From ed5d4b1eca7297a1060d2d97c4d40019427e0f07 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eric Giovannini <>
Date: Tue, 30 May 2023 13:05:32 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Delay datatype

 .../guarded-cubical/Results/Delay.agda        | 513 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 513 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 formalizations/guarded-cubical/Results/Delay.agda

diff --git a/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Results/Delay.agda b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Results/Delay.agda
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2f1f1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formalizations/guarded-cubical/Results/Delay.agda
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+{-# OPTIONS --cubical --rewriting --guarded #-}
+{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}
+{-# OPTIONS -W noUnsupportedIndexedMatch #-}
+ -- to allow opening this module in other files while there are still holes
+{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
+open import Common.Later
+open import Common.Common
+module Results.Delay where
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
+open import Cubical.Data.Sum
+open import Cubical.Data.Unit renaming (Unit to ⊤)
+open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
+open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming (ℕ to Nat) hiding (_·_ ; _^_)
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
+open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
+open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
+open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
+open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Poset
+import Cubical.Data.Equality as Eq
+open import Semantics.Predomains
+open import Semantics.StrongBisimulation
+open import Semantics.Lift
+open import Results.IntensionalAdequacy
+open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
+  variable
+    â„“ : Level
+    X : Type â„“
+record Delay (Res : Type â„“) : Type â„“
+data State (Res : Type â„“) : Type â„“ where
+  done : Res -> State Res  -- should rename result to done
+  running : Delay Res -> State Res
+  -- squash : isSet (State Res)
+record Delay Res where
+  coinductive
+  field view : State Res
+open Delay public
+delayUnit : State X → Delay X
+view (delayUnit s) = s
+-- The delay that returns the given value of type X in one step.
+doneD : X -> Delay X
+doneD x = delayUnit (done x)
+-- Given a delay d, returns the delay d' that takes runs for one step
+-- and then behaves as d.
+stepD : Delay X -> Delay X
+stepD d = delayUnit (running d)
+_↓_#_ : Delay X -> X -> Nat -> Type
+d ↓ x # n = {!!}
+-- Given a delay d, return a function on nats n that,
+-- when d ≡ running ^ n (done x), maps n to x and every other number to undefined
+toFun : Delay X -> (Nat -> (X ⊎ Unit))
+toFun d zero with view d
+... | done x = inl x
+... | running x = inr _
+toFun d (suc n) with view d
+... | done x = inr _
+... | running d' = toFun d' n
+-- Given a function f on nats, return a delay that runs for n0 steps and returns x,
+-- where n0 is the smallest nat such that f n0 = inl x
+fromFun : {X : Type ℓ} -> (Nat -> (X ⊎ Unit)) -> Delay X
+fromFun {X = X} f .view with f 0
+... | inl x = done x
+... | inr _ = running (fromFun (f ∘ suc))
+retrFun : (d : Delay X) -> fromFun (toFun d) ≡ d
+retrFun d i .view with d .view in eq
+... | done x = done x
+... | running d' = running (goal _ eq i)
+  where
+    goal : ∀ s -> s Eq.≡ running d' -> fromFun (toFun (delayUnit s) ∘ suc) ≡ d'
+    goal .(running d') Eq.refl = retrFun d'
+isSetDelay : isSet X -> isSet (Delay X)
+isSetDelay H = isSetRetract toFun fromFun retrFun (isSetΠ λ _ -> isSet⊎ H isSetUnit)
+isSetDelay' : ∀ {ℓ : Level} -> {X : Type ℓ} → isSet X → isSet (Delay X)
+isSetDelay' {X = X} p = isSetRetract f g h (isSetΠ λ n → isSet⊎ p isSetUnit)
+    where
+      -- f : Delay X → (Nat → X ⊎ Unit)
+      -- f d zero with d .view
+      -- ... | done x = inl x
+      -- ... | running x = {!inr tt!}
+      -- f d (suc n) with d .view
+      -- ... | done x = inr tt
+      -- ... | running d' = f d' n
+      f : Delay X → (Nat → X ⊎ Unit)
+      f d n with d .view
+--      f d n       | done x  = inl x
+      f d zero    | done x = inl x
+      f d (suc n) | done x = inr tt
+      f d zero    | running _ = inr tt
+      f d (suc n) | running d' = f d' n
+      g : (Nat → X ⊎ Unit) → Delay X
+      g f .view with f zero
+      ... | inl x  = done x
+      ... | inr tt = running (g λ n → f (suc n))
+      h : (d : Delay X) → g (f d) ≡ d
+      h d i .view with d .view
+      ... | done x  = done x
+      ... | running d' = running (h d' i)
+data Result (X : Type) : Type where
+  value : X -> Result X
+  error : Result X
+ResToSum : Result X -> X ⊎ Unit
+ResToSum (value x) = inl x
+ResToSum error = inr tt
+SumToRes : X ⊎ Unit -> Result X
+SumToRes (inl x) = value x
+SumToRes (inr tt) = error
+result-retr : (x : Result X) → SumToRes (ResToSum x) ≡ x
+result-retr (value x) = refl
+result-retr error = refl
+isSetResult : isSet X -> isSet (Result X)
+isSetResult H = isSetRetract ResToSum SumToRes result-retr (isSet⊎ H isSetUnit)
+_^? : Type -> Type
+X ^? = Result X
+diag : (Res Run : Type) -> State X -> Typeâ‚€
+diag Res Run (done x) = Res
+diag Res Run (running m) = Run
+result≠running : {X : Type} -> ∀ {x : X} {m : Delay X} {ℓ} {Whatever : Type ℓ} →
+  done x ≡ running m → Whatever
+result≠running eq = ⊥.rec (transport (cong (diag ⊤ ⊥) eq) tt)
+-- used for showing that the result constructor is injective
+pred' : X -> State X → X
+pred' _ (done x) = x
+pred' x (running m) = x
+-- used for showing that the running constructor is injective
+pred'' : State X -> Delay X
+view (pred'' (done x)) = done x
+pred'' (running m) = m
+result-inj : {ℓ : Level} {X : Type ℓ} {x y : X} -> done x ≡ done y -> x ≡ y
+result-inj {x = x} eq = cong′ (pred' x) eq
+module Isomorphism {X : Type} where
+  -- to : L℧F X -> Delay (Result (□ X))
+  -- to l = to' ( L℧F-iso l)
+  to' : (((□ X) ⊎ ⊤) ⊎ (L℧F X)) -> Delay (Result (□ X))
+  view (to' (inl (inl x))) = done (value x)
+  view (to' (inl (inr tt))) = done error
+  view (to' (inr l')) = running (to' (inr l'))
+  to : L℧F X -> Delay (Result (□ X))
+  to l = to' ( L℧F-iso l)
+  fro' : (k : Clock) -> â–¹ k ,
+    (Delay (Result (□ X)) -> L℧ k X) ->
+    (Delay (Result (□ X)) -> L℧ k X)
+  fro' k rec m with (view m)
+  ... | done (value x) = η (x k)
+  ... | done error = ℧
+  ... | running m' = θ (λ t -> rec t m')
+  fro : Delay (Result (□ X)) -> L℧F X
+  fro d k = fix (fro' k) d
+  unfold-fro : (d : Delay (Result (â–¡ X))) (k : Clock) ->
+    fro d k ≡ fro' k (next (λ d -> fro d k)) d
+  unfold-fro d k = let eq = fix-eq (fro' k) in
+    λ i -> eq i d
+  sec : section to fro
+  sec d = {!!}
+  retr' : (k : Clock) -> (l : L℧F X) -> ▹ k ,
+    (fro' k (next (λ d -> fro d k)) (to' ( L℧F-iso l)) ≡ l k) ->
+    (fro' k (next (λ d -> fro d k)) (to' ( L℧F-iso l)) ≡ l k)
+  retr' k l IH with ( L℧F-iso l) in eq
+  ... | inl (inl x) = let eq' = L℧F-iso-η-inv l x {!!} in {!!}
+  ... | inl (inr tt) = let eq' = {!L℧F-iso-inv-℧!} in {!!}
+  ... | inr l' = {!!}
+  retr : retract to fro
+  retr l with ( L℧F-iso l) in eq
+  ... | inl (inl x) = {!!}
+  ... | inl (inr tt) =
+    {!!} ≡⟨ funExt (λ k -> unfold-fro (to' (inl (inr tt))) k) ⟩
+    {!!} ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩ {!!}
+    l ∎ 
+  ... | inr l' = {!!} 
+module Isomorphism2 {X : Type} where
+  to' : (k : Clock) -> L℧ k X -> Delay (Result (□ X))
+  view (to' k (η x)) = done (value (λ k -> x))
+  view (to' k ℧) = done error
+  view (to' k (θ x)) = running (to' k (x ◇))
+  to : L℧F X -> Delay (Result (□ X))
+  to l = to' k0 (l k0)
+-- TODO should X have type Clock -> Type?
+-- Then the correct iso would be
+-- L℧F X ≅ Delay (∀ k -> X k)
+module Isom {X : Type} (H-irrel : clock-irrel X) where
+   X? = Result X
+   ∀-to-delay : (L℧F X) -> Delay (Result X)
+   view (∀-to-delay l) with ( (L℧F-iso-irrel H-irrel) l)
+   ... | inl (inl x) = done (value x)
+   ... | inl (inr tt) = done error
+   ... | inr l' = running (∀-to-delay l')
+   delay-to-∀'' : (k : Clock) -> ▹ k , (Delay X? -> L℧ k X) -> (Delay X? -> L℧ k X)
+   delay-to-∀'' k rec m with (view m)
+   ... | done (value x) = η x
+   ... | done error = ℧
+   ... | running m' = θ (λ t → rec t m')
+   delay-to-∀' : (k : Clock) -> (Delay X?) -> L℧ k X
+   delay-to-∀' k = fix (delay-to-∀'' k)
+   unfold-d2∀ : (k : Clock) -> delay-to-∀' k ≡ delay-to-∀'' k (next (delay-to-∀' k))
+   unfold-d2∀ k = fix-eq (delay-to-∀'' k)
+   delay-to-∀ : Delay X? -> L℧F X
+   delay-to-∀ m k = fix (delay-to-∀'' k) m
+   sec : section ∀-to-delay delay-to-∀
+   sec b = {!!}
+   retr : retract ∀-to-delay delay-to-∀
+   retr l with ( (L℧F-iso-irrel H-irrel) l)
+   ... | inl (inl x) = clock-ext (λ k → {!!})
+   ... | inl (inr _) = {!!}
+   ... | inr x = {!!}
+  -- Showing these are inverses requires a notion of equality for Delays,
+  -- which is the bisimilarity relation defined below.
+module IsSet (X : Type) (isSetX : isSet X)  where
+  X? : Type
+  X? = Result X
+  ≡-stable  : {m m' : Delay X?} → Stable (m ≡ m')
+  ≡'-stable : {s s' : State X?} → Stable (s ≡ s')
+  view (≡-stable ¬¬p i) = ≡'-stable (λ ¬p → ¬¬p (λ p → ¬p (cong view p))) i
+  ≡'-stable {done x}  {done y}  ¬¬p' =
+    cong′ done {!!}
+  ≡'-stable {running m} {running m'}  ¬¬p' =
+    cong′ running (≡-stable (λ ¬p -> ¬¬p' (λ p -> ¬p (cong pred'' p))))
+  ≡'-stable {done x}  {running m} ¬¬p' = ⊥.rec (¬¬p' (result≠running {X?}))
+  ≡'-stable {running m} {done x}  ¬¬p' = ⊥.rec (¬¬p' (λ p → result≠running {X?} (sym p)))
+  retrState : State X? -> X? ⊎ Delay X?
+  retrState (done x) = inl x
+  retrState (running d) = inr d
+  secState : X? ⊎ Delay X? -> State X?
+  secState (inl x) = done x
+  secState (inr d) = running d
+--  isSetState = isSetRetract retrState secState {!!} (isSet⊎ (isSetResult isSetX) isSetDelay)
+-- Lock-step bisimilarity relation on Delays, but with no error ordering.
+module StrongBisim (X : Type) where -- (H-irrel : clock-irrel ⟨ X ⟩) where
+  -- Mutually define coinductive bisimilarity of delays
+  -- along with the relation on states of a delay.
+  -- Coinductive lock-step bisimilarity on delays
+  record _≈_ (m m' : Delay X) : Type
+  -- Bisimilarity on states
+  _≈'_ : State X -> State X -> Type
+  done x ≈' done x' = x ≡ x' -- rel X x x' × rel X x' x
+  running m ≈' running m' = m ≈ m' -- using the coinductive bisimilarity on delays
+  _ ≈' _ = ⊥
+  data _≈''_ : State X -> State X -> Type where
+    con : {s s' : State X} -> (s ≈' s') -> (s ≈'' s')
+  record _≈_ m m' where
+    coinductive
+    field prove : view m ≈'' view m'
+  open _≈_ public
+  enc : {d d' : Delay X} -> d ≡ d' -> d ≈ d'
+  enc' : {s s' : State X} -> s ≡ s' -> s ≈'' s'
+  enc {d} {d'} eq .prove = enc' (cong view eq)
+  enc' {done x} {done y} eq = con (result-inj eq)
+  enc' {done x} {running d'} eq = result≠running eq
+  enc' {running d} {done y} eq = result≠running (sym eq)
+  enc' {running d} {running d'} eq = con (enc (cong pred'' eq))
+  dec : {d d' : Delay X} -> d ≈ d' -> d ≡ d'
+  dec' : {s s' : State X} -> s ≈'' s' -> s ≡ s'
+  view (dec {d} {d'} eq i) = dec' (eq .prove) i
+  dec' {done x} {done x₁} (con p) = cong done p
+  dec' {done x} {running x₁} (con ())
+  dec' {running x} {done x₁} (con ())
+  dec' {running x} {running x₁} (con x₂) = cong running (dec x₂)
+  {-
+  iso1 : ∀ {m m'} -> (p : m ≈ m') -> enc (dec p) ≡ p
+  iso1' : ∀ {s s'} -> (p : s ≈'' s') -> enc' (dec' p) ≡ p
+  -}
+  {-
+  iso2 : ∀ {m m'} -> (p : m ≡ m') -> dec (enc p) ≡ p
+  iso2' : ∀ {s s'} -> (p : s ≡ s') -> dec' (enc' p) ≡ p
+  view (iso2 p i j) = iso2' (cong view p) i j
+  iso2' {done x} {done y} p = λ i j → {!!}
+  iso2' {done x} {running d'} p = {!!}
+  iso2' {running d} {done y} p = {!!}
+  iso2' {running m} {running m'} p i j = {!!}
+  -}
+  bisim : ∀ {m m'} -> m ≈ m' -> m ≡ m'
+  bisim' : ∀ {m m'} -> m ≈' m' -> m ≡ m'
+  -- bisim' {result x} {result y} (con (xRy , yRx)) = cong result (antisym X x y xRy yRx)
+  bisim' {done x} {done y} (con p) = cong done p
+  bisim' {running m} {running m'} (con m≈m') = cong running (bisim m≈m')
+  view (bisim m≈m' i) = bisim' (prove m≈m') i
+  misib : ∀ {m m'} → m ≡ m' → m ≈ m'
+  misib' : ∀ {m m'} → m ≡ m' → m ≈' m'
+  misib' {done x} {done y} eq = con (result-inj eq)
+  misib' {running m} {running m'} p = con (misib (cong pred'' p))
+  misib' {done x} {running m} = result≠running {X}
+  misib' {running m} {done x} eq = result≠running {X} (sym eq)
+  prove (misib m≡m') = misib' (cong view m≡m')
+  iso1 : ∀ {m m'} -> (p : m ≈ m') -> misib (bisim p) ≡ p
+  iso1' : ∀ {s s'} -> (p : s ≈' s') -> misib' (bisim' p) ≡ p
+  iso1' {done x} {done y} (con p) = refl
+  iso1' {running m} {running m'} (con p) = cong con (iso1 p)
+  prove (iso1 p i) = iso1' (prove p) i
+  iso2 : ∀ {m m'} -> (p : m ≡ m') -> bisim (misib p) ≡ p
+  iso2' : ∀ {s s'} -> (p : s ≡ s') -> bisim' (misib' p) ≡ p
+  iso2' {running m} {running m'} p = {!!}
+  iso2' _ = {!!}
+  iso2 = {!!}
+module Evaluate {â„“ : Level} (X : Type â„“) where
+  _↓_ : Delay X -> X -> Type ℓ
+  d ↓ x = X
+module WeakBisim {â„“ â„“' : Level}
+  (X : Type â„“) (Y : Type â„“') (R : X -> Y -> Type (â„“-max â„“ â„“')) where
+  module EvX = Evaluate X
+  module EvY = Evaluate Y
+  _↓X_ = EvX._↓_
+  _↓Y_ = EvY._↓_
+   -- Coinductive lock-step bisimilarity on delays
+  record _≈_ (d : Delay X) (d' : Delay Y) : Type (ℓ-suc (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ'))
+  -- Bisimilarity on states
+  {- _≈''_ : State X -> State Y -> Type -}
+  -- Inductive type of proofs of bisimilarity
+  data _≈'_ : (s : State X) (s' : State Y) -> Type (ℓ-suc (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ'))
+   where
+    -- con : s ≈'' s' -> s ≈' s'
+    done-done : ∀ x y -> R x y -> done x ≈' done y
+    done-run : ∀ x y d' -> d' ↓Y y -> R x y -> done x ≈' running d'
+    run-done : ∀ x y d -> d ↓X x -> R x y -> running d ≈' done y
+    run-run : ∀ d d' -> d ≈ d' -> running d ≈' running d'
+  record _≈_ m m' where
+    coinductive
+    field prove : view m ≈' view m'
+-- Ret and Ext for Delays
+ret-delay : {X : Type} -> X -> Delay X
+ret-delay = doneD
+ext-delay : {X Y : Type} -> (X -> Delay Y) -> Delay X -> Delay Y
+ext-state : {X Y : Type} -> (X -> State Y) -> State X -> State Y
+view (ext-delay f mx) = ext-state (view ∘ f) (view mx)
+ext-state f (done x) = f x
+ext-state f (running m) = running (ext-delay (delay ∘ f) m)
+∀-to-delay : (L℧F X) -> (Delay (X ⊎ ⊤))
+view (∀-to-delay l) with (l k0)
+... | η x   = inl (inl x)  -- done (inl x) }
+... | ℧     = inl (inr tt) -- done (inr tt) }
+... | θ lx~ = inr (tt , (∀-to-delay l)) -- running }
+delay-to-∀ : Delay (X ⊎ ⊤) -> L℧F X
+delay-to-∀ m with (view m)
+... | inl (inl x) = λ k -> η x
+... | inl (inr tt) = λ k -> ℧
+... | inr (tt , m') = λ k -> θ λ t → delay-to-∀ m' k
+isom : {X : Type} -> Iso (L℧F X) (Delay (X ⊎ ⊤))
+isom {X} = iso ∀-to-delay delay-to-∀ sec retr
+  where
+    sec : section ∀-to-delay delay-to-∀
+    sec m with (view m)
+    ... | inl (inl x) = {!!}
+    ... | inl (inr tt) = {!!}
+    ... | inr (_ , m') = {!!}
+    retr : retract ∀-to-delay delay-to-∀
+    retr l with (l k0) in eq
+    ... | η x = clock-ext {!!}
+    ... | ℧ = clock-ext {!!}
+    ... | θ l~ = {!!}