
Here we describe the syntax and typing for the gradually-typed lambda calculus.
We also give the rules for syntactic type and term precision.
% We define four separate calculi: the normal gradually-typed lambda calculus, which we
% call the extensional or \emph{step-insensitive} lambda calculus ($\extlc$),
% as well as an \emph{intensional} lambda calculus
% ($\intlc$) whose syntax makes explicit the steps taken by a program.

Before diving into the details, let us give a brief overview of what we will define.
We begin with a gradually-typed lambda calculus $(\extlc)$, which is similar to
the normal call-by-value gradually-typed lambda calculus, but differs in that it
is actually a fragment of call-by-push-value specialized such that there are no
non-trivial computation types. We do this for convenience, as either way
we would need a distinction between values and effectful terms; the framework of
of call-by-push-value gives us a convenient langugae to define what we need.

We then show that composition of type precision derivations is admissible, as is
heterogeneous transitivity for term precision, so it will suffice to consider a new
language ($\extlcm$) in which we don't have composition of type precision derivations
or heterogeneous transitivity of term precision.

We then observe that all casts, except those between $\nat$ and $\dyn$
and between $\dyn \ra \dyn$ and $\dyn$, are admissible.
% (we can define the cast of a function type functorially using the casts for its domain and codomain).
This means it will be sufficient to consider a new language ($\extlcmm$) in which
instead of having arbitrary casts, we have injections from $\nat$ and
$\dyn \ra \dyn$ into $\dyn$, and case inspections from $\dyn$ to $\nat$ and
$\dyn$ to $\dyn \ra \dyn$.

From here, we define a \emph{step-sensitive} (also called \emph{intensional}) GSTLC,
so-named because it makes the intensional stepping behavior of programs explicit in the syntax.
This is acocmplished by adding a syntactic ``later'' type and a
syntactic $\theta$ that maps terms of type later $A$ to terms of type $A$.


The language is based on Call-By-Push-Value \cite{levy01:phd}, and as such it has two kinds of types:
\emph{value types}, representing pure values, and \emph{computation types}, represting
potentially effectful computations.
In the language, all computation types have the form $\Ret A$ for some value type $A$.
Given a value $V$ of type $A$, the term $\ret V$ views $V$ as a term of computation type $\Ret A$.
Given a term $M$ of computation type $B$, the term $\bind{x}{M}{N}$ should be thought of as
running $M$ to a value $V$ and then continuning as $N$, with $V$ in place of $x$.

We also have value contexts and computation contexts, where the latter can be viewed
as a pair consisting of (1) a stoup $\Sigma$, which is either empty or a hole of type $B$,
and (2) a (potentially empty) value context $\Gamma$.

  &\text{Value Types } A := \nat \alt \dyn \alt (A \ra A') \\
  &\text{Computation Types } B := \Ret A \\
  &\text{Value Contexts } \Gamma := \cdot \alt (\Gamma, x : A) \\
  &\text{Computation Contexts } \Delta := \cdot \alt \hole B \alt \Delta , x : A \\
  &\text{Values } V :=  \zro \alt \suc\, V \alt \up{A}{B} V \\ 
  &\text{Terms } M, N := \err_B \alt \ret {V} \alt \bind{x}{M}{N}
    \alt \lda{x}{M} \alt V_f\, V_x \alt
    \alt \dn{A}{B} M 

The value typing judgment is written $\hasty{\Gamma}{V}{A}$ and 
the computation typing judgment is written $\hasty{\Delta}{M}{B}$.

We define substitution for value contexts by the following rules:

  { \gamma : \Gamma' \to \Gamma \and 
  { (\gamma , V/x ) \colon \Gamma' \to \Gamma , x : A }

  {\cdot \colon \cdot \to \cdot}

We define substitution for computation contexts by the following rules:

    { \delta : \Delta' \to \Delta \and 
    { (\delta , V/x ) \colon \Delta' \to \Delta , x : A }

    {\cdot \colon \cdot \to \cdot}

    {M \colon \Delta' \to \hole{B}}

The typing rules are as expected, with a cast between $A$ to $B$ allowed only when $A \ltdyn B$.
Notice that the upcast of a value is a value, since it always succeeds, while the downcast
of a value is a computation, since it may fail.

        % Err
        \inferrule*{ }{\hasty {\cdot, \Gamma} {\err_B} B} 
        % Zero and suc
        \inferrule*{ }{\hasty \Gamma \zro \nat}
        \inferrule*{\hasty \Gamma V \nat} {\hasty \Gamma {\suc\, V} \nat}
        % Lambda
        {\hasty {\cdot, \Gamma, x : A} M {\Ret A'}} 
        {\hasty \Gamma {\lda x M} {A \ra A'}}
        % App
        {\hasty \Gamma {V_f} {A \ra A'} \and \hasty \Gamma {V_x} A}
        {\hasty {\cdot , \Gamma} {V_f \, V_x} {\Ret A'}}

        % Ret
        {\hasty \Gamma V A}
        {\hasty {\cdot , \Gamma} {\ret V} {\Ret A}}
        % TODO should this involve a Delta?

        % Bind
        {\hasty \Delta M {\Ret A} \and \hasty{\cdot , \Delta|_V , x : A}{N}{B} } % Need x : A in context
        {\hasty {\Delta} {\bind{x}{M}{N}} {B}}

        % Upcast
        {A \ltdyn A' \and \hasty \Gamma V A}
        {\hasty \Gamma {\up A {A'} V} {A'} }
        % Downcast
        {A \ltdyn A' \and \hasty {\Gamma} V {A'}}
        {\hasty {\cdot, \Gamma} {\dn A {A'} V} {\Ret A}}
        % TODO are the contexts correct?

        % \inferrule*
        % {A \ltdyn A' \and \hasty {\Delta|_V} V {A'}}
        % {\hasty {\Delta} {\dn A {A'} V} {\Ret A}}


In the equational theory, we have $\beta$ and $\eta$ laws for function type,
as well a $\beta$ and $\eta$ law for $\Ret A$.

% TODO do we need to add a substitution rule here?
  % Function Beta and Eta
  {\hasty {\cdot, \Gamma, x : A} M {\Ret A'} \and \hasty \Gamma V A}
  {(\lda x M)\, V = M[V/x]}

  {\hasty \Gamma V {A \ra A}}
  {\Gamma \vdash V = \lda x {V\, x}}

  % Ret Beta and Eta
  {\bind{x}{\ret\, V}{N} = N[V/x]}

  {\hasty {\hole{\Ret A} , \Gamma} {M} {B}}
  {\hole{\Ret A}, \Gamma \vdash M = \bind{x}{\bullet}{M[\ret\, x]}}


\subsection{Type Precision}

The type precision rules specify what it means for a type $A$ to be more precise than $A'$.
We have reflexivity rules for $\dyn$ and $\nat$, as well as rules that $\nat$ is more precise than $\dyn$
and $\dyn \ra \dyn$ is more precise than $\dyn$.
We also have a transitivity rule for composition of type precision,
and also a rule for function types stating that given $A_i \ltdyn A'_i$ and $A_o \ltdyn A'_o$, we can prove
$A_i \ra A_o \ltdyn A'_i \ra A'_o$.
Finally, we can lift a relation on value types $A \ltdyn A'$ to a relation $\Ret A \ltdyn \Ret A'$ on
computation types.

  \inferrule*[right = \dyn]
    { }{\dyn \ltdyn\, \dyn}

  \inferrule*[right = \nat]
    { }{\nat \ltdyn \nat}

  \inferrule*[right = $Inj_\nat$]
    { }{\nat \ltdyn\, \dyn}

  \inferrule*[right = $\To$]
    {A_i \ltdyn A'_i \and A_o \ltdyn A'_o }
    {(A_i \To A_o) \ltdyn (A'_i \To A'_o)}

    { }
    {(\dyn \ra \dyn) \ltdyn\, \dyn}

    {A \ltdyn A' \and A' \ltdyn A''}
    {A \ltdyn A''}

    {B \ltdyn B' \and B' \ltdyn B''}
    {B \ltdyn B''}

    {A \ltdyn A'}
    {\Ret {A} \ltdyn \Ret {A'}}

    % TODO are there other rules needed for computation types?


% Type precision derivations
Note that as a consequence of this presentation of the type precision rules, we
have that if $A \ltdyn A'$, there is a unique precision derivation that witnesses this.
As in previous work, we go a step farther and make these derivations first-class objects,
known as \emph{type precision derivations}.
Specifically, for every $A \ltdyn A'$, we have a derivation $c : A \ltdyn A'$ that is constructed
using the rules above. For instance, there is a derivation $\dyn : \dyn \ltdyn \dyn$, and a derivation
$\nat : \nat \ltdyn \nat$, and if $c_i : A_i \ltdyn A_i$ and $c_o : A_o \ltdyn A'_o$, then
there is a derivation $c_i \To c_o : (A_i \To A_o) \ltdyn (A'_i \To A'_o)$. Likewise for
the remaining rules. The benefit to making these derivations explicit in the syntax is that we
can perform induction over them.
Note also that for any type $A$, we use $A$ to denote the reflexivity derivation that $A \ltdyn A$,
i.e., $A : A \ltdyn A$.
Finally, observe that for type precision derivations $c : A \ltdyn A'$ and $c' : A' \ltdyn A''$, we
can define (via the rule ValComp) their composition $c \relcomp c' : A \ltdyn A''$.
The same holds for computation type precision derivations.
This notion will be used below in the statement of transitivity of the term precision relation.

\subsection{Term Precision}

We allow for a \emph{heterogeneous} term precision judgment on terms values $V$ of type
$A$ and $V'$ of type $A'$ provided that $A \ltdyn A'$ holds. Likewise, for computation
types $B \ltdyn B'$, if $M$ has type $B$ and $M'$ has type $B'$, we can form the judgment
that $M \ltdyn M'$.

% Type precision contexts
In order to deal with open terms, we will need the notion of a type precision \emph{context}, which we denote
$\gamlt$. This is similar to a normal context but instead of mapping variables to types,
it maps variables $x$ to related types $A \ltdyn B$, where $x$ has type $A$ in the left-hand term
and $B$ in the right-hand term. We may also write $x : d$ where $d : A \ltdyn B$ to indicate this.
Another way of thinking of type precision contexts is as a zipped pair of contexts $\Gamma^l, \Gamma^r$
with the same domain such that $\Gamma_l(x) \ltdyn \Gamma_r(x)$ for each $x$ in the domain.
Similarly, we have computation type precision contexts $\Delta^\ltdyn$. Similar to ``normal'' computation
type precision contexts $\Delta$, these consist of (1) a stoup $\Sigma$ which is either empty or
has a hole $\hole{d}$ for some computation type precision derivation $d$, and (2) a value type precision context

As with type precision derivations, we write $\Gamma$ to mean the context of reflexivity derivations
$\Gamma(x) \ltdyn \Gamma(x)$. Likewise for computation type precision contexts.
Furthermore, we write $\gamlt_1 \relcomp \gamlt_2$ to denote the ``composition'' of $\gamlt_1$ and $\gamlt_2$
--- that is, the precision context whose value at $x$ is the type precision derivation
$\gamlt_1(x) \relcomp \gamlt_2(x)$. This of course assumes that each of the type precision
derivations is composable, i.e., that the RHS of $\gamlt_1(x)$ is the same as the left-hand side of $\gamlt_2(x)$.
We define the same for computation type precision contexts $\deltalt_1$ and $\deltalt_2$,
provided that both the computation type precision contexts have the same ``shape'', which is defined as
(1) either the stoup is empty in both, or the stoup has a hole in both, say $\hole{d}$ and $\hole{d'}$
where $d$ and $d'$ are composable, and (2) their value type precision contexts are composable as described above.
% TODO reflexivity contexts and composition of contexts

The rules for term precision come in two forms. We first have the \emph{congruence} rules,
one for each term constructor. These assert that the term constructors respect term precision.
The congruence rules are as follows:


  \inferrule*[right = Var]
    { c : A \ltdyn B \and \gamlt(x) = (A, B) } { \etmprec {\gamlt} x x c  }

  \inferrule*[right = Zro]
    { } {\etmprec \gamlt \zro \zro \nat }

  \inferrule*[right = Suc]
    { \etmprec \gamlt V {V'} \nat } {\etmprec \gamlt {\suc\, V} {\suc\, V'} \nat}

  \inferrule*[right = Lambda]
    { c_i : A_i \ltdyn A'_i \and 
      c_o : A_o \ltdyn A'_o \and 
      \etmprec {\cdot , \gamlt , x : c_i} {M} {M'} {\Ret c_o} } 
    { \etmprec \gamlt {\lda x M} {\lda x {M'}} {(c_i \ra c_o)} }

  \inferrule*[right = App]
    { c_i : A_i \ltdyn A'_i \and
      c_o : A_o \ltdyn A'_o \\\\
      \etmprec \gamlt {V_f} {V_f'} {(c_i \ra c_o)} \and
      \etmprec \gamlt {V_x} {V_x'} {c_i}
    { \etmprec {\cdot , \gamlt} {V_f\, V_x} {V_f'\, V_x'} {\Ret {c_o}}}

  \inferrule*[right = Ret]
    {\etmprec {\gamlt} V {V'} c}
    {\etmprec {\cdot , \gamlt} {\ret V} {\ret V'} {\Ret c}}

  \inferrule*[right = Bind]
    {\etmprec {\deltalt} {M} {M'} {\Ret c} \and 
     \etmprec {\cdot , \deltalt|_V , x : c} {N} {N'} {d} }
    {\etmprec {\deltalt} {\bind {x} {M} {N}} {\bind {x} {M'} {N'}} {d}}

We then have additional equational axioms, including transitivity, $\beta$ and $\eta$ laws, and
rules characterizing upcasts as least upper bounds, and downcasts as greatest lower bounds.

We write $M \equidyn N$ to mean that both $M \ltdyn N$ and $N \ltdyn M$.

% TODO adapt these for value/computation distinction
% TODO substitution rule
  \inferrule*[right = $\err$]
    { \hasty {\deltalt_l} M B }
    {\etmprec {\Delta} {\err_B} M B}

  \inferrule*[right = Transitivity]
    { d : B \ltdyn B' \and d' : B' \ltdyn B'' \\\\
     \etmprec {\deltalt_1} {M} {M'} {d} \and
     \etmprec {\deltalt_2} {M'} {M''} {d'} } 
    {\etmprec {\deltalt_1 \relcomp \deltalt_2} {M} {M''} {d \relcomp d'} }

  \inferrule*[right = $\beta$-fun]
    { \hasty {\Gamma, x : A_i} M {A_o} \and
      \hasty {\Gamma} V {A_i} } 
    { \etmequidyn \gamlt {(\lda x M)\, V} {M[V/x]} {A_o} }

  \inferrule*[right = $\eta$-fun]
    { \hasty {\Gamma} {V} {A_i \To A_o} } 
    { \etmequidyn \gamlt {\lda x (V\, x)} V {A_i \To A_o} }

  \inferrule*[right = $\beta$-ret]
    {\bind{x}{\ret\, V}{N} = N[V/x]}

  \inferrule*[right = $\eta$-ret]
    {\hasty {\hole{\Ret A} , \Gamma} {M} {B}}
    {\hole{\Ret A}, \Gamma \vdash M = \bind{x}{\bullet}{M[\ret\, x]}}

  \inferrule*[right = UpR]
    { d : A \ltdyn B \and 
      \hasty \Gamma M A } 
    { \etmprec \gamlt M {\up A B M} d  }

  \inferrule*[right = UpL]
    { d : A \ltdyn B \and
      \etmprec \gamlt M N d } 
    { \etmprec \gamlt {\up A B M} N B }

  \inferrule*[right = DnL]
    { d : A \ltdyn B \and 
      \hasty \Gamma M B } 
    { \etmprec \gamlt {\dn A B M} M d }

  \inferrule*[right = DnR]
    { d : A \ltdyn B \and
      \etmprec \gamlt M N d } 
    { \etmprec \gamlt M {\dn A B N} A }

% TODO explain the least upper bound/greatest lower bound rules
The rules UpR, UpL, DnL, and DnR were introduced in \cite{new-licata18} as a means
of cleanly axiomatizing the intended behavior of casts in a way that
doesn't depend on the specific constructs of the language.
Intuitively, rule UpR says that the upcast of $M$ is an upper bound for $M$
in that $M$ may error more, and UpL says that the upcast is the \emph{least}
such upper bound, in that it errors more than any other upper bound for $M$.
Conversely, DnL says that the downcast of $M$ is a lower bound, and DnR says
that it is the \emph{greatest} lower bound.
% These rules provide a clean axiomatization of the behavior of casts that doesn't
% depend on the specific constructs of the language.

\subsection{Removing Transitivity as a Primitive}

The first observation we make is that transitivity of type precision, and heterogeneous
transitivity of term precision, are admissible. That is, consider a related language which
is the same as $\extlc$ excpet that we have removed the composition rule for type precision and
the heterogeneous transitivity rule for type precision. Denote this language by $\extlcm$.
We claim that in this new language, the rules we removed are derivable from the remaining rules.
More specifically, consider the following situation in $\extlc$:

% https://q.uiver.app/?q=WzAsNixbMCwwLCJcXEdhbW1hIl0sWzAsMSwiXFxHYW1tYSciXSxbMCwyLCJcXEdhbW1hJyciXSxbMiwwLCJBIl0sWzIsMSwiQSciXSxbMiwyLCJBJyciXSxbMiw1LCJNJyciXSxbMSw0LCJNJyJdLFswLDMsIk0iXSxbMyw0LCJcXGx0ZHluX2MiLDMseyJzdHlsZSI6eyJib2R5Ijp7Im5hbWUiOiJub25lIn0sImhlYWQiOnsibmFtZSI6Im5vbmUifX19XSxbNCw1LCJcXGx0ZHluX3tjJ30iLDMseyJzdHlsZSI6eyJib2R5Ijp7Im5hbWUiOiJub25lIn0sImhlYWQiOnsibmFtZSI6Im5vbmUifX19XSxbMCwxLCJcXGx0ZHluX3tcXEdhbW1hX2N9IiwzLHsic3R5bGUiOnsiYm9keSI6eyJuYW1lIjoibm9uZSJ9LCJoZWFkIjp7Im5hbWUiOiJub25lIn19fV0sWzEsMiwiIiwxLHsic3R5bGUiOnsiYm9keSI6eyJuYW1lIjoibm9uZSJ9LCJoZWFkIjp7Im5hbWUiOiJub25lIn19fV0sWzEsMiwiXFxsdGR5bl97XFxHYW1tYV97Yyd9fSIsMyx7InN0eWxlIjp7ImJvZHkiOnsibmFtZSI6Im5vbmUifSwiaGVhZCI6eyJuYW1lIjoibm9uZSJ9fX1dXQ==
\[\begin{tikzcd}[ampersand replacement=\&]
	\Gamma \&\& A \\
	{\Gamma'} \&\& {A'} \\
	{\Gamma''} \&\& {A''}
	\arrow["{M''}", from=3-1, to=3-3]
	\arrow["{M'}", from=2-1, to=2-3]
	\arrow["M", from=1-1, to=1-3]
	\arrow["{\ltdyn_c}"{marking}, draw=none, from=1-3, to=2-3]
	\arrow["{\ltdyn_{c'}}"{marking}, draw=none, from=2-3, to=3-3]
	\arrow["{\ltdyn_{\Gamma_c}}"{marking}, draw=none, from=1-1, to=2-1]
	\arrow[draw=none, from=2-1, to=3-1]
	\arrow["{\ltdyn_{\Gamma_{c'}}}"{marking}, draw=none, from=2-1, to=3-1]
    \caption{Heterogeneous transitivity.}


\subsection{Removing Casts as Primitives}

% We now observe that all casts, except those between $\nat$ and $\dyn$
% and between $\dyn \ra \dyn$ and $\dyn$, are admissible, in the sense that
% we can start from $\extlcm$, remove casts except the aforementioned ones,
% and in the resulting language we will be able to derive the other casts.

We now observe that all casts, except those between $\nat$ and $\dyn$
and between $\dyn \ra \dyn$ and $\dyn$, are admissible.
Consider a new language ($\extlcmm$) in which
instead of having arbitrary casts, we have injections from $\nat$ and
$\dyn \ra \dyn$ into $\dyn$, and case inspections from $\dyn$ to $\nat$ and
$\dyn$ to $\dyn \ra \dyn$. We claim that in $\extlcmm$, all of the casts
present in $\extlcm$ are derivable.
It will suffice to verify that casts for function type are derivable.
This holds becasue function casts are constructed inductively from the cast
for their domain and codomain. The base case is one of the casts inolving $\nat$
or $\dyn \ra \dyn$ which are present in $\extlcmm$ as injections and case inspections.

The resulting calculus now lacks transitivity of type precision, heterogeneous
transitivity of term precision, and arbitrary casts.
In this setting, rather than type precision, it makes more sense to speak of
arbitrary monotone relations on types, which we denote by $A \rel A'$.
We have relations on value types, as well as on computation types.

  &\text{Value Relations } R := \nat \alt \dyn \alt (R \ra R) \alt\, \dyn\, \\
  &\text{Computation Relations } S := \Lift R \\
  &\text{Value Relation Contexts } \Gamma^{\rel} := \cdot \alt \Gamma^{\rel} , A^{\rel} (x_l : A_l , x_r : A_r)\\
  &\text{Computation Relation Contexts } \Delta^{\rel} := \cdot \alt \hole{B^{\rel}} \alt 
    \Delta^{\rel} , A^{\rel} (x_l : A_l , x_r : A_r)   \\

% TODO rules for relations

\subsection{The Step-Sensitive Lambda Calculus}

% \textbf{TODO: Subject to change!}

From here, we define an \emph{step-sensitive} (also called \emph{intensional})
GSTLC. As mentioned, this language makes the intensional stepping behavior of programs
explicit in the syntax. We do this by adding a syntactic ``later'' type and a
syntactic $\theta$ that maps terms of type later $A$ to terms of type $A$.

In the step-sensitive syntax, we add a type constructor for later, as well as a
syntactic $\theta$ term and a syntactic $\nxt$ term.
We add rules for each of these, and also modify the rules for inj-arr and
case-arr, since now the function is not $\Dyn \ra \Dyn$ but rather $\later (\Dyn \ra \Dyn)$.

% TODO show changes

We define an erasure function from step-sensitive syntax to step-insensitive syntax
by induction on the step-sentive types and terms.
The basic idea is that the syntactic type $\later A$ erases to $A$,
and $\nxt$ and $\theta$ erase to the identity.

% \begin{align*}
%   &\text{Terms } M, N := \err_A, \, \dots \, \theta_s (\tilde{M}) \\
% \end{align*}

% \begin{mathpar}
%   \inferrule*[]
%     { \later_t (\hasty \Gamma {M_t} A) }
%     { \hasty \Gamma {\theta_s M} {A} }
% \end{mathpar}

% \begin{mathpar}
%   \inferrule*[]
%     { \later_t (\itmprec \gamlt {M_t} {N_t} d) }
%     { \itmprec \gamlt {\theta_s M} {\theta_s N} d }
% \end{mathpar}

% Recall that $\later_t$ is a dependent form of $\later$ where the argument is allowed
% to mention $t$. In particular, here we apply the tick $t$ to the later-terms $M$ and $N$ to get 
% ``now"-terms $M_t$ and $N_t$.

\subsection{Quotienting by Syntactic Bisimilarity}