From f948baece2f81fca69275e5debe17610d9f35875 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Max New <> Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2024 23:29:53 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] prose on cbpv models --- paper-new/defs.tex | 1 + paper-new/extensional-model.tex | 237 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 238 insertions(+) create mode 100644 paper-new/extensional-model.tex diff --git a/paper-new/defs.tex b/paper-new/defs.tex index fbcba32..e14a2d8 100644 --- a/paper-new/defs.tex +++ b/paper-new/defs.tex @@ -190,6 +190,7 @@ \newcommand{\arr}{\to} \newcommand{\comp}{\bullet} +\newcommand{\ltsq}[2]{\mathrel{\ltdyn^{#1}_{#2}}} \newcommand{\vf}{\mathcal{V}_f} \newcommand{\vsq}{\mathcal{V}_{sq}} \newcommand{\ef}{\mathcal{E}_f} diff --git a/paper-new/extensional-model.tex b/paper-new/extensional-model.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..858a0ea --- /dev/null +++ b/paper-new/extensional-model.tex @@ -0,0 +1,237 @@ +\section{What is a Model of Gradual Typing?} + +In order to organize our construction of denotational models we first +develop sufficient \emph{abstract} categorical semantics of gradually +typed languages. We start by modeling the type and term structure of +gradual typing and then extend this to type and term precision. +% +Gradually typed languages inherently involve computational effects of +errors and non-termination and typically in practice many others such +as mutable state and I/O. +% +To model this cleanly categorically, we follow New, Licata and Ahmed's +GTT calculus and base our models off of Levy's Call-by-push-value +(CBPV) calculus which is a standard model of effectful programming +\cite{levycbpv}. +% +There are several notions of model of CBPV from the literature with +varying requirements of which connectives are present +\cite{levy,fioremm,eec}, we will use a variant which models precisely +the connectives we require and no more +($1,\times,F,U,\to$)\footnote{It is essential in this case that we do +not require a cartesian closed category of values as there is no way +to implement casts for an exponential in general.}. + +\begin{enumerate} +\item A cartesian category $\mathcal V$ +\item A category $\mathcal E$ +\item An action of $\mathcal V^{op}$ (with the $\mathcal V$ cartesian + product as monoidal structure) on $\mathcal E$. We write this with + an arrow $A \arr B$. + + This means we have + \[ \alpha : {A_1 \times A_2} \arr B \cong A_2 \arr (A_1 \arr B) \] + and + \[ i : 1 \arr B \cong B \] + satisfying coherence isomorphisms. +\item A functor $U : \mathcal E \to \mathcal V$ that ``preserves + powering'' in that every $U(A \arr B)$ is an exponential of $UB$ by $A$ + and that $U\alpha$ and $Ui$ are mapped to the canonical isomorphisms + for exponentials. +\item A left adjoint $F \dashv U$ +\end{enumerate} + +\begin{example} + Given a strong monad $T$ on a bicartesian closed category $\mathcal + V$, we can extend this to a CBPV model by defining $\mathcal E$ to + be the category $\mathcal V^T$ of algebras of the monad, defining $A + \to B$ as the powering of algebras, $F$ as the free algebra and $U$ + as the underlying object functor. +\end{example} + +We can then model CBV terms and types in a straightforward adaptation +of Levy's interpretation of CBV in CBPV. We interpret types $A$ as +objects $A \in \mathcal V$ and CBV terms $\Gamma \vdash M : A$ as +morphism of any of the equivalent forms $\mathcal E(F(\times\Gamma), +F(A)) \cong \mathcal V(\times\Gamma \vdash UF(A)) \cong \mathcal +E(F(1), \Gamma \to F(A))$. The most interesting type translation is +the CBV function type: $A \ra A' = U(A \to F A')$. +% +Such a model validates all type-based equational reasoning, i.e., +$\beta\eta$ equality, and models the introduction and elimination +rules for CBV. +% +Thus a CBPV model is sufficient to interpret the CBV term language. We +will require additional structure to interpret the precision and type +casts. + +New and Licata modeled call-by-name gradual typing using \emph{double +categories}, which are defined to be categories internal to the +category of categories. That is, a double category $\mathcal C$ +consists of a category $\mathcal C_o$ of ``objects and function +morphisms'' and a category $\mathcal C_{sq}$ of ``relation morphisms +and squares'' with functors (reflexive relation) $r : C_o \to C_{sq}$ +and (source and target) $s,t : C_{sq} \to C_o$ satisfying $sr = tr = +\id$ as well as a composition operation $c : C_{sq} \times_{s,t} +C_{sq} \to C_{sq}$ respecting source and target. This models an +abstract notion of functions and relations. For notation, we write +function morphisms as $f : A \to B$ and relation morphisms as $c : A +\rel B$ where $c \in C_{sq}$ and $s(c) = A$ and $t(c) = B$. Finally a +morphism $\alpha$ from $c$ to $d$ with $s(\alpha) = f$ and $s(\beta) = +g$ is visualized as +% +\[\begin{tikzcd}[ampersand replacement=\&] + A \& B \\ + {A'} \& {B'} + \arrow["f"', from=1-1, to=2-1] + \arrow["g", from=1-2, to=2-2] + \arrow["c", "\shortmid"{marking}, no head, from=1-1, to=1-2] + \arrow["d"', "\shortmid"{marking}, no head, from=2-1, to=2-2] +\end{tikzcd}\] +And is thought of as an abstraction of the notion of relatedness of +functions: functions take related inputs to related outputs. The +composition operations and functoriality give us a notion of +composition of relations as well as functions and vertical and +horizontal composition of squares. In this work we will be chiefly +interested in \emph{locally thin} double categories, that is, double +categories where there is at most one square for any $f,c,g,d$. In +this case we use the notation $f \leq_{c,d} g$ to mean that a square +like the above exists. + +New, Licata and Ahmed \cite{newlicataahmed} extended the axiomatic +syntax to call-by-push-value but did not analyze the structure +categorically. We fill in this missing analysis now: a model of the +congruence rules of their system can be given by a locally thin +``double CBPV model'', which we define as a category internal to the +category of CBPV models and \emph{strict} homomorphisms of CBPV +models\footnote{it may be possible to also define this as a notion of +CBPV model internal to some structured $2$-category of categories, but +the authors are not aware of any such definition of an internal CBPV +model}. A strict homomorphism of CBPV models from $(\mathcal +V,\mathcal E,\ldots)$ to $(\mathcal V', \mathcal E',\ldots)$ consists +of functors $G_v : \mathcal V \to \mathcal V'$ and $G_e : \mathcal E +\to \mathcal E'$ that strictly preserve all CBPV constructions, see +the appendix for a more detailed definition. +Some of that data can be visualized as follows: +% +\[\begin{tikzcd}[ampersand replacement=\&] + \vsq \&\& \esq \\ + \\ + \vf \&\& \ef + \arrow[""{name=0, anchor=center, inner sep=0}, "\Ff", curve={height=-12pt}, from=3-1, to=3-3] + \arrow[""{name=1, anchor=center, inner sep=0}, "\Uf", curve={height=-12pt}, from=3-3, to=3-1] + \arrow[""{name=2, anchor=center, inner sep=0}, "\Fsq", curve={height=-12pt}, from=1-1, to=1-3] + \arrow[""{name=3, anchor=center, inner sep=0}, "\Usq", curve={height=-12pt}, from=1-3, to=1-1] + \arrow["\rv", from=3-1, to=1-1] + \arrow["\sv", curve={height=-12pt}, from=1-1, to=3-1] + \arrow["\tv"', curve={height=12pt}, from=1-1, to=3-1] + \arrow["\se", curve={height=-12pt}, from=1-3, to=3-3] + \arrow["\te"', curve={height=12pt}, from=1-3, to=3-3] + \arrow["\re", from=3-3, to=1-3] + \arrow["\bot"{description}, draw=none, from=0, to=1] + \arrow["\bot"{description}, draw=none, from=2, to=3] +\end{tikzcd}\] +Type precision $A \ltdyn A'$ is interpreted as a relation morphism +$c_A : A \rel A'$ in $\mathcal V_{sq}$, and term precision $\Gamma +\ltdyn \Gamma' \vdash M \ltdyn M' : A \ltdyn A'$ is interpreted as a +square $M \ltdyn_{c_\Gamma,UF c_A} M'$. The fact that $t,r$ and the +composition are all given by strict CBPV homomorphisms says that all +the type constructors lift to precision (monotonicity of type +constructors) as well as all term constructors (congruence). Further, +$r$ and composition being strict homomorphisms implies that all type +constructors strictly preserve the identity relation (identity +extension) and composition. + +Next, to model type casts, their model further requires that every +value relation $c : A \rel A'$ is \emph{left representable} by a +function $u_c : A \to A'$ and every computation relation $d : B \rel +B'$ is \emph{right representable} by a function $d_c : B' \to B$. In a locally thin double category, these are defined as follows: +\begin{definition} + $c : A \rel B$ is left representable by $f : A \to B$ if $f \ltsq{c}{r(B)} \id$ and $\id \ltsq{r(A)}{c} f $. + + Dually, $c : A \rel B$ is right representable by $g : B \to A$ if + $\id \ltsq{c}{r(A)} g$ and $g \ltsq{r(B)}{c} \id$. +\end{definition} +These rules are sufficient to model the UpL/UpR/DnL/DnR rules for +casts. Additionally, since representable morphisms compose and so the +compositionality of casts comes for free. However, the retraction +property must be added as an additional axiom to the model. Finally, +the dynamic type can be modeled as an arbitrary value type $D$ with +arbitrary relations $\nat \rel D$ and $D \ra D \rel D$ and $D \times D +\rel D$ (or whatever basic type cases are required). + +\begin{example} + (Adapted from \cite{new-licata}): Define a double CBPV model where + $\mathcal V$ is the category of predomain preorders: sets with an + $\omega$-CPO structure $\leq$ as well as a poset structure + $\ltdyn$. Functional morphisms are given by $\leq$-continuous and + $\ltdyn$-monotone functions. Then define $\mathcal E$ to be the + category of pointed domain preorders which are domain preorders with + least elements $\bot$ for $\leq$ and $\mho$ for $\ltdyn$ such that + $\bot$ is $\ltdyn$-maximal, and morphisms are as before but preserve + $\bot$ and $\mho$. This can be extended to a CBPV model with + forgetful functor $U : \mathcal E \to \mathcal V$. $D$ can be + defined by solving a domain equation. + + This can be extended to a double CBPV model by defining a value + relation $A \rel A'$ to be a $\ltdyn$-\emph{embedding}: a morphism + $e : A \to A'$ that is injective and such that $F e : F A \to F A'$ + has a right adjoint (with respect to $\ltdyn$) and a square $f + \ltsq{e}{e'} f' = f \circ e \ltdyn e' \circ f$. Similarly + computation relations $B \rel B'$ are defined to be + \emph{projections}: morphisms $p : B' \to B$ that are surjective and + $Up$ has a left adjoint, with squares defined similarly. A suitable + dynamic type can be constructed by solving a domain equation $D + \cong \nat + U(D \to FD) + (D \times D)$. +\end{example} + +\subsection{Weakening the Double Category Semantics} + +While the double categorical semantics can be satisfied with classical +domain theoretic models, there are obstructions to developing a +semantics based on \emph{guarded} recursion. While guarded type theory +makes construction of arbitrary guarded recursive definitions +possible, it comes at a significant cost to reasoning: unfolding of +recursive definitions is explicit. In a denotational semantics, this +means that non-well-founded recursion must perform a kind of +\emph{observable step}. This is a difficulty in proving graduality, +which is a property that is oblivious to the number of steps that a +program takes. Therefore to prove graduality we must impose a kind of +weak bisimilarity relation on our programs to reason about +step-independent relational properties. However, here we arrive at the +fundamental issue with double categorical semantics using +representable relations: + +\begin{enumerate} +\item When reasoning up to weak bisimilarity, transitive reasoning is + not possible, and so horizontal pasting of squares is not a valid + reasoning principle. +\item When reasoning with observable computation steps, certain casts + take observable steps, and can no longer be modeled using + representable morphisms. +\end{enumerate} + +Our solution to this dilemma comes in two parts. Since graduality +ignores computational steps, the syntactic theory of graduality must +be modeled up to weak bisimilarity, where transitive reasoning is not +valid. For this purpose we develop a notion of \emph{extensional} +model which weakens from double categories to a reflexive graph +categories, dropping the operation of horizontal pasting of squares, +but still maintaining a form of representability of +relations. + +However, transitive reasoning is essential for compositional semantic +constructions, and so we need to work with an intermediate notion of +\emph{intensional} model which is based on double categories, but +where representability has to be weakened to +``quasi-representability'', a kind of representability \emph{up to} +observable steps. To reason up to observable steps without using weak +bisimilarity, we develop a notion we call \emph{perturbations}, +certain terms that are bisimilar to the identity but can be +manipulated explicitly in constructions. We then show that the +compositional construction of casts from domain theoretic models can +be adapted to this guarded setting by incorporating some explicit +manipulation of perturbations. Finally, we show that taking an +``extensional collapse'' by bisimilarity provides a model of the +extensional theory, which can then be used to model the global +graduality property. -- GitLab