\section{Discussion} \subsection{Related Work} % Discuss Joey Eremondi's thesis on gradual dependent types Eremondi \cite{Eremondi_2023} uses guarded type theory to define a syntactic model for a gradually-typed source language with dependent types. By working in guarded type theory, they are able to give an exact semantics to non-terminating computations in a language which is logically consistent, allowing for metatheoretic results about the source language to be proven. % Similarly to our approach, they define a guarded lift monad to model potentially- nonterminating computations and use guarded recursion to model the dynamic type. However, they do not give a denotational semantics to term precision and it is unclear how to prove the gradual guarantee in this setting. The work includes a formalization of the syntactic model in Guarded Cubical Agda. % Discuss Jeremy Siek's work on graduality in Agda \subsection{Mechanization} % Discuss Guarded Cubical Agda and mechanization efforts We will use Guarded Cubical Agda to prove graduality in the syntax of GTLC, which involves the construction of the abstract model described in \ref{sec:concrete-model} and the extensional model with external dynamic type. We also plan to formalize the adequacy result in \ref{sec:appendix-adequacy}. % step-1 Currently, we have defined the step-1 intensional model in Cubical Agda. For value types, we constructed predomain which holds ordering and bisimilarity, and morphisms between predmains. For computation types, we constructed error domain which contains its underlying predomain, elements of $\mho$ and $\theta$ and morphisms between error domains. We also defined two functors $U$ and $F$ which support conversions between predomains and error domains. % step-2 Then we plan to construct the step-2 intensional model. Besides all the data in step-1, we need to include perturbations, functors $\times$, $\arr$, $U$, and $F$ that preserve perturbations and push/pull properties for all morphisms on value and computation types. Notice that for any object $A$ which has value type, we will take not only the monoid of perturbations $P^V_A$ and the monoid homomorphism $\ptbv_A : \pv_A \to \vf(A,A)$ on itself, but also $P^C_{F A} $ and $\ptbe_{F A} : \pe_{F A} \to \ef(F A,F A)$ on $F A$, which have computation types. Similarly, for any computation object $B$, we will construct the perturbations on $U B$ besides the monoid $P^C_B$ and monoid homomorphism $\ptbe_B : \pe_B \to \ef(B,B)$. Also, for functors that preserves perturbations, we need to include the ones in the context of Kleisli category. For this part, we need to define the perturbation on not only the objects itself, but also the global lift and delay of objects, which requires us to provide each piece of supporting constructor. This step and futher steps towards to the model construction are still work-in-progress, but once it's finished, we will provide a complete framework which takes formalization on an explicit type and obtains an extensional model. % step-3 In the step-3 intensional model, we will enhance it with quasi-representability. For any value relation $c : A \rel A'$, we need to show that there exists a left-representation structure for $c$ and a right-representation structure for $F\ c$. Correspondingly, for any computation relation $d : B \rel B'$, we will show there exists a right-representation structure for $d$ and a left-representation structure for $U\ d$. As we define the quasi-representability for value and computation relation, we will construct the quasi-representability on the function and product of the relation, which makes it necessary to have the dual version of quasi-representability. % step-4 construct a concrete dynamic type and apply it to the abstract model After defining the abstract model and its interface, we will model GTLC by providing explicit construction triples of dynamic type at each step, which includes defining Dyn as a predomain, its pure and Kleisli perturbation monoids, push/pull property for pure and Kleisli perturbation, as well as quasi-representability. The quasi-representability involves explicit rules which show that Nat is more precise than Dyn (Inj-Nat) and Dyn $\to$ Dyn is more precise than Dyn (Inj-Arr). Currently, we have formalized the concrete construction of Dyn in Cubical Agda and it was more challenging than expected because we define Dyn using the technique of guarded recursion and fixed point, which means that every time we analyze the case inside of Dyn, we need to unfold it and add corresponding proof. % adequacy Besides the abstract model and its concrete construction on dynamic type, we will also formalize the adequacy result in \ref{sec:appendix-adequacy}, which involves clock quantification of the lift monad, the weak bisim relation, and the lock-step error ordering. In order to prove adequacy, we will first prove that the global lift of X is isomorphic to Delay(1 + X) whether X is clock-irrelevant or not. Then, we aim to prove the equivalence between the global lock-step error ordering and the error ordering observed in Delay(1 + X) and equivalence between the global weak bisimilarity relation and the weak bisimilarity relation on Delay(1 + X). We have finished some prerequisite proofs on clock quantification and postulated some theorems on clock globalization. \subsection{Comparison to Explicit Step-Indexing} \subsection{Synthetic Ordering} A key to managing the complexity of our concrete construction is in using a \emph{synthetic} approach to step-indexing rather than working analytically with presheaves. This has helped immensely in our ongoing mechanization in cubical Agda as it sidesteps the need to formalize these constructions internally. % However, there are other aspects of the model, the bisimilarity and the monotonicity, which are treated analytically and are . % It may be possible to utilize further synthetic techniques to reduce this burden as well, and have all type intrinsically carry a notion of bisimilarity and ordering relation, and all constructions to automatically preserve them. % A synthetic approach to ordering is common in (non-guarded) synthetic domain theory and has also been used for synthetic reasoning for cost models \cite{synthetic-domain-theory,decalf}. \subsection{Future Work} % Cite GrEff paper