#include <string>
#include "ISRWord.h"

size_t FileSize(int f) {
    struct stat fileInfo;
    fstat( f, &fileInfo);
    return fileInfo.st_size;

ISRWord::ISRWord ( char *word ) : term( word )
	getChunks( );
	currentChunk = 0;
	currentLocation = first( );

// put into util file
vector<size_t> ISRWord::getSeekContents(string fileName) {
    int file = open(fileName.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
    ssize_t fileSize = FileSize(file);
    vector<size_t> contents;

    char* memMap = (char*) mmap(nullptr, fileSize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, file, 0);
   // char* memMap = util::getFileMap(fileName);
    string word = "";
    bool midWord = false;
    bool midFind = false;
    WordSeek wordDictionaryEntry;
    if(memMap != MAP_FAILED) {
        for(char* map = memMap; map < memMap + fileSize; map++) {
            if(midFind && isalpha(*map)) {
            switch(*map) {
                if(midFind) {
                    case '<':
                        wordDictionaryEntry = WordSeek();
                    case '>':
                        wordDictionaryEntry.seekOffset = stoll(word);
                    case ',':
                        wordDictionaryEntry.realLocation = stoll(word);
                case '\n':
                case '\r':
                case '\t':
                case ' ':
                    if (midFind && word != "") {
                        word = "";
                    } else if (midWord) {
                        midWord = false;
                        if(word == term) {
                            midFind = true;
                        word = "";
                    word += *map;
                    midWord = true;
    return contents;

void ISRWord::getChunks() {

    listOfChunks = getSeekContents(util::GetCurrentWorkingDir() + "/constraintSolver/index-test-files/twitter/index-master.txt");
//    int chunkFile = open("index-test-files/twitter/index-master.txt", O_RDONLY);
//    ssize_t chunkFileSize = FileSize(chunkFile);
//    char* chunkMemMap = (char*) mmap(nullptr, chunkFileSize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, chunkFile, 0);
//    string word = "";
//    bool midWord = false;
//    bool midChunkFind = false;
//    if(chunkMemMap != MAP_FAILED) {
//        for(char* map = chunkMemMap; map < chunkMemMap + chunkFileSize; map++) {
//            if(midChunkFind && isalpha(*map)) {
//                break;
//            }
//            switch(*map) {
//                case '\t':
//                case '\n':
//                case '\r':
//                case ' ':
//                    if (midChunkFind && word != "") {
//                        listOfChunks.push_back(stoll(word));
//                        word = "";
//                    } else if (midWord) {
//                        midWord = false;
//                        if(word == term) {
//                            midChunkFind = true;
//                        }
//                        word = "";
//                    }
//                    break;
//                default:
//                    word += *map;
//                    midWord = true;
//            }
//        }
//    }

//Go to current chunk
//Look in seek dictionary for chunk (mem map, binary search)
//Have offset into chunk, find post seek to post, return value
//update ISR currentLocation
//set current memory map
//returns offset into corpus

Location ISRWord::first ( )
	string currentChunkSeekFileLocation =
			util::GetCurrentWorkingDir( ) + "/constraintSolver/index-test-files/twitter/index" + to_string( listOfChunks[ currentChunk ] ) +
	vector< size_t > location = getSeekContents( currentChunkSeekFileLocation );
	string currentChunkFileLocation =
			util::GetCurrentWorkingDir( ) + "/constraintSolver/index-test-files/twitter/index" + to_string( listOfChunks[ currentChunk ] ) +
	int currentChunkFile = open( currentChunkFileLocation.c_str( ), O_RDONLY );
	ssize_t currentChunkFileSize = FileSize( currentChunkFile );
	currentMemMap = ( char * ) mmap( nullptr, currentChunkFileSize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, currentChunkFile, 0 );
	currentMemMap += location[ 0 ];
	string firstLoc = "";
	while ( *currentMemMap != ' ' )
		firstLoc += *currentMemMap;
	return stoll( firstLoc );

//returns next absolute location in corpus
//looks at memory map
//if new line ( end of current list for that file
//move to next chunk, update chunk
//find new offset, return first location
//find way to increment to next delta
//return new location

Location ISRWord::next ( )
	if ( *currentMemMap == '\n' )
        if(listOfChunks.size( ) <= currentChunk)
            currentLocation = 9999999999999;
            return currentLocation;

            currentLocation = first( );
		string delta = "";
		while ( *currentMemMap != ' ' )
			delta += *currentMemMap;
		currentLocation += stoll( delta );
	return currentLocation;

Location ISRWord::getCurrentLocation()
    return currentLocation;

//look thru each chunk
//check if absolute position at offset in chunk is less then chunk,
//check seek lookup table to find if offset+absulte is bigger than target
//if so, set location to that big chunk
//go to next chunk
Location ISRWord::seek( Location target ) {
    if(!wordSeekLookupTable.empty()) {
        auto best = wordSeekLookupTable.front();
        for(auto entry : wordSeekLookupTable) {
            if(entry.realLocation < target) {
                best = entry;
            } else {
                string currentChunkFileLocation = util::GetCurrentWorkingDir() + "/constraintSolver/index-test-files/twitter/index" + to_string(listOfChunks[currentChunk]) + ".txt";
                int currentChunkFile = open(currentChunkFileLocation.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
                ssize_t currentChunkFileSize = FileSize(currentChunkFile);
                currentMemMap = (char*) mmap(nullptr, currentChunkFileSize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, currentChunkFile, 0);
                currentMemMap += best.seekOffset;
                currentLocation = best.realLocation;
                return best.realLocation;
    } else {
        while(next() <= target) {
        return currentLocation;