diff --git a/Source/Processors/Editors/RHD2000Editor.cpp b/Source/Processors/Editors/RHD2000Editor.cpp
index 79e36583b2caa979f8909e767bec7c742a00bc23..159e04001115c5fbde164099e87a08d2e3e20e6d 100644
--- a/Source/Processors/Editors/RHD2000Editor.cpp
+++ b/Source/Processors/Editors/RHD2000Editor.cpp
@@ -26,10 +26,69 @@
 RHD2000Editor::RHD2000Editor(GenericProcessor* parentNode, bool useDefaultParameterEditors=true)
     : GenericEditor(parentNode, useDefaultParameterEditors)
-	desiredWidth = 600;
+	desiredWidth = 400;
+	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+	{
+		HeadstageOptionsInterface* hsOptions = new HeadstageOptionsInterface(i);
+		headstageOptionsInterfaces.add(hsOptions);
+		addAndMakeVisible(hsOptions);
+	}
+void RHD2000Editor::resized()
+	int width = getWidth()/4 - 20;
+	for (int i = 0; i < headstageOptionsInterfaces.size(); i++)
+	{
+		headstageOptionsInterfaces[i]->setBounds(10+i*width,30, width,getHeight()-50);
+	}
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+HeadstageOptionsInterface::HeadstageOptionsInterface(int hsNum) :
+	hsNumber(hsNum)
+	switch (hsNumber)
+	{
+		case 0 :
+			name = "A";
+			break;
+		case 1:
+			name = "B";
+			break;
+		case 2:
+			name = "C";
+			break;
+		case 3:
+			name = "D";
+			break;
+		default:
+			name = "X";
+	}
+void HeadstageOptionsInterface::paint(Graphics& g)
+	g.setColour(Colours::lightgrey);
+	g.fillRoundedRectangle(5,0,getWidth()-10,getHeight(),4.0f);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Processors/Editors/RHD2000Editor.h b/Source/Processors/Editors/RHD2000Editor.h
index 93c35c385709cb8ac8abcc2733b8627e44d481cf..b6140c1c8f7f17900e78ada32edcbe38520f5d7e 100644
--- a/Source/Processors/Editors/RHD2000Editor.h
+++ b/Source/Processors/Editors/RHD2000Editor.h
@@ -35,21 +35,42 @@
+class HeadstageOptionsInterface;
 class RHD2000Editor : public GenericEditor
     RHD2000Editor(GenericProcessor* parentNode, bool useDefaultParameterEditors);
-    virtual ~RHD2000Editor();
+    ~RHD2000Editor();
+    void resized();
+	OwnedArray<HeadstageOptionsInterface> headstageOptionsInterfaces;
+class HeadstageOptionsInterface : public Component
+	HeadstageOptionsInterface(int hsNum);
+	~HeadstageOptionsInterface();
+	void paint(Graphics& g);
+	int hsNumber;
+	String name;
 #endif  // __RHD2000EDITOR_H_2AD3C591__
diff --git a/Source/Processors/SourceNode.cpp b/Source/Processors/SourceNode.cpp
index 5cc8d17e478841b045063c13869c423ec5203b63..7d263a23128543de08e2f4e0a13033c5e12c0c01 100755
--- a/Source/Processors/SourceNode.cpp
+++ b/Source/Processors/SourceNode.cpp
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ AudioProcessorEditor* SourceNode::createEditor()
     if (getName().equalsIgnoreCase("RHD2000 USB Board"))
-        editor = new RHD2000Editor(this, false);
+        editor = new RHD2000Editor(this, true);
diff --git a/Source/UI/InfoLabel.cpp b/Source/UI/InfoLabel.cpp
index ea700760bdad4199f2f997fcb0b1cff51a405ab1..ca29355891cf4dd18a03c9fae0f6bb6afa3f462c 100755
--- a/Source/UI/InfoLabel.cpp
+++ b/Source/UI/InfoLabel.cpp
@@ -26,12 +26,14 @@
-    MemoryInputStream mis(BinaryData::misoserialized,
-                          BinaryData::misoserializedSize,
-                          false);
-    Typeface::Ptr tp = new CustomTypeface(mis);
-    labelFont = Font(tp);
-    labelFont.setHeight(24);
+	labelFont = Font("Paragraph", 24, Font::plain);
+    // MemoryInputStream mis(BinaryData::misoserialized,
+    //                       BinaryData::misoserializedSize,
+    //                       false);
+    // Typeface::Ptr tp = new CustomTypeface(mis);
+    // labelFont = Font(tp);
+    // labelFont.setHeight(24);
     infoString = "Welcome to the Open Ephys GUI!\n \n"
                  "To get starting using the GUI, drag a processor from the list "