%% This is file `amsfonts.sty',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% amsfonts.dtx 
%%% ====================================================================
%%% @LaTeX-file{
%%%   filename        = "amsfonts.dtx",
%%%   version         = "2.2f",
%%%   date            = "2001/10/25",
%%%   time            = "11:51:34 EDT",
%%%   checksum        = "12894 459 2125 19071",
%%%   author          = "American Mathematical Society",
%%%   copyright       = "Copyright 2001 American Mathematical Society,
%%%                      all rights reserved.  Copying of this file is
%%%                      authorized only if either:
%%%                      (1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy,
%%%                      including name; OR
%%%                      (2) if you do make changes, you first rename it
%%%                      to some other name.",
%%%   address         = "American Mathematical Society,
%%%                      Technical Support,
%%%                      Publications Technical Group,
%%%                      P. O. Box 6248,
%%%                      Providence, RI 02940,
%%%                      USA",
%%%   telephone       = "401-455-4080 or (in the USA and Canada)
%%%                      800-321-4AMS (321-4267)",
%%%   FAX             = "401-331-3842",
%%%   email           = "tech-support@ams.org (Internet)",
%%%   codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
%%%   keywords        = "latex, amslatex, ams-latex, amsfonts, msam,
%%%                      msbm, eufm, blackboard bold",
%%%   supported       = "yes",
%%%   abstract        = "This file is part of the AMSFonts distribution.
%%%                      It provides easy access in \LaTeXe{} to certain
%%%                      math fonts for extra math symbols, fraktur
%%%                      letters, and blackboard bold letters. See the
%%%                      AMSFonts user's guide for more information.",
%%%   docstring       = "The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
%%%                      checksum as the first value, followed by the
%%%                      equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
%%%                      count) utility output of lines, words, and
%%%                      characters.  This is produced by Robert
%%%                      Solovay's checksum utility.",
%%% }
%%% ====================================================================
\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}% LaTeX 2.09 can't be used (nor non-LaTeX)
[1994/12/01]% LaTeX date must be December 1994 or later
\ProvidesPackage{amsfonts}[2001/10/25 v2.2f]
  \ifnum\cmex@opt=7 \def\cmex@opt{10}%
  \else \def\cmex@opt{0}\fi
\ifnum\cmex@opt=1 \relax
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  \ifnum\cmex@opt=10 % need to override cmex7 fontdef from amsmath
    \expandafter\let\csname OMX+cmex\endcsname\relax
    \expandafter\let\csname OMX/cmex/m/n/10\endcsname\relax
\@ifundefined{@emptytoks}{\csname newtoks\endcsname\@emptytoks}{}
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\DeclareMathDelimiter{\ulcorner}{\mathopen} {AMSa}{"70}{AMSa}{"70}
\DeclareMathDelimiter{\llcorner}{\mathopen} {AMSa}{"78}{AMSa}{"78}
  \noexpand\ifdim\noexpand\wd\z@>\tw@ em%
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  \noexpand\ifdim\noexpand\wd\z@>\tw@ em%
  \mathaccent"0\hexnumber@\symAMSb 5D{#1}%
                              \mathchar"0\hexnumber@\symAMSa 4B}}%
\xdef\dashleftarrow{\mathrel{\mathchar"0\hexnumber@\symAMSa 4C\dabar@
\DeclareMathSymbol{\angle}            {\mathord}{AMSa}{"5C}
\DeclareMathSymbol{\hbar}             {\mathord}{AMSb}{"7E}
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\DeclareMathSymbol{\mho}              {\mathord}{AMSb}{"66}
\begingroup \catcode`\"=12 \relax
       {\ifcase #2 \or
    Obsolete command \protect#2; \protect#3 should be used instead}}%
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\DeclareMathSymbol{\trianglerighteq}  {\mathrel}{AMSa}{"44}
\DeclareMathSymbol{\trianglelefteq}   {\mathrel}{AMSa}{"45}
\DeclareMathSymbol{\rightsquigarrow}  {\mathrel}{AMSa}{"20}
  \DeclareMathSymbol{\lhd}     {\mathbin}{AMSa}{"43}
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\xdef\Join{\mathrel{\mathchar"0\hexnumber@\symAMSb 6F\mkern-13.8mu%
  \mathchar"0\hexnumber@\symAMSb 6E}}
%% End of file `amsfonts.sty'.