// Created by Zane Dunnings on 3/16/18.

#include "QueryParser.h"

//#include "../../util/stringProcessing.h"
 *  1. Constraint() - CAll this at the highest level, will split on ORs if there are ORs at the highest level,
 *  	Will split on AND if theres an AND at the highest level. b

void removeWhitespace(string &str)
	str.erase(std::remove(str.begin(), str.end(), ' '), str.end());
 * Returns a token of the next word in the query, past the given index
 * @param index
 * @return
Token QueryParser::FindNextToken( int &index ){

	//TODO remove this when you add new ISR
	unordered_set<char> stopChars;
	stopChars.insert(' ');

	int size = 1;
	int start = index;
	//vector<string> words = splitStr( query , ' ', 0);
	//string text = words [ start ] ;

	while(start + size < query.size())
		if ( query[ start + size ] == '"' )
			while( query[start + size ]!= '"' && (start + size < query.size()) )
			if(start + size < query.size())
			index = start + size;
			string text = query.substr ( start, size );
			if( MatchOR ( text ) )
				return Token( "-OR-" );
			return Token( text );
		else if ( stopChars.count( query[ start + size ] ) > 0)

			//while( query[start] == ' ')
			//	{
			//	++start;
			//	}
			index = start + size;
			string text = query.substr ( start, size );

			return Token( text );
		index = start + size;

		string text = query.substr ( start, size );

	return Token( text );

/*** Builds QueryTree from input query
 * @param input
void QueryParser::parse( string input )
	query = input;
	Token current;
	int location = 0;
	while( location < input.size( ) )
		//TODO needs to be BF Traversal
		current = FindNextToken( location );
		Tuple * next = new Tuple( current );
		queryTree->Next.push_back( next );


 * destructor for the Query Parser
QueryParser::~QueryParser ( )
	delete_children ( queryTree );
	delete queryTree;

 * Traverses down the tree and deletes all of the nodes in the tree
 * @param node
void QueryParser::delete_children( Tuple* node )
	for( int i = 0; i < node->Next.size( ); ++i )
		delete_children( node->Next[ i ] );
		delete node->Next[ i ];

 * Prints the compiled Query for testing
void QueryParser::printCompiledQuery()
	cout << "Query Tree: \n";
	deque<Tuple *> queue;
	deque<int> levelQueue;
	queue.push_back( queryTree );
	levelQueue.push_back( 0 );
	traverse( queue, levelQueue );

void QueryParser::traverse(deque< Tuple*> queue, deque< int> levels)
	int deepest = 0;
		Tuple *current = queue.front ( );
		queue.pop_front ( );
		int currLevel = levels.front();
		levels.pop_front ();
		for ( int i = 0; i < current->Next.size ( ); ++i )
			queue.push_back( current->Next[ i ] );
			levels.push_back( currLevel + 1);
		cout << " | ";
		if( currLevel > deepest)
			deepest = currLevel;
			cout << "\n[ "<<deepest<<" ] ";

		cout << " " << current->object.text << " ";

 * Returns whether or not the input string is a conditional OR type
 * @param input
 * @return
bool QueryParser::MatchOR( string input )
	unordered_set<string> ORMatch;

	if( ORMatch.count( input ) > 0 )
		return true;
	return false;

 * Returns whether or not the input string is a conditional OR type
 * @param input
 * @return
bool QueryParser::MatchAND( string input )
	unordered_set<string> ORMatch;

	if( ORMatch.count( input ) > 0 )
		return true;
	return false;

 * Highest level query parsing, splits the input string on OR, then builds tree subtrees without
 * @param input
Tuple* QueryParser::Constraint( string input )
	vector<Tuple * > constraintList;
	Tuple *t = new Tuple();
	constraintList = breakOnOR( input );

	if( constraintList.size( ) > 1 )
		t->Type = OrTupleType;
		t->Type = AndTupleType;
		Tuple* toBeKilled = constraintList[ 0 ];
		constraintList = breakOnAND ( input );
	t->Next = constraintList;

	//Iterate through the subcontraints and if there are ORs, then run this again, else split on and for each
	for (int i = 0; i < constraintList.size( ); ++i )
		string word =constraintList[ i ]->object.text;
		//If the subtype needs an or, then build a new or tuple
			Tuple* toBeKilled = constraintList[ i ];
			constraintList[ i ] = Constraint ( word );
			constraintList[ i ]->Type = OrTupleType;
			delete toBeKilled;
			toBeKilled = nullptr;
		else if(isAndType(word))
			Tuple* toBeKilled = constraintList[ i ];
			constraintList[ i ] = Constraint ( word );
			constraintList[ i ]->Type = AndTupleType;
			delete toBeKilled;
			toBeKilled = nullptr;


 * Breaks input string on ORs, returns a list of tuples of those strings
 * E.G. hello | (bye OR goodbye) hola -> [ 'hello', '(bye OR goodbye) hola' ]
 * @param input
 * @return
vector<Tuple * > QueryParser::breakOnOR( string input )
	int depth = 0;

	//TODO: use these to cover different types of nested brackets with a couple queues
	unordered_set<char> openBracket;

	unordered_set<char> closedBracket;
	vector<string> query = splitStr (input, ' ', 0);

	vector<Tuple *> constraintList;
	int start = 0;
	for( int i = 0; i < query.size( ); ++i )
		//TODO: remove the parenths matching, just return the biggest string possible
		if( query[ i ] == "(")
		else if( query[ i ] == ")")
		else if( MatchOR( query[ i ]) && depth == 0 )
			string text = query[ 0 ];
			for ( int j = start; j < i; ++ j)
				text+= query[ j ];
			Tuple * subConstraint = new Tuple( text );
			constraintList.push_back( subConstraint );
			start = i + 1;
		else if( i == query.size( ) - 1 )
			string text;
			for ( int j = start; j < i; ++ j)
				text+= query[ j ];
			Tuple * subConstraint = new Tuple( text );
			constraintList.push_back( subConstraint );
		return constraintList;

Tuple * baseConstraint( string input )
//	while( t = simpleConstraint ( input ))
	return nullptr;

 * Returns if a string has an OR at its highest level
bool QueryParser::isOrType( string input )
	vector<string> query = splitStr (input, ' ', 0);
	int depth = 0;
	for( auto word = query.begin();  word != query.end();  ++word )
		if(depth == 0 && MatchOR(*word))
			return true;
		if(*word == "(")
		else if(*word == ")")
	return false;

 * Returns if a string has an OR at its highest level
bool QueryParser::isAndType( string input )
	vector<string> query = splitStr (input, ' ', 0);
	int depth = 0;
	for( auto word = query.begin();  word != query.end();  ++word )
		if(depth == 0 && MatchAND(*word))
			return true;
		if(*word == "(")
		else if(*word == ")")

	return false;

vector<Tuple * > QueryParser::breakOnAND( string input )
	int depth = 0;

	//TODO: use these to cover different types of nested brackets with a couple queues
	unordered_set<char> openBracket;

	unordered_set<char> closedBracket;
	vector<string> query = splitStr (input, ' ', 0);

	vector<Tuple *> constraintList;
	int start = 0;
	for( int i = 0; i < query.size( ); ++i )
		//TODO: remove the parenths matching, just return the biggest string possible
		if( query[ i ] == "(")
		else if( query[ i ] == ")")
		else if( MatchAND( query[ i ]) && depth == 0 )
			string text = query[ 0 ];
			for ( int j = start; j < i; ++ j)
				text+= query[ j ];
			Tuple * subConstraint = new Tuple( text );
			constraintList.push_back( subConstraint );
			start = i + 1;
		else if( i == query.size( ) - 1 )
			string text;
			for ( int j = start; j < i; ++ j)
				text+= query[ j ];
			Tuple * subConstraint = new Tuple( text );
			constraintList.push_back( subConstraint );
	return constraintList;