diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 36c2b8bfa55356ac88178bc4498a7e7991588996..1ba63b3f1cc6019f5949eb6110b7fb5013487e85 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -270,9 +270,40 @@ add_executable(query-Ranker-tests
-        util/
+        util/DataStructureLib/tuple.cpp
+        util/stringProcessing.cpp
+        util/Stemmer.cpp
+        )
+        query/queryLanguage/tests/queryIsrTest.cpp
+        query/queryLanguage/QueryParser.cpp
+        util/DataStructureLib/tuple.cpp
+        util/stringProcessing.cpp
+        util/Stemmer.cpp
+        util/util.cpp
+        constraintSolver/ISRContainer.cpp
+        constraintSolver/ISR.h
+        query/Ranker/Ranker.cpp
+        query/Ranker/Site.cpp
+        query/Ranker/Scorer.cpp
+        constraintSolver/ISREndDoc.cpp
+        constraintSolver/ISRWord.cpp
+        constraintSolver/ISRAnd.cpp
+        constraintSolver/ISROr.cpp
+        query/queryLanguage/QueryParser.cpp
+        )
 find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED)
 target_link_libraries(TryPopTest OpenSSL::SSL)
@@ -287,3 +318,8 @@ target_link_libraries(crawler-parser-indexer-Test OpenSSL::SSL pthread)
 target_link_libraries(QueueTest pthread)
diff --git a/ISRAnd-tests b/ISRAnd-tests
index e73b68b74e1bb0323aed5e74f647dc1e03270e6c..6b17bd2c6a0e1f5fb75e902a87ece94cf48acd93 100755
Binary files a/ISRAnd-tests and b/ISRAnd-tests differ
diff --git a/constraintSolver/ISR.h b/constraintSolver/ISR.h
index 244a3ac775b29bf2b33c7b4b71e203aaaf836baa..b8999047a7ac7f9064991c18060c340a8db5ab55 100644
--- a/constraintSolver/ISR.h
+++ b/constraintSolver/ISR.h
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #define pathToIndex "/constraintSolver/index-test-files/twitter/"
 //#define pathToIndex "/buildIndex/"
 //#define pathToIndex "/constraintSolver/index-test-files/twitter/"
 //#define pathToIndex "/build/"
 typedef size_t Location;  // Location 0 is the null location.
diff --git a/constraintSolver/ISRContainer.cpp b/constraintSolver/ISRContainer.cpp
index 72c8a1a68957c6703aa53b15aff4b19c5ec9ccdd..8b00148ebf4931e2b1b1060894e4ab39ecd0cf80 100644
--- a/constraintSolver/ISRContainer.cpp
+++ b/constraintSolver/ISRContainer.cpp
@@ -3,3 +3,72 @@
 #include "ISRContainer.h"
+ISRContainer::ISRContainer( Tuple * top )  : root( top )
+	{
+	compile( );
+	}
+void ISRContainer::compile( )
+	{
+	Contained = recurviseCompile( root );
+	}
+ISR * ISRContainer::recurviseCompile( Tuple * root )
+	{
+	vector< ISR * > terms;
+	if( root->Type == WordTupleType )
+		return new ISRWord( root->object.text );
+	else
+		{
+		for( auto child : root->Next )
+			terms.push_back( recurviseCompile( child ) );
+		}
+		if( root->Type == AndTupleType )
+			return  new ISRAnd ( terms );
+		else
+			return  new ISROr ( terms );
+	}
+void ISRContainer::Solve( )
+	{
+	while(Contained->GetCurrentLocation() != MAX_Location)
+		{
+		auto url = Contained->GetEndDocument()->getCurrentDoc().url;
+		cout << url << endl;
+		Contained->NextDocument( );
+ * beg = GetBeginning of Doc
+ * Pass Terms to ranker
+ *
+ * vector<words>
+ *
+ * Ranker:
+ * for term in terms
+ * IsrWord word = new ISR(term)
+ * Term.seek(beg)
+ * words.push(word)
+ * rank(words)
+ *
+ * NextDocument()
+ */
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/constraintSolver/ISRContainer.h b/constraintSolver/ISRContainer.h
index 9f8821869acd0d974050b020ef204ba4209012bf..1c889d675b914d6918318490cafa3f1acccca613 100644
--- a/constraintSolver/ISRContainer.h
+++ b/constraintSolver/ISRContainer.h
@@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
 #include "ISR.h"
 #include "ISREndDoc.h"
+#include "ISRAnd.h"
+#include "ISROr.h"
 #include "../query/Ranker/Ranker.h"
+#include "../util/DataStructureLib/tuple.cpp"
 //Find occurrences of contained ISRs in a single document not containing any excluded ISRs.
@@ -16,10 +19,16 @@ public:
 	ISR *Contained;
 	ISR *Excluded;
 	vector<string> terms;
+	Tuple* root;
+	ISRContainer( Tuple * tuple_in );
+	ISR * recurviseCompile( Tuple * root );
 	unsigned CountContained,
+	void compile( );
 	Location Seek ( Location target )
@@ -36,7 +45,7 @@ public:
 // 7. If any excluded ISR falls within the document, reset the
 //    target to one past the end of the document and return to
 //    step 1.
+		return 1;
@@ -46,31 +55,7 @@ public:
  * GetEndDocument
-	void Solve()
-		{
-		while(Contained->GetCurrentLocation() != MAX_Location)
-			{
- * beg = GetBeginning of Doc
- * Pass Terms to ranker
- *
- * vector<words>
- *
- * Ranker:
- * for term in terms
- * IsrWord word = new ISR(term)
- * Term.seek(beg)
- * words.push(word)
- * rank(words)
- *
- * NextDocument()
- */
-			}
-		}
+	void Solve( );
@@ -78,5 +63,3 @@ private:
 	Location nearestStartLocation, nearestEndLocation;
 	Ranker ranker;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/constraintSolver/ISRWord.cpp b/constraintSolver/ISRWord.cpp
index 09e46368f92bf394d7b1b745c3f1fefc42026e5d..ac50f5f8fd55c0bebc3dcc6fe13b5c889512a2e6 100644
--- a/constraintSolver/ISRWord.cpp
+++ b/constraintSolver/ISRWord.cpp
@@ -176,7 +176,8 @@ void ISRWord::getWordSeek() {
 //check seek lookup table to find if offset+absulte is bigger than target
 //if so, set location to that big chunk
 //go to next chunk
-Location ISRWord::Seek( Location target ) {
+Location ISRWord::Seek( Location target )
+	{
 	 if(target <= currentLocation)
 		 return currentLocation;
@@ -210,6 +211,11 @@ Location ISRWord::Seek( Location target ) {
+//Returns the location of the last item in the document you're currently at
+Location ISRWord::GetEndDocumentLocation () const
+	{
+	return DocumentEnd->getCurrentDoc().docEndPosition;
+	}
 ISREndDoc * ISRWord::GetEndDocument()
@@ -219,6 +225,7 @@ ISREndDoc * ISRWord::GetEndDocument()
 string ISRWord::GetTerm()
diff --git a/constraintSolver/ISRWord.h b/constraintSolver/ISRWord.h
index a98114e77cbd0032a58046281c0f3ff642ae658f..ad9d9540ebe9a856dcadce6b05c4d6f57ad073e2 100644
--- a/constraintSolver/ISRWord.h
+++ b/constraintSolver/ISRWord.h
@@ -48,13 +48,14 @@ class ISRWord : public ISR
 		size_t currentChunk;
 		char *currentMemMap;
 		//set member variables to all of the chunks that occur, update current chunk
 		void getChunks ( );
 		Location getCurrentLocation();
-        size_t getFrequency();
-        size_t getDocFrequency();
-        size_t getLastLocation();
+		size_t getFrequency();
+		size_t getDocFrequency();
+		size_t getLastLocation();
+		Location GetEndDocumentLocation() const;
 	void getWordSeek();
diff --git a/constraintSolver/tests/ISRWordMultiTest.cpp b/constraintSolver/tests/ISRWordMultiTest.cpp
index 4e94590b33e0201175171dfd73c3a0c9b784b6e1..43ef3432279fd34139344fae7e3df41ce954b2b4 100644
--- a/constraintSolver/tests/ISRWordMultiTest.cpp
+++ b/constraintSolver/tests/ISRWordMultiTest.cpp
@@ -68,10 +68,6 @@ int main ( )
 	int i = 0;
 	for(auto output  : urls)
diff --git a/query/Ranker/Ranker.cpp b/query/Ranker/Ranker.cpp
index 4a35a524ba96f3ebdb7b402d3c131f02984d598c..cc21caebd902da867ea4041b59330646b3559d32 100644
--- a/query/Ranker/Ranker.cpp
+++ b/query/Ranker/Ranker.cpp
@@ -16,30 +16,121 @@
  * Initializes the ranker with the Word ISRs from the query, will most likely scale to add more input,
  * could possibly pull the information, depends on how much control we want
-void Ranker::init ( vector<ISRWord> query )
+void Ranker::init ( vector<ISRWord> isrListInput )
-	inputQuery = query;
+	ISRList = isrListInput;
- * This will perform the "sorting" and return a list of ranked URLS
+ * This will generate a map of the Site objects for each document
  * @return
-vector< string > Ranker::rank ( )
+void Ranker::generateSiteList( )
+	{
+	//Iterate through IsrWord vector and fill in Site information
+	for( auto isrWord = ISRList.begin(); isrWord < ISRList.end(); ++isrWord)
+		{
+		addWordtoSites( *isrWord );
+		}
+	}
+//Create a new site with atttributes, or add word data to an existing site
+void Ranker::addWordtoSites ( ISRWord isrWord )
+	{
+		string word = isrWord.term;
+		auto url = isrWord.DocumentEnd->getCurrentDoc ( ).url;
+		if( Websites.find( url ) != Websites.end( ) )
+			{
+			Websites[ url ]->wordData[ word ] = getData( isrWord );
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			Site * newSite = new Site();
+			newSite->wordData[ word ] = getData( isrWord );
+			newSite->url = url;
+			Websites[ url ] = newSite;
+			}
+	}
+data Ranker::getData( ISRWord isrWord)
 	ISREndDoc endDocs;
-	vector<size_t> locations;
 	vector<DocumentEnding> docEnds;
-	set<string> urls;
-	for( auto queryWord = inputQuery.begin(); queryWord < inputQuery.end(); ++queryWord)
+	unsigned long freq = 0;
+	//FixME just gets the word frequency, add more useful functions as we add heuristics
+	while ( isrWord.getCurrentLocation ( ) < isrWord.DocumentEnd->getCurrentDoc().docEndPosition)
+		{
+		isrWord.Next();
+		++freq;
+		}
+	data wordData;
+	wordData.frequency = freq;
+	return wordData;
+	}
+	{
+	for( auto i = Websites.begin( ); i != Websites.end( ); ++i )
-		while ( queryWord->getCurrentLocation ( ) != MAX_Location )
+		delete i->second;
+		}
+	}
+ * Pushes all of the sites onto the priorityQueue, and scores then before pushing them on
+ * which puts them in their ranked order
+ */
+void Ranker::rank()
+	{
+	for( auto i = Websites.begin(); i != Websites.end( ); ++i)
+		{
+		i->second->getScore();
+		WebsiteQueue.push( i->second );
+		}
+	}
+void Ranker::printSites()
+	{
+	for( auto i = Websites.begin(); i != Websites.end(); ++i )
+		{
+		cout << "URL: " << i->second->url << std::endl;
+		for( auto j = Websites[ i->second->url ]->wordData.begin( ); j != Websites[ i->second->url ]->wordData.end( ); ++j)
-			auto url = queryWord->DocumentEnd->getCurrentDoc ( ).url;
-			urls.insert ( url );
-			queryWord->NextDocument ( );
+			cout << j->first << ": " << j->second.frequency << std::endl;
+			}
+		}
+	cout << "\n\n\n";
+	}
+void Ranker::printRankedSites()
+	{
+	cout << "----RANKED RESULTS----" << endl;
+	int size  = WebsiteQueue.size();
+	for( auto i = size; i > 0; --i )
+		{
+		Site * website = WebsiteQueue.top();
+		WebsiteQueue.pop();
+		cout << "URL: " << website->url << std::endl;
+		for( auto j = Websites[ website->url ]->wordData.begin( ); j != Websites[ website->url ]->wordData.end( ); ++j)
+			{
+			cout << j->first << ": " << j->second.frequency << std::endl;
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+	}
+//	vector<size_t> locations;
+//	set<string> urls;
+// urls.insert ( url );
diff --git a/query/Ranker/Ranker.h b/query/Ranker/Ranker.h
index c1bd00523f6fe09b79e713834fa9f46113de8507..183641df6f8fc49b8cbf39ae73ae797b56027565 100644
--- a/query/Ranker/Ranker.h
+++ b/query/Ranker/Ranker.h
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 #include <queue>
 #include "../../constraintSolver/ISRWord.h"
 #include "Site.h"
+#include <unordered_map>
  * Custom Comparator for the priority queue that keeps the websites in their correct order.
@@ -17,9 +18,9 @@
 class Comp
-	bool operator()(Site L, Site R)
+	bool operator()(Site* L, Site* R)
-		return L.getScore() > R.getScore();
+		return L->getScore() < R->getScore();
@@ -29,22 +30,43 @@ public:
-	Ranker( vector< ISRWord > query ){
-		init( query );
+	Ranker( vector< ISRWord > isrListInput ){
+		init( isrListInput );
-	vector< string > rank();
+	~Ranker( );
+	void generateSiteList();
+	void printSites();
+	void printRankedSites();
+	void rank();
 	void init( vector< ISRWord> query );
 	//Queue to continuously sort the sites
-	priority_queue< Site, vector< Site> , Comp > WebsiteQueue;
-	vector< ISRWord > inputQuery;
+	priority_queue< Site * , vector< Site* > , Comp > WebsiteQueue;
+	vector< ISRWord > ISRList;
 	//TODO: Not sure if we will need these
 	vector< string > urls;
-	vector< Site > Websites;
+	unordered_map<string, Site * > Websites;
+	unordered_map< string , vector< unsigned long > > queryOffsets;
+	void addWordtoSites( ISRWord isrWord);
+	data getData( ISRWord isrWord );
+	/***
+	 * Ranker will work by doing these things:
+	 * 1. Goes through all of the ISRWords in the vector and creates Sites for the new ones and adds information
+	 * 	- If the Site already exists then just add the Site and attributes
+	 * 	- Store the frequency of the word in the document
+	 * 2. Go through the vector of Sites and score each, then push onto the priority queue as you score them
+	 *
+	 */
diff --git a/query/Ranker/Scorer.cpp b/query/Ranker/Scorer.cpp
index 6a9879d6ac3cc9934333e509b297d9313684ffc5..0b48889d1f3ca06835cd2d14ac6358e80028cf20 100644
--- a/query/Ranker/Scorer.cpp
+++ b/query/Ranker/Scorer.cpp
@@ -21,7 +21,12 @@ double Scorer::getScore ( Site website)
 	return score / (double)numberOfFunctions;
-double Scorer::Simple( Site )
+double Scorer::Simple( Site inputSite)
-	return 42.0;
+	double score = 0;
+	for( auto i = inputSite.wordData.begin(); i != inputSite.wordData.end(); ++i )
+		{
+		score+=i->second.frequency;
+		}
+	return score;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/query/Ranker/Site.h b/query/Ranker/Site.h
index 95b57dce9ead070566fdebe30688ba452738d4bb..124796f4865957e5c51d00b0a794f11cfa83e4d3 100644
--- a/query/Ranker/Site.h
+++ b/query/Ranker/Site.h
@@ -8,6 +8,14 @@
 #define EECS398_SEARCH_SITE_H
 #include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
+struct data
+	{
+	unsigned long frequency;
+	};
 class Site
@@ -16,5 +24,6 @@ public:
 	std::string url;
 	double score;
 	bool hasBeenScored;
+	std::unordered_map< std::string, data> wordData;
 #endif //EECS398_SEARCH_SITE_H
diff --git a/query/Ranker/tests/RankerTest.cpp b/query/Ranker/tests/RankerTest.cpp
index 29588f9e982767937aa61d9f53217a0e7d4626f7..63d388aad8f3c68e74a7c86243879757ccfd6a11 100644
--- a/query/Ranker/tests/RankerTest.cpp
+++ b/query/Ranker/tests/RankerTest.cpp
@@ -19,20 +19,47 @@ int main()
 void testSimple()
 	//Initialize Ran
-	ISRWord queryWord("%trump");
-	ISREndDoc endDocs;
-	vector<size_t> locations;
-	vector<DocumentEnding> docEnds;
+	string query = "%everybodi";
+	ISRWord queryWord(query);
 	set<string> urls;
-	while( queryWord.getCurrentLocation() != MAX_Location )
-		{
+	clock_t start = clock();
+	while(queryWord.getCurrentLocation() != MAX_Location)  {
 		auto url = queryWord.DocumentEnd->getCurrentDoc().url;
-		urls.insert(  url  );
+		urls.insert( url  );
+	clock_t end = clock();
+	cout << "Time to complete query: " << (end - start) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
+	for(auto url :urls)
+		cout << url << endl;
+	cout << "Number of results: " << urls.size() << "\n\n\n";
+	ISRWord queryWord1(query);
+	ISRWord queryWord2(query);
+	queryWord2.NextDocument();
+	ISRWord queryWord3(query);
+	queryWord3.NextDocument();
+	ISRWord queryWord4(query);
+	queryWord4.NextDocument();
+	queryWord4.NextDocument();
+	vector< ISRWord > wordList;
+	wordList.push_back( queryWord1 );
+	wordList.push_back( queryWord2 );
+	wordList.push_back( queryWord3 );
+	wordList.push_back( queryWord4 );
+	Ranker rankeyboi = Ranker( wordList );
+	rankeyboi.generateSiteList();
+	rankeyboi.printSites();
+	rankeyboi.rank();
+	rankeyboi.printRankedSites();
diff --git a/query/queryLanguage/QueryParser.cpp b/query/queryLanguage/QueryParser.cpp
index e42ee1c30e9886cd78d6cd052e2bedd03eda93d8..a89c5fcf6f37197bb7029de22c0dbcd019808b5c 100644
--- a/query/queryLanguage/QueryParser.cpp
+++ b/query/queryLanguage/QueryParser.cpp
@@ -2,13 +2,18 @@
 // Created by Zane Dunnings on 3/16/18.
-//Outline of query language from Prof. Nicole Hamilton, University of Michigan 03/15/2018
-// 72 lines
 #include "QueryParser.h"
 #include "../../util/stringProcessing.h"
+ *
+ *  1. Constraint() - CAll this at the highest level, will split on ORs if there are ORs at the highest level,
+ *  	Will split on AND if theres an AND at the highest level. b
+ *
+ *
+ */
  * Returns a token of the next word in the query, past the given index
  * @param index
@@ -171,9 +176,9 @@ bool QueryParser::MatchAND( string input )
-3ww	ORMatch.insert("and");
+	ORMatch.insert("and");
-	if( 3ORMatch.count( input ) > 0 )
+	if( ORMatch.count( input ) > 0 )
 		return true;
@@ -195,6 +200,8 @@ Tuple* QueryParser::Constraint( string input )
 		t->Type = OrTupleType;
 		t->Type = AndTupleType;
+		Tuple* toBeKilled = constraintList[ 0 ];
+		constraintList = breakOnAND ( input );
 	t->Next = constraintList;
 	//Iterate through the subcontraints and if there are ORs, then run this again, else split on and for each
@@ -255,33 +262,6 @@ vector<Tuple * > QueryParser::breakOnOR( string input )
 		if( query[ i ] == "(")
-//			++depth;
-//			++i;
-//			start = i;
-//			while(depth != 0 && ( i < query.size()) )
-//				{
-//				if (query[ i ] == "(")
-//					++depth;
-//				else if (query[ i ] == ")")
-//					--depth;
-//					if (depth == 0)
-//						{
-//						--i;
-//						break;
-//						}
-//				else
-//					++i;
-//				}
-//			if (i == query.size())
-//						i = query.size() - 1;
-//			string text = "";
-//			for ( int j = start; j < i; ++ j)
-//				{
-//				text+= query[ j ];
-//				}
-//			Tuple * t = new Tuple( text );
-//			constraintList.push_back( t );
-//			t->Type = AndTupleType;
 		else if( query[ i ] == ")")
diff --git a/query/queryLanguage/tests/queryIsrTest.cpp b/query/queryLanguage/tests/queryIsrTest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ed1a256ec4b9940cfd54b1bb87535a2131470fd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/query/queryLanguage/tests/queryIsrTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// Created by Jake Close on 4/7/18.
+#include "../QueryParser.h"
+#include <fstream>
+#include "../../../constraintSolver/ISRContainer.h"
+int main()
+	{
+	string query = "moment life";
+	string OR = "bike cycle ";
+	QueryParser parser;
+	parser.parse( query );
+	Token orParentToken = Token("-OR-");
+	Tuple * orparent = new Tuple( orParentToken );
+	Token bike = Token("bike");
+	Token cycle = Token("cycle");
+	Tuple* bikeTuple = new Tuple( bike );
+	Tuple* cycleTuple = new Tuple( cycle );
+	orparent->Next.push_back(bikeTuple);
+	orparent->Next.push_back( cycleTuple);
+	parser.printCompiledQuery();
+	//parser.queryTree->Next.push_back( orparent );
+	ISRContainer container ( parser.queryTree  );
+	container.Solve( );
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/testISRQueryTuple b/testISRQueryTuple
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7903f40157e615a83cb2b052a8ff2a44057dd35d
Binary files /dev/null and b/testISRQueryTuple differ
diff --git a/testQueryLang b/testQueryLang
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eb64861fcb55cb5a559470c3efdf6b340ca3cc63
Binary files /dev/null and b/testQueryLang differ
diff --git a/util/DataStructureLib/tuple.cpp b/util/DataStructureLib/tuple.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4b95ab4e9b9297a20d8b9238c99c89f5d6e5e9f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/DataStructureLib/tuple.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+// Created by Zane Dunnings on 3/17/18.
+// Outline of query language from Prof. Nicole Hamilton, University of Michigan 03/15/2018
+//31 lines
+#pragma  once
+#include "../../parser/Parser.h"
+//#include "../../constraintSolver/ISRAnd.h"
+using namespace std;
+class Token
+	{
+	Token()
+			:text(""), end( true ), OR( false ), AND( false ){}
+	Token( string input )
+			:text( input ), end( false ), OR( false ), AND( false )
+		{
+		if(input ==  "-OR-" )
+			OR = true;
+		else if(input == "-AND-")
+			AND=true;
+		}
+	//TODO: This is for scaling to add more ISR types
+	string text;
+	bool OR;
+	bool AND;
+	bool end;
+	};
+enum TupleType
+	{
+	PhraseTupleType,
+	OrTupleType,
+	AndTupleType,
+	NotTupleType,
+	WordTupleType
+	};
+class Tuple
+	{
+	Token object;
+	vector<Tuple *> Next;
+	TupleType Type;
+	//ISR *Compile( );
+	Tuple( )
+			: object( Token() ), Type( AndTupleType ) {}
+	Tuple( Token input )
+			: object( input ), Type( AndTupleType )
+		{
+		if(input.AND)
+			Type = AndTupleType;
+		else if (input.OR)
+			Type = OrTupleType;
+		else
+			Type = WordTupleType;
+		}
+	Tuple( TupleType type)
+			: object( Token( ) ), Type( type )
+		{
+		switch( type )
+			{
+			case( AndTupleType ):
+				object = Token("-AND-");
+				break;
+			case( OrTupleType ):
+				object = Token("-OR-");
+			default:
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	};
\ No newline at end of file