Make a background maze that a player can navigate in
Bird's eye view
Player is visible
Making sure that all of the hallways have a sound if you bump into them
Play noise near clues or the ending goal to tell the player about it
Organize all of the layers/rooms
Have different levels as different floors (one level takes up more than one floor)
Make small mini-games to get clues
Add jetpacks!!!!!
Add dragons!!!!!!
How to navigate through linux
In order to navigate through linux, try using the cd command
$ cd (folder-name)
You use the cd command to navigate through folders.
Type in cd and then the folder name you want to access in order to get to that folder
If you guys are using windows and through a WSL, try cd /mnt/c/Users/Documents to get to documents
Folders are accessed like this:
$ cd folder
Or like this:
$ cd ./folder
In order to navigate through more than one folder at a time, just add a /
Like this:
$ cd ./folder1/folder2
Lastly, if you have a space in your folder name, add a backslash right before the space
Here is an example:
$ cd ./Folder\ 1
To nagivate to the folder directory right above, use cd ..
$ cd ..
To navigate to the computer's base directory, use cd ~
$ cd ~
To find out what directory you are in, use pwd
$ pwd
To find out what files are in the given file, use ls
$ ls
Using the mkdir command
Basically, it makes a new folder wherever you are
$ mkdir folder # Makes a new folder called folder
Using the touch command
Creates a file with the specified filename <br > Don't forget the file type!
$ touch file
Using the move command
The move command can move files from a subfolder to a base folder
$ mv folder-to-move/* . # Moves everything from the folder-to-move into your base folder
Also, it helps you rename files
$ mv file1 file2 #Renames file1 into file2
Using the remove command
CAREFUL!!!! This command can even delete your OS!
rm -rf removes all the folders in a specified directory
$ rm -rf folder (removes folder and all subfolders)
rm -rf also works for usual files
$ rm -rf file
Using the vim command
Basically, this allows you to edit text file
Type in vim (filename)
$ vim filename
Then, edit with a
To save the file, press control-c and then type in :wq
To exit without saving, press control-c and then type in :!q
To exit without editing the file, press control-c and then type in :q
Using git
To initialize:
$ git init
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"
$ git config --global user.name "username"
$ git config --global user.email "email"
$ git remote add origin linktogithub
$ git push -u origin master
To get the files already stored there, use this command (for the specific branch)
$ git pull origin branch
To initialize the git from a file already in github, use this command
$ git clone https://...
For regular commits (to master)
$ git checkout master #git checkout -b master if this is your first time accessing master
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "message_you_want_to_say"
$ git push origin master
For regular commits (to branch)
$ git checkout branch #git checkout -b branch if this is your first time accessing the branch
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "message_you_want_to_say"
$ git push origin branch
To merge to master
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "message_you_want_to_say"
$ git checkout master
$ git pull branch_you_want_to_merge_into_master
Now, check for errors (use vim to fix them) (tbh I forgot if it was this or the next step)
$ git commit
$ git push origin master
To merge to another branch branch2
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "message_you_want_to_say"
$ git checkout branch2
$ git pull branch_you_want_to_merge_into_master
Check for errors
$ git commit
$ git push origin branch2
I think that's it! Happy coding guys!