSet(basePath, EVENT_CHUNK_SIZE);
+		 if (dSet == nullptr) return false;
+		 tsStruct->timestampDataSet = dSet;
+		 dSet = createDataSet(BaseDataType::U8, 0, EVENT_CHUNK_SIZE, basePath + "/control");
+		 if (dSet == nullptr) return false;
+		 tsStruct->controlDataSet = dSet;
+		 if (info->getChannelType() == EventChannel::TTL)
+		 {
+			 dSet = createDataSet(BaseDataType::U8, 0, info->getDataSize(), EVENT_CHUNK_SIZE, basePath + "/full_word");
+			 if (dSet == nullptr) return false;
+			 tsStruct->ttlWordDataSet = dSet;
+		 }
+		 basePath = basePath + "/oe_extra_info";
+		 createExtraInfo(basePath, info->getName(), info->getDescription(), info->getIdentifier(), info->getSourceIndex(), info->getSourceTypeIndex());
+		 createChannelMetaDataSets(basePath + "/channel_metadata", info);
+		 createEventMetaDataSets(basePath + "/event_metadata", tsStruct, info);
+		 eventDataSets.add(tsStruct.release());
-	 numMessages = 0;
 	 return true;
  void NWBFile::stopRecording()
-	 uint64 n;
 	 int nObjs = continuousDataSets.size();
+	 const TimeSeries* tsStruct;
 	 for (int i = 0; i < nObjs; i++)
-		 n = numContinuousSamples[i];
-		 CHECK_ERROR(setAttribute(U64, &n, continuousBasePaths[i], "num_samples"));
+		 tsStruct = continuousDataSets[i];
+		 CHECK_ERROR(setAttribute(BaseDataType::U64, &(tsStruct->numSamples), tsStruct->basePath, "num_samples"));
 	 nObjs = spikeDataSets.size();
 	 for (int i = 0; i < nObjs; i++)
-		 n = numSpikes[i];
-		 CHECK_ERROR(setAttribute(I32, &n, spikeBasePaths[i], "num_samples"));
+		 tsStruct = spikeDataSets[i];
+		 CHECK_ERROR(setAttribute(BaseDataType::U64, &(tsStruct->numSamples), tsStruct->basePath, "num_samples"));
+	 }
+	 nObjs = eventDataSets.size();
+	 for (int i = 0; i < nObjs; i++)
+	 {
+		 tsStruct = eventDataSets[i];
+		 CHECK_ERROR(setAttribute(BaseDataType::U64, &(tsStruct->numSamples), tsStruct->basePath, "num_samples"));
-	 CHECK_ERROR(setAttribute(I32, &numEvents, eventsBasePath, "num_samples"));
-	 CHECK_ERROR(setAttribute(I32, &numMessages, messagesBasePath, "num_samples"));
-	 continuousDataSetsTS.clear();
-	 continuousBasePaths.clear();
-	 numContinuousSamples.clear();
-	 spikeDataSetsTS.clear();
-	 spikeBasePaths.clear();
-	 numSpikes.clear();
-	 eventsDataSet = nullptr;
-	 eventsDataSetTS = nullptr;
-	 eventsControlDataSet = nullptr;
-	 messagesDataSet = nullptr;
-	 messagesDataSetTS = nullptr;
+	 eventDataSets.clear();
- void NWBFile::writeData(int datasetID, int channel, int nSamples, const int16* data)
+ void NWBFile::writeData(int datasetID, int channel, int nSamples, const float* data, float bitVolts)
 	 if (!continuousDataSets[datasetID])
-	 CHECK_ERROR(continuousDataSets[datasetID]->writeDataRow(channel, nSamples, I16, data));
+	 if (nSamples > bufferSize) //Shouldn't happen, and if it happens it'll be slow, but better this than crashing. Will be reset on file close and reset.
+	 {
+		 std::cerr << "Write buffer overrun, resizing to" << nSamples << std::endl;
+		 bufferSize = nSamples;
+		 scaledBuffer.malloc(nSamples);
+		 intBuffer.malloc(nSamples);
+	 }
+	 double multFactor = 1 / (float(0x7fff) * bitVolts);
+	 FloatVectorOperations::copyWithMultiply(scaledBuffer.getData(), data, multFactor, nSamples);
+	 AudioDataConverters::convertFloatToInt16LE(scaledBuffer.getData(), intBuffer.getData(), nSamples);
+	 CHECK_ERROR(continuousDataSets[datasetID]->baseDataSet->writeDataRow(channel, nSamples, BaseDataType::I16, intBuffer));
 	 /* Since channels are filled asynchronouysly by the Record Thread, there is no guarantee
 		that at a any point in time all channels in a dataset have the same number of filled samples.
@@ -256,80 +341,294 @@ int NWBFile::createFileStructure()
 		an arbitrary channel, and at the end all channels will be the same. */
 	 if (channel == 0) //there will always be a first channel or there wouldn't be dataset
-		 numContinuousSamples.set(datasetID, numContinuousSamples[datasetID] + nSamples);
+		 continuousDataSets[datasetID]->numSamples += nSamples;
  void NWBFile::writeTimestamps(int datasetID, int nSamples, const double* data)
-	 if (!continuousDataSetsTS[datasetID])
+	 if (!continuousDataSets[datasetID])
-	 CHECK_ERROR(continuousDataSetsTS[datasetID]->writeDataBlock(nSamples, F64, data));
+	 CHECK_ERROR(continuousDataSets[datasetID]->timestampDataSet->writeDataBlock(nSamples, BaseDataType::F64, data));
- void NWBFile::writeSpike(int electrodeId, const int16* data, double timestampSec)
+ void NWBFile::writeSpike(int electrodeId, const SpikeChannel* channel, const SpikeEvent* event)
 	 if (!spikeDataSets[electrodeId])
-	 int totValues = spikeInfoStructs[electrodeId].nChannels * spikeInfoStructs[electrodeId].nSamplesPerSpike;
-	 CHECK_ERROR(spikeDataSets[electrodeId]->writeDataBlock(1, I16, data));
-	 CHECK_ERROR(spikeDataSetsTS[electrodeId]->writeDataBlock(1, F64, &timestampSec));
-	 numSpikes.set(electrodeId, numSpikes[electrodeId] + 1);
+	 int nSamples = channel->getTotalSamples() * channel->getNumChannels();
- }
+	 if (nSamples > bufferSize) //Shouldn't happen, and if it happens it'll be slow, but better this than crashing. Will be reset on file close and reset.
+	 {
+		 std::cerr << "Write buffer overrun, resizing to" << nSamples << std::endl;
+		 bufferSize = nSamples;
+		 scaledBuffer.malloc(nSamples);
+		 intBuffer.malloc(nSamples);
+	 }
+	 double multFactor = 1 / (float(0x7fff) * channel->getChannelBitVolts(0));
+	 FloatVectorOperations::copyWithMultiply(scaledBuffer.getData(), event->getDataPointer(), multFactor, nSamples);
+	 AudioDataConverters::convertFloatToInt16LE(scaledBuffer.getData(), intBuffer.getData(), nSamples);
+	 double timestampSec = event->getTimestamp() / channel->getSampleRate();
+	 CHECK_ERROR(spikeDataSets[electrodeId]->baseDataSet->writeDataBlock(1, BaseDataType::I16, intBuffer));
+	 CHECK_ERROR(spikeDataSets[electrodeId]->timestampDataSet->writeDataBlock(1, BaseDataType::F64, &timestampSec));
+	 writeEventMetaData(spikeDataSets[electrodeId], channel, event);
+	 spikeDataSets[electrodeId]->numSamples += 1;
- void NWBFile::writeTTLEvent(int channel, int id, uint8 source, double timestampSec)
- {
-	 int8 data = id != 0 ? channel : -channel;
-	 CHECK_ERROR(eventsDataSet->writeDataBlock(1, I8, &data));
-	 CHECK_ERROR(eventsDataSetTS->writeDataBlock(1, F64, &timestampSec));
-	 CHECK_ERROR(eventsControlDataSet->writeDataBlock(1, U8, &source));
-	 numEvents += 1;
- void NWBFile::writeMessage(const char* msg, double timestampSec)
+ void NWBFile::writeEvent(int eventID, const EventChannel* channel, const Event* event)
-	 CHECK_ERROR(messagesDataSet->writeDataBlock(1, STR, msg));
-	 CHECK_ERROR(messagesDataSetTS->writeDataBlock(1, F64, &timestampSec));
-	 numMessages += 1;
+	 if (!eventDataSets[eventID])
+		 return;
+	 const void* dataSrc;
+	 BaseDataType type;
+	 int8 ttlVal;
+	 String text;
+	 switch (event->getEventType())
+	 {
+	 case EventChannel::TTL:
+		 ttlVal = (static_cast<const TTLEvent*>(event)->getState() ? 1 : -1) * event->getChannel();
+		 dataSrc = &ttlVal;
+		 type = BaseDataType::I8;
+		 break;
+	 case EventChannel::TEXT:
+		 text = static_cast<const TextEvent*>(event)->getText();
+		 dataSrc = text.toUTF8().getAddress();
+		 type = BaseDataType::STR(text.length());
+		 break;
+	 default:
+		 dataSrc = static_cast<const BinaryEvent*>(event)->getBinaryDataPointer();
+		 type = getEventH5Type(event->getEventType());
+		 break;
+	 }
+	 CHECK_ERROR(eventDataSets[eventID]->baseDataSet->writeDataBlock(1, type, dataSrc));
+	 double timeSec = event->getTimestamp() / channel->getSampleRate();
+	 CHECK_ERROR(eventDataSets[eventID]->timestampDataSet->writeDataBlock(1, BaseDataType::F64, &timeSec));
+	 uint8 controlValue = event->getChannel();
+	 CHECK_ERROR(eventDataSets[eventID]->controlDataSet->writeDataBlock(1, BaseDataType::U8, &controlValue));
+	 if (event->getEventType() == EventChannel::TTL)
+	 {
+		 CHECK_ERROR(eventDataSets[eventID]->ttlWordDataSet->writeDataBlock(1, BaseDataType::U8, static_cast<const TTLEvent*>(event)->getTTLWordPointer()));
+	 }
+	 eventDataSets[eventID]->numSamples += 1;
  String NWBFile::getFileName()
 	 return filename;
-  HDF5RecordingData* NWBFile::createRecordingStructures(String basePath, const NWBRecordingInfo& info, String helpText, int chunk_size, String ancestry)
+  bool NWBFile::createTimeSeriesBase(String basePath, String source, String helpText, String description, StringArray ancestry)
-	 StringArray ancestryStrings;
-	 ancestryStrings.add("TimeSeries");
-	 ancestryStrings.add(ancestry);
-	 CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStrArray(ancestryStrings, basePath, "ancestry"));
+	 if (createGroup(basePath)) return false;
+	 CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStrArray(ancestry, basePath, "ancestry"));
 	 CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr(" ", basePath, "comments"));
-	 CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr(info.spikeElectrodeName, basePath, "description"));
+	 CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr(description, basePath, "description"));
 	 CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr("TimeSeries", basePath, "neurodata_type"));
-	 CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr(info.sourceName, basePath, "source"));
+	 CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr(source, basePath, "source"));
 	 CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr(helpText, basePath, "help"));
-	 HDF5RecordingData* tsSet = createDataSet(HDF5FileBase::F64, 0, chunk_size, basePath + "/timestamps");
-	 if (!tsSet)
-		 std::cerr << "Error creating timestamp dataset for " << info.processorId << std::endl;
-	 else
-	 {
-		 const int32 one = 1;
-		 CHECK_ERROR(setAttribute(HDF5FileBase::I32, &one, basePath + "/timestamps", "interval"));
-		 CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr("seconds", basePath + "/timestamps", "unit"));
-	 }
-	 return tsSet;
+	 return true;
+  void NWBFile::createDataAttributes(String basePath, float conversion, float resolution, String unit)
+  {
+		  CHECK_ERROR(setAttribute(BaseDataType::F32, &conversion, basePath + "/data", "conversion"));
+		  CHECK_ERROR(setAttribute(BaseDataType::F32, &resolution, basePath + "/data", "resolution"));
+		  CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr(unit, basePath + "/data", "unit"));
+  }
+  HDF5RecordingData* NWBFile::createTimestampDataSet(String basePath, int chunk_size)
+  {
+	  HDF5RecordingData* tsSet = createDataSet(BaseDataType::F64, 0, chunk_size, basePath + "/timestamps");
+	  if (!tsSet)
+		  std::cerr << "Error creating timestamp dataset in " << basePath << std::endl;
+	  else
+	  {
+		  const int32 one = 1;
+		  CHECK_ERROR(setAttribute(BaseDataType::I32, &one, basePath + "/timestamps", "interval"));
+		  CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr("seconds", basePath + "/timestamps", "unit"));
+	  }
+	  return tsSet;
+  }
+  bool NWBFile::createExtraInfo(String basePath, String name, String desc, String id, uint16 index, uint16 typeIndex)
+  {
+	  if (createGroup(basePath)) return false;
+	  CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr("openephys:<channel_info>/", basePath, "schema_id"));
+	  CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr(name, basePath, "name"));
+	  CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr(desc, basePath, "description"));
+	  CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr(id, basePath, "identifier"));
+	  CHECK_ERROR(setAttribute(BaseDataType::U16, &index, basePath, "source_index"));
+	  CHECK_ERROR(setAttribute(BaseDataType::U16, &typeIndex, basePath, "source_type_index"));
+	  return true;
+  }
+  bool NWBFile::createChannelMetaDataSets(String basePath, const MetaDataInfoObject* info)
+  {
+	  if (!info) return false;
+	  if (createGroup(basePath)) return false;
+	  CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr("openephys:<metadata>/", basePath, "schema_id"));
+	  int nMetaData = info->getMetaDataCount();
+	  for (int i = 0; i < nMetaData; i++)
+	  {
+		  const MetaDataDescriptor* desc = info->getMetaDataDescriptor(i);
+		  String fieldName = "Field_" + String(i);
+		  String name = desc->getName();
+		  String description = desc->getDescription();
+		  String identifier = desc->getIdentifier();
+		  BaseDataType type = getMetaDataH5Type(desc->getType(), desc->getLength()); //only string types use length, for others is always set to 1. If array types are implemented, change this
+		  int length = desc->getType() == MetaDataDescriptor::CHAR ? 1 : desc->getLength(); //strings are a single element of length set in the type (see above) while other elements are saved a
+		  HeapBlock<char> data(desc->getDataSize());
+		  info->getMetaDataValue(i)->getValue(static_cast<void*>(data.getData()));
+		  createBinaryDataSet(basePath, fieldName, type, length, data.getData());
+		  String fullPath = basePath + "/" + fieldName;
+		  CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr("openephys:<metadata>/", fullPath, "schema_id"));
+		  CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr(name, fullPath, "name"));
+		  CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr(description, fullPath, "description"));
+		  CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr(identifier, fullPath, "identifier"));
+	  }
+	  return true;
+  }
+  bool NWBFile::createEventMetaDataSets(String basePath, TimeSeries* timeSeries, const MetaDataEventObject* info)
+  {
+	  if (!info) return false;
+	  if (createGroup(basePath)) return false;
+	  CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr("openephys:<metadata>/", basePath, "schema_id"));
+	  int nMetaData = info->getEventMetaDataCount();
+	  timeSeries->metaDataSet.clear(); //just in case
+	  for (int i = 0; i < nMetaData; i++)
+	  {
+		  const MetaDataDescriptor* desc = info->getEventMetaDataDescriptor(i);
+		  String fieldName = "Field_" + String(i);
+		  String name = desc->getName();
+		  String description = desc->getDescription();
+		  String identifier = desc->getIdentifier();
+		  BaseDataType type = getMetaDataH5Type(desc->getType(), desc->getLength()); //only string types use length, for others is always set to 1. If array types are implemented, change this
+		  int length = desc->getType() == MetaDataDescriptor::CHAR ? 1 : desc->getLength(); //strings are a single element of length set in the type (see above) while other elements are saved as arrays
+		  HDF5RecordingData* dSet = createDataSet(type, 0, length, EVENT_CHUNK_SIZE, fieldName);
+		  if (!dSet) return false;
+		  timeSeries->metaDataSet.add(dSet);
+		  String fullPath = basePath + "/" + fieldName;
+		  CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr("openephys:<metadata>/", fullPath, "schema_id"));
+		  CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr(name, fullPath, "name"));
+		  CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr(description, fullPath, "description"));
+		  CHECK_ERROR(setAttributeStr(identifier, fullPath, "identifier"));
+	  }
+  }
+  void NWBFile::writeEventMetaData(TimeSeries* timeSeries, const MetaDataEventObject* info, const MetaDataEvent* event)
+  {
+	  jassert(timeSeries->metaDataSet.size() == event->getMetadataValueCount());
+	  jassert(info->getEventMetaDataCount() == event->getMetadataValueCount());
+	  int nMetaData = event->getMetadataValueCount();
+	  for (int i = 0; i < nMetaData; i++)
+	  {
+		  BaseDataType type = getMetaDataH5Type(info->getEventMetaDataDescriptor(i)->getType(), info->getEventMetaDataDescriptor(i)->getLength());
+		  timeSeries->metaDataSet[i]->writeDataBlock(1, type, event->getMetaDataValue(i)->getRawValuePointer());
+	  }
+  }
   void NWBFile::createTextDataSet(String path, String name, String text)
 	  ScopedPointer<HDF5RecordingData> dSet;
 	  if (text.isEmpty()) text = " "; //to avoid 0-length strings, which cause errors
+	  BaseDataType type = BaseDataType::STR(text.length());
-	  dSet = createDataSet(STR, 1, 0, path + "/" + name);
+	  dSet = createDataSet(type, 1, 0, path + "/" + name);
 	  if (!dSet) return;
-	  dSet->writeDataBlock(1, STR, text.toUTF8());
+	  dSet->writeDataBlock(1, type, text.toUTF8());
+  void NWBFile::createBinaryDataSet(String path, String name, BaseDataType type, int length, void* data)
+  {
+	  ScopedPointer<HDF5RecordingData> dSet;
+	  if ((length < 1) || !data) return;
+	  dSet = createDataSet(type, 1, length, 1, path + "/" + name);
+	  if (!dSet) return;
+	  dSet->writeDataBlock(1, type, data);
+  }
+  //These two methods whould be easy to adapt to support array types for all base types, for now
+  //length is only used for string types.
+  NWBFile::BaseDataType NWBFile::getEventH5Type(EventChannel::EventChannelTypes type, int length)
+  {
+	  switch (type)
+	  {
+	  case EventChannel::INT8_ARRAY:
+		  return BaseDataType::I8;
+	  case EventChannel::UINT8_ARRAY:
+		  return BaseDataType::U8;
+	  case EventChannel::INT16_ARRAY:
+		  return BaseDataType::I16;
+	  case EventChannel::UINT16_ARRAY:
+		  return BaseDataType::U16;
+	  case EventChannel::INT32_ARRAY:
+		  return BaseDataType::I32;
+	  case EventChannel::UINT32_ARRAY:
+		  return BaseDataType::U32;
+	  case EventChannel::INT64_ARRAY:
+		  return BaseDataType::I64;
+	  case EventChannel::UINT64_ARRAY:
+		  return BaseDataType::U64;
+	  case EventChannel::FLOAT_ARRAY:
+		  return BaseDataType::F32;
+	  case EventChannel::DOUBLE_ARRAY:
+		  return BaseDataType::F64;
+	  case EventChannel::TEXT:
+		  return BaseDataType::STR(length);
+	  default:
+		  return BaseDataType::I8;
+	  }
+  }
+  NWBFile::BaseDataType NWBFile::getMetaDataH5Type(MetaDataDescriptor::MetaDataTypes type, int length)
+  {
+	  switch (type)
+	  {
+	  case MetaDataDescriptor::INT8:
+		  return BaseDataType::I8;
+	  case MetaDataDescriptor::UINT8:
+		  return BaseDataType::U8;
+	  case MetaDataDescriptor::INT16:
+		  return BaseDataType::I16;
+	  case MetaDataDescriptor::UINT16:
+		  return BaseDataType::U16;
+	  case MetaDataDescriptor::INT32:
+		  return BaseDataType::I32;
+	  case MetaDataDescriptor::UINT32:
+		  return BaseDataType::U32;
+	  case MetaDataDescriptor::INT64:
+		  return BaseDataType::I64;
+	  case MetaDataDescriptor::UINT64:
+		  return BaseDataType::U64;
+	  case MetaDataDescriptor::FLOAT:
+		  return BaseDataType::F32;
+	  case MetaDataDescriptor::DOUBLE:
+		  return BaseDataType::F64;
+	  case MetaDataDescriptor::CHAR:
+		  return BaseDataType::STR(length);
+	  default:
+		  return BaseDataType::I8;
+	  }
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Plugins/NWBFormat/NWBFormat.h b/Source/Plugins/NWBFormat/NWBFormat.h
index b64491c38164d86793950c4763a56389521be413..2ffb6d3b31b5c58463bd1253978e85365ea06c81 100644
--- a/Source/Plugins/NWBFormat/NWBFormat.h
+++ b/Source/Plugins/NWBFormat/NWBFormat.h
@@ -25,22 +25,22 @@
 #define NWBFORMAT_H
 #include <OpenEphysHDF5Lib/HDF5FileFormat.h>
+#include <RecordingLib.h>
 using namespace OpenEphysHDF5;
 namespace NWBRecording
-	struct NWBRecordingInfo
+	typedef Array<const DataChannel*> ContinuousGroup;
+	class TimeSeries
-		String sourceName;
-		float bitVolts;
-		int processorId;
-		int sourceId;
-		int sourceSubIdx;
-		int nChannels;
-		int nSamplesPerSpike;
-		float sampleRate;
-		String spikeElectrodeName;
+	public:
+		ScopedPointer<HDF5RecordingData> baseDataSet;
+		ScopedPointer<HDF5RecordingData> timestampDataSet;
+		ScopedPointer<HDF5RecordingData> controlDataSet; //for all but spikes
+		ScopedPointer<HDF5RecordingData> ttlWordDataSet; //just for ttl events
+		OwnedArray<HDF5RecordingData> metaDataSet;
+		String basePath;
+		uint64 numSamples{ 0 };
 	class NWBFile : public HDF5FileBase
@@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ namespace NWBRecording
 		NWBFile(String fName, String ver, String idText); //with whatever arguments it's necessary
-		bool startNewRecording(int recordingNumber, const Array<NWBRecordingInfo>& continuousArray, const Array<NWBRecordingInfo>& electrodeArray);
+		bool startNewRecording(int recordingNumber, const Array<ContinuousGroup>& continuousArray,
+			const Array<const EventChannel*>& eventArray, const Array<const SpikeChannel*>& electrodeArray);
 		void stopRecording();
-		void writeData(int datasetID, int channel, int nSamples, const int16* data);
+		void writeData(int datasetID, int channel, int nSamples, const float* data, float bitVolts);
 		void writeTimestamps(int datasetID, int nSamples, const double* data);
-		void writeSpike(int electrodeId, const int16* data, double timestampSec);
-		void writeTTLEvent(int channel, int id, uint8 source, double timestampSec);
-		void writeMessage(const char* msg, double timestampSec);
+		void writeSpike(int electrodeId, const SpikeChannel* channel, const SpikeEvent* event);
+		void writeEvent(int eventID, const EventChannel* channel, const Event* event);
 		String getFileName() override;
 		void setXmlText(const String& xmlText);
@@ -62,36 +62,37 @@ namespace NWBRecording
 		int createFileStructure() override;
-		HDF5RecordingData* createRecordingStructures(String basePath, const NWBRecordingInfo& info, String helpText, int chunk_size, String ancestry);
 		void createTextDataSet(String path, String name, String text);
+		void createBinaryDataSet(String path, String name, HDF5FileBase::BaseDataType type, int length, void* data);
+		static HDF5FileBase::BaseDataType getEventH5Type(EventChannel::EventChannelTypes type, int length = 1);
+		static HDF5FileBase::BaseDataType getMetaDataH5Type(MetaDataDescriptor::MetaDataTypes type, int length = 1);
+		bool createTimeSeriesBase(String basePath, String source, String helpText, String description, StringArray ancestry);
+		bool createExtraInfo(String basePath, String name, String desc, String id, uint16 index, uint16 typeIndex);
+		HDF5RecordingData* createTimestampDataSet(String basePath, int chunk_size);
+		void createDataAttributes(String basePath, float conversion, float resolution, String unit);
+		bool createChannelMetaDataSets(String basePath, const MetaDataInfoObject* info);
+		bool createEventMetaDataSets(String basePath, TimeSeries* timeSeries, const MetaDataEventObject* info);
+		void writeEventMetaData(TimeSeries* timeSeries, const MetaDataEventObject* info, const MetaDataEvent* event);
 		const String filename;
 		const String GUIVersion;
-		OwnedArray<HDF5RecordingData> continuousDataSets;
-		OwnedArray<HDF5RecordingData> continuousDataSetsTS;
-		StringArray continuousBasePaths;
-		Array<uint64> numContinuousSamples;
-		Array<NWBRecordingInfo> continuousInfoStructs;
-		OwnedArray<HDF5RecordingData> spikeDataSets;
-		OwnedArray<HDF5RecordingData> spikeDataSetsTS;
-		StringArray spikeBasePaths;
-		Array<uint64> numSpikes;
-		Array<NWBRecordingInfo> spikeInfoStructs;
-		ScopedPointer<HDF5RecordingData> eventsDataSet;
-		ScopedPointer<HDF5RecordingData> eventsDataSetTS;
-		String eventsBasePath;
-		uint64 numEvents;
-		ScopedPointer<HDF5RecordingData> messagesDataSet;
-		ScopedPointer<HDF5RecordingData> messagesDataSetTS;
-		String messagesBasePath;
-		uint64 numMessages;
-		ScopedPointer<HDF5RecordingData> eventsControlDataSet;
+		OwnedArray<TimeSeries>  continuousDataSets;
+		OwnedArray<TimeSeries> spikeDataSets;
+		OwnedArray<TimeSeries> eventDataSets;
 		const String* xmlText;
 		const String identifierText;
+		HeapBlock<float> scaledBuffer;
+		HeapBlock<int16> intBuffer;
+		size_t bufferSize;
diff --git a/Source/Plugins/NWBFormat/NWBRecording.cpp b/Source/Plugins/NWBFormat/NWBRecording.cpp
index 1533888dd74d348040860997304190c7d58729a0..2593c94e8aad44f8425bf272b9f9718c75563e26 100644
--- a/Source/Plugins/NWBFormat/NWBRecording.cpp
+++ b/Source/Plugins/NWBFormat/NWBRecording.cpp
@@ -26,10 +26,9 @@
  using namespace NWBRecording;
- NWBRecordEngine::NWBRecordEngine() : bufferSize(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)
+ NWBRecordEngine::NWBRecordEngine() 
-	 scaledBuffer.malloc(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
-	 intBuffer.malloc(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
@@ -55,7 +54,7 @@
 	 datasetIndexes.insertMultiple(0, 0, getNumRecordedChannels());
 	 writeChannelIndexes.insertMultiple(0, 0, getNumRecordedChannels());
 	 //Generate the continuous datasets info array, seeking for different combinations of recorded processor and source processor
 	 int lastId = 0;
 	 for (int proc = 0; proc < recProcs; proc++)
@@ -69,15 +68,15 @@
 			 const DataChannel* channelInfo = getDataChannel(realChan);
 			 int sourceId = channelInfo->getSourceNodeID();
 			 int sourceSubIdx = channelInfo->getSubProcessorIdx();
-			 int nInfoArrays = continuousInfo.size();
+			 int nInfoArrays = continuousChannels.size();
 			 bool found = false;
 			 for (int i = lastId; i < nInfoArrays; i++)
-				 if (sourceId == continuousInfo[i].sourceId && sourceSubIdx == continuousInfo[i].sourceSubIdx)
+				 if (sourceId == continuousChannels[i][0]->getSourceNodeID() && sourceSubIdx == continuousChannels[i][0]->getSubProcessorIdx())
 					 //A dataset for the current processor from the current source is already present
-					 writeChannelIndexes.set(recordedChan, continuousInfo[i].nChannels);
-					 continuousInfo.getReference(i).nChannels += 1;
+					 writeChannelIndexes.set(recordedChan, continuousChannels[i].size());
+					 continuousChannels[i].add(getDataChannel(realChan));
 					 datasetIndexes.set(recordedChan, i);
 					 found = true;
@@ -85,31 +84,25 @@
 			 if (!found) //a new dataset must be created
-				 NWBRecordingInfo recInfo;
-				 recInfo.bitVolts = channelInfo->getBitVolts();
-				 recInfo.nChannels = 1;
-				 recInfo.processorId = procInfo.processorId;
-				 recInfo.sampleRate = channelInfo->getSampleRate();
-				 recInfo.sourceName = "processor: " + channelInfo->getSourceName() + " (" + String(sourceId) + "." + String(sourceSubIdx) + ")";
-				 recInfo.sourceId = sourceId;
-				 recInfo.sourceSubIdx = sourceSubIdx;
-				 recInfo.spikeElectrodeName = " ";
-				 recInfo.nSamplesPerSpike = 0;
-				 continuousInfo.add(recInfo);
+				 ContinuousGroup newGroup;
+				 newGroup.add(getDataChannel(realChan));
+				 continuousChannels.add(newGroup);
 				 datasetIndexes.set(recordedChan, nInfoArrays);
 				 writeChannelIndexes.set(recordedChan, 0);
-		 lastId = continuousInfo.size();
+		 lastId = continuousChannels.size();
+	 int nEvents = getNumRecordedEvents();
+	 for (int i = 0; i < nEvents; i++)
+		 eventChannels.add(getEventChannel(i));
 	 //open the file
-	 recordFile->open(getNumRecordedChannels() + continuousInfo.size()); //total channels + timestamp arrays, to create a big enough buffer
+	 recordFile->open(getNumRecordedChannels() + continuousChannels.size() + eventChannels.size() + spikeChannels.size()); //total channels + timestamp arrays, to create a big enough buffer
 	 //create the recording
-	 recordFile->startNewRecording(recordingNumber, continuousInfo, spikeInfo);
+	 recordFile->startNewRecording(recordingNumber, continuousChannels, eventChannels, spikeChannels);
@@ -126,38 +119,24 @@
  void NWBRecordEngine::resetChannels(bool resetSpikes)
-	 //Called at various points, should reset everything.
-	 if (resetSpikes) //only clear this at actual reset, not when closing files.
-		spikeInfo.clear();
-	 continuousInfo.clear();
+	 if (resetSpikes)
+		 spikeChannels.clear();
+	 eventChannels.clear();
+	 continuousChannels.clear();
-	 scaledBuffer.malloc(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
-	 intBuffer.malloc(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
 	 bufferSize = MAX_BUFFER_SIZE;
  void NWBRecordEngine::writeData(int writeChannel, int realChannel, const float* buffer, int size)
-	 if (size > bufferSize) //Shouldn't happen, and if it happens it'll be slow, but better this than crashing. Will be reset on file close and reset.
-	 {
-		 std::cerr << "Write buffer overrun, resizing to" << size << std::endl;
-		 bufferSize = size;
-		 scaledBuffer.malloc(size);
-		 intBuffer.malloc(size);
-		 tsBuffer.malloc(size);
-	 }
-	 double multFactor = 1 / (float(0x7fff) * getDataChannel(realChannel)->getBitVolts());
-	 FloatVectorOperations::copyWithMultiply(scaledBuffer.getData(), buffer, multFactor, size);
-	 AudioDataConverters::convertFloatToInt16LE(scaledBuffer.getData(), intBuffer.getData(), size);
-	 recordFile->writeData(datasetIndexes[writeChannel], writeChannelIndexes[writeChannel], size, intBuffer.getData());
+	 recordFile->writeData(datasetIndexes[writeChannel], writeChannelIndexes[writeChannel], size, buffer, getDataChannel(realChannel)->getBitVolts());
 	 /* All channels in a dataset have the same number of samples and share timestamps. But since this method is called 
 		asynchronously, the timestamps might not be in sync during acquisition, so we chose a channel and write the
@@ -178,51 +157,27 @@
 void NWBRecordEngine::writeEvent(int eventIndex, const MidiMessage& event) 
-	if (Event::getEventType(event) == EventChannel::TTL)
-	{
-		TTLEventPtr ttl = TTLEvent::deserializeFromMessage(event, getEventChannel(eventIndex));
-		recordFile->writeTTLEvent(ttl->getChannel(), ttl->getState() ? 1 : 0, ttl->getSourceID() , double(ttl->getTimestamp()) / getEventChannel(eventIndex)->getSampleRate());
-	}
-	else if (Event::getEventType(event) == EventChannel::TEXT)
-	{
-		TextEventPtr text = TextEvent::deserializeFromMessage(event, getEventChannel(eventIndex));
-		recordFile->writeMessage(text->getText().toUTF8(), double(text->getTimestamp()) / getEventChannel(eventIndex)->getSampleRate());
-	}
+	const EventChannel* channel = getEventChannel(eventIndex);
+	EventPtr eventStruct = Event::deserializeFromMessage(event, channel);
+	recordFile->writeEvent(eventIndex, channel, eventStruct);
 void NWBRecordEngine::writeTimestampSyncText(uint16 sourceID, uint16 sourceIdx, int64 timestamp, float sourceSampleRate, String text)
-	recordFile->writeMessage(text.toUTF8(), double(timestamp) / sourceSampleRate);
 void NWBRecordEngine::addSpikeElectrode(int index,const  SpikeChannel* elec) 
-	//Called during chain update by a processor that records spikes. Allows the RecordEngine to gather data about the electrode, which will usually
-	//be used in openfiles to be sent to startNewRecording so the electrode info is stored into the file.
-	NWBRecordingInfo info;
-	info.bitVolts = elec->getChannelBitVolts(0);
-	info.nChannels = elec->getNumChannels();
-	info.nSamplesPerSpike = elec->getTotalSamples();
-	info.processorId = elec->getCurrentNodeID();
-	info.sourceId = elec->getSourceNodeID();
-	info.sourceSubIdx = elec->getSubProcessorIdx();
-	info.sampleRate = elec->getSampleRate();
-	info.sourceName = elec->getSourceName() + " (" + String(info.sourceId) + "." + String(info.sourceSubIdx) + ")";
-	info.spikeElectrodeName = elec->getName();
-	spikeInfo.add(info);
+	spikeChannels.add(elec);
 void NWBRecordEngine::writeSpike(int electrodeIndex, const SpikeEvent* spike) 
 	const SpikeChannel* channel = getSpikeChannel(electrodeIndex);
-	int totalSamples = channel->getTotalSamples() * channel->getNumChannels();
-	double timestamp = double(spike->getTimestamp()) / channel->getSampleRate();
-	double multFactor = 1 / (float(0x7fff) * channel->getChannelBitVolts(0));
-	FloatVectorOperations::copyWithMultiply(scaledBuffer.getData(), spike->getDataPointer(), multFactor, totalSamples);
-	AudioDataConverters::convertFloatToInt16LE(scaledBuffer.getData(), intBuffer.getData(), totalSamples);
-	recordFile->writeSpike(electrodeIndex, intBuffer.getData(), timestamp);
+	recordFile->writeSpike(electrodeIndex, channel, spike);
 RecordEngineManager* NWBRecordEngine::getEngineManager()
diff --git a/Source/Plugins/NWBFormat/NWBRecording.h b/Source/Plugins/NWBFormat/NWBRecording.h
index 58864e061acb9a09ff3a72b04e2816a4d36cf02a..e521a34c35dbb2a4627a318bce94c7bd6d33d534 100644
--- a/Source/Plugins/NWBFormat/NWBRecording.h
+++ b/Source/Plugins/NWBFormat/NWBRecording.h
@@ -49,17 +49,16 @@
 			void resetChannels(bool resetSpikes);
-			Array<NWBRecordingInfo> continuousInfo;
-			Array<NWBRecordingInfo> spikeInfo;
 			ScopedPointer<NWBFile> recordFile;
 			Array<int> datasetIndexes;
 			Array<int> writeChannelIndexes;
-			HeapBlock<float> scaledBuffer;
-			HeapBlock<int16> intBuffer;
+			Array<ContinuousGroup> continuousChannels;
+			Array<const EventChannel*> eventChannels;
+			Array<const SpikeChannel*> spikeChannels;
 			HeapBlock<double> tsBuffer;
-			int bufferSize;
+			size_t bufferSize;
 			String identifierText;