// Created by Jake Close on 3/13/18.

#include "ISROr.h"

ISROr::ISROr ( vector<ISR * > InputTerms ) : Terms( InputTerms )

	for (auto currentTerm : InputTerms)
		Location currentLocation = currentTerm->currentLocation;
		if (currentLocation < nearestStartLocation) {
			nearestTerm = currentTerm;
			nearestStartLocation = currentLocation;

		if (currentLocation > nearestEndLocation) {
			nearestEndLocation = currentLocation;


Location ISROr::GetStartLocation ( )
	return nearestStartLocation;

Location ISROr::GetCurrentLocation(){
	return nearestStartLocation;

Location ISROr::GetEndLocation ( )
	return nearestEndLocation;

Location ISROr::First()
	Location x;
	return x;

Returns the location of the next document that is a match
Location ISROr::Next ( )
	Location nearestEnd = this->nearestTerm->GetEndDocument( );

	for(auto Term : Terms)
		Location newSeekLocation = Term->Seek( nearestEnd + 1 );
		if ( newSeekLocation < nearestStartLocation )
			nearestStartLocation = newSeekLocation;
			nearestTerm = Term;

	return this->nearestTerm->currentLocation;


Location ISROr::NextDocument()
	Location x;
	return x;

Location ISROr::Seek ( Location target )

	// Seek all the ISRs to the first occurrence beginning at// the target location. Return null if there is no match.
	// The document is the document containing the nearest term.
	//seek past target locations,
	//seek all terms in or past starting location, take the ones that nears
	//the document that the nearest term is in is the document ur in
	//updates private members

	return 1;


Location ISROr::GetEndDocument()
	Location x;
	return x;

ISR *ISROr::GetCurrentEndDoc ( )

	return this->nearestTerm->GetDocumentISR( );
